Notes and Minutes from UKTeam Meetings regarding can be noted here. It will at a later date make sense to break these out into sub Pages but for now lets get on with the first meeting.

Date: 25 October 2006
Location: London Olympia
Attendance: Quite a few from UKTeam but I forgot to get a roll call , sorry !
Chairman: Jono Bacon
Notes by: Nik Butler

Agenda: To discuss initial ideas and possible wish list for the Ubuntu UK Local Support Comminity. What will be its purpose and what can it achieve.


Guadec the 8th Gnome Users and Developers Conference will be at the UCE Conservatoire, Birmingham, UK on 15-21 July. Nik Butler Announced that we will (suject to conditions) be running a Stand at the show.


Concern was raised that the Ubuntu UKTeam should not be a replacement to Linux User Group ( LUG ) activities. No one in the team wants to replace or overtake the already established community presence. It was discussed and mutually agreed that the Team should be able to provide support and communication to the LUGS for local Ubuntu UKTeam events. It was noted that whilst it was felt that other distros did not as yet have clear Community Teams it is likely that they may follow suite. The actions of the Team in integrating and associating with existing LUGS should set the precendence for ongoing involvement.

Questions were raised about the aviailability of good marketing, promotional and awareness material in the forms of Letter heads, Compslips and Stationary for the purpose of writting and informing external agencies and users on behalf of the Ubuntu UK Team.

Jono Bacon invited community members to dicuss what Ideas or actions they would most like to see the UKTeam deliver on, these are the suggestions.

With this the meeting concluded and the notes were typed up by Nik Butler


UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20061025Meeting (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:01 by localhost)