This page is here to collect together proceedings from sessions as part of sessions that don't fit one of the pre-defined tracks at the Natty UDS in Orlando, Florida.

Please add proceedings by doing the following:



Paper Cuts for Natty

Testing Ubuntu on different architectures

Cross-compilation Environment


Kernel configuration management

ARM gdbserver support

Reinvigorating the artwork team

Session identified need to start a web presence project including following activities: 1.research

2. Define our objective 3. Sketch solutions 4. Test and iterate 5. Launch



Project broken up into four sprints (2 weeks each)

1st Sprint

1. Review data in central place

2. Design questionnaire

2nd Sprint

1. Get survey out there and receive input after which steps 3 & 4 can be determined.

Design in open source

A first project to kick us off while we prepare the web project is Launchpad Edit Icon

  1. Icon brief by wednesday
  2. picpick for contributions
  3. publicize
  4. two week deadline - last submission
  5. winner announced 3 days later

Defining Gestures in Ubuntu via Configuration

Using QEMU for demonstrations

Using QEMU for development

Ubuntu One file sharing, sync status, and UDF selection

in the Nautilus folder right-click menu, clicking it completely rejects that share from all your machines

Ubuntu One visibility and integration with Unity

Ubuntu One integration with Zeitgeist

Security AppArmor packaging

Security AppArmor upstream planning

Preliminary TODO list for natty:

Kernel Testing

Eclipse CDT Support

CDT was accepted into Natty during the session. The blueprint will be massaged to encompass:

Linaro Kernel Packaging

Continuous Integration for Linaro

Package Development Tools

Kubuntu Natty Docs



Internationalization of Launchpad Answers

Provide ARM cross-compiler packages for Ubuntu Natty

We discussed state of current toolchain and what will be done/investigated for Natty.

Supported releases will be:


Patch Tracking for Linaro


* Python script for testing Connman:
  * automated test suite
  * possibly send results to launch control
  * Desktop Testing team integration?
  * getting more users to test connman

 * how to get testers
  * call for help on ubuntu-devel
  * blogging/twitter/etc.

 * automatic testing through code test suites

[kvalo] update ubuntu-connman-test scripts for launch control
[kvalo] issue call for testing for connnman
[mathieu-tl] upload newer connman



Handle core boot files update on ARM

UDSProceedings/N/Other (last edited 2010-11-18 19:51:26 by 187-35-200-9)