<> ||<>|| This is the home of the Ubuntu translations knowledgebase, where you'll find all information around translating Ubuntu. === Frequently Asked Questions === ''Frequently asked questions about translating Ubuntu and using Launchpad for translations'' * [[https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+faqs|Ubuntu Translations FAQ]] * [[https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/+faqs|Launchpad Translations FAQ]] — ''Launchpad Translations is the collaborative online tool we use to translate Ubuntu'' * [[../TranslatorsQuestions|Old Ubuntu Translations FAQ]] — ''deprecated, but left here for reference purposes. The content should be moved to the [[https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+faqs|Ubuntu Translations FAQ]]'' === Guidelines === ''Set of recommended guidelines and best practices, aimed at translation team coordinators, but also interesting for all translators.'' * [[/TeamCommunication|Team communication]] * [[/AssessingNewTeamMembers|Assessing new team members in moderated teams]] * [[/QualityAssurance|Quality assurance and working with upstreams]] * [[/MigrationToModerated|Migration from Open to Moderated translation teams]] === Policies === ''Set of policies governing the teams in the [[https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators|Ubuntu Translators]] [[https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/JoiningATranslationGroup|translation group]]. The translation of Ubuntu is only possible for the teams in this group.'' <> ==== General ==== * [[UbuntuTranslationsCoordinators|The Ubuntu Translations Coordinators team]] * [[/StartingTeam|Starting a new Ubuntu translation team]] * [[/AddingNewLanguage|Adding a new language to Ubuntu]] * [[/TranslationsPrecedence|Translations precedence policy]] <> ==== Ubuntu Translation teams ==== * [[/LaunchpadTeam|Translation team in Launchpad]] * [[/TranslationGuidelines|Translation guidelines]] * [[/TeamCoordinatorResponsibilities |Team coordinator responsibilities]] * [[/RoleReassignmentPolicy |Team coordinator role reassignment]] === General documentation === * [[../TranslationLifecycle|Translations lifecycle]] * [[../LanguagePacks|Language packs]] * [[Translations/TemplatesPriority | Templates priority and lists of Ubuntu specific packages]] * [[/Milestones|Translation milestones]] * [[/Exporting|How to export translations for offline translation, testing or sending to upstream]] * [[/LaunchpadTranslationsAdaptToUpstream|Prepare a translation for sending upstream]] === QA === * [[../LanguagePackUpdatesQA|Language pack testing]] * [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/+archive/ppa | Language Pack PPA]] - weekly update. Please use this PPA for testing translations. * [[/ReportingBugs|How to report translation bugs]] * [[/HandlingBugs| How to handle translations bugs]] - triage and resolution === Special translations === ''These are translations that do not follow the usual [[Translations/TranslationLifecycle|translation lifecycle]]''. * !LibreOffice: Translation happens entirely in upstream, please [[http://www.libreoffice.org/get-involved/localizers/|follow their instructions]] * Firefox: Translation happens entirely in upstream, please [[https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n/|follow their instructions]] * [[/Ubufox|Ubufox]] * [[/BrowserStartPage|Browser start page]] * [[/BrowserStartPageOffline|Offline browser start page]] * [[/UbuntuDocs|K/Ubuntu documentation]] — Note: add a description to the "Assistive Tools" string translation * [[/DDTP|Long package descriptions]] * [[/Installer|Ubuntu Installer]] * [[/InstallerTimezones|Installer timezones]] * [[/PackagesDotUbuntuDotCom|packages.ubuntu.com]] * ISO codes: Please translate [[http://pkg-isocodes.alioth.debian.org/|upstream]], we will only sync from Debian and won't use the translations from Launchpad directly. * [[/ReleaseNotes|Release Notes]] * [[https://translations.launchpad.net/wubi|WUBI]] * [[../Wanted|Wanted]] — translations needed, but not doable in Launchpad * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHebrewTranslators/CLI | Command Line Interface packages ]] useful for disabling translations for RTL languages * CUPS: Please translate [[http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/doc-1.5/translation.html|upstream]], we will only sync from there and won't use the translations from Launchpad directly. * [[https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/apt/+translations|apt]]: please coordinate the translation with [[Translations/Upstream/Debian|Debian upstream]] * [[https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/dpkg/+pots/dpkg|dpkg]]: please coordinate the translation with [[Translations/Upstream/Debian|Debian upstream]] * [[https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/e2fsprogs|e2fsprogs]]: please coordinate the translation with the [[Translations/Upstream/Other/TranslationProject|Translation Project upstream]] === Utilities and translation helping tools === * [[Nightmonkey | Nightmonkey]] - Helps you translate package description * [[http://l10n.ubuntu.tla.ro/karmic-report/ | Karmic Translations Report ]] - a better view over translation templates (search, see upstream and sort over all templates) * [[https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/ubuntu-translations-tools | Ubuntu Translations Tools ]] various script to help you with translation related task (ex. search string in local installed translations) === Developer documentation === ''This documentation should assist developers in preparing their Ubuntu applications and packages for translation'' * [[../../UbuntuDevelopment/Internationalisation|Internationalization Guide for Developers]] === General resources === * [[https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+language-packs | Language Pack Source archive for Karmic ]] * [[/PoliciesBrainstorming|Brainstorming section]] ||'''Subpages'''||<>|| ---- CategoryTranslations