This is the nth meeting of the UKTeam, starting at 19:30 GMT and finishing at xx:xx GMT
Please type PRESENT at the start of the meeting to ensure we are all clear who is online and paying attention. Active Attendees:
- brobostigon
- webpigeon
- popey
- slarty
- DJones
- Ging
- Daviey
- daubers
- Laney
- gLAsgowMonkey
- andy101
- linux1
- aos101
- technolalia
- sheepeatingtaz
- `Chris
When adding an agenda item please "sign" it by leaving your name next to it. If you won't be attending the meeting please also spell out your item in detail, otherwise we can't fruitfully discuss it.
- Plans for the year
- Bug Jam
Free Media - MooDoo
Discussion of the LoCo producing an Ubuntu promotional video, possibly for the Linux Foundation's competition or as an entry for the Ubuntu free culture showcase. Action: Daivey to mail the list to coordinate a team effort. A special meeting for this project is also to be arranged.
- Discussion of a possible RL meetup, camping+hackfest or something like that. Generally agreed that this is a good idea. To be discussed in the future.
- Talking about developing an Ubuntu-UK promotional pack to distribute at events.
- Get better at 5-a-day
Global bug jam. Potentially have multiple concurrent sessions running at different locations across the country. Action: James Westby to email the list soliciting interest and potential offers of physical space. A wiki page is to be set up to collate this information.
Paul Mellors proposed the idea that there be a list of people who are willing to mail out Ubuntu physical media upon request. After discussion it was decided that Alan Pope will mail the list to make aware that CDs are available upon request to anyone who desires one. If there is a lot of interest then the team leader will request a shipment of media from Canonical for Paul Mellors to hold on to and send out as requested.
Any Other Business
- technolalia asked who was going to FOSDEM. There was quite a healthy showing.
Next meeting
- To be held on Sunday, January 11th 2009 at 19:30 GMT/UTC
Guide Lines
The chairman of the meeting should endeavour to ensure that key points are discussed in an appropriate time. Key Topics from the Agenda should be tabled in the channel using a market such as [ TOPIC ] or * TOPIC * Followed by the agenda item. Where Suggestions or Ideas are put forward and considered as acceptable to the group then it should be noted by the Chairman as [ IDEA ] or * IDEA * . Where a concept is discussed and agreed the use of [ AGREED ] or * AGREED * should be defined by the chairman and should signify the topic is discussed and the meeting is to move on. Be clear on the channel when the meeting is concluded and how and when the minutes will be posted.
IRC logs 19:34:40 < MootBot> Meeting started at 13:34. The chair is Laney. 19:34:40 < MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 19:34:42 < Daviey> Laney: the bot isn't here, we'll do without 19:34:45 < Laney> NO I'MNOT 19:34:46 < brobostigon> present 19:34:49 < webpigeon> present 19:34:53 < MooDoo> PRESENT 19:34:53 < popey> present 19:34:54 < popey> haha 19:34:55 < ProfFalken> PRESENT 19:34:55 < Daviey> gah, i was sureit was "%" 19:34:56 < slarty> present 19:34:58 < DJones> PRESENT 19:34:58 < ProfFalken> lol 19:34:59 < Ging> PRESENT 19:35:00 < Daviey> present 19:35:00 < daubers> present 19:35:02 < Laney> PRESENT 19:35:03 < gLAsgowMonkey> PRESENT 19:35:03 < andy101> present 19:35:03 < linux1> present 19:35:05 < aos101> PRESENT 19:35:09 < WastePotato> Present 19:35:12 < technolalia> present 19:35:27 < Laney> oh ffs 19:35:33 < Daviey> Okay, thanks everyone for attending 19:35:33 < WastePotato> xD 19:35:39 < brobostigon> :) 19:35:39 < Daviey> This is our first meeting of 2009 19:35:45 -!- hellocatfood [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 19:35:47 < Daviey> and my first meeting as Leader / PoC 19:36:01 < brobostigon> yay Daviey , good luck as leader 19:36:11 < Daviey> This meeting has a rather light agenda, but i would like us to try and help make direction 19:36:23 < Daviey> For the forthcomming year, agenda point #1 19:36:38 < popey> # Plans for the year 19:36:41 < Daviey> Laney: can you [TOPIC] Direction for 2009 19:36:44 -!- Pierz [] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 19:36:47 < Laney> [TOPIC] Direction for 2009 19:36:48 < MootBot> New Topic: Direction for 2009 19:37:19 < Daviey> Firstly, we have a great attendance at this meeting - that to me is an indication of the Loco getting larger 19:37:24 < Daviey> which is brilliant news. 19:37:43 < Daviey> I would like us to discuss what "can" we do this year? 19:37:59 < Daviey> The first idea i would like to throw out in the pool, is "video" 19:38:11 < Daviey> The linux foundation compo, and such 19:38:18 < Daviey> Does anyone have any views on this? 19:38:23 < popey> yes 19:38:23 < brobostigon> i had the idea, that as i meet alot of engineers in my local, we coul start adverstising in those kinds of places aswell 19:38:38 < Daviey> popey: shoot 19:38:50 < brobostigon> forget what i said 19:38:53 < popey> there are multiple options for creating videos at the moment.. the linux foundation is one.. 19:38:59 -!- Pierz [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 19:39:03 < popey> the example content replacement is another 19:39:13 < popey> and there is a strategy on the marketing mailing list brewing 19:39:24 < popey> so there are lots of potential areas where "we" could focus 19:39:25 < brobostigon> i would support an alternative method of delivery than flash 19:39:26 < popey> my question is.. 19:39:29 < Daviey> ( 19:39:46 -!- hellocatfood [] has left #ubuntu-uk [] 19:39:48 < Laney> [link] 19:39:48 < popey> should "we" do this, or should individuals, and if "we" do it, which should we focus on? 19:39:49 < MootBot> LINK received: 19:40:02 < Daviey> ( 19:40:19 < popey> yeah, the free culture showcase is a great idea, great way to get a nice video on the ubuntu cd.. 19:40:23 < popey> if the person wins :) 19:40:26 < Laney> [link] 19:40:27 < MootBot> LINK received: 19:40:41 < Daviey> I'm certainly a fan of a Loco team effort for the Linux foundation 19:41:07 < popey> unfortunately many of these video things don't happen by committee 19:41:11 < Daviey> aye 19:41:12 < MooDoo> Daviey: the only problem i forsee is peoples location. 19:41:13 < popey> but it needs an individual to drive it 19:41:21 < brobostigon> what does the linux foundation do? 19:41:29 < popey> MooDoo: if it's planned well i suspect a 30 second video could be recorded in a weekend 19:41:29 < Daviey> I was about to say that, i'm not a video editing expert and would welcome someone to lead it that is 19:41:35 < gLAsgowMonkey> I don't think this will work as a group 19:41:40 < popey> brobostigon: promotes linux 19:41:41 < Daviey> brobostigon: good question 19:42:02 < popey> it would be a linux video - not an ubuntu video - for the linux foundation however 19:42:11 < brobostigon> popey: thats a good aim, but also a difficult one 19:42:21 < popey> whereas there are two opportunities for ubuntu specific videos.. the marketing team one, and the free software showcase one 19:42:24 < Daviey> MooDoo: if LoCo members submit a snip to go to the "editor", location is irreleavnt 19:42:34 < popey> brobostigon: not our problem, that's what they do 19:42:40 < brobostigon> ok popey 19:42:42 < MooDoo> Daviey: ah clever 19:43:03 < popey> i have had a few video ideas that need storyboarding 19:43:18 < Daviey> So, can we have a quick vote on a LoCo team effort - or individual? 19:43:21 < popey> (nothing to do with microsoft or apple campaigns by the way) 19:43:30 < popey> Daviey: i would say we throw it to the list 19:43:31 < Daviey> Then discuss which ones, or both we should enter 19:43:33 < popey> get people talking about it 19:43:48 < Daviey> sounds wise, but we need to get a move on tho 19:43:53 < MooDoo> +1 for a compilation of individual efforts... 19:43:55 < popey> or.. if people are interested in the marketing team one, point them to the marketing team mailing list? 19:43:58 < popey> rather than splinter 19:44:06 < Laney> Right, vote time 19:44:20 < popey> i dont think it is 19:44:25 < Daviey> hmm, splinter - i would like to see a ubuntu-uk effort to submit to the marketting team 19:44:50 < popey> have you seen the "" thread? 19:44:58 < popey> they want LOTS of individual submissions 19:45:06 < Daviey> yeah, not read all entries - but i do fear that might end with not much :S 19:45:07 < popey> we could organise ourselves and get the whole loco to make a lot of them? 19:45:07 < andy101> popey: which list was that on? 19:45:21 < popey> andy101: ubuntu-marketing 19:45:23 < Daviey> marketing 19:45:24 < popey> !marketing 19:45:24 < ubot5> Factoid 'marketing' not found 19:45:27 < popey> bah 19:45:38 < MooDoo> any one remember the small vids people made? "hi my name is xxxx and i pronouce ubuntu - UBUNTU"? 19:45:42 -!- imexil [] has quit [Connection timed out] 19:45:50 < popey> 19:45:51 < Daviey> yeah 19:45:57 < popey> yeah, its like that MooDoo 19:46:15 < popey> but they want "My name is foo and I do X with Ubuntu" or "My name is foo and I am Ubuntu" 19:46:23 < popey> the whole I am Ubuntu is a bit ropey IMO 19:46:27 < Daviey> okay, will kick a thread off on the LoCo list 19:46:43 < MooDoo> sounds to much like the I'm a pc and i don't wear a shirt vids :) 19:46:57 < popey> exactly MooDoo 19:47:08 < Daviey> i would further propose that we have an extra ordianry meeting in say 1.5 weeks away to realy get cracking on the video stuff. 19:47:18 < popey> yeah, a follow up to the list 19:47:30 < popey> The Alans are working on something too 19:47:33 < popey> "Don't Tell Bill" 19:47:39 < Daviey> you damn Alan's 19:47:42 < popey> might be worth talking to them too 19:47:53 < Daviey> AlanBell1: oi 19:48:01 < popey> TheOpenSourcerer: poke 19:48:38 < Daviey> ah well, we'll get this moving on the list and have a dedicated meeting to direction of this in a week or 2. 19:48:46 < MooDoo> :) 19:48:54 < Daviey> Anyone else have anything to add to this part? 19:49:04 < vixey> hi 19:49:08 < sheepeatingtaz> Can I add a belated PRESENT? 19:49:15 < Laney> is it for me? 19:49:22 * Laney shakes the box 19:49:27 < Daviey> heh 19:49:29 < sheepeatingtaz> Laney: please 19:49:33 < sheepeatingtaz> :) 19:49:44 < popey> so thats one thing for the year ahead.. what else can we do? 19:49:49 < Daviey> Okay, other things I have been thinking about for 2009. 19:49:55 < MooDoo> what about expos? lrl09? 19:50:04 < Daviey> Camping + BBQ and hackfest in a field. 19:50:14 < Daviey> support? 19:50:24 < brobostigon> Daviey: interesting idea. 19:50:30 < Daviey> schwuk and I are certainly on board. :) 19:50:42 < Daviey> excite anybody else? 19:50:45 < franki^> will there be intarwebs? :) 19:50:47 < gord> pfft, theres no wifi in a field 19:50:47 < Ging> yes 19:50:47 < popey> yeah, I'd be up for that 19:50:48 < daubers> +1 19:50:52 < Ging> will there be girls? 19:50:54 < Daviey> gord: 3g :) 19:50:54 < brobostigon> Daviey: it depends on where it is going to be for me, but i spupport said idea. 19:50:56 < popey> pubs have wifi 19:51:11 < gord> if there were wifi in fields, cows would never get any work done 19:51:18 < franki^> :D 19:51:20 < WastePotato> o_O 19:51:23 < kalessin1> cows work? 19:51:28 < popey> too busy looking at 19:51:30 < Daviey> gord: one reason i suggested camping, it's easy for multiple smeely geeks to be one location, rather than hotels etc 19:51:32 < MooDoo> any local beer festivals? 19:51:38 < andy101> that's why we don't give cows laptops 19:52:02 < popey> the problem with beer festivals is that it becomes a social-only thing really 19:52:07 < popey> not a hackfest 19:52:07 < brobostigon> MooDoo: banury beer festival 19:52:18 < brobostigon> banbury* 19:52:31 < popey> and it excludes those who dont drink or cant drink 19:52:33 < popey> camping doesnt 19:52:33 -!- tuxxy__ [n=tux@unaffiliated/tuxxy/x-678465] has quit ["WeeChat 0.2.6"] 19:52:39 < Daviey> Well it can be either, for me, it's just nice to have a real life meeting weekend - and hackfest seems constructive 19:52:47 < Daviey> but there should be a decent supply of beer :) 19:52:47 < brobostigon> true popey , so totally unfair on that front 19:52:54 < popey> not totally brobostigon 19:52:56 < andy101> what's a "hackfest" btw? 19:53:08 < popey> andy101: people sit around with computers and do "stuff" 19:53:14 < Daviey> andy101: bug work, fixing , reporting 19:53:19 < Daviey> packaging, and lessons 19:53:19 < andy101> thanks 19:53:33 -!- Netsplit <-> quits: tom_, popey, cs278|laptop, SlimeyPete, cs278, slarty, kalessin1, swat___, technolalia, vixey, (+55 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 19:53:33 < MooDoo> tutorials would be a good one. 19:53:54 < gord> first time we get anything done here and we netsplit... 19:53:55 < webpigeon> netsplit in the meeting :( 19:54:02 < franki^> heh :| 19:54:02 < MooDoo> *sigh* 19:54:16 < WastePotato> Dammit. 19:54:18 < WastePotato> Let's wait. 19:54:28 < brobostigon> Daviey: i am going to suggest, i wil find somewhere near me, so if this does go forward,i will find a place. 19:54:28 < gord> we are supposed to point and laugh 19:54:29 < MooDoo> can't do anything else :) 19:54:36 < webpigeon> i've never seen the channel so empty :P 19:54:41 < MooDoo> brobostigon: but where are you? 19:55:04 < gord> y'know where is a great place to camp? the creepy moors where all those teenagers got murdered 19:55:08 -!- Netsplit over, joins: bjwebb, Moniker42, pvelkovski, Hornet, livingdaylight, spiderz, Daviey, Ging, jpds, chalcedony (+55 more) 19:55:08 < brobostigon> MooDoo: south midlands 19:55:16 < webpigeon> hazar! 19:55:25 < franki^> hmm, ubuntu-related tutorials in a field sounds great to me :) 19:55:30 < brobostigon> north oxfordshire 19:55:30 < MooDoo> :) 19:55:31 < Ging> how do you know we're not the splitting slackers? 19:55:31 < popey> i suspect power would be more of an issue than connectivity 19:55:31 < daubers> Someone must have a generator 19:55:32 -!- pvelkovski [n=pvelkovs@] has quit [Connection timed out] 19:55:32 < Daviey> Okay, this is obviously in the early stages of thought 19:55:34 < Daviey> but i was thinking, Summer(ry) and a 'fair' location 19:55:34 * popey returns 19:55:34 < Ging> maybe you could make it happen at a lan party 19:55:34 < Daviey> so not in the Sunny south :( 19:55:35 < popey> daubers: we could hire one :) 19:55:35 < andy101> the south is NOT sunny! 19:55:35 < DJones> A lot of caravan/camp sites have electric points some also have wifi access 19:55:55 < andy101> somewhere with decent transport links (motorways, trains etc.) 19:55:58 -!- ashley_ [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 19:55:59 < gord> anywhere more north than london is nice for me, my heart always sighs when people get together in london, just a tad too far/spensive to get to 19:56:00 < Daviey> Yeah, we'll hammer location out further in the future 19:56:03 < popey> lets not get bogged down in the location argument 19:56:08 < Daviey> I more wanted to gauge excitment about it 19:56:14 < popey> it never ends and never keeps everyone happy 19:56:22 * MooDoo shows his excitement :) 19:56:23 < daubers> Could always do lightning talks in a field kinda thing 19:56:29 < Daviey> exactly! 19:56:33 < popey> yeah 19:56:37 < Daviey> Okay, shall we move on? 19:56:40 < sheepeatingtaz> I think it's a great idea, but won't be going. Maybe make it an annual thing? 19:56:44 < daubers> "I'm a cow and I use Ubuntu" 19:56:49 < popey> Daviey: is that another mailing list thread? :) 19:56:54 < kalessin1> daubers: oh, dear 19:56:59 < brobostigon> Daviey: ok great idea, i support it, but locatin is sensitive for me, 19:57:04 < technolalia> Surely cows use moobuntu? 19:57:04 < gord> dress a scarecrow up like mark shuttleworth 19:57:06 < Daviey> popey: i guess :( 19:57:08 -!- james_w [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 19:57:10 < Daviey> gord: hah 19:57:15 < Daviey> james_w: better late than never 19:57:19 * ProfFalken is up for that, re-wifi in a field: have a large truck powered by a few bicycles that we could probably get hold of (see and search for big-green gathering...) 19:57:20 < james_w> hello everyone 19:57:37 < Daviey> okay, shall we move on? 19:57:40 < MooDoo> aye 19:57:49 < Daviey> Did anyone else have any ideas for 2009? 19:57:49 < technolalia> is this the moment to mention the bug jam? 19:57:56 < popey> technolalia: its on the agenda 19:58:15 < ProfFalken> Daviey: SoftwareFreedomDay or similar? 19:58:25 < webpigeon> Is it just me or si the wiki page a bit outdated? 19:58:40 < webpigeon> s/si/is 19:58:40 < popey> we already do something for software freedom day 19:58:40 < popey> webpigeon: which wiki page? 19:58:40 < Daviey> ProfFalken: ah, that one is always troublesome for a LoCo - being our stretched outness (sp?) 19:58:44 < gord> feel free to fix it up webpigeon, its a wiki 19:58:45 < webpigeon> popey, ubuntu-uk 19:59:00 < Daviey> personally, id like to see people helping a LUG Software Freedom Day 19:59:00 < popey> webpigeon: it _is_ a wiki! :) 19:59:03 < webpigeon> i never know what to put on it, hence why i dont :) 19:59:07 < Daviey> perhaps i'm being shortsighted? 19:59:10 < ProfFalken> Daviey: fiar enough, however it Ubuntu-UK teamed up with regional LUGs... 19:59:11 < popey> Daviey: we have done something for the last two years! 19:59:19 < Daviey> popey: as a LoCo? 19:59:22 < popey> yes 19:59:34 < Daviey> I thought that was more HantsLUG? :) 19:59:39 < ProfFalken> lol 19:59:44 < popey> bracknell isnt in hants :p 19:59:56 < Daviey> heh 19:59:58 < popey> Alan Cocks does it on behalf of Ubuntu UK LoCo 20:00:20 < popey> we certainly promote it around the lugs in the area 20:00:25 * Daviey did not know this. But in any sense i wouldn't exactly call Bracknell a national effort :) 20:00:31 < MooDoo> ooo t-shirts, stickers [sorry got carried away] 20:00:37 < popey> but he's the only person (I'm aware of) within the LoCo who did anything 20:00:46 < popey> Daviey: feel free to volunteer to do something next year then 20:00:53 < popey> he's the only person who got off his arse and did something 20:01:12 < Daviey> well this is what i'm saying, is it something the LoCo should be doing, or supporting the LoCo members to help do a LUG one? 20:01:15 -!- `Chris [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 20:01:26 < popey> I guess both are appropriate. 20:01:36 < popey> other locos do it 20:01:41 < `Chris> PRESENT - Or am I too late? 20:01:43 < popey> and other lugs do it 20:01:45 < sheepeatingtaz> I for one would feel more inclined to help a loco one 20:01:57 < Ging> `Chris, i thought you were boycotting 20:02:13 * ProfFalken would look to ubuntu-uk for literature etc to support a regional effort (a number of LUGs/other interested parties) 20:02:18 < Daviey> However, our LoCo has a larger geographical spread than some of the US (example) LoCo's making it more difficult 20:02:34 < popey> i dont think we can use that as a reason not to do stuff 20:02:39 < sheepeatingtaz> Daviey: maybe more difficult to get together 20:02:45 < Daviey> no, i'm not saying that 20:02:47 < popey> we are nowhere near as large as many other countries 20:02:47 < sheepeatingtaz> but not to do *something* 20:02:49 < popey> france? 20:03:03 < ProfFalken> Daviey: if we could put together a "resource pack" for other groups to use on SFD should they wish, then I think that would be a start? 20:03:09 < Daviey> What i am saying is better support LoCo members to do a LUG /regional one 20:03:20 < Ging> they have much better trains than us in france 20:03:21 < popey> as opposed to a national event? 20:03:25 < Daviey> ie, more local LUG members than spread out LoCo members 20:03:30 < Daviey> Well hwo can it be national? 20:03:40 < gord> i don't really get the point of this, its not like anyone is saying that the loco is barred from doing anything. if people from the loco want to get together to do something, great! if people from the loco want to get together with their LUG and do something, great! its not like the loco can choose for us 20:03:51 < popey> indeed 20:04:00 < Daviey> I would suggest we provide better literature and CD's (maybe) to LoCo members for regional SFD's 20:04:06 < popey> just because something happens in bracknell, doesn't stop it being a national event 20:04:23 < ProfFalken> resource pack could include CDs, Flyers, Stickers etc that are Ubuntu-UK orientated but underpin SFD's principles 20:04:31 < Daviey> ^ +1 20:04:34 < gLAsgowMonkey> Daviey I don't think we have a clear contact for requesting this 20:04:46 < popey> requesting what? 20:04:54 < gord> yeah it would be great if we could set up some sort of pack that (pdfs, that kinda thing) that people could use, offical ubuntu-uk software freedom day literature 20:04:55 < gLAsgowMonkey> media, stickers 20:05:06 < popey> gLAsgowMonkey: i thought ProfFalken was propsing we create it 20:05:15 * Daviey also 20:05:43 < gLAsgowMonkey> popey: yes but a pack but at present there is no clear contact for "stuff" 20:05:51 < Daviey> we have no "stuff" :) 20:05:59 < gLAsgowMonkey> so having a pack is not much use unless requests are funnelled 20:06:00 < MooDoo> and Daviey is the poc :) 20:06:00 < ProfFalken> popey: correct (although I'm sure someone could poke Jono and see what he can provide?) 20:06:05 < Daviey> CD's sure, but adhoc from shipit is often easier 20:06:13 < popey> we can get conference packs from canonical 20:06:20 < popey> i have done for Alan when he runs the SFD in Bracknell 20:06:33 < popey> providing t-shirts, caps, CDs, stickers 20:06:42 < popey> we could improve / add-to that 20:06:46 < gord> we don't need to provide CD's or really anything else generic. we need to provide UK specific stuff surely? people can get the other stuff themself? 20:07:03 < Daviey> I was about to say, you don't get enough - so we should look at making ther eown 20:07:08 * Daviey points towards the French LoCo's mugs 20:07:08 < popey> we can get the CDs gord that's not a problem, and Alan Cocks has created some leaflets 20:07:18 < Daviey> However, then we get down the £££ disucssion 20:07:44 * ProfFalken wonders if the material already exists on various people's HDDs and just needs collating... 20:07:44 < gLAsgowMonkey> so we get any help from canonical 20:07:54 < popey> gLAsgowMonkey: we do get some yes 20:07:56 < gLAsgowMonkey> I mean marketing and promotion 20:08:01 -!- windmill [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 20:08:15 < Daviey> gLAsgowMonkey: Not as much as would be required 20:08:45 < Daviey> So the LoCo marketting department should be repushed :) 20:08:46 < gLAsgowMonkey> I understand it's a finite resource 20:09:11 < Daviey> okay, can we try and bring this point to a head? 20:09:12 < popey> what if we tied the bbq/hackfest up with something like SFD, rather than have multiple events through the year with low turnout, throw all our eggs at that one event? 20:09:18 < gLAsgowMonkey> Daviey: I think so, but in turn we *may* need some help 20:09:20 < ProfFalken> popey: :o) 20:09:23 < popey> given SFD is on a saturday 20:09:39 < brobostigon> popey: good idea 20:09:41 < MooDoo> why not just make it a bring a bottle, burger and distro day :) 20:09:42 < Daviey> popey: that is certainlly an idea 20:09:47 < Ging> what is SFD ? 20:09:50 < gord> careful, we might end up with egg on our faces... actually i agree but puns are fun. 20:09:53 < Daviey> software freedom day 20:09:55 < ProfFalken> MooDoo: lol, sounds great 20:09:57 < webpigeon> Ging, 20:10:07 < daubers> Uhhh... is being in a field in september a good idea? 20:10:15 < daubers> it has a tendency to be fairly damp 20:10:16 < Daviey> okay, this point needs further discussion - and a thread would be excellant 20:10:17 < kalessin1> duabers: good point 20:10:22 < Daviey> popey: can you do that one? 20:10:26 < popey> yes 20:10:36 < Daviey> cool, lets move on 20:10:44 < Daviey> anything else for 2009 direction? 20:10:49 < popey> more contribution! 20:10:58 < MooDoo> 20:11:00 < popey> we need to be more active at doing bugs / launchpad answers / forums etc 20:11:02 < daubers> popey: Wasn't there some event happening in Farnborough? 20:11:13 < popey> daubers: yeah, not heard back yet, supposed to be early august 20:11:25 < daubers> ok 20:11:34 < Daviey> The UK is doing "pretty" well for 5-a-day 20:11:59 < Daviey> With the current stats, i can't see a reason the UK couldn't be #1 for a team effort 20:11:59 < MooDoo> Daviey: is there a select few or is it all across the board? 20:11:59 < popey> only as individuals 20:12:02 * sheepeatingtaz needs to read up on 5 a day 20:12:05 < popey> there is no concerted effort 20:12:17 < popey> we dont pimp is on the list 20:12:19 < Daviey> txwikinger is doing really well IIRC 20:12:21 < popey> we dont pimp the stats for example 20:12:22 < Daviey> and james_w 20:12:34 < popey> i was thinking more of non-canonical people :) 20:12:34 < Laney> I never submit to it ¬_¬ 20:12:36 * Laney is naughty 20:12:38 < daubers> How long does the 5-a day take? half an hour? 20:12:39 < txwikinger> o/ Daviey 20:13:07 < Daviey> daubers: i'm not the best person to ask tbh - my 5-a-day isn't quite 5-a-day :) 20:13:15 < gord> I do the answer tracker when i can, but that doesn't get as much kudos, it can also use peoples support 20:13:16 < Daviey> txwikinger: \o 20:13:18 * ProfFalken is going self-employed this month and hopes to be able to add to launchpad soon... 20:14:01 < Daviey> How can the LoCo try and get people more into 5-a-day and LP answers? 20:14:02 < popey> so basically I'd like to see us have a co-ordinated effort towards contribution in our team 20:14:02 < webpigeon> "We are currently planning our presence at LugRadioLive2008." -.- 20:14:12 < popey> webpigeon: edit it 20:14:22 < webpigeon> popey, I will do :P 20:14:31 < james_w> we could run some sessions on how to get started with 5-a-day, answers, etc. 20:14:39 < Daviey> james_w: online or RL? 20:14:52 < popey> that leads nicely onto the subject of bug jam really? 20:14:55 < james_w> Daviey: either would work, but I was thinking online 20:14:57 < ProfFalken> Daviey: either - I really don't know where to start... :o( 20:15:00 < james_w> we can do RL ones at the bug jam 20:15:06 < gLAsgowMonkey> we could tie that in with a "how to file a bug report" and related topics 20:15:07 < Daviey> woot! 20:15:23 < Daviey> Shall we move onto the topic of "Bug Jam"? 20:15:24 < gord> How can you have a co-ordinated effort? I mean maybe we could have a bot use the LP api to print out the highest rollers on 5aday and such but apart from that i don't really see how 20:15:52 < james_w> the classroom team would certainly appreciate any sessions we can run 20:15:58 < popey> gord: talking about it helps 20:16:24 < Daviey> agreed. 20:16:44 < popey> Daviey: we could do a talk at the LUG about it? 20:16:45 < Daviey> The global bug jam is soon, and that could be something we do - lessons in RL? 20:17:21 < popey> As I said on the mailing list I'd be happy to host a Bug Jam event here at my place 20:17:24 -!- Alasdair_ [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 20:17:32 < technolalia> popey: where is your place? 20:17:34 < james_w> for the bug jam we could start off with an overview, and then "mentor" people as needed through the rest of the event 20:17:39 < popey> farnborough, hampshire 20:17:39 < Daviey> popey: Sure, i'm always twitchy about Ubuntu specific stuff asking for extra effort at a LUG. The other disto'ers don't like it for some reason :S 20:17:45 < Daviey> But certainly a good idea 20:17:52 < popey> yeah, bar stewards 20:18:00 < popey> james_w: agreed 20:18:01 < `Chris> Daviey: I would love to participate in the bugjam, I've been trying to work out how to use the 5aday thing from D. Holbach. I'm kinda lost, where would the lessons be situated? 20:18:20 < james_w> I could probably get a venue in Bristol for the bug jam 20:18:23 < Daviey> `Chris: well what we are currently thinking both Online and somewhere rea life 20:18:24 < popey> I was thinking that at the bug jam we could have groups of people, some doing bugs, some doing launchpad answers, others learning.. 20:18:34 < james_w> popey: good idea 20:18:34 < Daviey> popey has offered his gaff as a host 20:18:45 < ProfFalken> james_w: +1 for bristol, I'm in Monmouth 20:18:50 < popey> we should put a page up about venues 20:18:53 < Daviey> james_w: what sort of venue are you thinking? 20:18:59 < popey> how many people they can take, facilities etc 20:19:09 * `Chris is located in S. Wales, nothing over 100miles preferably :) 20:19:16 < technolalia> I could contact the University of Westminster, as used by GLLUG 20:19:21 < Daviey> we could certainly have >1 venue- but it would be a shame to split the experts too much - especailly two in southern england 20:19:24 < popey> that would be cool technolalia 20:19:31 < popey> Daviey: i disagree 20:19:33 < `Chris> How far away (in time) is the bugjam? 20:19:38 < popey> i think we _should_ split the experts up 20:19:44 < popey> divide and conquer 20:19:49 < Daviey> popey: two venues in southern england? 20:19:52 < andylockran> howdy 20:19:56 < james_w> Daviey: there's a couple of caffs, but you obviously have to keep buying things. There's an independenct cinema, the center used my Bristol wireless, the uni, a couple of other places. 20:19:57 * Daviey considers Bristol and Farn' quite close together 20:20:12 < james_w> Daviey: I've not done much research, but there must be somewhere. 20:20:14 < Daviey> andylockran: o/ 20:20:30 < james_w> I'm more than happy to go to popey's, I just wanted to provide him with an alternative. 20:20:31 < popey> how about we ask people to go forth and find locations - promptly 20:20:31 * sheepeatingtaz would offer his house, but a) it's small, and b) it's in the north :) 20:20:37 * andylockran is just catching up on your conversation.. 20:20:43 < Laney> The London one sounds like the best option to me 20:20:52 < popey> and come back in 1-2 weekas 20:20:52 < ProfFalken> Daviey: ??? Bristol is 45 minutes from my house, farnborough is 2.5 hrs... 20:21:06 < Daviey> okay, james_w can you hit the mailing list - asking for people to find location and add them to the wiki? 20:21:13 < popey> lets not start getting into location arguments :) 20:21:17 < james_w> Daviey: yes sir! 20:21:21 < popey> lets just all start finding decent places and pitch them :) 20:21:23 < ProfFalken> james_w: st. werbs would be good... 20:21:42 < `Chris> I have a few decent places around S. Wales thanks to the SWLUG but no-one is from around here, is there? 20:21:48 < kalessin1> ProfFalken: I second that 20:21:51 < popey> yeah, a wiki page detailing the basics of a location would be good 20:21:58 -!- jono_ [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 20:21:59 < brobostigon> good idea popey 20:22:01 < ProfFalken> `Chris: I'm in Monmouth... 20:22:09 < Daviey> ---> moving on 20:22:11 < ProfFalken> but SWLUG covers a fscking huge area... 20:22:12 < gLAsgowMonkey> can we move on please 20:22:26 < technolalia> Chris: I have family in Swansea 20:22:35 < Daviey> okay, we also need to gauage attendance at A or multiple venus 20:22:52 < Daviey> we'll do this in a future meeting + mailing list + wiki (or similar page) 20:22:57 < brobostigon> or even alternative venues 20:23:02 < popey> yeah, it might actually make sense to have multiple (even in the south) as some people are not willing to travel far or have low budgets 20:23:08 < popey> when is the bug jam? 20:23:17 < popey> its not long 20:23:23 < james_w> end of Feb 20:23:27 < james_w> 20thish 20:23:32 < Daviey> sure, we'll need to do this "at large" - wiki showing locations and possible attendance of names 20:23:33 < popey> thats not long at all 20:23:42 < Daviey> but we can't do that directly in this meeting 20:23:45 < popey> I'd say we need to discuss this weekly as it's so soon 20:23:47 < Daviey> err does it clash with FOSDEM? 20:23:50 < popey> no 20:23:54 < popey> thats at the start of feb 20:24:01 < popey> 7/8 20:24:06 < Daviey> cool 20:24:22 < webpigeon> Do we know where everyone is? 20:24:25 < Daviey> Okay, i think we already have enough content for a meeting next week! 20:24:38 < popey> i think we should! 20:24:45 < brobostigon> yep 20:24:52 < Daviey> i think we should hit this topic on the mailing list, a formulate an attack plan next week 20:24:53 < popey> get this stuff all tidied up 20:25:29 < Daviey> But Bug Jam looks like it will happend, and sounds like it'll be successful! 20:25:32 < Daviey> (woot) 20:25:39 -!- jono_ is now known as jono 20:25:39 < Daviey> happen* 20:25:46 < popey> yay 20:25:54 < Daviey> okay, move on? 20:25:57 < popey> yeah 20:26:02 < `Chris> Last question! 20:26:07 < `Chris> Venues - We bring own laptops yeah? 20:26:08 < Daviey> `Chris: go 20:26:15 < Daviey> hell yeah :) 20:26:19 < `Chris> ok cool 20:26:31 < Daviey> Laney: next topic? 20:26:34 < popey> unless people have spare/extra ones 20:26:43 < Laney> MooDoo: Are you here? 20:26:46 * popey pokes MooDoo 20:26:53 < MooDoo> PRESENT :) 20:27:03 < Laney> [topic] Free Media - MooDoo 20:27:04 < MootBot> New Topic: Free Media - MooDoo 20:27:06 < Laney> take it away 20:27:32 < MooDoo> ok my idea is a simple one, create a group of individuals who would at a request ship ubuntu media - 20:27:42 < MooDoo> our own volunteer version of shipit :) 20:28:14 < Daviey> MooDoo: would it offer more than shipit? 20:28:29 < `Chris> Daviey: I assume faster delivery times is a bonus 20:28:36 < brobostigon> MooDoo: do you envision small amounts, or the large amounts lugs and those kind of people would need? 20:28:42 < MooDoo> Daviey: depends on the individual, as cost would be a factor 20:29:06 < MooDoo> brobostigon: i'm really thinking low volume, as it's voluteer based. 20:29:16 < sheepeatingtaz> I can't see that there would be a huge demand 20:29:19 < Daviey> Sounds like a worthy idea 20:29:20 < popey> worth noting that the loco team leader can order a large number of CDs, and could distribute them somehow 20:29:24 < brobostigon> so 5 or less? 20:29:30 < gord> I'm not sure how much need there is for this, its not like the mailing list is full of people requesting cd's or anything and surely if someone requested on the mailing list now someone would be kind enough? 20:29:44 < popey> I suspect it's more useful for people outside the UK 20:30:01 < sheepeatingtaz> In which case, probably won't be much quicker than shipit? 20:30:07 < MooDoo> brobostigon: depends on the person, how much they want to spend on cd's and postag, 20:30:09 < popey> we (loco council) have already been asked if it's possible for other LoCos to send them (in Africa) some CDs or a hard disk containing a copy of the current repo 20:30:31 < brobostigon> MooDoo: and ofcourse a donation if its a larger amount? 20:30:31 * ProfFalken used shippit a while back. it took nearly six weeks for the CDs to arrive... 20:30:33 < MooDoo> sheepeatingtaz: shipit sends next day? 20:30:38 < popey> someone asked me on irc a while ago where they could get some CDs and I posted some to them 20:30:52 < MooDoo> popey: that's exactly what i'm on about. 20:31:00 < MooDoo> a form on the wiki for instance 20:31:06 < popey> i just put them in a jiffy bag and posted them - didnt cost much 20:31:07 < sheepeatingtaz> MooDoo: not sure, last time I ordered from shipit, I got within a week or so 20:31:13 -!- sam___ [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 20:31:14 < MooDoo> the details would be sorted later. 20:31:15 < popey> sheepeatingtaz: thats rare 20:31:27 < kalessin1> one problem 20:31:30 < sheepeatingtaz> popey: last time, good couple of years ago... 20:31:40 < MooDoo> kalessin1: go :) 20:31:41 < gLAsgowMonkey> would it be possible to shit some boxes of branded cd's to these volunteers 20:31:44 < popey> maybe we could improve the system we have already? 20:31:49 < popey> I have 100 or so CDs here 20:31:56 < kalessin1> anyone looking for media would probably find shipit long before this 20:31:59 < Daviey> gLAsgowMonkey: i guess you mean ship* :) 20:32:03 < ProfFalken> gLAsgowMonkey: may I suggest s/shit/shift ? 20:32:05 < ProfFalken> :oP 20:32:06 < gLAsgowMonkey> haha 20:32:09 < MooDoo> kalessin1: it's in addition not a replacement 20:32:21 < gLAsgowMonkey> it's the aspire keyboard honest 20:32:24 < gord> there are resellers that will send you ubuntu cd's for like a pound as well, quickly 20:32:41 < MooDoo> gord: i'd do it free if it got ubuntu out there. 20:32:47 < ProfFalken> does anyone know where ship-it is based location wise? is there a ship-it depot in the UK? 20:32:55 < popey> holland 20:33:11 < Daviey> Something that could be a concern - what if demand for this is huge, and we can't keep up at all? 20:33:23 < gord> its not the cost that i'm going on about, im just not sure if there is a need 20:33:24 < MooDoo> Daviey: disclaimers 20:33:44 < popey> it comes on the cover of linux format regularly 20:33:51 < ProfFalken> ok, so is it worth talking to canonical and see if there can be a few volunteers in the UK that hold a stock of CDs and post out requests to the the UK from the UK under the shipit "brand"? 20:33:53 < MooDoo> it's only volunteer based, i'd have no problem posting a cd to someone free if they requested it 20:33:56 < `Chris> gord: I often need to use shipit, since my internet is rather slow and my burner is messed up to say the least 20:34:08 < popey> ProfFalken: i do have some stock 20:34:17 < popey> this is what I've been saying for the last 10 mins :) 20:34:24 < popey> the loco team leader gets to order in bulk 20:34:30 * Daviey has an amount, not sure how many 20:34:36 < popey> I ordered and got some intrepid CDs very soon after release 20:34:41 < popey> I received about 350 of them 20:34:48 < brobostigon> wow 20:35:14 < popey> some have gone to events, others I have posted out, others I have given to people running events (like Alan Cocks at SFD) 20:35:14 < MooDoo> well there is a wiki page on the idea, :) 20:35:26 < andylockran> other thing is whether should send the LTS releases, or any release ? 20:35:40 < Daviey> LTS or latest IMO 20:35:48 < brobostigon> andylockran: u would be happier with just LTS 20:35:52 < MooDoo> andylockran: you would as a volunteer let people know what you're willing to send may have all versions 20:35:53 < brobostigon> i * 20:35:55 * franki^ loves LTS <3 20:36:07 < popey> i still have some LTS ones that have the ssh vuln on! 20:36:09 < `Chris> Same as Daviey however, there are some who would need LTS since they just want a stable distro without the need for major updating 20:36:10 < popey> nobody wants them 20:36:11 * ProfFalken proposes that we use the LoCo POC to order the CDs for a number of volunteers that then send them out to those that request them 20:36:24 * ProfFalken uses latest for desktop, LTS for server... 20:36:25 < popey> ProfFalken: who pays? 20:36:28 < Daviey> haha 20:36:37 < popey> I will happy post out the ones I have 20:36:40 < Daviey> ProfFalken: I won't be able to post multiple cd's per day :( 20:36:42 < popey> in batches of 5 for example 20:36:57 < MooDoo> i will happily pay for a box of cd's every few months for ubuntu cd's for requests. 20:37:04 < popey> i doubt you'd get that many requests Daviey 20:37:04 < `Chris> 5 is a moderate number but can be changed depending on the demand? 20:37:06 * ProfFalken realises that his proposal might not be such a good idea after all... 20:37:32 < popey> multiples of 5 keeps it easy, 5 keeps it cheap 20:37:41 < popey> you can post them in a "large letter" envelope 20:37:41 < Daviey> popey: This will be turning it from a LoCo team effort which MooDoo is suggesting, to the PoC / Leaders responsibility 20:37:43 < popey> for low cost 20:37:49 < popey> not entirely Daviey 20:38:00 < MooDoo> i'm thinking that someone emails a form, the form details get posted to a page and a volunteer see it and makes it as "i'll send that" 20:38:06 < popey> if you got 350 from canonical, and then give them out in batches of 50, then they gave them out in batches of 10 etc 20:38:17 < popey> then it's only a little initial work for you 20:38:20 < Daviey> ahh, this isn't what ProfFalken suggested :) 20:38:28 < popey> oh yeah 20:38:33 < `Chris> Ideas can evolve :) 20:38:34 < popey> but you would only do it right when they arrive 20:38:51 < Daviey> sounds promising 20:38:52 < popey> thats 7 parcels once every 6 months 20:38:54 < popey> maybe twice 20:38:56 < popey> no more 20:39:12 < popey> I would happily kick the ball off by packaging up the ones I have 20:39:19 < Daviey> however, is it any more benefical than the volunteer ordering 10 fromshipit and just holding them for requests? 20:39:19 < popey> and sending them to 2 or 3 people to then pass out 20:39:34 < popey> that I am unsure of 20:39:39 < popey> but you get them faster than anyone else 20:39:41 < MooDoo> Daviey: i've only been able to order 1 at a time 20:39:48 < popey> I got intrepid CDs _real_ quick after release 20:39:49 < Daviey> oh 20:39:58 < `Chris> With shipit, you need to order 1 at a time, unless you want delays and having to explain yourself to Canonical 20:40:09 * Daviey glares at jono :) 20:40:12 < popey> date on the box is 4/11/08 20:40:16 < popey> when did intrepid release? 20:40:18 < popey> 25/10? 20:40:24 < jono> hey Daviey :) 20:40:26 < Daviey> yeah that is quick 20:40:34 < popey> he's had his coffee 20:40:38 < jono> hehe 20:40:42 < jono> hows thing chaps? 20:40:44 < jono> things 20:40:44 < Daviey> jono: didn't expect you to be here 20:40:54 < jono> Daviey, :) 20:40:56 < Daviey> jono: just having a LoCo meeting 20:40:57 < jono> just working 20:41:00 < jono> oh nice :) 20:41:16 < popey> i would say I've got about 100 or so CDs left 20:41:24 < Daviey> talking about direction, bug jam and helping shipit from a volunteer idea 20:41:27 < Daviey> jono: ^ 20:41:28 < popey> mostly desktop, some server some kubuntu 20:41:42 * Daviey has far too many server ones 20:42:02 < jono> Daviey, cool :) 20:42:20 < popey> shame they dont make the 64-bit desktop ones any more :( 20:42:25 < Daviey> okay, do people think this will really help Ubuntu 'get out there'? 20:42:26 < MooDoo> i would like a box of 100 desktop cd's then when someone wants a copy from a form [or similar] on the ubuntu-uk site, can post it to them....simple as :) 20:42:27 < popey> seems shortsighted to me 20:42:34 -!- Pierz [] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 20:42:47 < gord> you really think you'll get though 100 cd's in 6 months? 20:42:53 < popey> yes gord 20:42:58 < popey> i get throughj 300 or so 20:43:04 < popey> events as well as postage 20:43:10 < MooDoo> gord: not the point, the point is that i can send a cd when someone wants them 20:43:22 < MooDoo> how many i have left is irrelevant 20:43:31 < popey> its a potential waste 20:43:44 < Nafallo> I bought 1GB usb sticks from the Canonical store and put intrepid on them... given one to my flatmate already :-) 20:43:46 < `Chris> Humanity to others I guess does include environmental effects too? 20:43:48 < popey> as are the ones sat on the floor next to me if nobody orders them by april 20:43:48 < Daviey> ofc, we have to justify using them efficently 20:44:03 < gord> y'know you can get 4gb usb sticks from the canonical store with ubuntu pre-loaded onto them Nafallo 20:44:16 < `Chris> Nafallo: Only £2 extra 20:44:31 < Nafallo> gord: doesn't look as good and neat IMO :-) 20:44:38 < Daviey> okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, who would volunteer to do this? 20:44:45 < Daviey> MooDoo 20:44:53 -!- Pierz [] has joined #ubuntu-uk 20:44:55 < Nafallo> also, the 1GB ones are on special pricing at the moment ;-) 20:45:05 < MooDoo> :) 20:45:07 < Daviey> Nafallo: (topic) 20:45:09 < brobostigon> popey: well any fairly recent cds, that nobody wants anymore, i am happy to take of anyoes hands, and try to distribute and market. 20:45:20 < popey> ok 20:45:21 < popey> tell you what 20:45:30 < popey> I'll mail the list and let people know how many I have left 20:45:31 < Daviey> chaps... can we close this topic first? 20:45:35 < popey> i am 20:45:44 < popey> trying to :) 20:45:49 < popey> and we will see what the demand is? 20:45:53 < brobostigon> ok popey :) good idea 20:45:54 < Daviey> oh, very trying as ever popey :) 20:45:59 < popey> I will post them out in batches of 5/10 or whatever 20:46:16 < popey> and if there is sufficient demand than kick MooDoo into action and Daviey can order another box and jono can okay it :) 20:46:31 < Daviey> sounds suitable to me :) 20:46:32 < popey> Epic \/\/in 20:46:35 < Daviey> can we all go home now? 20:46:37 < Daviey> :) 20:46:55 < daubers> Daviey: Don't we need an aob? 20:46:56 < popey> MooDoo: sound fair? 20:47:09 < Daviey> daubers: yep, and plan next meeting 20:47:12 < MooDoo> popey: +1 :) 20:47:16 < popey> and action points from this one :) 20:47:28 < brobostigon> :) 20:47:43 -!- Pierz [] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 20:47:44 < popey> i propose the next meeting for Wednesday 15th Jan @ 19:30 20:47:48 < Daviey> okay, topic shift - Laney :) 20:47:58 < Laney> that's it 20:48:01 < Daviey> erm 20:48:01 < Laney> [topic] AOB 20:48:02 < MootBot> New Topic: AOB 20:48:21 < webpigeon> AOB? 20:48:23 < Daviey> nothing from me :) 20:48:26 < andylockran> Any Other Business 20:48:27 < Daviey> Any other Biz 20:48:33 < webpigeon> ah :) 20:48:38 < gLAsgowMonkey> AOCB 20:48:38 < technolalia> fosdem: who's going? 20:48:48 < popey> o/ possibly 20:48:49 < Daviey> most likely o/ 20:48:56 < technolalia> definately - all booked 20:49:06 < Daviey> technolalia: eurotunnel? 20:49:08 < technolalia> there will be an ubuntu stall of some sort there, I've heard 20:49:08 < franki^> what is fosdem? :) 20:49:15 < popey> 20:49:16 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:49:16 < Daviey> technolalia: there normally is 20:49:18 < popey> conference brussels 20:49:26 < james_w> o/ 20:49:30 < technolalia> and various people from other loco teams are planning to attend 20:49:44 < technolalia> yes, eurotunnel 20:50:06 < Daviey> good -o 20:50:13 < Daviey> any other AOB? 20:50:27 < MooDoo> sorry chaps, got to go, baby calling...... 20:50:33 < Daviey> great, Laney topic shift - next meeting 20:50:34 < Laney> going, going 20:50:36 < popey> can i ask that whoever puts the info on the wiki - can then outline the action items? 20:50:39 < Laney> [topic] next meeting 20:50:40 < MootBot> New Topic: next meeting 20:50:44 -!- MooDoo [] has left #ubuntu-uk [] 20:50:45 < popey> so we know exactly whats happening? 20:50:54 < popey> 20:47:44 < popey> i propose the next meeting for Wednesday 15th Jan @ 19:30 20:51:00 < Daviey> popey: sounds like the chair'sjob :) 20:51:10 * popey nudges Laney :) 20:51:12 < `Chris> By the next meeting, find Bugjam venues? 20:51:13 < Laney> rofl 20:51:22 < `Chris> Especially find out about Wifi access? D: 20:51:33 < Laney> yes, that sounds like a fine date 20:51:39 < ProfFalken> popey: Weds 14th or Thurs 15th? ;o) 20:51:46 < Daviey> i might suggest next Sunday might be long enough for the mailing list threads to get moving 20:51:49 < brobostigon> i am happy with the 15th 20:51:50 < popey> stupid kde calendar 20:51:56 < popey> wednesday 14th! 20:51:59 < Laney> If people can post their threads in the next couple of days 20:52:20 < popey> ok 20:52:29 < daubers> I won't have any interwebs for the next week, but will try and attend through other means 20:52:36 < popey> next sunday is good by me too 20:52:40 < popey> quicker the better IMO 20:52:47 < gLAsgowMonkey> +1 for Sunday 20:52:50 < popey> +1 20:52:52 < Laney> one week from today? 20:52:53 < Daviey> +1 Sunday 20:52:54 < ProfFalken> +1 20:52:55 < `Chris> +1 Wednesday 20:52:55 < Daviey> yes 20:53:23 < Laney> done 20:53:25 < Daviey> okay, indifference prevails :) 20:53:27 < popey> \o/ 20:53:30 < popey> wooot 20:53:31 < Laney> thanks for attending all 20:53:38 < Laney> #endmeeting 20:53:38 < MootBot> Meeting finished at 14:53.