||<>|| = App Dev Track = Presenter: *SDK Tools: Updates, planning and roadmap *New stuff: 1.Automatic test coverage of the tools 1.Automatic kit creation for all architecture and device types 1.First-run wizard to set-up kits and emulators 1.Scope development support 1.Integration with the unified application launcher on device 1.QML/C++ code completion for the changeroots in QtCreator 1.Automatic click chroot creation *Coming next: 1.qmake support is coming back (in addition to CMake) 1.Ubuntu SDK in a user tarball 1.Extend example library *Ubuntu UI Toolkit roadmap *New stuff: 1.Migrated to Qt 5.3.1 1.Updates component visuals 1.Complete header API 1.Application settings 1.PullToRefresh components 1.Mouse to touch conversion 1.Text input UX changes 1.StrokeButton 1.Header sections *Coming soon: 1.Converged layout improvements 1.SectionScroller 1.New ListItem component 1.Sliding ListItems left-to-right to delete list items 1.Sliding ListItems right-to-left to show additional tools 1.Select/MultiSelect mode for ListItems *Next iteration: 1.Style API freeze 1.Context menu 1.Bottom edge design template component 1.Subcomponent theming 1.Alarm datetime indicator backend 1.Extended Alarm services (snoozing, etc) 1.Time component (reports current time) *Clock App *Create separate branches for vivid and rtm on launchpad to allow for parallel development *nik90 will start discussion regarding the platform services required for timer *timer and stopwatch designed to be expected in jan 2015 *clock test suite will continue to use autopilot for feature tests and limit qml test suites to unit tests *Music App *Discussed outstanding issues with the Music App Remix design, some design work left to do, which is being worked on *Lots of feedback from product management resulting in new bugs which need fixing *Uploaded a new version to the store, which broke, so we  backed it out again. Will re-try once bugs are fixed next week. *Discussed future plans including desktop features from existing Music app. Decided to keep Music features limited (i.e. not bundle in lots of extra stuff like podcast download and plugin support) *File Manager *Discussed which desktop features should be implemented 1.Support for removable devices (SD Card support) 1.File search and keyboard shortcut to finding files in current directory 1.Making sure keyboard shortcuts are consistent with other apps, and ‘legacy’ apps 1.Add more icons for common file types *Calendar *Need to identify backend bugs in syncmonitor / EDS 1.Create comprehensive test plan 1.Call for more testing 1.Push for backend bugs affecting calendar to be fixed *Add support for syncing other calendar providers 1.Facebook events 1.icals 1.Investigate Exchange sync support 1.Multiple calendars from one account 1.Import ical files *Deal with events sent via email *DocViewer *Performance improvements required in PDF renderer *Additional formats to be supported perhaps via Calligra Qt5 port used in Sailfish/Jolla *Work with upstream content-hub to add mimetype support so we expose exactly what file types are supported more easily *Terminal App *Planning for landing the re-write of Terminal using updated console plugin *Spent a lot of time discussing new design ideas and ways of optimally using  screen *Calculator App *Planning for calculator app rewrite *Prioritised  task and took actions to kick-start the reboot *Dekko (Email) *Moving Dekko to our Jenkins CI infrastructure *Build automated desktop builds for testing on Unity8 desktop *Waiting on some design work from the Canonical design team *Autopilot tests need writing, fake IMAP server for example needs implementing *Lots of backend work to do around online accounts to support more mail providers (e.g. Yahoo!!!!!, Microsoft OutHouse) *Ubuntu Component Store *Introducing Ubuntu Component Store (UCS), a library hosting a collection of components to help app developers create applications using building blocks. *Demo of a working prototype *Roundtable discussion of how to improve this further *More appdev/scope code examples: We agreed to look into adding cab (which also powers djangosnippets) to developer.u.c, so we can easily get new snippets added, tag them, cross-reference them with articles and more. *Scope development how-tos: ran another of the series of scopes workshops to support scope showdown participants on how to get started, customization and branding, settings, location and departments *App Porting *Identified Android apps as priority target *Identified documentation needs for porters coming from Android 1.API docs comparison 1.Mapping Android dev patterns to Ubuntu UI Toolkit *Phase 2: Building tools to automate some of the porting effort *App design A preview of the new app design guidelines webpage, covering: *Getting started *Style (design philosophy, typography, colours,  iconography) *Patterns (gestures, navigation, responsive design,  error, communicating progress) *Building blocks (toolkit components) = Cloud DevOps Track = Presenter: Pat Gaughen Juju Charm School:  Matt Bruzek gave an introduction to juju, charms, and how to write the most basic of charms in bash covering a "getting started in your first five minutes charming" with bash for prototyping. As a follow up he converted the bash charm to python leveraging charmhelpers to illustrate how to convert prototype to a software project, and introduced adding templating and relationships. Juju Charm Testing: We gave an overview of some of the tools in the testing ecosystem, our CI strategy, and wrote basic amulet tests for the helloworld charm we covered in the first session. Juju Charm Helpers: An overview session of Charm Helpers: what they are, how to get them, strategies for using them in your charm, and how to contribute back. Big Data: This session covered What is big data, the current state of our big data ecosystem, how to get involved, and what39s next on the roadmap for the Big Data ecosystem. Cloud Foundry: This session covered the current state of Cloud Foundry, some of the interesting challenges the CF Charmers team faced and how they overcame them with the orchestrator charm and reconciler, and how users can get involved in developing the Cloud Foundry story. Open Feedback: The Eco team held a round table discussion talking about some of the feedback we have internally, and aggregated some stellar responses from Robie Basak. The Server team held three sessions in the devops track. The first on OpenStack - what we did in 14.10 and what we have planned for 15.04 including OpenStack Kilo support, stable updates and improvements in networking and HA.  We also did a similar session for the Server release where we talked about major package bumps, plans to make systemd default, and rebasing cloud-init on python3.  Finally, we held a focused session on mysql, where we talked with the various mysql variants about how we can collaborate to bring mysql 5.6 into main this cycle. = Community Track = Presenter: David Planella === Highlights === === Detailed session summaries === *App/Scope development training events: figured out next steps for training materials for scope development, started planning of next training events, we will also explore the possibility of “training kits” trainers can order. *Community events in Vivid cycle: We talked about dates for the next Online Summit, Global Jam, who to involve in the discussion and started a broader discussion about which topics others in the community would like to see discussed in our training events. *Community Council Feedback: We looked at the numbers of Ubuntu members and felt we should make it easier and more obvious for contributors in other parts of the community (like apps and charms) to join the community. We’d also like to see how many of our members take part in voting activities. *ISO with l10n preloaded for LoCo+UEFI: We unfortunately didn’t have as many experts in the round as we wanted, but acknowledged the need for more teams to agree on common tools. This will fixing common bugs a lot easier. *Ubuntu Women Vivid Goals: It was a planning session on what projects to work on for the 15.04 cycle.  The three main projects are to Getting a final version the [c11  ] [c11 Orientation Questionnaire] [c11  ] [c11 matrix] finalized and ready to test it, having a sprint to test Harvest Bugs, and creating a “Resource List” that will hold projects looking for women and resources for projects looking for women. *Alan Pope (popey) is going to speak with Ubuntu Women team to invite developers to get involved in the core apps project. *Ubuntu MATE Remix 15.04:  *Planning for a 15.04 based ISO release around Alpha 2 *Working very closely with Debian MATE maintainer to ensure great support for 14.04 MATE users, and plan for MATE 1.10 (probably in Ubuntu 15.10) *Work with Xubuntu on better GTK3 indicator support *Meeting with Tech Board to get final “Official flavour” support *UOS 14.11 Feedback: we’d like to try to get the schedule together earlier. We also want to find out from the Ubuntu teams, how they usually do their planning. *Promoting the Ubuntu phone in LoCos: we want to build materials so LoCos can more easily show off the phone and get people involved in phone activities. *LoCo Team Activity Review: Brilliant session, lots of ideas on how we can get more activity in LoCos. Some of this will happen on the LoCo Team Portal, some in a survey to LoCo team leads. Coming up next is a hangout with the LoCo Council to discuss the ideas. *Latest Developments in Lubuntu Development: *Project presentation and history *Case study: Lester B Pearson School Board, 100+ PCs converted to Lubuntu *First release without the GTK toolkit, but Qt instead: hopefully April 201539s Vivid Vervet! *Improving manual testing: Discussion about the history of manual testing within ubuntu. We then described current needs and talked about improving the qatracker. Volunteers welcome to help! We also discussed the future needs and alternative tools to potentially adopt. *Kubuntu Plasma5  Preview: *showed off Plasma5 tech preview *presented new CI system *Q&A session for users. *Community Roundtable: *Creating better incentives to contribute to Ubuntu: *Transparency and participation: *Happy Second Year Ubuntu GNOME: *Ubuntu Oregon LoCo meet and greet and planning: Walter of the Oregon LoCo talked about the state of the LoCo and how to get more people involved within the LoCo. = Ubuntu Development Track = Presenter: Will Cooke *Update to Bluez5 *Bluez was starting to get behind, so we wanted to look at what was required to upgrade to v5. *Obviously this could have a big impact on the phone, so we had to be careful and make sure everyone was in agreement about the best route forward *Gnome seems to support v5 pretty much already *Needs 3.4 based kernels *cyphermox to merge Bluez5 from Debian and push it in to a PPA *rsalveti to sync with phone team on when to from Vivid *lots of software needs to be checked, have WIs for all of those *Should see PPA for testing soon *32 bit images *We want to encourage people to use the 64bit versions and de-emphasise 32bit. *32bit UEFI could be a problem *Going to look at 64kernel meta packages for 32bit machines *Investigate if we can detect 64bit support in the installer and suggest an alternative image * *15.04 Release Planning *Release schedule agreed and on the wiki * [c11 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule] *Feature Definition Freeze Nov 27th *Debian Import Freeze - Feb 5th *Feature Freeze - Feb 19th *Final Beta - Mar 26th *Release April 23rd *U8 & Mir Catch up *An update from Kevin Gunn *Good discussion around the current state of Mir & U8 and what new goodness is coming in the next few months * *Ubuntu Touch Porting *Agreed that the wiki is not necessarily up to date *Ogra will ask on the mailing list for someone to document the porting process as they work through it *Going to create a LP page for the porting process, so that feed back be gathered and bugs can be logged *Ubuntu to the car *Discussions around the Genivi alliance, what it is, what they are working to achieve *Would be great for Ubuntu to become the default development environment *Looking to get help packaging the Genivi stack up and running on Ubuntu *Setting up a LP project to manage communications etc *Ubuntu Touch Developer Mode - Vivid *Discussions around making developer mode a bit better *certificate support *support flashing with dev mode enabled *fixing adb *move to git repo, drop ugly patches *deprecate adb install/remove/backup/restore *hopefully replacing with similar tools *New options for phablet tools *install/remove click *backup/restore *pull logs *measure app performance / startup time *Systemd transition * = Users Track = Presenter: Nicholas Skaggs *Ubuntu Community Q&A:  The Canonical Community team held their weekly Q&A session. We got loads of questions, mostly around the phone and apps for the phone. *Desktop Team Q & A:  The desktop team shared their future vision of ubuntu on the desktop and corrected some misconceptions. First, that the requirements were not changing, nor was Xorg application support being dropped. In addition, they shared the goal to be the de facto platform for users and developers alike. The bulk of the session then was answering questions around unity8 and the future. * HOWTO to use your skills and experience to find a job?: Ali shared his experiences with utilizing his skills and experience gained as part of working within the ubuntu community to further his career. * StartUbuntu next step: Ali shared the work the startubuntu team has been doing over the last cycle. Startubuntu will now be targeting all versions of windows, expanding the outreach beyond just Windows XP which was the original focus. * Adobe Flash on Firefox/Linux EOL: *Make Flash work today (Deal to distribute NPAPI/PPAPI flash in Canonical repo!) *Push for it to be irrelevant by 2017.  All we can do is not use it, and push for alternatives  -  See Help section here: [c11 https://bryanquigley.com/crazy-ideas/adobe-flash-on-firefoxlinux-eol-summaryrecap] *Testing Unity 8 Desktop: This was an excellent session discussing the roadmap to getting unity8 ready for day to day use. We discussed ways to setup more rigorous automated testing, as well as enabling folks to test and follow development more easily with a lxc container. This cycle we hope to see some brave folks become first adopters of unity8 as there primary desktop!