This page describes the language pack release schedule for Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). Language pack updates are placed in the regular update repositories according to a fixed schedule, provided they have been properly tested and signed of on.

Language pack testing and updates for Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)

The table below describes the schedule for language pack testing and updating. All language pack release dates are an integer number of weeks apart, in order to create a predictable week pattern work flow. The week pattern is a follows:

The language pack release schedule is also available as an iCal-feed. From the link an iCal file can be downloaded for import in various calendar programs (e.g. Evolution or Google Calendar) or you can subscribe to it (e.g. with Google Calendar) to stay updated if the schedule changes.



Work Item Iteration



October 2011


October 13

Ubuntu Release of Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)


October 27th: 1400 UTC

Proposed lang-pack-update placed in -proposed repository, testing begins including testing of documentation

First language pack update cycle

November 2011


November 9th: 1400 UTC

Testing deadline

November 10th

Tested lang-pack-updates are released


November 24th: 1400 UTC

Proposed lang-pack-update placed in -proposed repository, testing begins

Second language pack update cycle


November 30th: 1400 UTC

Testing deadline

December 2011

December 1st

Tested lang-pack-updates are released

January 2012


January 5th: 1400 UTC

Proposed lang-pack-update placed in -proposed repository, testing begins

Third language pack update cycle


January 11th: 1400 UTC

Testing deadline

January 12th

Tested lang-pack-updates are released

March 2012


March 8th: 1400 UTC

Proposed lang-pack-update placed in -proposed repository, testing begins

Fourth language pack update cycle


March 14th: 1400 UTC

Testing deadline

March 15th

Tested lang-pack-updates are released

April 2012


Ubuntu New version of Ubuntu released

June 2012


June 7th: 1400 UTC

Proposed lang-pack-update placed in -proposed repository, testing begins including testing of documentation

Fifth language pack update cycle


June 13th: 1400 UTC

Testing deadline

June 14th

Tested lang-pack-updates are released

August 2012


August 2nd: 1400 UTC

Proposed lang-pack-update placed in -proposed repository, testing begins

Sixth language pack update cycle


August 8th: 1400 UTC

Testing deadline

August 9th

Tested lang-pack-updates are released

Full Update

The full updates includes documentation updates and the documentation should therefore be tested to.

Translations/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseSchedule (last edited 2012-10-22 13:53:52 by dpm)