||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;"><<TableOfContents>>|| = Meeting opened by MichealH at 20:00 = <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu UK meeting in the Ubuntu UK meeting room. If you are new then the only thing we suggest is looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda and wait untill its your turn or If you are making a arguing point, wait thill the person who is speaking about the agenda item has finsished. <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> As always, Please mark you presence with a wave (\o) or some other way we know you are here. <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(Yorvyk)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda ||<#FF5555>'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda''|| <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Pleas make sure that is open in your browser <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Okay, Lets get going! <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [TOPIC] MichealH - review of action items from last meeting == MichealH - review of action items from last meeting == <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in August, please place it in the report, and if you do anything this month, put it in the September one (simples!) === People who have achieved something in August, please place it in the report, and if you do anything this month, put it in the September one (simples!) === <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/August https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/September <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/August ||<#FF5555>'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/August''|| <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/September ||<#FF5555>'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/September''|| <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> August looks really good \o/ <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Yes, It does indeed <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> it really does, excellent job ^.^ <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> shall have to see what i can do about organizing something for Sept <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Okay <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Going <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Going <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Gone <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Team Logo == AlanBell - Team Logo == <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> right, so this is going well ||<#FF5555>'' http://pollka.libertus.co.uk/''|| <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> http://pollka.libertus.co.uk/ <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> we have been voting on the logo for a week, the vote closed on tuesday <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> the winning option was number 8 <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Yay! <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> fine result <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> I voted on that <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> excellent :) <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> having checked the rules the circle of friends was a fraction too close to the other bits so I adjusted that and submitted this: ||<#FF5555>'' http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/uuk/uuklogopaths.svg''|| <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/uuk/uuklogopaths.svg <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> And AlanBell What is the fallback logo? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> to the trademark team at Canonical to make it an approved LoCo logo <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> So its approved? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Yipee <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> looks great, thanks for the effort in getting that logo put together <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> not approved yet, I have had no response ||<#FF5555>'' http://pollka.libertus.co.uk/results.php''|| <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> http://pollka.libertus.co.uk/results.php <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> the fallback seems to be the Union Jack logo? <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> it is a fine lgog, thanks for your efforts from me <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> that is the list of responses (although I think a couple of extra votes arrived after I counted them <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Yeah <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Anyone have anything else to say before we move on? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> I am pretty confident that logo will get approved, there isn't really anything controversial about it <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> can take trademarks some time to respond <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> czajkowski: Yeah It took me 2 weeks <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> where is it? <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> oh found it <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> yeah, I am hoping they approve before Maverick release <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> ok, I am done on this topic MichealH <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> nice alanbell :D <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Anyone have anything else? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> No? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [TOPIC] Daviey and MichealH - Website == Daviey and MichealH - Website == <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> I dont know If Daviey is at his desk <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> We havent heard of the website recently <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Daviey: ping <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> Seems he isn't, can this be done without him? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Okay, Lets move on and If he replys then we can add it to the end <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [TOPIC] daubers - Improving Support == daubers - Improving Support == <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> daubers: Youre up <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> ooh, this is going to be a short meeting <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> AlanBell: Yup <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> hehe <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [TOPIC] 10.10.10 Release Party == 10.10.10 Release Party == <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> very short, I shall have to add some things to the next agenda :) <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Monotoko: Great! <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> ok, there is a release party in the planning for London <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> I was thinking of having a release party up in the Leeds area? <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> 10.10? on the 10.10.10? <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> for those of us that cant get to London <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> AlanBell: ping me if you need help w/ anything (or let whoever is organizing know) ||<#FF5555>'' http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/307/detail/''|| <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/307/detail/ <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> sam898889: Yup <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> Monotoko: great, do add it to the loco directory if you do <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> Monotoko, a central/northern party would get my vote <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> sam898889: The perfect 10 <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> so that one in London isn't the canonical organised one <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Ricey: Mine too <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> MichealH, indeed. can i come? <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> Ricey, I will see what I can do with settings on up :) <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> I *think* it is being organised by John Rocket <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> sam898889: Im not organising <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> Monotoko, nice :) <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> MichealH, do u know who is ??? <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> AlanBell: does jr0cket use irc? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> sam898889: Ask AlanBell after the meeting <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> mattt: don't know, I emailed him earlier asking about it <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> MichealH, thanks. <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> AlanBell: k, thanks <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Okay Anyone else wanna say anything else before we move on? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> Canonical have been in communication asking what we are doing for release parties <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> they seem to be thinking about something, normally it is announced rather late <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> AlanBell: Installfests <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> Installfests + Pub <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> Pub + Installfests <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> yeah, the installfests are a great idea for a during-the-day activity on the sunday <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Monotoko: I wouldnt be able to attend then : <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> *:( <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> but organising a separate pub type party in London to the Canonical one (if there is one) could be a bit of a washout <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> MichealH, Maybe we could organize a seperate pub day <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> installfests also don't have an age limit on them which is handy for our younger members <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Monotoko: Im 13! I think there would be very little for me to do but sit down and IRc all day like I usually do <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> hehe <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> AlanBell: I understand <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> ok, hopefully there will be more info on parties for the next meeting <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> AlanBell: Done? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> I think so <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Any Questions? <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> AlanBell, I will call up some places...see if I can get anywhere booked <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Monotoko: Thats the sprirt <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> cool, MichealH action Monotoko to do that <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> how many people are expected to join? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> sam898889: We dont know <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> join what sam898889? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Anyone could come <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> the 10.10.10 launch party.. <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> MichealH: [action] Monotoko to call places <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [action] Monotoko to call places ||<#FF5555>'' Monotoko to call places''|| <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> :) <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Monotoko: Your first action? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> \o/ <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> Monotoko: don't let us down <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> MichealH, yepp ^.^ <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> mattt, I wont :) <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> :P <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Okay Lets move on <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> sam898889: normally for the london party it is >100 people <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [action] Monotoko to call places ||<#FF5555>'' Monotoko to call places''|| <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> ok AlanBell .. thanks <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> oops <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> hehe <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Sorry <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [TOPIC] MichealH - Any Other Business == MichealH - Any Other Business == <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Seems to be no buisness here :-) <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Anyone have some questions? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Wanna bring up something? <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> just a quick one. <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Ricey: Go ahead <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> has everyone seen the thread on the mailing list ref the "rubbish bin" ? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Ricey: I saw the bug on LP * '''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>''' is on the translation team <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> Ricey: which list? * '''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>''' too <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> ubuntu-uk mailing list - i think <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> mattt: I think the UK one <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> Ricey: odd, don't recall seeing it <'''<<Verbatim(TonyP)>>'''> nor me <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> ok, hang on let me grab the LP link... <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> me either <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/406626 <'''<<Verbatim(ukbot)>>'''> Launchpad bug 406626 in nautilus "Deleted Items Folder inconsistently named in en_GB localisation" [Undecided,Fix committed] <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> that's it <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> nope, spoke to popey about it though <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Thanks popey <'''<<Verbatim(Yorvyk)>>'''> There is one on the en_GB list <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Okay <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> just this - are we generally happy as UK users that whatever gnome/ubuntu use for "trash" we should use Rubbish Bin? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Im happy <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> indifferent <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> Ricey: maybe mail the main list about it (it will be a long thread no doubt) <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> Ricey, I'm happy :) <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> AlanBell, indeed, just wanted to get a quick feel from this group <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Sahll we draw a quick vote on it? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> *Shall <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> I don't think we have enough people for a meaningful vote <'''<<Verbatim(Yorvyk)>>'''> I was going to suggest waste bin but this has taken a long tome so rubbish bin will do <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Okay <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Lets move on <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> ok, yes, thanks <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> 3 <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> 2 <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> 1 <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting == Date of next meeting == <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> 2 weeks time? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> how about Thursday 16th? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Ach! Thursday <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> works for me..I will have more information on the Northern release party <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> fine by me, i will be out the country, but will try to connect <'''<<Verbatim(mattt)>>'''> works for me <'''<<Verbatim(sam898889)>>'''> can someone add me to the mailing list or tell me how. i would love to join the party~~ <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> I may be late but Yeah I will attend <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> sam898889: Ak after the meeting <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> *Ask <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> sam898889: link in the topic for #ubuntu-uk <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> sam898889, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> So Its agreed? Thurs 16th? <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> I think so :) <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> if you [agreed] it <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [AGRREED] Next meeting on Thurs 16th September 2010 9PM BST in #ubuntu-uk-meeting <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> excellent <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [AGREED] Next meeting on x September 2010 9PM BST in #ubuntu-uk-meeting ||<#FF5555>'' Next meeting on x September 2010 9PM BST in #ubuntu-uk-meeting''|| <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Typo <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> 16th <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Grr <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting == Chair for next meeting == <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Any nominations? <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> volenteers? <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> o/ * '''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>''' hasn't been chair for a while * '''<<Verbatim(popey)>>''' retracts * '''<<Verbatim(popey)>>''' nominates AlanBell <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Does ukbot have the @random command? * '''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>''' nominates AlanBell as well :) * '''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>''' seconds <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> +4 for AlanBell <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Hurrah! <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> [AGREED] The next chair is AlanBell and will chair the meeting on 16 September at 9PM BST. ||<#FF5555>'' The next chair is AlanBell and will chair the meeting on 16 September at 9PM BST.''|| <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> great <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> gratz <'''<<Verbatim(Monotoko)>>'''> awesome <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> Thanks fot your time <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> *for <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> and your support <'''<<Verbatim(Ricey)>>'''> thankyou :) <'''<<Verbatim(MichealH)>>'''> #endmeeting ---- = Meeting closed at 20:27 = == People Present == * MichealH * AlanBell * popey * sam898889 * Monotoko * Yorvyk * [[http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ricey|Ricey]] * mattt * czajkowski * TonyP * ukbot == Actions Recorded == * Monotoko to call places * Monotoko to call places