Update for Lubuntu 14.04.5
New Features
- Refresh hardware support in LTS releases for carefully-selected hardware.
- Roll up accumulated stable updates into updated images to reduce download requirements for new deployments.
- Maintain stability of existing installations.
- Various bugs that required updates are rolled into this update.
Known Bugs
Workarounds Available
Alternates are not available due to a bug. For users that require alternates, the workaround is to install 14.04.1, and then upgrade. lsb_release will report 14.04.1 still, but it will have the newer package versions that would be provided by 14.04.5.
Update for Lubuntu 14.04.4
New Features
- Refresh hardware support in LTS releases for carefully-selected hardware.
- Roll up accumulated stable updates into updated images to reduce download requirements for new deployments.
- Maintain stability of existing installations.
- Various bugs that required updates are rolled into this update.
Details on the changes and bug can be found here.
Known Bugs
Workarounds Available
Alternates are not available due to a bug this is marked as not to be fixed now that 16.04 is on the horizon. For users that require alternates, the workaround is to install 14.04.1, and then upgrade. lsb_release will report 14.04.1 still, but it will have the newer package versions.
PPC radeon can have problems with gui freezing, but workarounds exists.
Celeron M and Pentium M computers can have trouble installing, but workaround exists.
Update for Lubuntu 14.04.3
New Features
- Refresh hardware support in LTS releases for carefully-selected hardware.
- Roll up accumulated stable updates into updated images to reduce download requirements for new deployments.
- Maintain stability of existing installations.
- Various bugs that required updates are rolled into this update.
Details on the changes and bug fixes can be found here.
Known Bugs
1347345 - lubuntu/trusty/i386 missing btrfs-tools and hence fails to create btrfs filesystem
1307994 - ubiquity does not split and resize partitions when told to
Workarounds Available
Alternates are not available due to a bug with no known fix yet. For users that require alternates, the workaround is to install 14.04.1, and then upgrade. lsb_release will report 14.04.1 still, but it will have the newer package versions.
PPC radeon can have problems with gui freezing, but workarounds exists.
Celeron M and Pentium M computers can have trouble installing, but workaround exists.
Update for Lubuntu 14.04.2
New Features
- Refresh hardware support in LTS releases for carefully-selected hardware.
- Roll up accumulated stable updates into updated images to reduce download requirements for new deployments.
- Maintain stability of existing installations.
- Various bugs that required updates are rolled into this update.
Details on the changes can be found here.
Bug Fixes
Known Bugs
1347345 - lubuntu/trusty/i386 missing btrfs-tools and hence fails to create btrfs filesystem
1307994 - ubiquity does not split and resize partitions when told to
Workarounds Available
Alternates are not available due to a bug with no known fix yet. For users that require alternates, the workaround is to install 14.04.1, and then upgrade. lsb_release will report 14.04.1 still, but it will have the newer package versions.
PPC radeon can have problems with gui freezing, but workarounds exists.
Celeron M and Pentium M computers can have trouble installing, but workaround exists.
Update for Lubuntu 14.04.1
- Various bugs that required updates are rolled into this update. Known ones still active are listed below.
A bug for btrfs has been found, this is scheduled to be fixed in 14.04.2
A bug affecting Alt-F2 is still present.
For PPC the bug affecting the resizing of partitions is still there.
New Features in Lubuntu 14.04
- LTS Support (3 years).
- New pcmanfm (1.2.0 version), with a lot of new features (folder settings, dual pane view, menu editing).
- New lxsession-default-apps with a new user interface.
- An update of the artwork (new icons, theme update, more compatibilities ...).
Lubuntu Applications
Based on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment.
Pcmanfm, a fast and lightweight files manager using gio/gvfs.
Openbox, the fast and extensible, default windows-manager of LXDE.
Lightdm, using the simple GTK greeter
- Firefox, the famous web browser.
For more detail, please see the full list of applications.
System Requirements
A Pentium II or Celeron system with 128 MB of RAM is probably a bottom-line configuration that may yield slow yet usable system with a standard lubuntu desktop.
14.04 32 bit ISO require your CPU to have Physical Address Extensions, or PAE. "PAE is provided by Intel Pentium Pro and above CPUs, including all later Pentium-series processors (except most 400 MHz-bus versions of the Pentium M)." - If you have an error with Celeron M reporting "NON-PAE CPU" and would like to install Lubuntu 14.04, please see this page
For PowerPC, it is known to run on a G4 running at 867MHz with 640MB RAM.
For Intel based Macs, lubuntu should run on all models.
Known Issues
Some keyboard layouts may have problems (such as UK ones). You can workaround the problem by removing all the ibus-* packages (see 1284635))
Graphics and Display
Network indicator on the panel may not start at login. You can start it manually by launching "nm-applet" in a terminal. Some others autostarted applications may also be affected (such as automatic updates). See 1308348 for the details and the ETA for the fix. To turn on nm-applet in autostart, follow these instructions It may need two reboots to fully work.
PPC has several issues and workarounds, please refer to the documentation on the wiki.
Slideshow on PPC Desktop ISO was removed because of a bug on webkit (996568)
Installer on Desktop PPC (Ubiquity) is enable to resize and split partitions. you can use Gparted before launching the installation to make the modifications to your partitions (1307994)
Ubuntu Release notes
For common issues with Ubuntu, please refer to the Ubuntu release notes.
Get Lubuntu
Head over here to get it.
- LTS support (3 years)