#title #ubuntu-uk-meeting Meeting Meeting started by MichealH at 20:01:02 UTC. The full logs are available at http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/ubuntu-uk-meeting/2011/ubuntu-uk-meeting.2011-06-09-20.01.log.html . == Meeting summary == ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda (MichealH, 20:01:26) *MichealH - review of action items from last meeting *Progress Report - People who have achieved something in May or June, please place it in the report. ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/May https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/June (MichealH, 20:03:07) ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20110526?action=show&redirect=UKTeam%2FLastMeeting#Actions%20Recorded (AlanBell, 20:03:18) ''ACTION:'' popey to provide sample awesome reapproval page (MichealH, 20:07:08) ''ACTION:'' AlanBell - Election Process Vote (MichealH, 20:07:30) *AlanBell - Election Process Vote ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections?action=diff&rev2=3&rev1=2 (AlanBell, 20:08:33) *Daubers - British Library Sci-Fi Exhibition *MichealH - Any Other Business ''ACTION:'' AlanBell to arrange a meeting on a workshop sometime and Mail it to the lists. (MichealH, 20:18:14) *Date of next meeting *Chair for next meeting ''ACTION:'' CyberJacob to chair the next meeting. (MichealH, 20:24:03) Meeting ended at 20:24:22 UTC. == Votes == * Approve the contents of the wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0 == Action items == * popey to provide sample awesome reapproval page * AlanBell - Election Process Vote * AlanBell to arrange a meeting on a workshop sometime and Mail it to the lists. * CyberJacob to chair the next meeting. == Action items, by person == === AlanBell === * AlanBell - Election Process Vote * AlanBell to arrange a meeting on a workshop sometime and Mail it to the lists. === CyberJacob === * CyberJacob to chair the next meeting. == People present (lines said) == * MichealH (60) * AlanBell (34) * meetingology (26) * CyberJacob (13) * Ricey (11) * daubers (11) * SuprEngr (7) * BigRedS (6) * Core_UK (1) * TonyP (1) == Full Log == 20:01:02 #startmeeting 20:01:02 Meeting started Thu Jun 9 20:01:02 2011 UTC. The chair is MichealH. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell. 20:01:02 Useful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting. 20:01:09 Hi all, Welcome to this evenings Ubuntu UK LoCo Meeting! Glad to see many show up to the meeting... Please show your attendence by a "o/". The Meeting Agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda - Thanks again for showing up! :) 20:01:11 yay, hi MichealH 20:01:14 o/ 20:01:15 o/ 20:01:17 o/ 20:01:19 o/ 20:01:20 Hey AlanBell :) 20:01:23 o/ 20:01:26 #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda 20:01:42 o/ 20:02:09 #topic MichealH - review of action items from last meeting 20:02:09 TOPIC: MichealH - review of action items from last meeting 20:02:41 Im sure we can just move on to the progress report? 20:02:50 oh, they didn't all get pulled through 20:03:07 #topic Progress Report - People who have achieved something in May or June, please place it in the report. 20:03:07 TOPIC: Progress Report - People who have achieved something in May or June, please place it in the report. 20:03:07 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/May https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/June 20:03:09 o/ 20:03:18 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20110526?action=show&redirect=UKTeam%2FLastMeeting#Actions%20Recorded 20:03:45 AlanBell: What didn't? 20:03:57 MichealH: the list of actions, but never mind 20:04:23 so me to grab daubers, done, we sorted the date for the library thing 20:04:30 me to update wiki elections page, done 20:04:42 next meeting to vote, yeah, on the agenda 20:04:54 popey did follow up with daubers and get that done 20:05:14 popey: to provide sample awesome reapproval page - not seen that 20:05:30 me to kick off reapproval page, yeah, did that not 30 minutes ago 20:05:49 me to canvas team about CDs, yeah, blogged it and mailed the list 20:06:11 MichealH to chair next meeting - that seems to be in progress :) 20:06:18 ok, that is the review of the actions done I think 20:06:31 SO the action is to get popey yet again to do the reapproval page? 20:06:42 I think I should #action that to him... 20:06:53 to send good examples from other teams, yes 20:07:08 #action popey to provide sample awesome reapproval page 20:07:08 * meetingology popey to provide sample awesome reapproval page 20:07:26 * CyberJacob is afk 20:07:30 #action AlanBell - Election Process Vote 20:07:30 * meetingology AlanBell - Election Process Vote 20:07:33 Oops 20:07:35 D: 20:07:41 #topic AlanBell - Election Process Vote 20:07:41 TOPIC: AlanBell - Election Process Vote 20:07:50 Sorry about that, AlanBell 20:07:59 You are up, anyways 20:08:14 :) 20:08:22 ok, so this page has been updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections 20:08:33 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections?action=diff&rev2=3&rev1=2 20:08:37 those are the changes 20:08:48 * MichealH looks :) 20:08:58 everyone happy with them? anyone not ready to vote on accepting them? 20:09:21 AlanBell: It seems like it is me and you At the moment :P 20:09:24 looks good 20:09:26 * daubers is happy 20:09:27 * SuprEngr looked - approved 20:09:31 looks fine to me 20:09:41 Shall we vote now? 20:09:41 can a re-election occur? 20:09:47 yeah 20:09:53 ok 20:09:59 I think we breifly covered that before, but perhaps didn't write it down 20:10:01 Ricey: yes, there is nothing to stop someone from re-standing 20:10:09 #vote Approve the contents of the wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections 20:10:09 Please vote on: Approve the contents of the wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections 20:10:09 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 20:10:14 +1 20:10:14 +1 received from AlanBell 20:10:15 +1 20:10:15 +1 received from BigRedS 20:10:18 +1 20:10:18 +1 received from Ricey 20:10:18 +1 20:10:18 +1 received from MichealH 20:10:23 +1 20:10:23 +1 received from TonyP 20:10:27 +1 20:10:27 +1 received from SuprEngr 20:10:45 +1 20:10:45 +1 received from daubers 20:10:56 AlanBell: Also, while i remeber meetingology does not do +1 COMMENT :( 20:10:58 * CyberJacob is no longer afk 20:11:14 I think we have all voted :) 20:11:14 +1 20:11:14 +1 received from CyberJacob 20:11:21 #endvote 20:11:21 Voting ended on: Approve the contents of the wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections 20:11:21 Votes for:8 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 20:11:21 Motion carried 20:11:25 I also have a proxy +1 vote from Neil Greenwood 20:11:35 Great! 20:11:45 yay 20:11:53 Im sure that means there is a no action to this topic :P 20:11:59 yup 20:12:10 \o/ 20:12:11 #topic Daubers - British Library Sci-Fi Exhibition 20:12:11 TOPIC: Daubers - British Library Sci-Fi Exhibition 20:12:13 I might clarify that the incumbent can re-stand 20:12:18 * MichealH cheers for no actions :) 20:12:37 AlanBell: incumbent? 20:12:39 [unless there's an action: done & dusted'!] 20:12:54 MichealH: the current leader 20:13:02 Ah :) 20:13:11 daubers: Anyway, you were saying? 20:13:16 :) 20:13:17 Umm... I wasn't aware of this topic, so a bit off guard. But everything is moving along. I need to write a meeting peoples plan, and bend peoples arm for picnic goodies 20:13:38 * BigRedS will bring cake and coffee if he can make it 20:13:46 Thats all I think :) 20:13:55 do we have a date yet? 20:14:00 daubers: Where will this take place? 20:14:04 Yes! 20:14:16 Or has that not been decided on yet? 20:14:17 Umm.. it's in an email on the list and the topic in -uk 20:14:24 24th July! 20:14:29 MichealH: British Library in London 20:14:49 Oops... Dis not read the #topic :P 20:14:53 :) 20:14:58 daubers: That is all? 20:15:23 MichealH: Indeed 20:15:29 #topic MichealH - Any Other Business 20:15:29 TOPIC: MichealH - Any Other Business 20:15:57 Anything else that we need to talk about? 20:16:22 the reapproval application will need some work 20:16:34 Call for people to help? 20:16:35 but I don't have a plan as yet for how and when to do that 20:16:49 I'll be happy to help 20:17:01 yeah, will probably call a separate meeting to do a workshop on that or something 20:17:16 affirm 20:17:35 AlanBell: You may be able to sort it out and Mail the Lists about that? 20:17:42 yeah 20:18:14 #action AlanBell to arrange a meeting on a workshop sometime and Mail it to the lists. 20:18:14 * meetingology AlanBell to arrange a meeting on a workshop sometime and Mail it to the lists. 20:18:34 #topic Date of next meeting 20:18:34 TOPIC: Date of next meeting 20:18:48 * MichealH prefers it not to be a Thursday :P 20:19:07 * MichealH looks at his calender 20:19:22 Wed 22? 20:19:24 no preference here, there's nowt on telly anyway recently! 20:19:35 +1 20:19:54 wednesday 22 is good for me 20:19:56 AlanBell: Is Wed 22 okay with you? 20:19:59 Too late :P 20:20:14 Anyone here have any objections to Wed 22? 20:20:26 :Pd: 20:20:32 whoopee.. 2 meetings in a row when not working out of hours shift :) 20:20:42 wed 22 pleeese 20:20:45 :bq: 20:20:58 * MichealH assumes that everyone is happy 20:21:06 i am 20:21:17 same here 20:21:19 #agreed The Next meeting will be on the 22nd June 9:00PM BST 20:21:33 * SuprEngr thanks 20:21:44 #topic Chair for next meeting 20:21:44 TOPIC: Chair for next meeting 20:22:22 *silence* 20:22:42 * MichealH would happily do it again, but i'm sure its against the rules to do it 2 times in a row :P 20:22:42 * Ricey hides 20:22:49 o/ 20:23:01 CyberJacob: You Volenteer? 20:23:02 can't guarantee i'll be around 20:23:05 yep 20:23:19 Agreed, CyberJacob is the next chair? 20:23:25 :) 20:23:36 yup 20:23:54 #agreed CyberJacob will chair the next meeting on Wed 22. 20:24:03 #action CyberJacob to chair the next meeting. 20:24:03 * meetingology CyberJacob to chair the next meeting. 20:24:14 Its done! :) 20:24:22 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell)