This is the Ubuntu Wiki Page of Marco Trevisan, best known in the Ubuntu community as Treviño or 3v1n0.

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Trevinho @ freenode


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trevi55 @

About Me

My name is Marco Trevisan and I'm an Italian student in Computer Science at the Università di Firenze and an Ubuntu user since 2005 and an Ubuntu member since August 2011. I've tried to contribute to this awesome project since the first time I started using it, promoting it at the beginning as a blogger and then contributing with packages and code.

Small Technical Bio

I'm a 25 years old Italian student in computer science, I'm involved in open source for about 7 years (not considering the time I was patching eMule): after my first kubuntu installation, I decided to get involved as a blogger (, now unmaintained) in the Italian oss-blogsphere becoming in few months one of the most popular bloggers writing about linux in Italy, then I decided to go more in deep putting my efforts in packaging as a "freelance", since I opened a repository (known as 3v1n0 repository in the ubuntu community) with some common bleeding-edge software packages and tools not yet available in the official repositories and the repo got fastly thousands of users.

After some months I joined the compiz (quinn) community, at the beginning I just posted few patches for configurators, then I worked a little more on plugins with some fixes. When the compiz-fusion project was started I joined the development team and I started working in packaging it for ubuntu (for my unofficial bleeding edge "eyecandy" repo, again), creating some tools for making .deb's and wrappers for running it (including the compiz.wrapper script provided in some past ubuntu releases) and making some patches for CCSM and libcompizconfig. Then, since autumn of 2007, due to personal and study issues, I had to stop my work there (my bad! Considering the role that compiz has and will have in Ubuntu! :P) and I just did my first great move to Ubuntu (I was using kubuntu and so KDE before), since I needed something that "just worked very well" :P.

Since the beginning of 2008 I started following the Openmoko project, joining its community until the release of their first phone, the Neo Freerunner. With an Italian sales-group that I managed, I bought one of the first devices sold and I started hacking with it and working on its tookits, providing patches for qtopia-x11, Android, illume (enlightenment module for mobile devices); I also started to develop some applications for it, mostly written in C and using the Elementary EFL toolkit (like elmIM, an instant messager and eTube, a youtube browser), this pushed me to improve the toolkit itself, starting to provide patches to elementary, illume and ecore making me to gain the privilege of becoming an EFL developer. In recent times I joined the SHR project (which aims to create a stable release for open mobile devices using the backend) contributing to some UI libraries (elementary, dbus and glib based) and rewriting some FSO parts in Vala.

Recently I worked with some Vala programs, this lead me to work also in the language itself and so I've worked over its compiler code providing some patches upstream.

My Ubuntu Contributions

My first "official" Ubuntu contributions were just few bug reports, random fixes on the Wiki or some posts on UbuntuForums. Then, with Unity coming I considered it as a great chance for improving Ubuntu, making it something of really different that can be freely developed without being too much dependent from other platforms/projects; I'm always interested in knowing new frameworks and to improve them (especially where they lack of something I'd need in my user-experience) so I firstly fixed some bugs in gwibber, then I moved on the "desktop-side" and I started to work on many Unity related projects such as the Indicators (including libindicator, indicator-sound, indicator-datetime, indicator-messages, indicator-applications, libappindicator), BAMF (the windows matching framework) and unity itself, of course.

If at the beginning I mostly worked to scratch my itches and to improve the Ubuntu desktop accordingly to my user experience, then I joined the unity bitesize program working to fix bugs. Then, after attending the UDS-O in Budapest (thanks to the Canonical sponsorship) as an Ubuntu Community Contributor, I also worked to implement the features requested in the backlog bugs (which are directly defined by the Design team).

During the natty cycle I had the opportunity to lead the session "Unity hacking story" at the UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek 11.04, and give some help on the AskUbuntu platform.

Recently I also provided some translations in Italian through Launchpad.

Finally I worked in some ubuntu packages such as metacity, libwnck, libsdl1.2, pygame, gnome-settings-daemon to include in them some patches I made.

The detailed list of all my ubuntu contributions as an Unity Community Hacker are in my UbuntuContributions sub-page.

Team Memberships

My other Contributions to the Open-source World

I worked in a lot of projects providing bug reports, fixes and patches. I've listed some of them in my OSSContributions subpage.

Plans for the future

Support for Ubuntu membership

If you want support me to get the Ubuntu membership, please leave some lines below. Thank you in advance! Smile :)


Treviño (last edited 2011-11-17 21:00:53 by 3v1n0)