There are a few of us in the [UKTeam] who are lucky enough to live in Scotland; we should be able to organise a semi-regular meetup at least, even if we just piggyback onto one of the many fine Scottish GNU/Linux user groups such as ScotLUG, AberLUG and EdLUG. == Who == Obligatory list of the "usual suspects". * WilliamAnderson (Cumbernauld) * KennyDuffus (Glasgow) * MartinFitzpatrick (Edinburgh) * Chad Longstaff (Aberdeen) * GlennjiMason (Edinburgh) * RobertMcwilliam (Aberdeen) * AndrewBarber (Glasgow) * AlistairMarshall (Edinburgh) == Where == This is a bit tougher, as there are already localised LUGs for various cities and towns. Ideas? Alternating meeting places may work. West Edinburgh / East Glasgow really aren't that far apart. Falkirk/Stirling would only be work if we actually had members from there. Nothing to stop outings into the sticks on occasion - MartinFitzpatrick Could it be a semi-tied location, for example one time it is located in say Glasgow, next Edinburgh, next Aberdeen etc - AndrewBarber == When == Again, it's a tough one. I ([[GlennjiMason|glennji]]) don't finish work until after 6pm of a night, so even travelling to Glasgow during the week is an effort. Would anyone be interested in meeting on a weekend? Avoid Thursdays as that's the meeting day for EdLUG (first Thursday of each month) and ScotLUG (last Thursday). Weekends might make for more relaxed meets, though pubs/etc. may be too busy? Are we looking at once a month? - MartinFitzpatrick I do not think the weekend is a good option. Students like myself work ;) - AndrewBarber [[CategoryUKTeam]]