||<>|| = Meeting started by DJones at 19:35 = '''brobostigon''' present '''!AlanBell''' present '''CShadowRun''' present '''DJones''' present '''Yorvik''' present '''dutchie''' gone, but will return '''etali''' present '''DJones''' If you're here for the meeting, can you say present '''DJones''' Hopefully this meeting will be smoother than the last one with no uninvited spammers '''DJones''' There's a few items from the agenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda '''DJones''' [TOPIC] DJones - review of action items from last meeting == DJones - review of action items from last meeting == '''Daviey''' present '''DJones''' Starting with progress reports, !AlanBell, you're up first === AlanBell to figure out a nicer agenda layout for next meeting === '''DJones''' [PROGRESS REPORT] !AlanBell to figure out a nicer agenda layout for next meeting '''!AlanBell''' ok so you should have seen a bit of a change to the agenda format '''!AlanBell''' rather than the table it is a more hierachical structure '''!AlanBell''' which should allow more information to be posted in advance of the meeting. '''!AlanBell''' we can discuss it a bit further in the next topic on meeting etiquette '''!AlanBell''' DONE '''DJones''' From my point of view, it certainly makes thing quite easy for me as the chair '''DJones''' Next up, Daviey === Daviey write a year in review post to the mailing list === '''Daviey''' eek '''Daviey''' To be honest, this never reached my GTD list. '''brobostigon''' late come'rs* '''DJones''' Do you want to carry it over to the next meeting then '''Daviey''' DJones: i still think there is merit in uit,so yes '''DJones''' ok, will do '''DJones''' Next item is the Manchester Jam, with lucyb, !MunkyJunky & Gord, but none of them are around at the minute, I'll hold off with that and see if they come in later === YaManicKill investigate a possible launch party in Scotland === '''DJones''' YaManicKill: Wasn't expecting to be around, so passed an email to me '''DJones''' Not a lot to report, but we have a date and a place set. It isn't definite as we haven't got confirmation yet but hopefully will get it this week. '''DJones''' Planned Date is 6th May at Strathclyde Uni '''DJones''' Not a lot to report, but we have a date and a place set. It isn't definite as we haven't got confirmation yet but hopefully will get it this week. '''DJones''' copy & paste fail '''DJones''' There were a number of people interested from various groups such as ScotLug. The Strathclyde Uni geeksoc are organising the party. '''DJones''' And thats the end of that email '''DJones''' !MunkyJunky: Are you ok to speak about the Manchester Jam plans? '''Daviey''' For minutes, it would be good if YaManicKill could keep us updated on progress, and anyting we can do to assist. '''!MunkyJunky''' DJones: How long are we on previous meetings? '''!MunkyJunky''' Can we come back to me in 5 minutes if possible? I litterally walked in the door and got on IRC... '''DJones''' We can hold it for a while '''DJones''' no probs '''!MunkyJunky''' ty '''!MunkyJunky''' I'll be good in 5 minutes to talk '''DJones''' next up, back to !AlanBell === AlanBell to follow up on Showcase Lucid Launch Party === '''!AlanBell''' I have been emailing Cezzaine Haigh, without much response '''!AlanBell''' she isn't sure if she is the right person '''!AlanBell''' if anyone has any other suggestions of who to contact that would be appriciated '''!AlanBell''' my spelling is shocking '''DJones''' Is it marketing team? '''Daviey''' no '''issyl0''' Hi guys, sorry I'm slightly late. '''Daviey''' !AlanBell: it should be Cezz aiui '''!AlanBell''' ok, I will try again '''Daviey''' !AlanBell: If she isn't sure, then unless she can suggest someone else - it's her :) '''!AlanBell''' ok '''DJones''' If thats it for that point, we have one for popey === popey email the list about Ubuntu Hours === '''DJones''' Looks like popey's not around, that can be carried forward '''Daviey''' +1 '''!AlanBell''' well he did do it, did he not? '''issyl0''' Mmhmm '''Yorvik''' Yup '''CShadowRun''' looks like he did '''Yorvik''' ..and a couple of people have tried it. '''DJones''' ok, sounds like some success then '''DJones''' next is daubers === daubers More planning and discussion for real life training events === '''DJones''' He's not around, but sent an email to the mailing list a few days ago... '''DJones''' if you didn't see it, this is the content '''DJones''' The discussion about the training event stuff seems to have come to it's '''DJones''' natural conclusion now, but I have been deluged with stuff from work, so '''DJones''' haven't had a chance to put my attention to it properly yet. I apologise '''DJones''' to those who are raring to go with this, but should be able to put my '''DJones''' attention to it properly again next week. '''!AlanBell''' best to do a [LINK] to the mailing list archive for such things '''DJones''' Good idea '''DJones''' [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2010-February/022805.html '''DJones''' Daviey: Is the BBQ/Picnic still ongoing? === Daviey mail the list about a BBQ / Picnic / Camping event === '''Daviey''' DJones: I'm totally unsure. I still think it's a good idea, but there didn't seem to be too much support. '''!AlanBell''' I felt there was strong support for everything but the camping bit '''DJones''' I think its a difficult one because of the distance some people would have to cover, maybe the idea could be spread to have a couple in different area's '''Daviey''' DJones: that is a good idea! '''!AlanBell''' Daviey: start an etherpad '''Daviey''' wilco '''Daviey''' wiki might be better for persistence,as it doesn'trequire RT '''DJones''' [IDEA] BBQ/Picnic plans to consider having a couple spread around different area's of the country '''DJones BBQ/Picnic plans to consider having a couple spread around different area's of the country''' '''brobostigon''' i agree, i dont do camping either, and having several, is definatly a good idea. '''issyl0''' Okay. '''issyl0''' Sure. Agreed. '''brobostigon''' issyl0: with my current ostepoporosis,it wont help things. '''DJones''' popey: Are you around yet, there's a couple of items with your name for progress reports '''issyl0''' brobostigon: ouch, no! :( '''dutchie''' sleeping arrangement could be hard to come by though, and camping is cheap... '''brobostigon''' osteoporosis* '''etali''' If there are several events around the country, people shouldn't have to travel too far, so could make a day trip of it instead of having to camp / book a hotel for an overnight stay? '''!AlanBell''' DJones: lets keep it moving '''brobostigon''' dutchie: camping is cheap, yes,however for some people it is just not possible. '''DJones''' ok, its you up again then === AlanBell to update list with RAT date on 24th === '''!AlanBell''' with a spectacular #FAIL I have managed to book the RAT for a day I am unable to attend myself. I even bought a ticket. '''!AlanBell''' The RAT will be on Saturday 21st August 2010 '''!AlanBell''' [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/RAT2010 '''dutchie''' brobostigon: of course '''!AlanBell''' theopensourcerer will be going though '''theopensourcerer''' :-) '''!AlanBell''' and taking my ticket and drinking my beer :-( '''theopensourcerer''' With !AlanBell's ticket '''Daviey''' probably /me '''DJones''' hah '''Yorvik''' Got my ticket :) '''!AlanBell''' ok, that is all I have to say on that one '''DJones''' Looks good !AlanBell '''DJones''' next up, issyl0 === issyl0 to mail list about organising an Ubuntu-UK visit to the Science Museum over Easter (!AlanBell is to inform issyl0 about this) === '''!AlanBell''' I did my bit '''Daviey''' issyl0: ? '''issyl0''' Yep, yeop. '''issyl0''' Well as many of you have probably seen, the mailing list discussion has sort of stagnated since about January, but the daye has been confirmed. I did ring the museum and try to organise a group tour, but that didn't want to happen and the general consensus was a date when the organised group ytours are... I'm guessing we just turn up there on the day (check the ML for mroe dtails) wearing some sort of Ubuntu stu '''!AlanBell''' when are we going issyl0? '''issyl0''' No, I'm not drunk, it's called dreadful lag nad dreadful typing. '''issyl0''' Anyway. '''!AlanBell''' [LINK] http://doodle.com/46hbbd6gz4s5kmtr '''DJones''' [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2010-January/022372.html '''issyl0''' Thank you !AlanBell, DJones. '''!AlanBell''' issyl0: do we have a date confirmed? '''issyl0''' Yes.. oobviously the more final plans need to be discussed and the logistics of it all '''issyl0''' The confuirmed date is on the ML as Saturday 17th April. '''DJones''' You've done well issyl0 '''!AlanBell''' [AGREED] Saturday 17th April Ubuntu-UK visit to the Science Museum '''issyl0''' DJones: thank you! '''!AlanBell''' oh, DJones you have to say that I think '''DJones''' [AGREED] Saturday 17th April Ubuntu-UK visit to the Science Museum '''DJones Saturday 17th April Ubuntu-UK visit to the Science Museum''' '''issyl0''' Yay! Thank you. '''DJones''' ok, moving on & backwards a bit, !MunkyJunky Are you ready yet for Manchester jam? '''!MunkyJunky''' I am indeed === lucyb to work with !MunkyJunky and gord to plan Manchester Jam === '''!MunkyJunky''' Right, so far everything is moving on very well! lucyb has managed to get us in at MadLab (Manchester Digital Laboratory) on 27th & 28th March '''Daviey''' \o/ '''!MunkyJunky''' Currently we're sorting out presentations that anyone would like to do - we've had a few people come forward to do bug presentations etc '''!MunkyJunky''' Everything is currently being documented on the wiki (I'll fetch the URL...) '''issyl0''' \o/ '''!MunkyJunky''' [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/ManchesterJam10-04 '''!MunkyJunky''' Basically, the only thing we're left to sort is getting a few desktops down for people without laptops '''!MunkyJunky''' All in all, shaping up pretty nicely '''DJones''' Excellent work, I'll have to see if I can make time for that '''!MunkyJunky''' Wahay! '''!MunkyJunky''' I think we just need to go on to advertising it a bit more to make sure people know its going on '''DJones''' ok '''DJones''' Just dropping back to the Ubuntu Hours, its worth noting this link '''DJones''' [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2010-January/022374.html '''DJones''' Just added to keep it on the record '''!MunkyJunky''' Theres an idea, Ubuntu Hours at Madlab... '''!MunkyJunky''' I might go poke the appropriate locals about that one '''DJones''' Does anybody have anything else to add to the progress reports before moving on to the next topic '''Daviey''' no,move on :) '''DJones''' [TOPIC] !AlanBell - Meeting Etiquette == AlanBell - Meeting Etiquette == '''!AlanBell''' This meeting has a rather different agenda format than previously, I hope you like it and I am happy to explain it. '''!AlanBell''' The loco meetings have been getting a bit chaotic with the large numbers of people all talking at once, the idea of these changes is to add a little more structure so that we can be productive. This meeting has actually been quite quiet in comparison to the last few, but the changes are designed to scale to large meetings. '''!AlanBell''' It is structured to allow more information to be prepared in the agenda and to be optimised for Mootbot. '''!AlanBell''' I have been looking at how others inside and outside of Ubuntu run online and offline meetings and tried to combine the best things I have seen from formal business type meetings to debating society rules. '''!AlanBell''' [LINK] http://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/e-conf/guidelines/desc.html '''!AlanBell''' [LINK] http://www.gpnj.org/pol_irc.htm '''!AlanBell''' [LINK] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debate '''!AlanBell''' the rules we have come up with so far are here on our shiny new Ubuntu-UK etherpad '''!AlanBell''' [LINK] http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/oAOozkiuN8 '''!AlanBell''' The etherpad is great for brainstorming a document together, it can then be transferred to the wiki as a more permanent and maintained location. '''Daviey''' !AlanBell: good work, the links are too much to digest in the meeting.. but it probably good reading for out of band. '''!AlanBell''' so do go have a look at the etherpad link now '''!AlanBell''' but save the others for later '''!AlanBell''' that is kind of background '''DJones''' It looks good to me, its made things very simple for me '''brobostigon''' i will give it a read !AlanBell, this certainly is more organised. '''!AlanBell''' one of the principals I think we should stick to quite rigidly is sticking to the topic '''!AlanBell''' so when the next topic is called by the chair, you just finish your line and move on '''brobostigon''' !AlanBell: and that is where being absolutly sure everyone has said whattheywnt to and need to is crucial. '''!AlanBell''' yes, but it is up to the chair to decide when to call time on a topic '''brobostigon''' true. '''DJones''' !AlanBell: One thing that was suggested, was that if somebody is typing something that is more than one line, adding ...... to the end of each line until finished lets people know that there's something to still be added '''Daviey''' !AlanBell has been very busy, I would suggest that we adopt this structure and read the guidelines between now and next meeting and in that next meeting have a vote if it should be our offical policy. '''!AlanBell''' Daviey: that sounds good '''Daviey''' (subject to wording changes, discussed in next meeting) '''DJones''' Agreed from me '''DJones''' If nobody has anything else to add, we'll have a vote to confirm '''!AlanBell''' ok, so all please dive in and change stuff in the etherpad and discuss in IRC '''Daviey''' erm '''Daviey''' DJones: I think we should vote NEXT meeting '''brobostigon''' ok !AlanBell '''!AlanBell''' and we can vote next meeting on adopting them officially '''DJones''' Daviey: ok, I was just following the Agenda :) '''issyl0''' Mmhmm '''Daviey''' DJones: There is too much for people to digest in this meeting. '''brobostigon''' after we have all had tie toread, good idea. '''brobostigon''' time* '''!AlanBell''' yup '''!AlanBell''' I will put the etherpad in a wiki page just before the next meeting and we can vote on that text '''Daviey''' top banana !AlanBell '''Daviey''' next? '''DJones''' [ACTION] !AlanBell to put the etherpad in a wiki page just before the next meeting and we can vote on that text '''DJones !AlanBell to put the etherpad in a wiki page just before the next meeting and we can vote on that text''' '''DJones''' next topic would be popey & Ubuntu Hours '''DJones''' As he's not around, I suggest we carry it forward to next meeting '''Daviey''' +1 '''!AlanBell''' ok, well that kind of moved to the mailing list anyway '''DJones''' [TOPIC] DJones - Any Other Business == DJones - Any Other Business == '''DJones''' Almost there, does anybody have anything else to add '''theopensourcerer''' Yes. '''DJones''' The floor is yours '''theopensourcerer''' Could we move the start time to 8pm please? '''Daviey''' theopensourcerer: that is next :) '''theopensourcerer''' It is less likely to encroach on kiddy bedtime etc '''theopensourcerer''' Ahh - I will shut up then. '''theopensourcerer''' And go and read the agenda '''theopensourcerer''' :-( '''Daviey''' Planet.. Something i've been working on is a new planet for the LoCo. I would really like if i could get it tested and populated before going live. '''dutchie''' probably worth mentioning that !AlanBell has done a good job with Mootbot-UK '''dutchie''' but Daviey was first '''Daviey''' http://ubuntuuk.daviey.com/planet/ <-- '''Daviey''' and http://ubuntuuk.daviey.com/planet/editfeed to get your feed on there '''Daviey''' So, any bloggers - please get your feed on there '''!AlanBell''' cool '''DJones''' Looks realy good '''dutchie''' "only required if needed"? '''etali''' Do you want the ubuntu category feed, or the whole blog feed, assuming the blog is mostly tech related '''theopensourcerer''' Daviey: The tag cloud text looks slightly blurred '''Daviey''' dutchie: depending on your mugshot source '''issyl0''' Cool! '''dutchie''' slightly interesting wording there :) '''Daviey''' dutchie: fair enough. This is out of band stuff :) '''Daviey''' I'm going to get it all launchpaded, so raise bugs as suitible '''Daviey''' Next! '''!MunkyJunky''' I've got something, actually. '''!AlanBell''' as dutchie mentioned, I have been playing with mootbot, Mootbot-UK is running on my desktop and should, in theory be outputting a log file of this meeting in moin wiki syntax ready for pasting directly into the minutes page '''Daviey''' !MunkyJunky: ? '''!MunkyJunky''' Might just be me, but I feel like Ubuntu-uk.org could be a bit more active towards showing the community, since it's the UK's place on the t'inerwebs '''Daviey''' !AlanBell: Top stuff, can you push it into LP? '''Daviey''' !MunkyJunky: that is on the cards. '''!MunkyJunky''' Wahay '''!AlanBell''' Daviey: will do '''DJones''' As dutchie said !AlanBell deserves a round of applause for the changes to the Agenda, MootBot-UK etc, certainly thanks from me for making my life very easy as chair '''brobostigon''' !AlanBell: i like that, very clever. impressive. :) '''!MunkyJunky''' It'd be nice if it was something that was regularly updated, rather than static info pages '''Daviey''' *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* '''DJones''' Looks like thats it except for... '''!AlanBell''' !MunkyJunky: maybe put together an outline proposal and add an agenda item to the next meeting? '''!MunkyJunky''' I'm not exactly sure /what/ I think it should be, but perhaps relevant news, etc '''!MunkyJunky''' Like I said, it might just be me feeling that way '''Daviey''' !MunkyJunky: you are correct, and it's something I'm trying to move towards. Raise an agenda item for next time. '''DJones''' Have a think and bounce some ideas of people and add an agenda item '''Daviey''' good stuff. '''!MunkyJunky''' Maybe move it to the mailing list? '''!AlanBell''' and finally . . . '''Daviey''' !MunkyJunky: not JUST yet,please. '''!MunkyJunky''' okies '''!MunkyJunky''' I'll leave it to you Daviey '''DJones''' [TOPIC] DJones - Date of next meeting == DJones - Date of next meeting == '''DJones''' The only definate date I can't do is a Monday, other than that, I can fit most days in '''Daviey''' Perhaps i'm not the only one, but week night evenings are easier for me to get leave from the family. '''!AlanBell''' how about wednesday March 3rd 8PM '''Daviey''' !AlanBell: another super idea. '''issyl0''' !AlanBell: yeah, that sounds good! '''DJones''' I'm happy with that '''danfish''' +1 for what it's worth '''brobostigon''' fine here. '''theopensourcerer''' +1 '''Yorvik''' +1 '''brobostigon''' hi danfish '''issyl0''' +1 '''brobostigon''' +1 '''Daviey''' And we are pretty much bang on 1 hr, superb. '''DJones''' [AGREED] Date & Time of next meeting Wednesday March 3rd, 8pm '''DJones Date & Time of next meeting Wednesday March 3rd, 8pm''' '''!MunkyJunky''' Where at? Ubuntu-uk-meeting? '''Daviey''' DJones: can we go now? :) '''Daviey''' !MunkyJunky: yes. '''DJones''' yup '''DJones''' #endmeeting ---- = Meeting ended at 20:39 = People Present: * brobostigon * !AlanBell * CShadowRun * DJones * Yorvik * dutchie * etali * Daviey * !MunkyJunky * issyl0 * theopensourcerer * danfish Meeting ended