## Plus de détails : https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-tn-drafting/+spec/modele-rapport <> ## <> ||'''Contents'''<
><>|| = Event : ISSATso 11.04 - Atomcell = == 1. Introduction == {*} Ubuntu and free software Day in Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse == 2. Event context == {*} Venue : Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse<
> {*} Date :April 23, 2011 <
> {*} Time : 1 Day<
> {*} Organizer : Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse<
> {*} Target public : Students <
> == 3. Talks == === 3.1 Talk N°1 === {*} Presenter :Nizar Kerkeni <
> {*} Topic :Discovering Ubuntu <
> {*} Duration : 45<
> === 3.2 Talk N°2 === {*} Presenter :Rached ALAYA <
> {*} Topic : CMS Drupal 6 <
> {*} Duration : 45 mn <
> === 3.3 Talk N°3 === {*} Presenter :Firas Yahia <
> {*} Topic : Desktop Graphics & Effects in Ubuntu <
> {*} Duration : 45mn <
> == 4. Expenses == === 4.x (travel, CDs, Photocopies, rent for material,... ) === == 5. Sponsors == == 6. Acknowledgements == == 7. Press release and documents == (Web link of the event, flyers, poster, photos, videos, blog posts, newspapers...) == 8.Conclusion == == 9. Feedback == === 10.1 To retain === === 11.2 To avoid === == 12. Testimonials == ---- Credits : [[https://launchpad.net/~rached-aleya|Rached ALEYA]], [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn-editorial |ubuntu-tn editorial]] and [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn |ubuntu-tn LoCo Team]]