## page was renamed from UDS * '''What:''' Ubuntu Developer Summit for version 9.04 * '''Where:''' Google Inc., Crittenden Campus, 1400 Crittenden Lane, Mountain View, CA 94043 * http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1400+Crittenden+Lane+94043&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.522913,67.675781&ie=UTF8&t=h&g=1400+Crittenden+Lane+94043&ll=37.428328,-122.071892&spn=0.003553,0.006802&z=17&iwloc=addr * '''Parking''' Any uncovered parking not already reserved (e.g. Expectant Mother, Disabled, etc.) is open for use by Google's guests. * '''When:''' Monday 8th - Friday 12th December 2008 For public transit information, folks should use http://www.511.org (or if they feel less masochistic http://www.google.com/transit). * '''Blueprints:''' TBA * '''IRC:''' #ubuntu-devel-summit * '''Icecast:''' http://icecast.ubuntu.com/ * '''Schedule:''' http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-jaunty/ * '''Report:''' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSJaunty/Report * '''Photos:''' TBA * '''Gobby:''' gobby.ubuntu.com Room specific IRC channels: * '''Apollinaris (Foundations):''' #ubuntu-foundations * '''Asgard (Server):''' #ubuntu-server-summit * '''Aziren (Mobile):''' #ubuntu-mobile == Lodgings == Sponsored attendees will be staying at the Domain Hotel. Please see Jorge's email for more details. The Domain Hotel is full. If you haven't made reservations yet, you can stay at the Wild Palms Hotel (which is only .8 miles away from the Domain Hotel). We have a special rate of $129.00 + tax per room, per night at the Wild Palms Hotel, Sunnyvale http://www.jdvhotels.com/hotels/wild_palms You can book online using the special code http://reservations.ihotelier.com/crs/g_reservation.cfm?groupID=225131&hotelID=5623 There is a pool and hot tub available so you might want to pack swimwear. == Background == At the beginning of a new development cycle, Ubuntu developers from around the world gather to help shape and scope the next release of Ubuntu. The summit is open to the public, but it is '''not a conference''', exhibition or other audience-oriented event. Rather, it is an opportunity for Ubuntu developers -- who usually collaborate online -- to work together in person on specific tasks. Small groups of developers will participate in short Forum and Workshop (formerly called "BoF"/Birds-of-a-Feather) sessions. This allow a single project is discussed and documented in a written specification. These specifications will be used for planning the new release of Ubuntu, as described in FeatureSpecifications and TimeBasedReleases. == Attendance == 1. Make sure you have a Launchpad account. Visit https://launchpad.net/, if you don't have an account click "Log in / Register" in the top-right and enter your e-mail address in the appropriate box. If you do have an account, make sure you can Log in. 1. Confirm your attendance. Visit https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-jaunty/+attend and check that the dates and times match when you'll be at UDS. Click the "Register" button. It's safe to do this even if you've done it before, so it's a good idea to do it anyway. 1. Express interest in tracks and topics. Visit http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-jaunty/interest (you may have to wait a few minutes if you've just confirmed your attendance). Select any tracks and topics that interest you - we'll use this to generate a personal schedule for you with matching meetings on it. 1. Subscribe to specifications. While it's a bit bare at the moment, as we put together the UDS schedule, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-jaunty will be filled with the blueprints that will be discussed there. Select blueprints that interest you, and click the "Subscribe yourself" link on the right hand side of the blueprint page. You'll be mailed of any changes to the blueprint, and we'll make sure it appears on your personal schedule. 1. Add yourself to the [[UDSJaunty/Attendees|detailed list]] - This helps to plan ride sharing to and from the airport, and let's people know who you are affiliated with when you attend. If you cannot attend in person, you can still listen to the conferences or take part in them remotely. More information will be made available close to the conference date. For example, listen in via icecast: http://icecast.ubuntu.com/ == Blueprints and discussions == We're still putting together the schedule for the seven usual tracks, but we have ten rooms to fill with discussions! That's where you come in. There's almost certainly a development project that interests you that is not already on the UDS specification list: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-jaunty Subject to a few constraints, it'd be great if you could register your own blueprints and propose them for discussion. We'll have our magic auto-scheduler find time for the required people in one of the spare rooms. The constraints are: * the specification must be assigned to somebody attending UDS * that person must have agreed to implement the specification (ie. don't assign it to someone who you saw on a mailing list without asking!) * all required participants are attending UDS, or able to participate remotely The deadline for proposals to be received is 0000 UTC on Friday 5th December (4pm San Francisco time on Thursday), at that time I'll begin reviewing the proposed list and accepting discussions onto the schedule. (If you miss the deadline, there will likely still be plenty of time and space at UDS to have your discussion - it just won't appear on the official schedule). Here's what you need to do: 1. Make sure you have a Launchpad account, that you've confirmed your attendance to UDS and expressed interest in relevant tracks and topics. (See above) 1. Go to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-jaunty and make sure that your specification (or a similar one) has not already been scheduled. 1. Go to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ and click the "Register a blueprint" button. 1. Fill out this form, with the following particulars:<
> '''Name''': the "launchpad name" of the blueprint, it's common practice to begin this with the release name if it's an ongoing development effort. jaunty-mono-flamewar<
> '''Title:''' a more human-readable title equivalent of the name. e.g. "Improved iPhone support", "Remove Mono Flamewar"<
> '''Specification URL:''' a wiki URL to the specification, common practice is to turn the "launchpad name" into a Wiki name. e.g. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/ImprovedIphoneSupport, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/JauntyMonoFlamewar<
> The URL should be created with the SpecTemplate but you should *not* start writing it yet! You need to have the discussion first!<
> '''Summary:''' a single paragraph summary to explain what you want to discuss and/or implement.<
> '''Definition Status:''' set this to "Discussion"<
> '''Assignee:''' this must be set to somebody attending UDS, and should often be yourself. Don't assign a spec to someone without asking them if they're willing to implement it first!<
> '''Drafter, Approver:''' leave these blank.<
> '''Propose for sprint:''' UDS Jaunty Jackalope.<
> (if you already have a blueprint registered, you need to make sure the details match the above, and use the "Propose for sprint") link on the right). 1. Add a link to your spec to [[/Discussions]] 1. You probably want more than just yourself to attend, otherwise it'll be a lonely discussion. Give your Launchpad URL to people and ask if they would use the "Subscribe yourself" link to express interest. They may use "Participation essential" if they absolutely want to come, this will only allow the discussion to take place when all "essential" parties are available. Beware though, the more essential people, the harder it is to schedule! == Related events == [[http://www.fosscamp.org/HowToAttend|FOSSCamp]] happens the Friday and Saturday before UDS. Sign up at [[http://www.fosscamp.org/HowToAttend|HowToAttend]]