
Event : PSM 13.05

1. Introduction

2. Event context

3. Talks

3.1 Talk N°1

3.2 Talk N°2

4. Install Party + Translation

5. Invited/Joined talks or teams

5.x Team/Person name

(for each one: Identifier(person or team name), Web link, participation type, ...)
Identifier :
Web link :
Participation type :

6. Expenses

6.x (travel, CDs, Photocopies, rent for material,... )

7. Sponsors

8. Acknowledgements

9. Press release and documents

(Web link of the event, flyers, poster, photos, videos, blog posts, newspapers...)


11. Feedback

11.1 To retain

11.2 To avoid

12. Testimonials

Credits : Rached ALEYA, ubuntu-tn editorial and ubuntu-tn LoCo Team

TunisianTeam/En/EventPSM13.05Reporting (last edited 2013-06-23 00:36:48 by 197)