||<>|| = Meeting opened by popey at 20:00 = <'''<>'''> let's get this party started! <'''<>'''> Raise your glass if you're here for the meeting <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> O/ <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> (mines a flagon of mead though) <'''<>'''> hello hello hello all! <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] popey - review of action items from last meeting == popey - review of action items from last meeting == <'''<>'''> hello popey <'''<>'''> oh, first https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda <'''<>'''> doh <'''<>'''> "AlanBell & daubers to sort out doodle poll for British Library ?SciFi exhibition " * '''<>''' pokes those two <'''<>'''> o/ (Am I late?) <'''<>'''> nopw! <'''<>'''> -w+e <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> MichealH: unless you're typing from beyond the grave... <'''<>'''> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2011-May/029624.html ||<#FF5555>'' http://doodle.com/53dpqtd6qgbvdpmp''|| <'''<>'''> http://doodle.com/53dpqtd6qgbvdpmp ||<#FF5555>'' http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2011-May/029624.html''|| <'''<>'''> http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2011-May/029624.html <'''<>'''> huh, odd that Mootbot-UK doesn't like SSL links <'''<>'''> anyway, thats by the by <'''<>'''> Mez: :) <'''<>'''> it probably has a regex fot http <'''<>'''> AlanBell: any comments about the doodle poll at all before we move on? <'''<>'''> um, not really <'''<>'''> great! <'''<>'''> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in May please place it in the report. === People who have achieved something in May please place it in the report. === ||<#FF5555>'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/May''|| <'''<>'''> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/May <'''<>'''> I will grab Daubers and pick a date and mail the list <'''<>'''> [ACTION] AlanBell will grab Daubers ||<#FF5555>'' AlanBell will grab Daubers''|| <'''<>'''> :D <'''<>'''> So, if any of you have done anything then do record it on the wiki, so everyone can see the fabulous work we do :D <'''<>'''> yup, really important that stuff gets recorded <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Election Process Vote == AlanBell - Election Process Vote == <'''<>'''> anything you want to discuss here AlanBell ? <'''<>'''> well it is there, any comments from anyone? <'''<>'''> none here ||<#FF5555>'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections''|| <'''<>'''> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections <'''<>'''> it was clearly announced on the list that it was going to be voted on tonight <'''<>'''> so lets do that <'''<>'''> The only thing I wondered about was <'''<>'''> ok <'''<>'''> the unlimited term for the current leader. <'''<>'''> lets have a few mins for people to speak freely about it <'''<>'''> ok, a good point gneel, <'''<>'''> I don't object, but wondered if it might be better to have either a fixed term, or a way for someone else to challenge the current leader. <'''<>'''> so we have this bit in the leadership code of conduct about stepping down gracefully <'''<>'''> Fixed maximum term, that is. <'''<>'''> fixed terms have their own problems <'''<>'''> I agree <'''<>'''> "challenge" is probably not the right word <'''<>'''> I was using an election-type term * '''<>''' thinks fixed maximum terms are a bad thing. <'''<>'''> so there would be a definite limit on how long the elected person would remain in power for before another vote is requireed? <'''<>'''> perhaps a "vote of confidence" once a year? <'''<>'''> I quite like the "stay in the job till just _before_ you burn out, but no longer" but that's hard. <'''<>'''> Ah... I thought it was "Once a year vote" but "can be elected infinite amount of times in succession" * '''<>''' would like phillw to explain more <'''<>'''> phillw: Hmm... Elabborate? :) <'''<>'''> Mez: the current rules we're voting for are an unlimited term after 1 vote <'''<>'''> so at some point I might recognise that I haven't got time, or that someone else would do a better job and I might give it up <'''<>'''> alternatively someone might have a quiet word and say it is time to go <'''<>'''> AlanBell: that's when you step down gracefully <'''<>'''> the loco council should in theory be the ones to do that <'''<>'''> members of the team could do that too <'''<>'''> gneel: ah.... that's ... "ok" ... but I think it doesn't give the opportunity to others who might have a better way of running things... but can't stand... <'''<>'''> but really it could be anyone <'''<>'''> CyberJacob: as with most industries, an AGM is called, and the voting on of of people is carried out, there is the ability to hold an EGM if things got really bad, but it is upto each team to write their own governance. I'm just suggesting a couple of ideas/. <'''<>'''> but if there is a need to depose a dictatorial bad leader then the loco council have the power to do that <'''<>'''> Mez: hence my suggestion about a fixed maximum, although it's not a good solution <'''<>'''> sounds good phillw * '''<>''' strokes white cat <'''<>'''> AlanBell: :-) <'''<>'''> gneel: I don't think a fixed maximum... just a re-election every year * '''<>''' feeds the sharks <'''<>'''> like DPL * '''<>''' feeds AlanBell 's cat rice <'''<>'''> I think 1 year is too short <'''<>'''> 2 years seems "about right" <'''<>'''> yes <'''<>'''> Note, two years is the term we serve on the Community Council <'''<>'''> popey - s/1 year/$randomtime/ <'''<>'''> (and LoCo Council) <'''<>'''> (and Regional Membership Boards) <'''<>'''> IIRC, Xubuntu does it every 4 years <'''<>'''> Mez $randomtime = 1msec <'''<>'''> Xubuntu has a smaller pool : <'''<>'''> popey - not fussed about timespan - just that the opportunity is there for new platforms to be put forward - as well - it gives the opportunity for someone to look in... and thing "wooh, we could do $x and make the team $y more uber" <'''<>'''> 4 years sounds too long, although Ubuntu-UK doesn't have that big a pool <'''<>'''> but without the opportunity to put a platform forward.... we might not get cool new things. <'''<>'''> 2 years sound about right <'''<>'''> I don't think the UK community would let a leader continue to do a rubbish job until voting time <'''<>'''> I agree <'''<>'''> I think we'd be forward enough to tell the team leader when they're messing up <'''<>'''> yeah, there is that too <'''<>'''> nah, annual votes-of-confidence seem a bit over-bureaucratic <'''<>'''> I am inclined to agree BigRedS <'''<>'''> And that might be enough to satisfy me <'''<>'''> So - in summary. Re-election every 2 years, or less (if someone wants to stand down). With no restrictions on re-election <'''<>'''> yeah, that sounds sensible <'''<>'''> Mez: yes <'''<>'''> indeed <'''<>'''> sounds good to me <'''<>'''> Me too <'''<>'''> fine <'''<>'''> woah! <'''<>'''> My consensus-detector has exploded! <'''<>'''> vote on that? <'''<>'''> LOL! <'''<>'''> popey: not saying the opportunity to replace someone doing a rubbish job, but someone to have the opportunuity to do a better job than the current good job :) <'''<>'''> so um, vote now or update the document and ratify later? <'''<>'''> update the doc <'''<>'''> let the list see it * '''<>''' votes to vote now <'''<>'''> vote next time <'''<>'''> there is no time pressure here * '''<>''' agrees with popey <'''<>'''> popey: I agree <'''<>'''> I was looking forward to the metavote <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> it's not like we're itching to get rid of AlanBell yet <'''<>'''> :( <'''<>'''> popey: +1, better to get it right :) <'''<>'''> [VOTE] We vote on this later? ||<#55FF55>''Motion: We vote on this later?''|| <'''<>'''> popey: we're not? Damn... (j/k) <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> +0 <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> awesome <'''<>'''> [ENDVOTE] ||<#55FF55>Results: 5 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstained.|| ||<#55FF55>Overall: 5|| ||<#55FF55>Motion Carried: We vote on this later?|| ||<#55FF55>Motion Denied: We vote on this later?|| ||<#55FF55>Deadlock. If someone has a casting vote now is the time to use it|| * '''<>''' hugs the bot <'''<>'''> Man, that's another consensus <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> the bot explodes <'''<>'''> raskelfe: A little late :) <'''<>'''> I look away for a second, and I ended up abstaining! <'''<>'''> Ok, thanks everyone, who will update the wiki page..? <'''<>'''> sorry <'''<>'''> I will update the wiki page <'''<>'''> gneel that was me <'''<>'''> It was only for fun really <'''<>'''> a meta vote <'''<>'''> [ACTION] AlanBell to update the Elections wiki page and mail the list when done ||<#FF5555>'' AlanBell to update the Elections wiki page and mail the list when done''|| <'''<>'''> [ACTION] Next meeting to hold a vote for Election process ||<#FF5555>'' Next meeting to hold a vote for Election process''|| <'''<>'''> any further comments before we move on? <'''<>'''> No <'''<>'''> none here <'''<>'''> winner <'''<>'''> raskelfe: Its alright, we all have things to do... I always do other thing during the meeting, so no need to be sorry for missing a vote! :) <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Race Online == AlanBell - Race Online == <'''<>'''> OH HAI AlanBell ! <'''<>'''> um yes <'''<>'''> ok, so there is this race online thing <'''<>'''> a mainstream effort to get people to use computers * '''<>''' looks intrested <'''<>'''> AlanBell: I'm not going to google for it... can you provide a link. <'''<>'''> it is a bandwaggon we should be jumping on <'''<>'''> ("race online" is likely to give weird results) * '''<>''' jumps <'''<>'''> I still haven't worked out what it is ||<#FF5555>'' http://raceonline2012.org/''|| <'''<>'''> http://raceonline2012.org/ * '''<>''' jumps on that bandwaggon <'''<>'''> I have signed the team up as an official partner and we have a certificate and everything <'''<>'''> oooh, nice <'''<>'''> AlanBell: Great, so how would we use it? <'''<>'''> promote ubuntu/linux in genral? <'''<>'''> we don't appear to be on the official list yet, I will follow up with that <'''<>'''> there are a few hardware distributing partners <'''<>'''> at least one of which is pre-installing Ubuntu <'''<>'''> and they need some help, I have been in touch with them * '''<>''' can help if requireed * '''<>''' is failing at spelling today <'''<>'''> they need to do some work on their build images I think and sort out support <'''<>'''> I would like them to do something to invite customers to join the UK community team <'''<>'''> anyhow, people can sign up individually as "digital champions" <'''<>'''> And We help them or? <'''<>'''> something esle? <'''<>'''> and there are a bunch of PDFs and guides on helping people to get online <'''<>'''> the stuff I have seen all seems very technology neutral and applies to Ubuntu as much as any other operating system <'''<>'''> that's good <'''<>'''> Thats brilliant <'''<>'''> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/RaceOnline <'''<>'''> ok, that is about all I know for now, anything more will go to the mailing list ||<#FF5555>'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/RaceOnline''|| <'''<>'''> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/RaceOnline <'''<>'''> thanks AlanBell <'''<>'''> Any further comments/questions? <'''<>'''> nope <'''<>'''> none here <'''<>'''> I'm interested <'''<>'''> ok <'''<>'''> daubers isnt here... <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Daubers - British Library Sci-Fi Exhibition == Daubers - British Library Sci-Fi Exhibition == <'''<>'''> [ACTION] Alan Pope to get daubers to "Following up the results of the Doodle poll lets pick a date and get on with it" ||<#FF5555>'' Alan Pope to get daubers to "Following up the results of the Doodle poll lets pick a date and get on with it"''|| <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] AlanBell - LoCo Reapproval == AlanBell - LoCo Reapproval == <'''<>'''> okies <'''<>'''> so the UK team is an "approved" local community team <'''<>'''> this means we get various bits of support from our friends at Canonical <'''<>'''> including CDs and other bits of swag <'''<>'''> to stay an approved team we need to demonstrate our awesomeness to the LoCo Council <'''<>'''> and we do this by putting together a reapproval application page on the wiki <'''<>'''> a story of all the cool things we have done over the last two years to build the team and promote Ubuntu in the UK <'''<>'''> monthly reports are kind of handy at this point <'''<>'''> s/handy/essential/ <'''<>'''> we have to do it this cycle (i.e. before oniric release) <'''<>'''> but earlier would be good or popey and czajkowski will frown at us <'''<>'''> >:| <'''<>'''> ^^ like that <'''<>'''> and nobody wants that to happen <'''<>'''> so I will be starting such a page shortly and we can all work on making it great <'''<>'''> Indeed <'''<>'''> I will send some examples of reapplication forms from other teams to the list <'''<>'''> the loco council will certainly have no qualms about rejecting a team that doesn't have up to date documentation on what they do <'''<>'''> in fact, I might delegate that to popey :) * '''<>''' is leaving <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> [ACTION] Alan Pope to provide a sample awesome LoCo Team re-approval page ||<#FF5555>'' Alan Pope to provide a sample awesome LoCo Team re-approval page''|| <'''<>'''> [ACTION] Alan Bell to kick-off the re-approval page and process on the list ||<#FF5555>'' Alan Bell to kick-off the re-approval page and process on the list''|| <'''<>'''> great! <'''<>'''> any questions/comments? <'''<>'''> AlanBell: have we ordered some natty CDs? <'''<>'''> we have <'''<>'''> they lost my original order (which was submitted with their web form) <'''<>'''> popey: / AlanBell does the re-application via ubuntu-uk cover all flavours of ubuntu? <'''<>'''> It covers the team, not distros. <'''<>'''> phillw: yes <'''<>'''> or "yes" as AlanBell says : <'''<>'''> so basically any activity the team does which promotes/advocates/contributes to *buntu <'''<>'''> kewl, I do send people this way, and will make a note in future of whom I send. <'''<>'''> great. <'''<>'''> right then.. <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] popey - Any Other Business == popey - Any Other Business == <'''<>'''> Anything else _at_ _all_ that anyone wants to bring up? <'''<>'''> I have a thought <'''<>'''> How many CDs do we get in the order? <'''<>'''> um, 250 I think (mixed) <'''<>'''> ok <'''<>'''> So probably 200 are Ubuntu, the rest a mix <'''<>'''> I would like to propose we ask the team what to do with them <'''<>'''> normally then end up sitting in a box somewhere <'''<>'''> * Ubuntu: PC: 250 <'''<>'''> * Kubuntu: PC: 50 <'''<>'''> * Server PC: PC: 50 <'''<>'''> maybe get people thinking of creative things to do with them <'''<>'''> I have an idea, but I'm saving it for LTS : <'''<>'''> if anyone wants some for events put it down on http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/2011plan <'''<>'''> I have a few requests in already for small quantities <'''<>'''> I was thinking of using some for the raceonline partners <'''<>'''> popey: you may want to have a chat with Jarred Norris as to how he distributed the Cd's in australia - it was quite impressive and even got the canonical people there! <'''<>'''> ahh yes, i remember reading about that, thanks for the reminder <'''<>'''> so they can dispatch an official CD with each computer installed with ubuntu * '''<>''' notes that canonical ship a pack of 200 for 136 quid <'''<>'''> free p&P <'''<>'''> AlanBell: sounds a wonderful idea. <'''<>'''> I'm distributing CDs at local events <'''<>'''> and there is oggcamp towards the end of the cycle <'''<>'''> yeah, it isn't as if we can't get more if we want them <'''<>'''> raskelfe: make sure you put that on the monthly page mentioned earlier <'''<>'''> s/want/find a great purpose for them/ <'''<>'''> Will do. <'''<>'''> AlanBell: well that was kind where I was going <'''<>'''> be nice to canvas the team for ideas <'''<>'''> yes, I will when they arrive <'''<>'''> I was also thinking of university computing societies <'''<>'''> gotcha! <'''<>'''> [ACTION] Alan Bell to canvas the team for what to do with Ubuntu CDs when they arrive :D ||<#FF5555>'' Alan Bell to canvas the team for what to do with Ubuntu CDs when they arrive :D''|| <'''<>'''> ok.. <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting == Date of next meeting == <'''<>'''> Thu 9th June? <'''<>'''> Same time, same place? * '''<>''' please email it out near the day - I have a terrible memory and am on several teams :) <'''<>'''> : <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting == Chair for next meeting == <'''<>'''> popey: You think you have enough ;) <'''<>'''> he he, make MichealH do it again, it's good for his learning :) <'''<>'''> Agreed! <'''<>'''> [ACTION] MichealH to chair next meeting ||<#FF5555>'' MichealH to chair next meeting''|| <'''<>'''> okay MichealH ? <'''<>'''> Yeah :) <'''<>'''> awesome <'''<>'''> #endmeeting ---- = Meeting closed at 20:51 = == People Present == * CyberJacob * popey * gneel * Mez * raskelfe * MichealH * AlanBell * phillw * BigRedS == Actions Recorded == * AlanBell will grab Daubers * AlanBell to update the Elections wiki page and mail the list when done * Next meeting to hold a vote for Election process * Alan Pope to get daubers to "Following up the results of the Doodle poll lets pick a date and get on with it" * Alan Pope to provide a sample awesome LoCo Team re-approval page * Alan Bell to kick-off the re-approval page and process on the list * Alan Bell to canvas the team for what to do with Ubuntu CDs when they arrive :D * MichealH to chair next meeting