## page was copied from Translations/Upstream/KDE/KubuntuTranslationsLifecycle <> ~-[[Translations]] > [[Translations/Upstream|Upstream]] > [[Translations/Upstream/KDE|KDE]] > Kubuntu Translations Lifecycle -~ ||<>|| == Introduction == The purpose of this page is to document the lifecycle of translations in Kubuntu since the import from upstream until they are shown to users. == Overview == * '''IMPORT''': all KDE translations imported from upstream are contained in the `kde-l10n-*` packages (one per language). The translation templates are created at package build time from the KDE ''application'' packages. * '''Package content''' - the `kde-l10n-*` packages contain: * Translations for the applications (PO files) * Translations for the applications' .desktop files (as PO files) - in KDE those translations are created separately from the application. For each KDE module, there is a desktop_.po file containing all .desktop translations for all applications in the module. * entry.desktop files - note: what are these? * Translations for the documentation * Translations for man pages * Other translated media (audio, video, [[http://techbase.kde.org/Localization/Concepts/Transcript|transcript]] scripts, etc.) * '''Package content''' - the ''application'' KDE packages contain: * The templates (POT files) for all of the above PO files, created on build * '''Package content imported into Launchpad''': from the above, only the following will be stripped from the binary packages and imported into Launchpad: * Translations for the applications (PO files) from the `kde-l10n-*` packages * Their templates (POT files) from the ''application'' KDE packages * Translations for the applications' .desktop files (PO files) and their templates (POT files) * '''EXPORT''': on the distro, KDE translations will be installed in the following way: * '''Language packs''': in the KDE language packs: language-pack-kde-xx, one per language * Translations for the applications (MO files) at `/usr/share/locale-langpack//LC_MESSAGES` * Translations for the applications' .desktop files (MO files) at `/usr/share/locale-langpack//LC_MESSAGES` * entry.desktop files at at `/usr/share/locale-langpack/`, copied verbatim from the kde-l10n-xx packages * '''Additional translations''': in the kde-l10n-xx packages, one per language * These contain the documentation and additional translated media which cannot be imported into Launchpad, and will be 1:1 with upstream. They will be installed at locations such as `/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/` or `/usr/share/locale//LC_SCRIPTS` * Those languages without upstream translations for these media will have empty packages, but nonetheless they will be installed /!\ It seems that security updates work differently: they are copied from the private security PPAs, where translations are not stripped. Thus it seems that for security updates the templates are imported exactly as they are from upstream. == How are translations fetched from upstream == === Applications, documentation === === Desktop files === * Directly from upstream's SVN, from the stable branch === entries.desktop === * langpack-o-matic has a script, `update-kde-tars` which grabs the `entries.desktop` files from all the kde-l10n-xx packages and generates entries.desktop files for any language-pack-kde-xx which does not have a corresponding kde-l10n-xx * These should then be included in language-pack-kde-xx but currently (2009-08-01) is broken == Import workflow for KDE core == * '''Upstream''': * The upstream sources are internationalised with KDE functions for gettext, PO files are kept separate from the source code in SVN * All translations (PO files) are shipped in a separate tarball for each language (kde-l10n-xx) * '''Packaging''': * Those sources are packaged as .deb packages: * The source packages generate POT files on build (using `extract-message.sh` and the `Message.sh` script included in each package.) * The kde-l10n-xx sources, containing exclusively translations, are packaged * kde-l10n-xx packaging includes downloading the desktop_.pot files for KDE's modules from SVN. It also downloads other desktop files as listed in /usr/lib/kubuntu-desktop-i18n/desktop-template-list * '''Build''': * The kde-l10n-xx binary packages, do _not_ generate POT files on build * '''Launchpad import''': * The application's POT files are put in the import queue upon upload of the application package to the archive * The PO files are put in the import queue upon upload of the kde-l10n-xx package to the archive The main difference between GNOME/extragear/other and KDE4 core (as far as the import into Launchpad goes) is that the first ones generally have a single template (domain) per source package, whereas the latter have got many templates (domains) per source package. * Issues: * In the past some upstream sources (e.g. KTorrent) did not ship with Messages.sh files which had to be added manually, new packagers should watch out for this. * The kde-l10n packages contain more translated content other than PO files (audio files, pictures, etc.). It should be investigated whether it is worth installing them by default (update: language-selector should already do this, unless it's hitting Bug:450349). * Quassel and Arora are in main and use Qt's translation system and produce .qm files. As a result, these don't get in language packs at all. Qt translation import is not trivial, since Qt use their own XML-based format, which is supported by gettext (but reportedly always one step behind, which prevents both Kubuntu and upstream from using gettex). * kde-l10n-xx do generate desktop_kde-l10n-xx.pot files, these should be ignored (fixes to kubuntu.mk to stop them being generated welcome). * The generated .desktop templates are in the form desktop_.pot. The source package does not always match the template name used upstream so it needs to be overridden in the debian/rules file. == The kde-l10n packages and language packs == == Language variants == * In Kubuntu, language variants are shipped in the same language pack as the main language code. That is, taking sr and sr@latin as an example, both the sr and the sr@latin translations will be shipped in the `language-pack-kde-sr` package. * In Launchpad variants are not shown in the UI, but are imported and exported transparently. * In KDE upstream, the variants can be found in two different places: * '''Application PO files''': in the main language tarballs: in the variant subfolder (e.g. under sr@latin), in SVN: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/stable/l10n-kde4/sr/sr@latin * '''Desktop PO files''': http://websvn.kde.org/branches/stable/l10n-kde4/sr@latin/messages/ The following language variants can be currently found in the KDE stable branch: * be@latin * ca@valencia * sr@latin * uz@cyrillic In order to fetch the variant translations for Kubuntu: * '''Application PO files''': the translations in the language@variant subfolder in the upstream tarball should also be imported into Launchpad Translations. * '''Desktop files''': the scripts fetching the files for the main language code package (kde-l10n-xx) should look at the SVN location for the variant as well. == Kubuntu developer tools related to translations == * '''[[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/annotate/head:/bin/batl10n|batl10n]]''' is a script that assists Kubuntu packagers with KDE updates. It mostly just walks through all kde-l10n tarballs, merges the packaging in and create ready-to-upload source packages (in the process it can also apply batch changes of course). * '''[[https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-dev-tools/kde-l10n-orphans-parser|KDE l10n orphans parser]]''' ---- CategoryTranslations