## page was copied from TranslatingUbuntu/Resources

'''THE CONTENT ON THIS PAGE IS BEING MIGRATED TO THE [[Translations/KnowledgeBase|Ubuntu Translations Knowledge Base]]'''

We try to create here an exhaustive list of resources available to persons involved in Ubuntu Translation

= General =
 * [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/+archive || Language Pack PPA ]] - updated weekly. Lates language pack export.

= Helping tools =

 * [[Translations/TemplatesPriority | Templates priority and lists of Ubuntu specific packages ]]

 * [[http://l10n.ubuntu.tla.ro/ubuntu-translators-review/ | List of translations from non-Ubuntu projects ]] waiting to be approved by Ubuntu translators. Updated daily.

 * [[https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translator-tools | Ubuntu Translators Tools ]] - Launchpad project

= Informational =

 * [[https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+imports | Ubuntu global translations import queue]]

 * [[http://l10n.ubuntu.tla.ro/jaunty-l10n-status/lang.html | Enhanced view of the Ubuntu Translation templates ]] - searching a package by name or upstream team, sorting across all packages . Updated daily.

 * [[attachment:ubuntu-docs-links.txt | Ubuntu Docs PO archives]]. Updated weekly.
