||<>|| = Meeting opened by popey at 20:00 = <'''<>'''> Hi. Welcome all to the Ubuntu UK Meeting <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> I'm Alan, your chair for this evening. Please let us know you're present with a o/ <'''<>'''> Please keep chit-chat to a minimum whilst we hold the meeting. <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> ô/ <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> The agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda please take a moment to open that up <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> First item on the agenda.. <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] popey - review of action items from last meeting == popey - review of action items from last meeting == <'''<>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in July, please place it in the report === People who have achieved something in July, please place it in the report === <'''<>'''> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/July <'''<>'''> if you've done anything to do with Ubuntu this month, please add it to the above page <'''<>'''> popey: Do we need this as it is the middle of July? <'''<>'''> yes <'''<>'''> other team report months will not really be suitable for July :) <'''<>'''> I thought we did it at the start of every month <'''<>'''> I guess it could be updated until the end of the month though. <'''<>'''> we remind people all the time every month <'''<>'''> it can be updated at any time <'''<>'''> \o/ Wikis! <'''<>'''> moving on.. <'''<>'''> Ooops Sorry popey <'''<>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] Daubers update on support guidelines === Daubers update on support guidelines === <'''<>'''> daubers isnt around, I believe he was unable to make the meeting due to other commitments <'''<>'''> so we can defer that <'''<>'''> next.. <'''<>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] popey to determine testing methods for ISO testing === popey to determine testing methods for ISO testing === <'''<>'''> I mailed the list about this.. which was my action item from last time, and so far I've had one volunteer who has offered to take this on <'''<>'''> other volunteers welcome too! <'''<>'''> Eek! <'''<>'''> popey: I volenteer! <'''<>'''> great! see me after the meeting! <'''<>'''> Phew! It's not just me then? <'''<>'''> Not at all gneel <'''<>'''> awesome, having multiple people help with that will be really useful! <'''<>'''> Absolutely. <'''<>'''> ok, next up.. <'''<>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] popey to to mail the list and blog about non-technical events === popey to to mail the list and blog about non-technical events === <'''<>'''> Geeknick? <'''<>'''> MichealH: I'm on top of the agenda, don't worry <'''<>'''> No waut thats tech realted... Just forget it :S * '''<>''' was in wrong room <'''<>'''> I mailed the list, blogged and we covered this on the podcast, so I think thats that action item initially covered <'''<>'''> Yes <'''<>'''> Is it worth a follow-up when we've got a list of event types? <'''<>'''> but happy to hear (via the list or my blog or feedback to the podcast) about any other non-tech events that people might want to pimp ubuntu at! <'''<>'''> sure, we can certainly do that <'''<>'''> we have a wiki page to track this :) <'''<>'''> :-) <'''<>'''> popey: Oh... <'''<>'''> Yay! <'''<>'''> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/NonTechEvents <'''<>'''> these are suggested events that the LoCo might want to consider attending <'''<>'''> Moving on... <'''<>'''> please. <'''<>'''> Okay... issyl0 and ascenseur isnt here <'''<>'''> no, please don't I mean. <'''<>'''> well we could try a ping <'''<>'''> please be patient <'''<>'''> Oh sorry <'''<>'''> I am not finished <'''<>'''> we can discuss this more on the list, will add a progress report item again for the next meeting, as I only posted to the list very recently and the podcast wont come out until later this evening <'''<>'''> so discussion can certainly carry on for a while about that subject. <'''<>'''> I agree <'''<>'''> Ok, moving on... <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] ascenseur & issyl0 - Geeknic == ascenseur & issyl0 - Geeknic == <'''<>'''> issyl0: poke! <'''<>'''> I know Joe sent a mail to the list recently, so anyone interested in coming along to the London Geeknic, please do sign up, and let Joe know! <'''<>'''> popey: I know I cant! ||<#FF5555>'' http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/172/detail/ has detail''|| <'''<>'''> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/172/detail/ has detail <'''<>'''> ok, we can bump the geeknic update till issyl0 and joe are about :) <'''<>'''> Next we have... <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Review of the Ubuntu In Business Event == AlanBell - Review of the Ubuntu In Business Event == <'''<>'''> AlanBell: over to you.. <'''<>'''> popey: there is just one question: where? Hyde Park is big <'''<>'''> brunogirin: I expect there will be a map <'''<>'''> brunogirin: perhaps ask on the list? <'''<>'''> A google map? <'''<>'''> brunogirin: Or ask in #geeknic <'''<>'''> popey: I did, Joe said he would sort that out <'''<>'''> ok, so the Ubuntu in Business event was held on the 13th <'''<>'''> I'd rather it was on the list so everyone could see it <'''<>'''> I think a great time was had by all <'''<>'''> but lets move on to the next item with AlanBell <'''<>'''> congrats to AlanBell and all <'''<>'''> there were a number of presentations and demos conducted by members of the community and various partner organisations <'''<>'''> The Ubuntinis were an interesting drink * '''<>''' would love to see an ubuntu in the public sector event and would be happy to help :0 <'''<>'''> it generated some press coverage, somewhere on ITpro that I don't have a link for right now <'''<>'''> AlanBell: Thats great! <'''<>'''> we are having a followup call with the Canonical half of the organising team tomorrow ||<#FF5555>'' http://www.itpro.co.uk/625159/is-open-source-ready-for-business-prime-time''|| <'''<>'''> http://www.itpro.co.uk/625159/is-open-source-ready-for-business-prime-time <'''<>'''> and will be discussing stuff to do better at the next one :-) <'''<>'''> thats the one <'''<>'''> :) <'''<>'''> danfish: that sounds sensible with the NHS just ditching MS contract <'''<>'''> so yes, one with more of a public sector focus might work well <'''<>'''> any other comments from people who attended? <'''<>'''> there are a few articles on http://blog.canonical.com/ about it too <'''<>'''> We need to look for more venues <'''<>'''> the venue was.. quirky <'''<>'''> both quirky good and quirky bad <'''<>'''> it was <'''<>'''> I agree, in particular there wasn't enough space around the tables for the demos <'''<>'''> popey: Maybe on up north? <'''<>'''> we can have them wherever people are willing to organise them <'''<>'''> north, south, east or west <'''<>'''> :) <'''<>'''> Okay... So... <'''<>'''> question: was any of the material shown at the event available elsewhere for review? <'''<>'''> lee_cow: presentations and things you mean? <'''<>'''> ah yes, I had the same question: is there a way to have access to the presentation material? <'''<>'''> i have a copy of all the presentations <'''<>'''> could the presentations be added to wiki? <'''<>'''> not sure how useful they'd be without the chat <'''<>'''> ^^ I agree <'''<>'''> I can put my presentation up somewhere <'''<>'''> but I can certainly put them online <'''<>'''> comments understood, merci <'''<>'''> sounds like an action <'''<>'''> [ACTION] popey to put the presentations online from UiB ||<#FF5555>'' popey to put the presentations online from UiB''|| <'''<>'''> Talking about the NHS MS contract being ditched, my PCT are looking for alternative virtualisation schemes - an area for me to action? <'''<>'''> ok, think I am done on the UiB area <'''<>'''> danfish: want to add it as an agenda item for next time or bring it up as AOB? <'''<>'''> next item.. <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] danfish - Distributed Backup proposal == danfish - Distributed Backup proposal == <'''<>'''> over to you danfish <'''<>'''> ta <'''<>'''> A discussion was had a few weeks ago on distributed backup and how it would be a rather attractive addition to ubuntu(-uk?) <'''<>'''> Essentially with distributed backup you sacrifice some of your own storage to gain offsite storage. <'''<>'''> I've done some googleinging and have looked at existing projects <'''<>'''> popey in fact came up with a good example in the proprietary wuala (http://www.wuala.com) <'''<>'''> but the 'overhead' is fairly steep <'''<>'''> there is an similar project from MIT called Distributed Internet Backup System (DIBS) <'''<>'''> a guy in hampshire lug also has one called DIASER <'''<>'''> which is open source <'''<>'''> the licence on the site looks pretty much linux friendly and permissive <'''<>'''> popey: ok not seen that one <'''<>'''> Is this idea worth pursuing in people's opinions, or too ambitious/unrealistic/dumb? <'''<>'''> Is there a way to set a schedule for uploads/downloads? I'm on metered broadband with an unmetered period. <'''<>'''> gneel: those are kinda implementation details <'''<>'''> each is different <'''<>'''> OK, I'm not familiar with either. <'''<>'''> maybe danfish could go away and review a few and maybe we could build a little team of people who want to take part? <'''<>'''> gneel: the idea is you could allocate a specific time/volume ratio <'''<>'''> me neither gneel :) <'''<>'''> It seems a good Idea but how are we supposed to temp host if lets say the host rejects it... The backup is there... but useless? <'''<>'''> there is no concept of 'rejection', its a system for distributed backups which is usually encrypted <'''<>'''> so people dont know what they're storing or even who for <'''<>'''> I would be happy to do that popey - would me setting up a wiki page to explore further be an idea? <'''<>'''> you give over a chunk of your disk to the scheme <'''<>'''> Ahh I didnt know what it was I thought it was a "backup" <'''<>'''> danfish: yeah, and review each one maybe? <'''<>'''> ask for volunteers to help? <'''<>'''> popey: yup, happy to do that :0 <'''<>'''> danfish: I would volenteer <'''<>'''> me too <'''<>'''> I might be interested in this too <'''<>'''> great! <'''<>'''> I expect it's a long term project tho! <'''<>'''> sounds great danfish <'''<>'''> No matter I have over 200 GB to spare :) <'''<>'''> Well 360 GB <'''<>'''> [ACTION] Danfish to document distributed backup solutions and call for volunteers on the list ||<#FF5555>'' Danfish to document distributed backup solutions and call for volunteers on the list''|| <'''<>'''> okay? <'''<>'''> yup <'''<>'''> great! <'''<>'''> :) <'''<>'''> Agreed <'''<>'''> anyone else got any points about that before we move on? <'''<>'''> 5 <'''<>'''> Nope <'''<>'''> 4 <'''<>'''> 3 <'''<>'''> 2 <'''<>'''> 1 <'''<>'''> ok... <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Profile Roulette == AlanBell - Profile Roulette == <'''<>'''> AlanBell ! <'''<>'''> ooh, me again <'''<>'''> ok, so this is something invented by a student in the Irish team working on his masters degree <'''<>'''> he is studying computing and at the moment looking at community development <'''<>'''> and for the -ie team he kicked off a profile of the day project where they promote a different member of the team each day <'''<>'''> to help people to get to know each other a bit better <'''<>'''> <1> <'''<>'''> kind of a team building activity <'''<>'''> <1 <'''<>'''> GRR <'''<>'''> quite a good idea <'''<>'''> <'''<>'''> MichealH: what are you doing?? * '''<>''' seconds AlanBell <'''<>'''> :D <'''<>'''> AlanBell: Signifies you want to speak <'''<>'''> not here it doesnt <'''<>'''> AlanBell: It seems a good Idea <'''<>'''> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/ProfileOfTheDay <'''<>'''> that is the link to the original <'''<>'''> I tweaked the concept a bit and added some additional wiki-foo <'''<>'''> I was amused when the UK page picked popey when I first looked at it. :-) <'''<>'''> heh <'''<>'''> me too! <'''<>'''> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/ProfileRoulette <'''<>'''> were you the only one with the tag? <'''<>'''> gneel: first was daubers I think <'''<>'''> yes daubers was first <'''<>'''> Ah. <'''<>'''> ok, so each day the ProfileRoulette page above will contain a different person's profile <'''<>'''> It did spur me into updating my page a bit! <'''<>'''> popey: What a coincidence! <'''<>'''> except for today coz I was out <'''<>'''> if you want to join in there are some requirements <'''<>'''> firstly, you need a wiki page on wiki.ubuntu.com <'''<>'''> AlanBell: Fire them at me! <'''<>'''> [ACTION] Everyone create and update their wiki page :) ||<#FF5555>'' Everyone create and update their wiki page :)''|| <'''<>'''> this is easy to create, you just need a launchpad account to log on to the wiki, then go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/YourName and create a page there <'''<>'''> AlanBell: My Wikipage is differnt from my IRC Nick... Can I give it to you? <'''<>'''> see other people's pages for examples of stuff to put on it <'''<>'''> it doesn't matter what the exact page name is <'''<>'''> at the end of the page put a horizontal line <'''<>'''> ---- <'''<>'''> like that <'''<>'''> then <'''<>'''> MichealH: doesn't matter <'''<>'''> Oh :P <'''<>'''> [[CategoryUKTeamProfile]] <'''<>'''> that will put you on the index on this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryUKTeamProfile <'''<>'''> I (or someone, doesn't have to be me) will use a fair random number generator each day to pick someone and update the ProfileRoulette page <'''<>'''> you will note on the Profile Roulette page there is an edit this profile link <'''<>'''> Is the process documented anywhere? <'''<>'''> AlanBell: May I volenteer? <'''<>'''> that is for you to edit the profile of the current person and maybe fix something up or leave them a testimonial <'''<>'''> gneel: documented in the minutes of this meeting :-) <'''<>'''> \o/ auto minutes <'''<>'''> AlanBell: :-) <'''<>'''> :D I <3 Bots! <'''<>'''> MichealH: I am OK with doing it for the moment <'''<>'''> ok, thanks for that AlanBell <'''<>'''> I will tend to tweet about it when I spin the wheel <'''<>'''> probably with the #profileroulette hashtag <'''<>'''> the wheel of misfortune :) <'''<>'''> AlanBell: I have a question <'''<>'''> heh <'''<>'''> and I am @alanbelltolc on twitter if you are not already following <'''<>'''> MichealH: ask away <'''<>'''> AlanBell: If the same person is picked out then do you choode annother? <'''<>'''> *choose * '''<>''' seconds MichealH <'''<>'''> incidentally I tweeted about #profile #roulette and a load of gambling sites retweeted it <'''<>'''> AlanBell: LOL <'''<>'''> fail <'''<>'''> MichealH: no, it is random, but really not that important, I can't be bothered to keep track of the number of days each profile is up there <'''<>'''> Okay <'''<>'''> actually if it was the same on consecutive days I would probably pick another <'''<>'''> AlanBell: Thats what I was saying :P <'''<>'''> ok, if we all think this is a jolly good idea I will mail the list about it as well <'''<>'''> jolly good <'''<>'''> Cool <'''<>'''> :) <'''<>'''> it's good <'''<>'''> :) <'''<>'''> [ACTION] AlanBell to mail the list about profile roulette ||<#FF5555>'' AlanBell to mail the list about profile roulette''|| <'''<>'''> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam/ProfileRoulette it has been picked up by the -us-nc loco too! <'''<>'''> hah! <'''<>'''> ok, lets move on, time is passing.. <'''<>'''> PlanetUbuntu FTW * '''<>''' agrees with gneel :P <'''<>'''> AlanBell: all done? <'''<>'''> yup <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] MichealH - Update on Website == MichealH - Update on Website == * '''<>''' waves <'''<>'''> Okay... The Website is coming along well but we have yet had anything close to someone make a HTML demo based on the mockups... Anyone Volenter? <'''<>'''> So what are the next steps? <'''<>'''> [LINK] www.ubuntu-uk.org ||<#FF5555>'' www.ubuntu-uk.org''|| <'''<>'''> [LINK] wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam ||<#FF5555>'' wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam''|| <'''<>'''> oooh <'''<>'''> I am willing to make a Live Demo mockup thingy <'''<>'''> Anyone else want to help? <'''<>'''> Someone was prepared. :-) <'''<>'''> I can probably help <'''<>'''> you know @daviey is working on the site too? <'''<>'''> Yes gneel <'''<>'''> have you spoken to daviey? <'''<>'''> I didnt knot that popey <'''<>'''> he talked about it at the last meeting <'''<>'''> and showed off some screenshots <'''<>'''> well we have more bits in place now, such as the design toolkit and the first release of the font (to Ubuntu Members but only the regular weight) <'''<>'''> be good if you guys talked to eachother about this :) <'''<>'''> don't want lots of duplication of effort <'''<>'''> Is there some kind of NDA on the font or can people get hold of it if they aren't ubuntu members? ;D <'''<>'''> only ubuntu members can get the font at the moment <'''<>'''> Okay popey fire an [CTION] <'''<>'''> *[action] <'''<>'''> [ACTION] MichealH to contact daviey about the new website design ||<#FF5555>'' MichealH to contact daviey about the new website design''|| <'''<>'''> :D <'''<>'''> win <'''<>'''> Everyone agree? <'''<>'''> yep <'''<>'''> yeah, do it! <'''<>'''> Okay popey Do your stuff <'''<>'''> MichealH: happy to move on? <'''<>'''> Yup :) Unless there are questions? <'''<>'''> great, thanks <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Release activities for 10.10 == AlanBell - Release activities for 10.10 == <'''<>'''> YOU AGAIN! <'''<>'''> ooh again <'''<>'''> AlanBell: :/ <'''<>'''> right, so this is some way in advance of the release, but lets start thinking about release activites <'''<>'''> :L <'''<>'''> the release day will be Sunday 10/10/10 <'''<>'''> ooo, didnt notice it was a sunday <'''<>'''> which is a bit odd, but we can work with that <'''<>'''> yeah, the release team actually have to get the code ready for the friday <'''<>'''> so there will no doubt be a London party organised by Canonical <'''<>'''> not sure on which day <'''<>'''> can we action you to find out? <'''<>'''> not odd, it was voted on to make it special seeing as the date is rather geeky <'''<>'''> that is likely to be in a bar, over 21s and not really much about Ubuntu <'''<>'''> I'm going to try and organise a party in Cardiff. Left it too late for 10.04 <'''<>'''> AlanBell: I will have a mini-party here! <'''<>'''> czajkowski: sunday is an odd day to release <'''<>'''> czajkowski: and it was most definitely _not_ _voted_ on :) <'''<>'''> czajkowski: yes, 10/10/10 is great, sunday is odd <'''<>'''> 101010 is 42 in binary <'''<>'''> popey: was in the techboard or one of them boards I get confused upon <'''<>'''> lets discuss the democratic process later :-) <'''<>'''> yes, lets talk about parties :) <'''<>'''> so other things around that time? <'''<>'''> do we want to do an installfest perhaps? <'''<>'''> ooo <'''<>'''> actually a Sunday could be a good day for an installfest <'''<>'''> yeah <'''<>'''> or multiple ones :) <'''<>'''> it could <'''<>'''> and we should have the actual code if they are spinning it on Friday <'''<>'''> That would be a nice change D <'''<>'''> how about install fest a potluck kinda thing <'''<>'''> in a community halll ? <'''<>'''> would it not be available through iso testing or did i miss a link on the iso topic <'''<>'''> yeah, or perhaps schools/universities or something <'''<>'''> people can be installing stuff, chatting and potluck means you provide the food <'''<>'''> lee_cow: yeah, normally the final final .iso is only just going out to mirrors when the party kicks off <'''<>'''> ok, so a plan of action? <'''<>'''> ok, any other types of activty? <'''<>'''> I think for the installfests some venues need to be found <'''<>'''> what about computer fairs? I know there are a couple of them every Saturday around Tottenham Court Rd <'''<>'''> House Party? <'''<>'''> popey: tell you what, give me an action to mail the list and call for venues in different cities <'''<>'''> [ACTION] AlanBell to mail the list about venues for the 10.10 on 10.10.10 release party/installfest/picnic/jam/thing/doodah ||<#FF5555>'' AlanBell to mail the list about venues for the 10.10 on 10.10.10 release party/installfest/picnic/jam/thing/doodah''|| <'''<>'''> ok, time is short.. <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] BrunoGirin - Update on Shotwell for Maverick == BrunoGirin - Update on Shotwell for Maverick == <'''<>'''> brunogirin! <'''<>'''> \o/ <'''<>'''> so as you may or may not know, Shotwell will replace F-Spot in 10.10 <'''<>'''> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-shotwell ||<#FF5555>'' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-shotwell''|| <'''<>'''> brunogirin: Anyone who reads OMG!Ubuntu! knows <'''<>'''> MichaelH: yes, I know, I'm getting to the other interesting info but I wasn't as well prepared as you :-) <'''<>'''> Shotwell is developed by an organisation called Yorba <'''<>'''> MichealH: will you stop interuptig people when they are explaining their action item <'''<>'''> I accidentally got involved in solving bugs <'''<>'''> :) <'''<>'''> and am now delivering the F-Spot import functionality <'''<>'''> ooooo <'''<>'''> The Yorba guys are very responsive and have brought their 0.7 release forward in order to release it in time for 10.10 <'''<>'''> so anybody interested in trying out the latest version of the software, get it from the Yorba PPA (version 0.6.1 at the moment) <'''<>'''> anybody willing to do a bit more testing, it's really easy to install from source, provided you have the Vala compiler installed (apt-get install valac) <'''<>'''> is the f-spot import written? <'''<>'''> [LINK] http://yorba.org/shotwell/install/ ||<#FF5555>'' http://yorba.org/shotwell/install/''|| <'''<>'''> Thanks brunogirin <'''<>'''> I will test <'''<>'''> i.e. if i load shotwell on a machine that has lots of photos in f-spot will it pull them in? what can we do to test that? <'''<>'''> popey: I have some working code, it's ticket #139 in Yorba's bug tracker <'''<>'''> popey: it's not in yet but a first version should be ready within a week or 2 <'''<>'''> would be good to let the loco know when it's ready <'''<>'''> I'm sure some people would like to test it <'''<>'''> [LINK] http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/139 ||<#FF5555>'' http://trac.yorba.org/ticket/139''|| <'''<>'''> yep <'''<>'''> great stuff <'''<>'''> would it be worth you mailing the list and/or blogging about it? <'''<>'''> popey: will do, in fact, my next point was to coordinate testing during beta <'''<>'''> yes I've been planning to blog about it for some time now but found it was more productive to actually get the code sorted for now :-) <'''<>'''> so shall I give you an action to raise awareness on the list? <'''<>'''> and we can help promote it <'''<>'''> yes, please do <'''<>'''> [ACTION] brunogirin to publicise testing of shotwell ||<#FF5555>'' brunogirin to publicise testing of shotwell''|| <'''<>'''> great, glad you brought it up, I have been wondering how the import would work! <'''<>'''> good to know a local is working on it :) <'''<>'''> ok, thats all the main items... <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] popey - Any Other Business == popey - Any Other Business == <'''<>'''> anything else anyone wants to bring up? <'''<>'''> Nope. <'''<>'''> nada <'''<>'''> I'll be at GUADEC next week so will do a summary when back <'''<>'''> ok, great <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] popey - Date of next meeting == popey - Date of next meeting == <'''<>'''> 2 weeks or 4? <'''<>'''> I think popey has troubles looking at the tweet <'''<>'''> popey: 2 weeks. <'''<>'''> 2 <'''<>'''> Tes 3rd? <'''<>'''> *Tues 3rd <'''<>'''> Any objections? <'''<>'''> i cant do that <'''<>'''> Can't make a Tuesday <'''<>'''> Wed 4th? <'''<>'''> Yep <'''<>'''> popey: 4th? <'''<>'''> thats certainly two weeks.. <'''<>'''> ok, no dissent, 4th it is <'''<>'''> can't make the 4th :-( <'''<>'''> So is it agreed? <'''<>'''> 5th? <'''<>'''> would it be an idea to fix the date for the meeting... so a monthly meeting on a certain date ? <'''<>'''> MichealH: you're not going to go through all of the dates are you in the month <'''<>'''> czajkowski: we have tried various ways of doing it <'''<>'''> moving it around helps people who can't do certain days <'''<>'''> popey: fair enough just wondered, just hard to keep track <'''<>'''> yeah <'''<>'''> I really need to go but I want to stay to the end... <'''<>'''> thats why we pimp it a lot :) <'''<>'''> should the next meeting not be on the ubuntu-fridge calendar? <'''<>'''> dontfoget to add it to the report :) <'''<>'''> we can do that <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting == Chair for next meeting == <'''<>'''> I nominate czajkowski ! <'''<>'''> popey: I nominate myself <'''<>'''> ooh interesting, czajkowski for chair <'''<>'''> :) <'''<>'''> it doesnt clash with anything so I can <'''<>'''> thanks <'''<>'''> ok shall do it <'''<>'''> ok.. <'''<>'''> #endmeeting ---- = Meeting closed at 21:11 = == People Present == * popey * AlanBell * cps * funkyHat * MichealH * lee_cow * gneel * Yorvyk * DJones * czajkowski * brunogirin * danfish * Thingymebob == Actions Recorded == * popey to put the presentations online from UiB * Danfish to document distributed backup solutions and call for volunteers on the list * Everyone create and update their wiki page :) * AlanBell to mail the list about profile roulette * MichealH to contact daviey about the new website design * AlanBell to mail the list about venues for the 10.10 on 10.10.10 release party/installfest/picnic/jam/thing/doodah * brunogirin to publicise testing of shotwell