
This is a work in progress - please contribute

This is a project to build a repository of information and guidance on the introduction of Ubuntu/Linux in the UK workplace/enterprise.

Useful information supporting the introduction of FLOSS into business has been highlighted.

Key Arguments for Moving to Open Source (All Documents and Research)

  1. Using open source saves money over the long term costs of ownership (EU)
  2. Open Office has as many of the features needed by public offices as MS Office (EU)
  3. Using open source software avoids vendor lock in saving businesses money in support costs (Cabinet Office)
  4. Open source software is built on open standards as required by UK Govt. (Cabinet Office)
  5. Access to the source code of a software makes it more flexible and reduces the problems found in legacy software. (Cabinet Office)

EU Study on the Economic Impact of Open Source in the EU ICT Sector

Final Report. Study on the Economic impact of open source software on innovation and the competitiveness of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector in the EU. Final Report. Nov. 20, 2006. R.A. Ghosh, UNU-MERIT, NL. et al., 287 pp. European Commission Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry

Guidance to Government Organisations

Open Source Software Use within UK Government Cabinet Office e-Government Unit

Analysis of the Impact of Open Source Software on UK Government

Analysis of the Impact of Open Source Software Cabinet Office e-Government Unit

The report does make reference to the immaturity of Linux on the desktop. Although this report was written in 2001 - a veritable lifetime in Linux development - and suggested a reassessment (which didn't happen). For this reason these points are not included. I've tried to dwell on key points that have not changed. ChrisRowson

Study Into an Enterprise Wide Open Source deployment

Open Source Software can Improve the Health of the Bank Balance - The Beaumont Hospital Experience

Study Into the Introduction of Open Source in Schools

Open source software in schools - A study of the spectrum of use and related ICT infrastructure costs 'Becta British Educational Communications and Technology Agency'

UK Organisations Promoting Open Source




National Open Centre

The National Open Centre (NOC) is a national policy institute, a think tank to understand and articulate strategies to make effective use of Open Source Software and Open Standards (OS&S) for the benefit of all. It will focus on nationally relevant issues leading to proactive strategies to ensure that the UK effectively exploits the opportunities that arise with OS&S.

Multi Sector

Open Source Academy

Our aim is to encourage the use of Open Source Software by local authorities through knowledge sharing and practical advice. The content of our portal, as well as our one-to-one services, can help you economise on costs and increase Open Source's implementation efficiency.

Local Government

News Items on Organisations Migrating to Open Source (Newest First)

N.Y.S.E. Places Buy on Linux, Hold on Unix -"The New York Stock Exchange is investing heavily in x86-based Linux systems and blade servers as it builds out the NYSE Hybrid Market trading system that it launched last year. Flexibility and lower cost are among the goals. But one of the things that NYSE Euronext CIO Steve Rubinow says he most wants from the new computing architecture is technology independence." (December 14, 2007)

Hospital software vendor McKesson uses Linux to heal IT budgets - "The cure for IT cost bloat: moving many of McKesson's medical software applications to Linux, which could then be used on less expensive commodity hardware instead of expensive mainframes." (December 11, 2007)

The Japanese Government Looks to go Open Source - "...the country's government [plans] to make Linux and open source a priority for all IT procurements, starting this July. The central government of Japan says it plans to spend around $1.25 trillion yen, or $10.4 billion, on IT over the next year. The government has said explicitly it wants to decrease its reliance on Microsoft as a server operating system platform." (May 09, 2007)

The French Say Au Revoir to Microsoft Software - "The French parliament has said au revoir to Microsoft Relevant Products/Services. Starting in June of next year, French deputies will use desktops and servers running Linux, Mozilla's Firefox Web browser, and, a free open-source alternative to Microsoft's Office software." (November 28, 2006)


UKTeam/LinuxAndOSSResearchAndAdvocacy (last edited 2008-08-06 16:27:57 by localhost)