## page was renamed from Translations/Meetings/2012-03-21 <> ||<>|| = Meeting Agenda = * Log of the Last meeting with the community council : http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/12/20/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t17:00 Action items and topics raised: * open up a little bit the ubuntu-translation-coordinators team * bring the statistics page back online * a little exposure (planet) could help attract some new folks (take over what dpm was doing) * implementing fuzzy in lp * fixing the timeout * opening raring early * making sure the upstream translations are imported quickly to avoid duplication * popcon sorting of ddtp Items proposed for this time * Review the [[Translations/Meetings/ToDo|TODO list]] * Grant access to the Trello to more people * Actualize the Translations/KnowledgeBase (many outdated pages) * Spreading the word on translations (Get access to all social media accounts, and get a voice on the Planet) * Google Summer of Code project ? (Can we propose LP projects (the LP bug) ? Or better integrate web and desktop apps to let users propose translations for descriptions/programs) * Evaluate change of processes to ensure quality within a rolling release system * Syncing the DDTP with Debian (we report mistakes already fixed upstream) (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ddtp-ubuntu/+bug/1106174) * Ensure the Software Center gets the DDTP translations (doesn't seem to be the case right now) * Sorting the DDTP by popularity (greater visible impact of our work) alphabetically (would enable mass validation of similar strings) (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ddtp-ubuntu/+bug/1085379) * The infamous Launchpad bug: having the LP devs to give us an overview or blueprint of the work required to solve it. (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ddtp-ubuntu/+bug/869824) * Review the language pack situation and process and document them * Review the community page ---- CategoryTranslations