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Introduce Edubuntu into schools.
Encourage use of Free/Open Source Software for Windows in schools and universities to increase acceptance of FOSS.
Currently joining the Open School Alliances effort to lobby MPs to sign Early Day Motion 179, backing open source in schools and expressing concern over current software procurement methods. Currently fifteen M.P.s have been lobbied with at least one successful response.
UKTeam Involvement in Educational Organisations
The Photographic Society at Cardiff University
Contact: SteveSmith
I'm president of the Photographic Society. Beginning in September we'll be teaching photo manipulation with GIMP. My philosophy is to focus on the basics, with emphasis on why you do things in a particular way (e.g. why it's good to use layers). If you teach photo manipulation or anything similar I'd love to hear your experiences!
I'm finding that Windows Free/Open Source (see TheOpenCD) is a great way to slowly inch people in the 'right direction'. I'm involved in Cardiff's Software Freedom Day team.
The Open University builds student online environment with Moodle and more
ZDNet UK: Open source in education: Winning hearts and minds
Sun Microsystems: Bradford Council Builds Schools for the Future with Sun Microsystems