About Me

I am living in Lyon, France, I have a master degree in B2B Marketing. I am 32 years old now, and try to start my own company in B2B Internet consulting (mainly professional blogs and web-marketing). My major hobbies are music and Ubuntu Studio. And I use Ubuntu Studio to make music.

I am a founder and member of Ubuntu Studio team since it started, back in 2006. I am not skilled with application development, so my main concern is to do my best to get things working: bug reporting, applications testing, hardware testing, documentation, convincing developers, etc.

Contact Information


ttoine on irc.freenode.net, mainly in #ubuntustudio-devel




ttoine @ ttoine.net




2005-2006 - Before Ubuntu Studido

Since 2007

Future Goals


For the relatively short time I have known ttoine I've found him to be someone who is very active on giving opinions, suggesting improvements, and in this he inspires his team members to do well. -- zequence 2012-11-14 11:37:05

For that I only knew him in the past month, I found out that he has been a very active person to try help Ubuntu Studio better. I pay high respect on him since he's one of the original Ubuntu Studio devs back in when the project started. I think his membership is hard-earned (if approved). smartboyhw 2012-11-22 15:24:32

Ttoine (last edited 2012-12-04 17:05:43 by 89-92-102-114)