||||<>|| |||| <>|| = Projects = The UKTeam are involved in many long and short term projects which vary in goals from Advocacy to Linux User Groups and Expo attendance. == Current Projects == This is a list of proposed projects/sub-teams for further development, please do feel free to get involved. Best way to get involved is through the mailing list. ||<#f0f5fa>'''Project'''||<#f0f5fa>'''Brief'''||<#f0f5fa>'''To Do '''||<#f0f5fa>'''Status'''||<#f0f5fa>'''Members'''|| ## || [[UKTeam/VoipMeetings|VOIP Meetings]] || Trial having voice meetings of the team || Trial ||<#0cb13e>Active|| DaveWalker || || [[UKTeam/VoiceSupport|Voice Support]] || Voice support for Ubuntu users via telephone/VoIP || Project scoping and development see [[UKTeam/VoiceSupport|project page]] for details||<#fdfa03>Getting Started|| See [[UKTeam/VoiceSupport|project page]] || ##|| [:UKTeam/Guadec2007: Guadec] || Planning Guadec presence || Gathering ideas, see the [:UKTeam/Guadec2007: planning page] ||<#0cb13e>Active|| See [:UKTeam/Guadec2007: planning page] || ## || [[UKTeam/PodcastProposal | Ubuntu-UK Podcast]] || Podcast proposal || Gathering ideas, see the [[UKTeam/PodcastProposal| planning page]] ||<#0cb13e>Active|| See [[http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/]] || || [[UKMarketing/Leaflets|Leaflets]] || Creating leaflets and handouts to help attract new users || Collect ideas, discuss and post leaflets see [[UKTeam/Leaflets|project page]] for details||<#0cb13e>Active|| See [[UKTeam/Leaflets|project page]] || || [[UKTeam/LocalMeetings|Local Meetings]] || Regional meet-ups || [[UKTeam/LocalMeetings|Organise or join a meeting in your area]] ||<#0cb13e>Active|| See each [[UKTeam/LocalMeetings|regional page]] || ## || [[UKTeam/Marketing|Marketing]] || Market Ubuntu in the UK || [[UKTeam/Marketing|Visit project page for details]] ||<#0cb13e>Active|| SteveSmith, [[GeemanUK]] || ## || [[EnglishTranslation|Localisation]] || Translate Ubuntu into English (GB) || [[EnglishTranslation|Visit project page for details]] ||<#0cb13e>Active|| Listed on the [[https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-en-gb|Launchpad page]]. || ## || Localisation || Translate Ubuntu into non-English UK languages || [[https://launchpad.net/rosetta|Translate Ubuntu here]]. This is particularly important for the use of [[http://www.edubuntu.org|Edubuntu]] in schools in Wales. ||<#0cb13e>Active|| ? || ## || [[UKTeam/Education|Education]] || Get FOSS used in schools and colleges || [[UKTeam/Education|Visit project page for details]] ||<#fdfa03>Getting Started|| SteveSmith, [[Bjwebb]] || ## || Government certification || Get Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper) government certified || In order to be used in Public Sector workplaces Ubuntu needs to be certified according to the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Criteria|Common Criteria]] ( [[http://www.cesg.gov.uk/products_services/iacs/cc_and_itsec/index.shtml|see also]]). Certification by one nation (e.g. UK) also carries elsewhere (e.g. France). See [[http://www.cesg.gov.uk/find_a/cert_products/index.cfm?menuselected=1&displaypage=17|Certification Centres]] ||<#ed3232>Not active|| Worth doing, but how? || ## || [[UKTeam/ubuntu-uk.org|Website]] || Ubuntu-UK Website and Ubuntu-UK Planet || [[UKTeam/ubuntu-uk.org|Visit project page for details]] ||<#0cb13e>Active|| MichaelWood3 || || [[UKTeam/ubuntu-uk.org|Certification]] || Ubuntu-UK Website and Ubuntu-UK Planet || Advocacy and PR for ubuntu certification in UK. Obtain information and resources for Ubuntu certification at local level.[[UKTeam/ubuntu-uk.org|Visit project page for details]] ||<#0cb13e>Active|| GeemanUK || || [[http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/|Screencasts]] || Setup screencasting project || Write easy how-to, create screencasting screencast, get "official" hosting, encourage more people to make them ||<#0cb13e>Active|| AlanPope || || [[UKTeam/LinuxAndOSSResearchAndAdvocacy|Linux and OSS Research and Advocacy]] || Links and information to/on research/government guidance on the usage of FLOSS || Research, analyse and discover information to build a compelling case for introduction of Linux/Ubuntu ||<#0cb13e>Active || ChrisRowson || || [[http://ubuntuinbusiness.eventbright.com]] || Event promoting Ubuntu in business || Run a professional event in London to attract new users of Ubuntu from the business community ||<#0cb13e>Active|| AlanBell || || [[UKTeam/Projects/DistributedBackup|Distributed Backups]] || Explore ways to make distributed backups || Evaluate the existing solutions for suitability ||<#fdfa03>Active|| danfish || Completed projects can be found on the [[UKTeam/CompletedProjects Completed Projects]] page. == Suggest == Please feel free to get involved and suggest projects on the mailing list. ---- [[CategoryUKTeam]]