This table below summarizes all the means of communication available for the Ubuntu translations community, and who is responsible for the administration and maintenance of them. A # next to a name means that this person is ready for someone else to take over the task, so these (and the ones without names) are open.



ubuntu-translators mailing list

David Planella

Anyone subscribed

ubuntu-translations-coordinators mailing list

David Planella

Anyone subscribed

ubuntu-translators IRC channel

zyga, David?

Anyone in channel

ubuntul10n Twitter account

David Planella

Help Wanted!

ubuntul10n account

David Planella

Help Wanted!

Ubuntu Translations portal

David Planella

Help Wanted!

Ubuntu Translators Facebook page

Jono Bacon and David Planella


Ubuntu Translators Google+ page

Kenneth Nielsen*

Kenneth Nielsen*

* Only due to current implementation that only allows one owner. If that gets changed more people should be added.

Mailing lists


Not much help needed, maybe extra mailing list owners.


No extra help needed.

Microblogging (twitter/


People to provide tweets/dents are wanted. People on UTC-list can contact David Planella for account details.

Ubuntu Translations portal


David would like to work on this this cycle, and needs help with it. Anyone with Drupal or web skills (sysadmin, html, php, css, etc), feel free to chip in!

The same for anyone wanting to help with content rather than the technical side (e.g. porting documentation from the wiki, writing articles/blog posts, etc.).



Help from people that want to post from the account, anyone on UTC list can become admin. Contact David for details.


In the current implementation a "page" can be owned by only one person. When that changes, help with content will be wanted.

Translations/CoordinationTeam/CommunicationsTools (last edited 2013-03-21 13:29:11 by car75-5-82-234-128-149)