Meeting opened by popey at 20:00

Daviey to work with the website editorial team Wednesday 22nd

AlanBell to organise website discussions with Daviey

AlanBell to form an editorial team

AlanBell to set a date for a new meeting for discussion of the website

daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project

daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project

AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest

AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest

CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page

CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page

10.10.10 Release Party

popey to add the Swindon event to the loco directory

popey - Any Other Business

Date of next meeting

Chair for next meeting

Date of next meeting

Chair for next meeting

danfish to chair next meeting

Meeting closed at 20:34

People Present

Actions Recorded

UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20100928 (last edited 2010-09-28 20:42:42 by cpc3-farn5-2-0-cust111)