<> ## '''Precise Pangolin now Released''' ## [[http://www.ubuntu.com/|Precise Pangolin LTS]] ## '''Quantal Quetzel now Released''' ## '''Raring Ringtail on deck.''' ## {{attachment:rr1.png|More surprises to come!|align="left"}} ## {{attachment:ring1.png|A pic of Our Raring Mascot|align="left"}} ## {{attachment:line.png}} ##{{attachment:humanbeingsatwork1.png|Ubuntu: The Ultimate Experience For Your PC}} ## {{attachment:ubuntu-logo.gif|If we quench the thirst of one person we can quench the thirst of a whole ## village|align="left"}} ||<>|| ''' In Progress ''' ''' Bionic Beaver ''' {{attachment:bionicbeaver.png}} = Introduction = ''' Say hello to Bionic Beaver. ''' ''' Artful Aardvark is behind us and Bionic Beaver is now chomping away , building new clouds and infrastructure. Bionic will be busy with getting gnome3 and wayland just right and there will be lots of fun with unity7 still in the repos. Also the other great flavors like Xubuntu, MATE Lubuntu and Kubuntu plus many more and don't forget to have fun! ''' ##''' Ubuntu development cycle has been going through some changes. One of the core changes during the Utopic Unicorn ##cycle has been the introduction of SystemD, which is suppossed to boot Ubuntu faster and manage the boot process ##better. Also the introduction of Ubuntu-Next Unity8 flavour ISO. We expect to see even more changes comming as we ##say goodbye to Xenial Xerus and welcome to Yakkety Yak! Here is where more work on convergence will take place and ##experimentation and testing on Ubuntu-Core and Snappy Smart Things. Mark Shuttleworth made reference in his keynote ##adress that Ubuntu is in a very strategic position as this new-next revolution of convergence to phone, tablets ##and desktops comes into being, that ubuntu will be more than a mainspring in this metamorphosis. ''' ## {{attachment:kubuntu.jpeg|Kids are people too|align="right"}} ## Hi all and welcome to the '''Ubuntu''' tester wiki. Let's get ready to {{http://ubuntuforums.org/images ## /misc/icon-search.png|Lets get moving Oy vey:)}}! The purpose of the wiki is to help new-users, regular ## users and veteran users of '''Ubuntu''' beta releases to have an informative and fun reference base to ## help with the tedious work involved in beta testing of '''Ubuntu''' releases. The page format will also ## attempt to cast a wider net in hopes of being a '''user_friendly''' technical reference base to help ## others who are testing and/or just plain having fun operating '''Ubuntu''' operating systems and products. ## Of course at this point these current writings only represent a synopsis of a larger schematic proposed ## by others in the '''Ubuntu''' community - so -'''expect more to come!''' ## Linux- '''Ubuntu''' and all of it's flavours, '''Lubuntu''' , '''Xubuntu''' , '''Edubuntu''' and ## '''Kubuntu''' are all free operating systems developed and distributed by Canonical. The Canonical ## developers are dependent on groups of testers, some technical, some professional and other lay persons in ## the feild of testing whether professional or not. Your testing determines the actual quality of the final ## released product. That is why it is so very important to test Ubuntu rigorously so that it will be of the ## highest quality from a performance aspect on release day. ## '''Your''' contributions matter. Those who have joined up to the '''tester-wiki''' are encouraged to ## contribute in any way they can. You people are the backbone and the minds that will make this wiki thread ## great one for all human beings. It will also determine whether Ubuntu will be the best Linux for Human ## Beings operating system on the planet. ## = How to get the Development Release? = {{attachment:lubuntu.jpeg|The building blocks of knowledge are founded in simplicity|align="right"}} ## The best way to get a development release from an '''existing install of Ubuntu''' is to follow these ## simple instructions. First, the sources list can be edited in the terminal by issuing the command '''sudo ## sed -i 's/quantal/raring/g' /etc/apt/sources.list''' and then '''sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get ## dist-upgrade''' These commands are used for the current development release which is Raring Ringtail. You ## can also find the most current and up to date information at this link: [[http://ubuntuforums.org ## /showthread.php?t=2073477|ReleaseScheduleByCariboo907forRR]] . Development releases are dynamic, usually ## every 6 months, so it is important to check in with [[http://ubuntuforums.org ## /index.php|TheUbuntuForumCommunity]] ## {{attachment:edubuntu.png|Read to a man a paragraph and you fill his mind for a day-Teach a man how to ## read ##and you fill his mind for life|align="right"}} ## == Interim Testers Wiki == ## ''' Currently being edited. If I was a Unicorn then I could have used my psychic powers to predict the coming of ## Wily Werewolf but I am not a Unicorn hence the reason for this notice :)''' ## [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/devel-tester-wiki|Devel Tester *Current* Wiki]] ## == About Interim Testers Wiki == ## ''' The interim testers wiki is an offsite wiki link that is basically a duplicate of this current wiki with the ## exception that it is more current and up to date with data of the current development cycle. It will also include ## a new section called Instructional Development which may include some animations that may cause some users with ## ## slower machines and slower internet bandwidth some difficulties in loading and scrolling. An offsite text version ## of Instructional Development may be a work in progress in the imediate future. ''' == New Beta Testers Warnings == ''' Bionic Beaver is the codename for the new development cycle. If you are a new Beta tester and want to upgrade your repositories to the new development cycle then you must be advised that there are certain risks of breakage that could take place on your system(s). it is always advised that you have an extra system (hardware) or an extra harddrive to experiment with. If you are not familiar with experimenting with computer hardware or software then U+1 is not the forum for you, however, if you are willing to be on the cutting edge of Ubuntu release and understand that there could be breakage and want to contribute then the Ubuntu community welcomes you and your valued contributions. ''' == New Notes About the Release Schedule == Notes and Links to be forthcoming when they are made available. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-18.04|Launchpad link for Bionic Beaver]] ## [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZestyZapus/ReleaseSchedule|UbuntuForums 17.04 Release Schedule]] [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule|UbuntuForums 18.04 Release Schedule]] ''' Special note about upgrading to next cycle. Always edit your Ubuntu.info file. Please see this link here: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/U%2B1/common-problems#Software-Properties-Gtk_doesn.27t_work|Don't forget to edit Ubuntu.info file]] ## {{attachment:releasesched.png|Release Schedule|align="right"}} ## [[http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/10/uds-r-rise-of-the-quality-machines.html|See Nick's full article ## here-]] == Download ISO == ## ''' At last look , 2015/May 5 , these images are not available. The below links will defer to Vivid ''' ## [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/|Ubuntu Desktop-Next Zesty Daily Image ISOs]] [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-budgie/daily-live/current/|Ubuntu Budgie Desktop ISO]] [[http://people.ubuntu.com/~twocamels/archive/|Ubuntu Unity PPA Bionic Remix Image ISO]] [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/daily-live/current/|Ubuntu Mate Bionic Daily Image ISOs]] [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/daily-live/current/|Ubuntu-Gnome Bionic Daily Image ISOs]] [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/|Ubuntu Desktop Bionic Daily Image ISOs]] [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/|Xubuntu Bionic Daily Image ISOs]] [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/|Kubuntu Bionic Daily Image ISOs]] [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/|Lubuntu Bionic Daily Image ISOs]] ## [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/dvd/current/|Edubuntu Zesty Daily Image ISOs]] [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/daily-live/current/|Kylin Bionic Daily Image ISOs]] ## [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/current/|Ubuntu Core Bionic Daily Image gz]] ## {{attachment:iso3.png|An ISO image which means -International Organization for Standardization- is an ## archive file also known as a disk image of an optical disk. Ubuntu delivers it's operating system using ## these ISO files which can be burned to a CD, DVD or installed onto a USB key using a program called ## Start-up Disk Creator. Canonical provides daily builds of it's ISO during the development cycle so ## developers and other end_users can test this working model of an operating system until it's release date. ## The links above and below are all ISO files that can be downloaded over the internet and then burned or ## copied to the medium of your choice.}} ## === Which versions can be upgraded? === ## ==== Upgrade Methods ==== ## ===== /etc/apt/sources.list method ===== ## ===== dist-upgrade method ===== ## ===== do-release-upgrade method (Ubuntu Server) ===== ## ===== update-manager -d method ===== ## == Updating the ISO == {{attachment:xubuntu.jpeg|Efficiency is not always founded in complexity|align="right"}} ## Effenberg has created a link for ISO testing and upgrading. Here is a simple method for using rsync. ## [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/U+1/iso-testing-simple|EasyIsoUpdating]] ## === zsync / rsync method === ## '''Here are the steps to update your Quantal Quetzal ISO using zsync when the .ISO becomes available''' ## {1} '''First download the zsync file. Using your Gnome Terminal type:''' ## sudo apt-get install zsync ## {2} '''Locate your 'to be inserted as becomes available'.iso and make sure you change your directory to ## where the ISO file is. Usually that is:''' ## cd Downloads ## {3} '''Then enter the following code:''' ## zsync -i ./http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/raring-desktop-i386.iso.zsync ## ==== VGA ==== ## ==== Ethernet Card (Wired Network) ==== ## ==== Wireless Network Interface ==== ## ==== Mother Boards ==== == Some sudo Command Definitions == '''sudo''' basically means '''superusers-do'''. It is the basic command that gives access to administrative files that may need root authentication. There is a large database on '''sudo''' and '''sudoers''' definitions and uses in the following links. [[http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/sudo.8.html|SudoUbuntuManuals]] and [[http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man5/sudoers.5.html|SudoersUbuntuManual]] {{attachment:sudocodegrab1.png|Sudo code quick grabber is an online index that can be used as a tool to copy and paste sudo code recovery commands to the GNOME terminal. The list of recovery codes and other command operations are voluminous, therefore the Sudo Quickgrabber only covers a few very basic commands for those who are testing development releases or alpha/beta releases of Ubuntu software. This particular tool is under development and will be updated as promptly as possible.}} {{attachment:line.png}} Here are some common codes of interest to help with Artful Ardvark recovery in the event of a crash. How to find your sources.list - this list is used to set repositories and can be done manually. It is also informative to have on hand if you decide to do a transitional upgrade from Oneiric Ocelot to Precise Pangolin or upcoming Trusty Tahr, Utopic Unicorn, Vivid Vervet to Wily Werewolf and WW to Xenial Xerus to Yakkety Yak to Zesty Zapus to Artful Aardvark. {{attachment:line.png}} {{attachment:hover1bak.png|When you use this command in the terminal it will prompt you for your root password. Enter the password and the text editor, Gedit, will read the sources.list file. This file is convenient to have on hand in case there is a problem ppa within the .list and better helps the forum members at ubuntuforums to help analyze and solve the problem.}} '''gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list''' {{attachment:line.png}} Here is a list of commonly used Ubuntu/Linux terminal Codes (not necessarily in order and open to interpretation) of AA Crash Recovery Codes -To be updated: {{attachment:line.png|hover1bak.png}} {{attachment:hover1bak.png|1. This command is used to auto edit the sources.list file on an install of Saucy Salamander , Raring Ringtail , Utopic Unicorn or Vivid Vervet and could be considered as a first step to converting to Wily Werewolf to Xenial Xerus to Yakkety Yak to Zesty Zapus. However this and other commands may be moot after Alpha .iso are released. You can still play it safe and test the kernels but breakage may occur nonetheless.Current cycle is 17.10 Artful Aardvark}} '''sudo sed -i 's/zesty/artful/g' /etc/apt/sources.list''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|2. This command will update your repositories to ZZ.}} '''sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|3.This command is inclusive in #2. but is always good to run after removing or purging unwanted or residual programs.}} '''sudo apt-get update''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|4.This command is also included in #2. and upgrades any new files that are set in the repositories.}} '''sudo apt-get upgrade''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|4.(a)Update-manager is a fairly important component of the Ubuntu distribution. As we are supposed to be testing during the development phase, this application would be helped by testing and bug reporting as well.You can always make a judgement call as to whether the changes proposed by update-manager seem safe or not. If in doubt I think the best way to proceed is with aptitude. This alleviates the concern when packages/dependencies may not be fully synced in the repos. They will be held back until dependencies are satisfied.}} '''aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|5.This command is an essential command if you are a elementary beta tester as it will upgrade the GRUB bootloader after changes to the system using other commands, are made (like upgrading a kernel). If you have tried to carry out a procedure and wonder why it had not taken effect on the next boot, it is likely that you did not sudo update-grub.}} '''sudo update-grub''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|6.This command will give you simple information about your system, most commonly used to discover your video adapter.}} '''lspci''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|7.This command will display more detailed information about your systems' hardware and some of the drivers being used by it.}} '''lshw''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|8.This command will display version information of the kernel you are using.}} '''uname -a''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|9.This command will tell you what Version of Ubuntu you are using. It will help validate and document that the prior commands have worked properly.}} '''lsb_release -a''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|10.This command will continue to install packages that may have been broken during download or if your download unexpectedly terminated or if you have had a power-failure.}} '''sudo dpkg -i --configure -a''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|11.These two commands can be used separately if you are at the terminal prompt from startup. You can get to the terminal (if you have no desktop) by pressing the keys It makes booting and restarting quicker and more efficient than if you were in a desktop shell.}} '''sudo reboot''' '''sudo poweroff''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|12.One that I have found helpful for fixing broken packages is .}} '''sudo apt-get -f install''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|13.Will install any packages necessary to fix the broken package if they are available . If some necessary packages are not available you can use this to remove the broken one .}} '''sudo apt-get -f remove''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|14.Just tried installing Precise for the first time today, using Alpha 1. I have an nvidia gs7600 card.Installation went fine but on reboot the system repeatedly hung without booting to the Desktop. The 'nomodeset' option did not help.Updating the packages from the recovery mode terminal didn't work either, nor did trying to start lightdm after a terminal log in.What finally allowed booting to the Desktop was removing all nvidia packages and then reinstalling nvidia-current (which also installed nvidia-settings).}} '''sudo apt-get purge nvidia*, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|15.Sometimes there have been problems in the past with the lightdm and unity greeter. The solution has been to start GDM ,Gnome Desktop Manager, when certain video&graphic startup problems persist on a new install. First, it is always good to stop lightdm.}} '''sudo service lightdm stop''' {{attachment:hover1bak.png|16.To start the Gnome Desktop Manager enter the following commands.}} '''sudo service gdm start''' {{attachment:line.png}} {{http://ubuntuforums.org/images/misc/icon-search.png|this is just a test}} {{http://ubuntuforums.org/customavatars/avatar1140838_1.gif|my avatar}} {{http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=213913&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1331221305|just trying some experiments}} ## == Instructional Development (moved) == == Todo == Ideas: * We should use MoinMoin Syntax Parsers (http://moinmo.in/HelpOnParsers) where commands/code are presented. Parsers ensure code/commands are not converted to smileys and other MoinMoin stuff, therefore presented without errors. * We had some amazing threads, specially since the OO cycle, which maybe we could use here; * The stickies at Ubuntu+1 have some information that can probably be summarized / simplified here - investigate; * Add a "What is a development cycle" section: How Ubuntu is developed, by who, where, how, when and where it is released (Alphas, Betas, RCs, etc), who tests it, how it is tested, where bugs are reported, how to report bugs properly, who manages bugs reports, etc. A basic vision of how Ubuntu development works." * Log files: A lot of people don't know they exist, where they are stored, the type of information available in each log file, how to open them, how to search them easily for valuable information. '''EDIT:'''I'll contribute to this portion - I already have something written, as well as log searching scripts posted at Ubuntu+1 threads (posted by Effenberg0x0) {{attachment:brand3.png|UbuntuForums}} {1} {2} {3} ''' Cleaned! '''