||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;"><<TableOfContents>>|| = Meeting opened by popey at 20:00 = <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda/ ||<#FF5555>'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda/''|| <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> Hullo hullo! <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> please o/ if you're here <'''<<Verbatim(danfish)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(dutchie)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(Yorvyk)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(suprengr)>>'''> 0/ <'''<<Verbatim(suprengr)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> o/ <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> right then, I'll crack on with the agenda <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> As always, first things is if you've done _anything_ for the LoCo during September, please add a line to the wiki.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/September <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/September ||<#FF5555>'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/September''|| <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> this can be done any time during the month <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> preferably before the end of it :) <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> ok, first item from last meeting.. <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] Daviey to work with the website editorial team Wednesday 22nd === Daviey to work with the website editorial team Wednesday 22nd === * '''<<Verbatim(popey)>>''' pokes Daviey <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> didn't happen :( <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> ah, ok <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> Daviey was quite busy with lots of worky stuff (most unfair) <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> ok <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> We need to set a new date for that <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> ok <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [ACTION] AlanBell to organise website discussions with Daviey ||<#FF5555>'' AlanBell to organise website discussions with Daviey''|| <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> okay? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> yup <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell to form an editorial team === AlanBell to form an editorial team === <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> bump that too? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> I have poked a few people on IRC and from the mailing list <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> but really we need to set the date and get everyone together <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> that is all I have on that <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [ACTION] AlanBell to set a date for a new meeting for discussion of the website ||<#FF5555>'' AlanBell to set a date for a new meeting for discussion of the website''|| <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> okay? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> yup <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> great <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project === daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project === <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> daubers about? <'''<<Verbatim(dutchie)>>'''> haven't seen him <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> @( <'''<<Verbatim(ukbot)>>'''> popey: Error: "(" is not a valid command. <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> :S <'''<<Verbatim(jacobw)>>'''> daubers is in the room <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [ACTION] daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project ||<#FF5555>'' daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project''|| <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest === AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest === <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> yeah, not sure I actually did that * '''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>''' is full of fail <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> :) <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> short meeting alert! <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> I will sort that one out now <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [ACTION] AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest ||<#FF5555>'' AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest''|| <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page === CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page === <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> not seen hide nor hair <'''<<Verbatim(danfish)>>'''> nope <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> bah <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [ACTION] CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page ||<#FF5555>'' CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page''|| <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [TOPIC] 10.10.10 Release Party == 10.10.10 Release Party == <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> Any news!? ||<#FF5555>'' http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/307/detail/''|| <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/307/detail/ <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> ok, thats one <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> shall I poke the list to get some interest? <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> Is there a Canonical Party? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> yes, that would be good, I guess people should register on that <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> I think Canonical are just piling along to that party <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> not that I'm aware of ||<#FF5555>'' http://paste.ubuntu.com/502296/''|| <'''<<Verbatim(suprengr)>>'''> http://paste.ubuntu.com/502296/ <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> they wanted to support a community event this time rather than springing one on us at the last minute <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> suprengr: why not add that to the LD ? <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> czajkowski: we can <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> just nobody has, thats all <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [ACTION] popey to add the Swindon event to the loco directory ||<#FF5555>'' popey to add the Swindon event to the loco directory''|| <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> popey: was just a suggestion to the person <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> :) <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> its not suprengrs event <'''<<Verbatim(suprengr)>>'''> no. it's not... but he will be there to check it out & say hi <'''<<Verbatim(jacobw)>>'''> can somebody forward me more details about this Leeds installfest, i am based in Leeds i would be more than happy to help out if possible <'''<<Verbatim(suprengr)>>'''> only found it catching up on emails <'''<<Verbatim(jacobw)>>'''> (sorry i'm a bit late on the response) <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> jacobw: will do, it is Daniel Case organising it <'''<<Verbatim(suprengr)>>'''> Dianne Reuby? <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> yes * '''<<Verbatim(popey)>>''' is adding to loco directory now <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> that would be well worth going to, she is involved in the museum of computing ||<#FF5555>'' http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/414/detail/''|| <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/414/detail/ <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> nice <'''<<Verbatim(suprengr)>>'''> that's what I call quick! <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> ok, any thing else to say on 10.10 release parties? <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> IF folks have events going on and they want them added to the LD, just ask someone and I'm sure they'll add them for people as long as well it's Ubuntu related <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [TOPIC] popey - Any Other Business == popey - Any Other Business == <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> I'd like to make a suggestion or bring something up for discussion. We have 2 meetings a month and in a lot of cases people have items on a meeting they cannot attend, items seem to be rolling over a lot of the time. Can we revisit the need again for 2 meetings a month. I'd rather have 1 productive meeting a month then turn up and for actions to keep rolling over and over in meetings. <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> Jut my 2 pence. <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> *just <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> sure. <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> the idea behind 2 meetings a month was because we hadn't had any for a while and wanted to catch up <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> maybe it's less needed now <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> yup and we've caught up well <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> we also had an upcoming event <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> one every 3 weeks perhaps :) <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> Ubuntu in Business <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> I suspect that there would be less actions/follow ups. If peeps can't remember to be around after 2 weeks... <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> but I don;t think having 2 is being as productive as it was in the beginging <'''<<Verbatim(suprengr)>>'''> hands up for 1... <'''<<Verbatim(danfish)>>'''> In addition to czajkowski suggestion, could we maybe set a few dates in advance? <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> i prefer it being a bit dynamic <'''<<Verbatim(danfish)>>'''> fairy 'nough <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> I think more frequent is quite good. One can drop in and out more. <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> i wouldn't like it more frequently than every 2 weeks <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> theopensourcerer: problem is looking at the agenda and updates, for the last few, is people arent turning up tbh <'''<<Verbatim(dutchie)>>'''> ML reminders are always nice :) <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> once a month = 12 a year. Quite easy to miss all of them :-) <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> czajkowski: i dont think that has anything to do with it being every two weeks <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> people haven't turned up for multiple meetings <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> why not 1 every 3 weeks as a comprimise and a mail being sent 2 days before hand ?? <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> this is usually because they are busy or can't be bothered <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> popey: true, I think it's the 2 a month tbh, but that's just me <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> the lack of a mail was a bit of a fail this time <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> just trying to get some thoughts on it <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> Perhaps - if it is possible - we pass an unactioned action to someone else if it isn't actioned within a sensible timeframe? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> although the observant may note the meeting was on the fridge calendar <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> I'm just not convinced that peoples inaction has anything at all to do with meeting frequency <'''<<Verbatim(danfish)>>'''> August/September can be pretty busy for a lots of peeps <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> 3 weeks from now is 19th <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> sure can <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> which is after 10/10/10 <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> as is 2 weeks :) <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> also true <'''<<Verbatim(danfish)>>'''> 3 weeks would be good <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> I personally think locos should meet more often than less, because otherwise they can tend to stagnate <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> and rush to get stuff done before a meeting <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> I think bi-weekley is better than monthly. <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> they're mostly short <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> w/c 18th sounds fine for the next meeting <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> and short frequent meetings are better than epic long ones <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> shall we try 3 weeks then? <'''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>'''> +1 <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> 4 weeks? <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> ;) * '''<<Verbatim(suprengr)>>''' keeps mouth zipped ... knows when he's beat <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> -1 <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> 3 just seems an odd number to me :) <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> shall we take a vote on it? <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> 2 weeks <'''<<Verbatim(dutchie)>>'''> 2 weeks imo <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> *Every WEEK* :D <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> I am not sure we need a general policy on it <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> lets just suck it and see <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> try it for a couple of meetings <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> EVERY DAY! <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> if it's too long, back to 2 weeks.. okay? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> yup <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> great <'''<<Verbatim(danfish)>>'''> yup <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> er <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> cool. <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting == Date of next meeting == <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> good timing brunogirin <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> 12th October 2010 at 20:00 UTC (21:00 BST) <'''<<Verbatim(brunogirin)>>'''> popey: sorry, I'm late, what's the subject? <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> * <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting == Chair for next meeting == <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> :) <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> volunteers? <'''<<Verbatim(dutchie)>>'''> i will be otherwise engaged * '''<<Verbatim(czajkowski)>>''' nominates danfish <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> popey: did you mean 12th? <'''<<Verbatim(AlanBell)>>'''> or 19th? * '''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>''' 2nds czajkowski <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> doh <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting == Date of next meeting == <'''<<Verbatim(danfish)>>'''> ok <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> 19th October 2010 at 20:00 UTC (21:00 BST) <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> ahem <'''<<Verbatim(theopensourcerer)>>'''> lol <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting == Chair for next meeting == <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> [ACTION] danfish to chair next meeting ||<#FF5555>'' danfish to chair next meeting''|| <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> \o/ <'''<<Verbatim(popey)>>'''> #endmeeting ---- = Meeting closed at 20:34 = == People Present == * popey * AlanBell * danfish * dutchie * Yorvyk * suprengr * czajkowski * ukbot * jacobw * theopensourcerer * brunogirin == Actions Recorded == * AlanBell to organise website discussions with Daviey * AlanBell to set a date for a new meeting for discussion of the website * daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project * AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest * CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page * popey to add the Swindon event to the loco directory * danfish to chair next meeting