= Nominations for the new UK team Point of Contact = {{{ # Template, please copy == == === About me === === Things I'd like to do === }}} == AlanBell == === About me === My wiki page is [[AlanBell|here]] My Launchpad profile is [[https://launchpad.net/~alanbell|over there]] I am an enthusiastic proponent of all things Free Software and especially Ubuntu. I jointly own and run a small consultancy business focussing on helping organisations of all sizes use Free and Open Source solutions. In Ubuntu I have been involved in running a few events with the UK LoCo Team, such as the last two Christmas parties, the Cloud Expo and various other events I contributed to in a small way. I help with the meetings and I redesigned some of the process around that and extended the mootbot meeting manager tool. I organised the selection process for the new LoCo logo. I am getting involved in the Ubuntu Accessibility team, testing Ubuntu to make sure it works for everyone, and working with others on a series of educational persona documents, the first of which is [[http://ubuntuaccessibility.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/meet-faisal/|here]]. I am an Ubuntu Member and I help to maintain some interesting statistics on the [[http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/UbuntuMembers|number of women Ubuntu Members]]. I also did some bits and bobs on the new http://ubuntu-uk.org website. === Things I'd like to do === * I would like to increase the number of events we run and encourage others to organise events across the country (I am quite London/South focussed) * I would like to be more organised about the distribution of the LoCo allocation of CDs * At some point as an authorised LoCo team we have to go through a reapproval process, so I want to make sure that happens successfully