#title #ubuntu-uk-meeting: UK LoCo Team Meeting started by AlanBell at 20:05:50 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-uk-meeting/2011/ubuntu-uk-meeting.2011-09-19-20.05.log.html . == Meeting summary == ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda (AlanBell, 20:07:07) *Review of action items from last meeting *REPORT] People who have achieved something in September, please place it in the report. (AlanBell, 20:08:13) ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/September (AlanBell, 20:08:18) * popey to do a report on the amazing oggcamp event (AlanBell, 20:10:19) * GreenDance to start a sub-project specifically look at how to improve Ubuntu's coverage in the education area. (AlanBell, 20:13:03) *AlanBell - Release Parties ''LINK:'' http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1283/detail/ (AlanBell, 20:14:12) ''LINK:'' http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1293/detail/ (AlanBell, 20:18:07) ''LINK:'' http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1257/detail/ (AlanBell, 20:19:22) ''LINK:'' http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1277/detail/ (AlanBell, 20:20:11) ''LINK:'' http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1286/detail/ (AlanBell, 20:21:38) *Any Other Business *Date of next meeting *Chair for next meeting Meeting ended at 20:30:31 UTC. == People present (lines said) == * AlanBell (56) * brobostigon (15) * popey (10) * meetingology (3) * tonytiger (1) * suprengr (1) * ormiret (1) * Yorvyk (1) * DJones (1) == Full Log == 20:05:50 #startmeeting UK LoCo Team 20:05:50 Meeting started Mon Sep 19 20:05:50 2011 UTC. The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. 20:05:50 20:05:50 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 20:06:01 hi everyone who is here o/ 20:06:05 o/ 20:06:12 o/ 20:06:17 evening AlanBell :) 20:06:17 o/ 20:06:43 o/ 20:06:47 * popey tickles tonytiger 20:06:49 o/ 20:07:07 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda 20:07:22 o/ 20:07:41 [TOPIC] Review of action items from last meeting 20:08:13 [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in September, please place it in the report. 20:08:18 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/September 20:08:38 so we will have the happy hour to put in 20:08:53 and a podcast or two 20:08:59 * popey is adding 20:09:08 anything else of team significance? 20:10:13 ok, moving onwards 20:10:14 no. sorry. 20:10:19 [PROGRESS REPORT] popey to do a report on the amazing oggcamp event 20:10:25 was an action item from last meeting 20:10:37 erk 20:10:51 why was that an action? 20:10:51 postposne 20:11:02 I'll blog it, I'm the last one of the presenters to do that I think :D 20:11:56 ok, we linked to the lanyrd collection of posts, then popey piped up volunteering to write up a report on it :) 20:12:14 yeah, fool 20:12:34 i think i was drunk in a field at the time 20:12:41 lol 20:12:45 :( 20:12:57 fair enough 20:13:03 [PROGRESS REPORT] GreenDance to start a sub-project specifically look at how to improve Ubuntu's coverage in the education area. 20:13:13 well GreenDance isn't here right now 20:13:33 and I didn't see anything much on this, will postpone that one 20:13:41 [TOPIC] AlanBell - Release Parties 20:13:47 right :) 20:13:53 so the release party is on 20:14:12 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1283/detail/ 20:14:20 it is at a pub in London called the Cask 20:14:28 I went there to check it out the other day, looks fine 20:14:51 the Kentish brewery "Dark Gold" on tap was quite nice 20:15:02 :) 20:15:33 it is on one level, quite open plan with tables 20:16:00 I have been coordinating with Canonical, they were investigating booking the place out, but that would be ££££ 20:16:38 so we are going to decorate it a bit, hand out freebies, and there might be a large order of nibbles sorted out 20:17:26 I think it will be very well attended by the Canonical staff as it is a pretty short walk to Millbank 20:17:32 * brobostigon looks if there is one near him. 20:17:54 we have another release party up in Leeds 20:18:07 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1293/detail/ 20:18:20 and a few attendees to that one as well 20:19:03 ok. 20:19:06 o/ 20:19:14 this Thursday we also have the inaugural Happy Hour, which by strange coincidence is also in the Cask in London 20:19:19 i should have thought about oxford again. 20:19:22 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1257/detail/ 20:19:57 the Happy Hour series will then continue to Farnborough on the 20th October 20:20:11 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1277/detail/ 20:20:13 then probably up to Nottingham 20:20:34 :) 20:20:35 then perhaps down to Southampton 20:20:41 or Oxford 20:20:46 who knows! 20:21:08 oxford :) 20:21:35 whilst going through the events we have planned, the final one active on the LoCo directory page at the moment is Barcamp Blackpool 20:21:38 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1286/detail/ 20:21:59 which is just after the release and is kind of a release party for that region 20:22:23 any more eventy stuff to cover? 20:22:38 any questions about happy hours or release parties? 20:22:58 not that i dont think have been asked and or answered. 20:23:34 [TOPIC] Any Other Business 20:24:01 anyone got anything? 20:24:56 times up :) 20:25:05 [TOPIC] Date of next meeting 20:25:21 * brobostigon shakes in socks. at the loud bell. 20:25:37 :D 20:26:05 Tuesday 18th October? 20:26:30 shortly after the Oneiric release 20:26:34 fine here. 20:26:53 #agreed next meeting Tuesday 18th October 9PM 20:27:04 :) 20:27:12 [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting 20:27:58 * AlanBell waits for someone to crack 20:30:02 * popey points at tonytiger 20:30:28 #agreed tonytiger to chair next meeting 20:30:31 #endmeeting