
Revision 2 as of 2014-01-21 21:58:34

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Set up project-wide translations settings

You'll generally set this when you create the project in Launchpad. Thus you'll only need to set these once (but you can change them at any time):

  1. Go to https://translations.launchpad.net/$YOURPROJECT/+configure-translations

  2. Set Type of service for translations application: to Launchpad

  3. Set Translation focus: to your development trunk. This affects the visibility of translations in Launbhpad. You can change this later to another branch you want translators to focus on.

  4. Set Translation group: to Ubuntu Translators. This will define who can review translations. Ubuntu Translators is a group of experienced translators organized in language teams that care for the quality of translations

  5. Set Translation permissions policy: to Restricted. This will ensure only the translations group set above can change translations.

  6. Press Change to apply the settings

Set up series-specific translation settings

You'll generally set these as part of the tasks of creating a new series.

  1. Go to https://translations.launchpad.net/$YOURPROJECT/$SERIESBRANCH/+translations-settings

  2. Set up automatic imports to update exposed strings automatically from the .pot file in the source tree: set Import settings: to Import template files

  3. Set up automatic exports to auto-commit translations to your trunk branch by clicking on the Choose a target branch link and setting the branch there, using the format ~$TEAM/$YOURPROJECT/$SERIESBRANCH


  • You can also set the translations for all series from a single location at https://translations.launchpad.net/$YOURPROJECT - use the automatic import link for the relevant branch in the Set up translations for a series

  • Automatic exports work by auto-committing translations done through the web UI. Only the .po files for the languages changed are committed, in a single transaction, daily.