This is the 14th meeting of the UKTeam, starting at 20:30 BST and finishing at 21:30 BST = Attendance = Please type PRESENT at the start of the meeting to ensure we are all clear who is online and paying attention. Active Atendees: * Daviey * brobostigon * corenominal * popey * leftcase * MasterCheese * Seeker` * OwdGitRon * dgjones * davmor2 * hermz * Mez = Agenda = When adding an agenda item please "sign" it by leaving your name next to it. If you won't be attending the meeting please also spell out your item in detail, otherwise we can't fruitfully discuss it. * Bulk CD ordering - (AlanPope) = Minutes = {{{ 20:36:14 Topic: Bulk CD ordering - (AlanPope) 20:52:13 ACTION Daviey Alan Pope will consult the mailing list }}} = Any Other Business = {{{ 20:56:14 Topic: Any other Items? 21:01:00 ACTION Daviey leftcase will contact the ML asking for team members to consider contacting their local newspaper with an article on Ubuntu 21:01:26 Topic: Next meeting date. 21:05:57 AGREED Daviey Next meeting Sun 18th Nov. 2007 20:30 UTC/GMT }}} = Guide Lines = The chairman of the meeting should endeavour to ensure that key points are discussed in an appropriate time. Key Topics from the Agenda should be tabled in the channel using a market such as [ TOPIC ] or * TOPIC * Followed by the agenda item. Where Suggestions or Ideas are put forward and considered as acceptable to the group then it should be noted by the Chairman as [ IDEA ] or * IDEA * . Where a concept is discussed and agreed the use of [ AGREED ] or * AGREED * should be defined by the chairman and should signify the topic is discussed and the meeting is to move on. Be clear on the channel when the meeting is concluded and how and when the minutes will be posted. = IRC LOGS = {{{ 20:34:50 < Daviey> #startmeeting 20:34:50 < MootBot> Meeting started at 20:34. The chair is Daviey. 20:34:50 < MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 20:34:57 < Daviey> 20:35:01 < Daviey> ^ Agenda 20:35:03 < brobostigon> what happens know?? 20:35:04 < corenominal> PRESENT 20:35:10 < popey> PRESENT 20:35:11 < Daviey> PRESENT 20:35:11 < leftcase> PRESENT 20:35:14 < MasterCheese> PRESENT 20:35:18 < Seeker`> PRESENT 20:35:25 < corenominal> peasant 20:35:37 < popey> PHEASANT 20:35:43 < corenominal> lol 20:35:45 < brobostigon> pleasent 20:35:47 < OwdGitRon> present 20:35:47 < dgjones> PRESENT 20:35:48 < popey> \o/ 20:35:48 < Seeker`> DUCK 20:35:53 < Daviey> [TOPIC] When adding an agenda item please "sign" it by leaving your name next to it. If you won't be attending the meeting please also spell out your item in detail, otherwise we can't fruitfully discuss it. 20:35:53 < MootBot> New Topic: When adding an agenda item please "sign" it by leaving your name next to it. If you won't be attending the meeting please also spell out your item in detail, otherwise we can't fruitfully discuss it. 20:36:02 < Daviey> Ahhh 20:36:04 < popey> eh? 20:36:06 < Seeker`> Daviey: That isn't up for discussion :P 20:36:14 < Daviey> [TOPIC] Bulk CD ordering - (AlanPope) 20:36:15 < MootBot> New Topic: Bulk CD ordering - (AlanPope) 20:36:17 < popey> he's drunk in charge of a meeting, I'll be bound 20:36:18 < MasterCheese> I think he meant to copy the "Bulk CD Ordering", and missed 20:36:20 < popey> oooh, that's me 20:36:20 < MasterCheese> Hehe 20:36:27 < Daviey> popey: shoot 20:36:29 < MasterCheese> Yes, yes it is 20:36:34 < popey> Ok, chaps - as a loco we can ask canonical for some CDs 20:36:37 < popey> but we don't get many 20:36:40 < popey> like 100 for the whole loco 20:36:49 < popey> some other locos have found this to be a problem 20:36:50 < brobostigon> thats not many, 20:36:54 < popey> and as such have ordered their own 20:37:00 < popey> i.e. paid for it themselves 20:37:06 < popey> via donations that they have received 20:37:13 < brobostigon> i can use some if i am hosting a launch meeting. 20:37:30 < popey> I asked if we could join and get some cheap/free CDs and it seems like plans are moving on 20:37:41 < Daviey> I notice there is a thread on the ML regarding duplication. 20:37:42 < brobostigon> thats good. 20:37:48 < popey> Daviey: this is separate to that 20:37:49 < corenominal> so how do they work the donations? 20:37:57 < popey> corenominal: I'll come to that in a mo 20:38:02 < corenominal> sorry, k 20:38:06 < popey> so the question is, do "we" want some.. 20:38:12 < popey> and how do we distributue 20:38:14 < popey> who pays 20:38:22 < popey> discuss 20:38:46 < popey> note "we" (ubuntu-uk) have NO funds, bank account, constitution, paypal account etc 20:38:50 < Daviey> popey: The thing we have to establish first.. What would we do with them? If one member holds on to them - how to they get distributed, and under what circumstances? 20:38:56 < brobostigon> i suggest we give those for meetings, and donaate for those within thoose meetings. 20:39:06 < popey> indeed Daviey 20:39:12 < popey> and also what criteria for distribution 20:39:31 * Daviey points out canonical provided plenty for LugRadio live.. 20:39:44 < brobostigon> the criteria should be o further the distribution of ubuntu. 20:40:07 < Daviey> brobostigon: Putting them through random letter boxes would do that.. needs to be more specific IMO 20:40:17 < brobostigon> i agree. 20:40:26 < corenominal> At the last LUG meeting I went to the organiser was struggling to give the disks away at the end of the night... 20:40:30 < Seeker`> could you get them included with a newspaper? 20:40:43 < MasterCheese> Ooh 20:40:52 < corenominal> ...might have been because they were feisty disks and gutsy is close to release 20:40:55 < Daviey> Ouch... we really can't afford that ATM 20:41:01 < MasterCheese> That could be possible, but yes, expensive 20:41:14 < brobostigon> i could in my local newspaper, i can ask them if we can publish a small article with it. 20:41:32 < popey> ok newspaper distribution is anothe topic 20:41:33 < Daviey> We are starting to slip OT 20:41:42 < popey> can we stick to the ordering and distribution to members of the team? 20:41:48 < leftcase> brobostigon: See 20:42:14 < popey> we almost never meet up so handing over CDs in person isnt an option 20:42:24 < MasterCheese> Ordering as a LoCo may not be all that useful 20:42:28 < brobostigon> i agree. 20:42:29 < MasterCheese> The UK is fairly large :-P 20:42:30 < Daviey> From ShipIt i can order 10 cds. So to me, can anybody suggest how Bulk Ordering would benefit me? 20:42:30 < popey> if people are willing to pay shipping of (some number - dunno, 50 picked at random) then that might work 20:42:49 < popey> MasterCheese: the idea of ordering as a loco is to get bulk buy reduction in cost 20:42:53 < MasterCheese> Ah 20:42:54 < brobostigon> how much would that cost. 20:43:04 < popey> brobostigon: don't know yet 20:43:06 < dgjones> when you said 100 for a loco, is that the whole uk, or each individial lug within the uk? 20:43:14 < popey> dgjones: lug != loco 20:43:23 < Daviey> popey: in a case where i need 50+, i can put in a special request (i know you know this, but to flow the disccusion) 20:43:28 < brobostigon> thats not many for the whole loco. 20:43:36 < popey> yes brobostigon thats the point 20:43:44 < corenominal> just out of interest, how many of us actually use the cd? over downloading and burning 20:43:48 < popey> thats why I am looking at ordering "large" amounts separately 20:43:56 < popey> many people give them out 20:44:03 < popey> may give them to their lug to give out at meetings 20:44:07 < popey> some give to friends and collegues 20:44:16 < brobostigon> ii have given out five in the last few weeks 20:44:20 < popey> so cost of postage is clearly an issue that needs to be investigated 20:44:27 < popey> good stuff brobostigon :) 20:44:40 < Daviey> yeah.. a sole member shouldn't be picking up that tab IMO 20:44:42 < brobostigon> firends and two colleages 20:44:42 < popey> so is it even worth uk loco ordering some? 20:44:50 < leftcase> I think that when trying to convince people that Ubuntu is a serious and professional alternative to Windows, having a proper commercially printed CD helps convince people 20:44:51 < brobostigon> fellow workers 20:44:51 < popey> Daviey: I haven't checked whether we would even pay 20:45:08 < corenominal> I'm not so sure 20:45:11 < popey> Daviey: these locos I have been talking to are (relatively) cash rich 20:45:12 < brobostigon> it does help convince people 20:45:23 < brobostigon> which 20:45:30 < Daviey> popey: I mean.. If you, or I for example held the CD's and distributed them to UK LoCo'ers (we shouldn't be picking up the tab) 20:45:39 < popey> what tab? 20:45:40 < davmor2> popey: how did loudmouth get the bulk cd's for expo's 20:45:49 < popey> davmor2: from canonical 20:45:56 < popey> and there aren't that many in a "bulk" order 20:46:03 < davmor2> can we not do the same then? 20:46:03 < popey> I got ~400 for Software Freedom Day 20:46:05 < popey> and that was one day 20:46:14 < popey> no davmor2, locos can order "bulk" but you don't get many 20:46:19 < popey> 100, and the team has 400 people in it! 20:46:25 < popey> (albeit not all active of course) 20:46:37 < popey> i had to use my contacts in canonical to get 400 of them 20:46:49 < popey> and that was for a special event - SFD - not just a regular order 20:46:54 < brobostigon> so maybe a limit ro only regular ective members frstly 20:46:57 * Daviey suggests a "Bulk Order" made on an AdHoc basis, and posted directly to where needed in the country. (Must be approved by the LoCo IMO) 20:47:09 < popey> maybe packaged in packs of ???? 20?? 20:47:16 < davmor2> popey: okay time for everyone to sign up to shippit 400*10=4000 :) 20:47:25 < corenominal> :S 20:47:25 < popey> no davmor2 that wont work 20:47:30 < popey> in all seriousness 20:47:46 < leftcase> Could popey not hold the cds as it where, and they then be supplied to deserved people on a basis that we all decide upon... ? 20:47:50 < popey> if we ordered say 1000 cds, and divvyd them up into packs of 20-50 that would make lot of batches 20:48:05 < Daviey> leftcase: and is it fair popey pays the postage? 20:48:06 < popey> yes leftcase, but a) who decides, b) who pays the postage 20:48:17 < popey> people could paypal me the postage? 20:48:21 < popey> (just an option) 20:48:30 < MasterCheese> That could work 20:48:31 < popey> i would pack them in such a way that it would be cheap 20:48:31 < leftcase> If you want the CDs, you should pay the postage to popey to send them 20:48:37 < davmor2> popey: why are we second guessing anyway. Why don't you get onto canonical and make the suggestion as to what you want to do. Then get back to us with the result? 20:48:40 < MasterCheese> If we can trust you not to run off with the money -and- the CDs 20:48:41 < MasterCheese> :-P 20:48:46 < Daviey> popey: but if we can order in plenty of time - ShipIt will pay, what value does us stock keeping them add? 20:48:48 < popey> davmor2: I am not second guessing 20:49:01 < hermz> greetings 20:49:01 < corenominal> so do we need a kitty? 20:49:04 < popey> Daviey: much larger quantities 20:49:15 < popey> we got 400 for a one off event 20:49:17 < leftcase> corenominal: I'd say so mate - yeah... 20:49:32 < popey> there are 100 lugs in the UK - that's 4 CDs per lug 20:49:39 < davmor2> popey: what are you classing as large quantities? 20:49:41 < popey> (as an example) 20:49:42 < Daviey> before money gets involved in the LoCo, i _want_ a consitution 20:49:51 < popey> davmor2: over a thousand 20:49:55 < popey> Daviey: +1 20:49:56 < leftcase> so lets build one 20:50:00 < popey> leftcase: not yet 20:50:10 < popey> leftcase: put that on the agenda for the next meeting.. or Daviey 20:50:18 < brobostigon> what are they suggesting?? 20:50:30 < corenominal> that we join Europe :D 20:50:36 < leftcase> popey: I didn't mean tonight mate :-P 20:50:39 < popey> :) 20:50:46 < popey> i know, just trying to keep on topic :) 20:51:06 < popey> ok, so shall I form this into a mail to the list and get a discussion going there 20:51:13 < popey> raising some of the points you lot have brought up? 20:51:20 < brobostigon> yes 20:51:21 < corenominal> good idea 20:51:22 < Daviey> sure 20:51:28 < leftcase> sounds sensible 20:51:33 < popey> any other points we should consider? 20:51:34 < brobostigon> it does 20:52:01 < corenominal> regarding this topic? 20:52:14 < Daviey> [ACTION] Alan Pope will consult the mailing list 20:52:14 < MootBot> ACTION received: Alan Pope will consult the mailing list 20:52:25 < leftcase> So we're talking about getting CDs, money, shipping and constitution... 20:52:29 < leftcase> on mailing list 20:52:36 < Daviey> yep 20:52:40 < leftcase> cool 20:52:40 < brobostigon> yes 20:52:48 < Daviey> Any other points on this? 20:52:51 < popey> not constitution 20:52:56 < leftcase> no? 20:52:56 < popey> Daviey can bring that up separately 20:52:58 < popey> I will mention it 20:53:00 < leftcase> k 20:53:04 < Daviey> popey: sure 20:53:08 < popey> it's too big a subject 20:53:12 < popey> the thread would go on forever 20:53:18 < corenominal> and ever 20:53:22 < popey> and ever 20:53:26 < davmor2> popey: can the suggestion be put out to the lugmasters too? 20:53:33 < Daviey> I will start to draft one for the next meeting, that we can discuss feasability 20:53:35 < brobostigon> eternaty 20:53:42 < popey> cool 20:53:47 < corenominal> sounds like a plan 20:53:50 < leftcase> ad infinitum 20:53:52 < popey> thanks for all the contributions, that's very helpful! 20:53:57 < popey> davmor2: I don't see why not 20:54:22 < brobostigon> whats a lugmaster?? 20:54:33 < davmor2> well I'm thinking if it is pulling in for the lug's get the lug's involved :) 20:54:34 < popey> brobostigon: it's a mailing list where the contacts for UK LUGs hang out 20:54:53 < brobostigon> ok, where is that?? 20:54:56 < popey> davmor2: it's not specifically _for_ LUGs, but they are nice geographically atomic units of geeks :) 20:55:04 < popey> brobostigon: 20:55:38 < brobostigon> ok 20:55:40 < popey> Daviey: so is that #endmeeting? 20:56:00 < Daviey> erm 20:56:14 < Daviey> [TOPIC] Any other Items? 20:56:15 < MootBot> New Topic: Any other Items? 20:56:35 < leftcase> I know I didn't add it to the agenda 20:56:42 < Daviey> Anybody? 20:56:47 < Daviey> moving on.. 20:56:51 < corenominal> leftcase: go on 20:56:51 < leftcase> But is anyone interesting in submitting article to newspaper type activity 20:56:53 < leftcase> ..... 20:57:06 < brobostigon> what do you mean?? 20:57:21 < brobostigon> writing a newspaper erticle 20:57:36 < leftcase> A little while ago I wrote this which was then edited by ubuntu-uk and ended up kinda sitting there 20:57:38 < Daviey> leftcase Has been working towards this 20:57:58 < corenominal> leftcase: I read that this week, tis good 20:58:08 < Daviey> leftcase: I would like to submit this to my local free rag 20:58:14 < leftcase> I just though that it might be an idea if people where interested in as brobostigon said, contacting press etc, 20:58:38 < brobostigon> i think it would be good. 20:58:38 < leftcase> that people knew we'd already made something to do this so the effort is quite low in getting it out there 20:58:47 < corenominal> not good about the resident Windows guy at your local rag :| 20:58:51 < popey> I will contact my local rag too 20:58:57 < popey> see what their policy is 20:58:59 < brobostigon> me too. 20:59:00 < popey> local paper 20:59:01 < leftcase> corenominal: I think we might see a bit of it ;-) 20:59:09 < corenominal> good stuff 20:59:29 < Daviey> leftcase: good work btw 20:59:30 < leftcase> Just if anyone does, please update the table at the bottom so we can see if the article is useful or not etc 20:59:31 < popey> leftcase: have you mentioned it on the -uk mailing list recently? 20:59:38 < popey> might be worth giving people a nudge? 20:59:43 < leftcase> OK, will do 21:00:21 < leftcase> It would be pretty cool if it could be submitted alongside CDs, but perhaps unlikely/costly 21:00:28 < brobostigon> i will get hold of my local newspaper than, and disccuss publishing an ubuntu based article. 21:00:52 < leftcase> great :-D 21:00:59 < brobostigon> and give cds to pople who asked for them and were interested 21:01:00 < Daviey> [ACTION] leftcase will contact the ML asking for team members to consider contacting their local newspaper with an article on Ubuntu 21:01:00 < MootBot> ACTION received: leftcase will contact the ML asking for team members to consider contacting their local newspaper with an article on Ubuntu 21:01:13 < Daviey> Any other Items? 21:01:19 < popey> date of next meeting 21:01:26 < Daviey> [TOPIC] Next meeting date. 21:01:27 < MootBot> New Topic: Next meeting date. 21:01:30 < Daviey> popey: i was onto that! 21:01:30 < popey> and set a date for audio meeting 21:01:41 < corenominal> woo audio meeting 21:01:44 < popey> sorry 21:01:48 < brobostigon> whats an audio meeting. 21:01:50 < popey> _test_ of audio meeting technology 21:01:55 < popey> via t'internet 21:01:56 < corenominal> oh 21:01:59 < brobostigon> voip 21:02:21 * Daviey suggests Sun 18th Nov. 2007 8:30 21:02:37 < Daviey> ^ for regular meeting 21:02:40 < brobostigon> 8:30 pm or am 21:02:50 < corenominal> 2030hrs 21:02:57 < davmor2> what will we be using or does it not matter? 21:03:07 < brobostigon> irc 21:03:09 < Daviey> "2030 UTC" 21:03:35 < popey> we will be GMT then wont we 21:03:46 < popey> it will be a normal irc meeting 21:03:46 < corenominal> tis true, well spotted 21:03:50 < MasterCheese> UTC = GMT 21:03:58 < brobostigon> yep 21:04:13 * MasterCheese points out the obvious 21:04:21 < Daviey> popey: thats why i said UTC and not UTC+1 :) 21:04:32 < popey> just clarifying 21:04:47 < popey> cool, that date/time looks good 21:04:55 < Daviey> good for everybody else? 21:05:00 < corenominal> yep 21:05:02 < leftcase> Seems fine 21:05:04 < popey> good to move the day 21:05:10 < popey> nice to keep everyone on their toes 21:05:19 < OwdGitRon> ok 21:05:22 < brobostigon> that looks ok 21:05:57 < Daviey> [AGREED] Next meeting Sun 18th Nov. 2007 20:30 UTC/GMT 21:05:58 < MootBot> AGREED received: Next meeting Sun 18th Nov. 2007 20:30 UTC/GMT 21:06:00 < brobostigon> i can make that. 21:06:09 < popey> good stuff brobostigon :) 21:06:09 < Daviey> end meeting? 21:06:11 < popey> no 21:06:15 < popey> audio meeting test run date ? 21:06:22 < popey> or do you want to do that separately? 21:06:51 < brobostigon> using what method 21:06:54 < davmor2> what audio software will be used? ekiga 21:06:55 < leftcase> Is there a wiki page showing technology needed to join audio meeting etc ? 21:07:05 < Daviey> There will be :) 21:07:07 < popey> not yet decided 21:07:09 < brobostigon> and how?? 21:07:10 < popey> not written 21:07:19 < leftcase> ah ok :_) 21:07:21 < popey> i propose we set a date and then write the how-tos 21:07:33 < Daviey> popey: Can i suggest next Thursday Eve.. for the Alpha testers? 21:07:39 < brobostigon> wtire the howto first and then set a date 21:07:46 < popey> _this_ thursday? 21:07:51 < Seeker`> thurs is bad for me 21:07:56 * Seeker` does tai chi on thurs 21:08:03 < Daviey> next Sat night? 21:08:07 < popey> the alpha test is only 4 people 21:08:09 < popey> or so iirc 21:08:18 < Daviey> yeah.. 4-5 i'd favour 21:08:35 < brobostigon> we need to discuss that. 21:08:36 * Mez yawns a little... 21:08:40 < popey> not really brobostigon 21:08:44 < davmor2> popey: if it's an evening count me in 21:08:44 < popey> we already have :) 21:08:49 < popey> its not a meeting 21:08:54 < popey> just a test of the technology 21:09:01 < popey> plan was to have an alpha test of 4-5 peple 21:09:03 < brobostigon> it can be as many people as can. 21:09:08 < popey> no brobostigon 21:09:10 < popey> hang on 21:09:17 < popey> then the beta test would involve more people 21:09:21 < brobostigon> why?? i do understand why. 21:09:22 < popey> assuming the alpha worked 21:09:24 < Daviey> brobostigon: Phase 1 is 4-5 people, Phase 2 is as many as possible 21:09:42 < corenominal> sounds sensible 21:09:54 < Seeker`> Popey: Daviey: You free tomorrow night? 21:09:55 < popey> and then if it works with lots of people we schedule a "proper" meeting using it 21:09:59 < brobostigon> i can see now, i am sorry. 21:10:00 * Mez bangs head 21:10:02 < Seeker`> I'll help you test 21:10:09 < Mez> what time will it be in england at 12 UTC tomorrow / 21:10:10 < popey> its find brobostigon 21:10:16 * Seeker` shoves a cushion under Mez' head 21:10:16 * Daviey bangs Mez's head and says "Shhhhhh" 21:10:18 < popey> Mez: 13:00 21:10:31 < brobostigon> 12 am or pm 21:10:37 < Mez> popey, couldnt work out whether I had to be uop for 11 or for 1 :P 21:10:57 < popey> ok, so Daviey will co-ordinate an alpha.. 21:11:02 < Mez> Daviey, I'm not allowed to talk in here now ? 21:11:04 < popey> ..then announce the beta onthe mailing list 21:11:10 < popey> Mez: not during a meeting no Mez 21:11:35 < Daviey> Okay.. I think we can close now? Agreed? 21:11:37 < Mez> popey, didn't realise it was a meeting - I thought that was what -meeting was for 21:11:41 < corenominal> agreed 21:11:45 < popey> no probs Mez 21:12:12 < Daviey> #endmeeting 21:12:13 < MootBot> Meeting finished at 21:12. }}} ---- [[CategoryUKTeam]]