## page was renamed from USTeams/Minutes/Dec06 {{{ START MEETING (07:50:58 PM) Zelut has changed the topic to: US Teams Meeting in 10 minutes, 8:00pm EST. Agenda available https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/MeetingAgenda (07:57:16 PM) encryptz is now known as atoponce (07:57:37 PM) boredandblogging: hello (07:58:11 PM) peanutb: sounds like about time for a meeting (07:58:35 PM) posingaspopular: in #ubuntu-meeting or in here? (07:58:37 PM) atoponce: just a few minutes out (07:59:11 PM) atoponce: i think we should keep it here (07:59:13 PM) posingaspopular: terrible timing. i have like 5 papers to do for finals, bears game in a few mins.. okay i'll be tehre (07:59:48 PM) atoponce: heh (07:59:53 PM) Zelut: ok (08:00:00 PM) tonyyarusso: If we want #ubuntu-meeting it has to have been schedule with the Fridge admins (08:02:39 PM) PriceChild: Btw I can be around for the Ubuntu IRC stuff. (08:03:48 PM) atoponce: well, let's get started (08:03:59 PM) Zelut: everyone here? (08:05:07 PM) atoponce: vorian called this meeting from the mailing list with the proposal that we elect a team leader. this is per the agenda and mailing list (08:05:25 PM) desertc [n=mmm@unaffiliated/desertc] entered the room. (08:06:06 PM) vorian: item has been withdrawn (08:06:11 PM) atoponce: so, i'm curious on thoughts about electing such a leader (08:06:34 PM) posingaspopular: i think a leader would be good. isn't Jono the leader by default? (08:06:42 PM) tonyyarusso left the room (quit: "Reconnecting"). (08:06:44 PM) tonyy [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] entered the room. (08:06:52 PM) atoponce: jono is the loco teams leader for all loco projects (08:07:06 PM) reliantfc3 left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection). (08:07:16 PM) atoponce: which should be adequate for our needs. any thoughts? (08:07:23 PM) Flannel: The question was raised as to why the US teams need a leader at all. (08:07:27 PM) peanutb: i think a leader would be good, but i doubt there is one person who does it all (08:07:34 PM) tonyy: bleh - what'd I mess in the last five minutes? (08:07:37 PM) desertc: I always thought atoponce was the -us leader... :P (08:07:51 PM) posingaspopular: it isn't atoponce? (08:07:51 PM) atoponce: desertc: nope. just one of the original founders of the project. :) (08:07:52 PM) tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso (08:07:56 PM) Flannel: tonyy: Didn't miss much. (08:08:03 PM) atoponce: no. we have never had an elected leader of this project (08:08:04 PM) tonyyarusso: okay (08:08:05 PM) PriceChild: speaking as a member of the irc council, the us teams having a leader/contact could be very useful to us sorting out disputes etc. (08:08:08 PM) Zelut: I think we're a collection of people helping people. at a basic level it doesn't need much more than that. (08:08:13 PM) atoponce: we've always kept it by the teams for the teams (08:08:38 PM) Flannel: PriceChild: We have a contact, which is different than a leader. (08:08:46 PM) posingaspopular: wouldn't the leader also become a member of the LoCo council, by default? (08:08:54 PM) posingaspopular: im just worried about flexibility (08:09:02 PM) PriceChild: Flannel, really doesn't seem that way... (08:09:03 PM) atoponce: posingaspopular: i think that would be up to jono (08:09:16 PM) Zelut: I think the loco council is still pending so that's unknown (08:09:28 PM) posingaspopular: im under the impression that everyone in the -us team is ALREADY a leader, and that's why they are a part of the US team, not just the LoCo (08:09:32 PM) Flannel: PriceChild: Contact is a person who interacts with people. Leader is one who leads, mandates, decides, whatnot. (08:09:35 PM) posingaspopular: a LoCo (08:09:43 PM) atoponce: posingaspopular: that's what we've tried acheiving (08:10:11 PM) atoponce: we started this project in january, and have come 11 months without a leader, and look at the success that we've seen (08:10:28 PM) posingaspopular: so leader of the leaders? just a strange concept, but not impossible or necessary (08:10:41 PM) atoponce: do we really need one? i don't think the project has grown out of scope or manageability (08:10:49 PM) posingaspopular: it can go either way i guess, imho. i wouldn't mind which one is done. (08:11:02 PM) PriceChild: Flannel, so who on earth is the "contact"? as so far i've just been trusting of people of i've already worked with when getting channels reassigned etc. (08:11:09 PM) atoponce: PriceChild: Zelut (08:11:51 PM) vorian: how so? (08:12:05 PM) tonyyarusso: Given my understanding of the US Team (basically an arena of interaction between state teams), I don't see what the role of a leader would really be myself. (08:12:08 PM) Flannel: PriceChild: But youre right. The contact isn't necessarily the one who does anything in particular with respect to day to day activities. Lots of people do lots of stuff. (08:12:11 PM) vorian: seems he quit the project in September http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47175/ (08:12:14 PM) Zelut: tonyyarusso: +1 (08:12:25 PM) PriceChild: atoponce, don't see that documented anywhere :/ (08:12:46 PM) Flannel: vorian: A few days later he rescinded. (08:12:55 PM) atoponce: PriceChild: it was voted on months ago (08:12:59 PM) vorian: only to rejoing prior to UDS https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams?action=info (see line 21) (08:13:02 PM) tyche [n=craig@unaffiliated/tyche] entered the room. (08:13:02 PM) Zelut: vorian: I wonder how a private email to two people ended up on pastebin (08:13:11 PM) atoponce: although, i don't think that we've really documented it anywhere (08:13:19 PM) vorian: Zelut, that's easy, I pasted it there (08:13:21 PM) juggy [n=juggerna@ip68-110-112-181.ph.ph.cox.net] entered the room. (08:13:26 PM) PriceChild: atoponce, which is my point... that really doesn't help me when trying to help out a us loco ;) (08:13:34 PM) desertc: Having someone take responsibility to further enable the LoCo teams would be good. (ie: Here's a list of resources I thought you all could use.) Having someone cause more restrictions would be bad. (ie: Plan of preparing a report and present it in my meeting on Tuesday.) (08:13:45 PM) atoponce: nope. we do need to work better on documenting. that's for sure (08:14:08 PM) posingaspopular: im new, so can someone give me a reason why a leader wasn't appointed at the original inseption of the projecT? (08:14:09 PM) PriceChild: atoponce, where was it voted on btw? (08:14:15 PM) atoponce: irc. (08:14:31 PM) PriceChild: k (08:14:35 PM) atoponce: i think either here or ubuntu-us-mentors, which we've since dissolved (08:14:51 PM) Zelut: posingaspopular: the original founders thought it was a bad idea (08:14:55 PM) tonyyarusso: Maybe what we need is for those already doing "leader-like" things to have particular roles, ie people who look after the wiki page, help organize events, help communication between parties doing products like the stickers and pressed CDs, etc., but not a single person for anything (08:15:43 PM) atoponce: tonyyarusso: we have tried working out roles for mentors to do. for example, i've kept an eye on irc, vorian on the forums, Zelut with the mailing lists, Joe_CoT with the site, boredandblogging with the subdomains, etc (08:15:55 PM) atoponce: etank on the wiki and more (08:15:59 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: that makes sense to me (08:16:03 PM) ***atoponce can't recall them all (08:16:09 PM) atoponce: i think we put that up on the wiki, iirc (08:16:17 PM) tonyyarusso: perhaps we just need those things listed publicly so people know where to go (08:16:29 PM) jkeyes0 [n=jkeyes0@host-067-131-053-222.dhcp.fewpb.net] entered the room. (08:16:41 PM) boredandblogging: its listed towards the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams (08:17:11 PM) tonyyarusso: Very well then :) (08:17:13 PM) Gareth [i=gareth@www.wiked.org] entered the room. (08:17:15 PM) atoponce: yup. cool. :) (08:17:46 PM) atoponce: we need better following up on these roles, and the progress of various dutios, that's for sure (08:17:55 PM) atoponce: *duties (08:17:55 PM) posingaspopular: so more of a usteams council? (08:18:15 PM) etank: that was brought up at one time too iirc (08:18:17 PM) Flannel: I think a lot of us are under the impression that the US team is already a council (08:18:28 PM) atoponce: well, not reall. just channeling talent and activities in certain areas (08:18:41 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: councils usually have more governing control (08:18:44 PM) PriceChild: pfft council... (08:18:50 PM) vorian: lol (08:19:14 PM) tonyyarusso: I think what we have here is a failure of the English language... (word choice is confusing) (08:19:23 PM) Flannel: tonyyarusso: A la articles of confederation? (08:19:31 PM) atoponce: heh (08:19:32 PM) Flannel: US teams is a federation of LoCo teams. (08:19:39 PM) Flannel: as I understand it anyway (08:19:58 PM) posingaspopular: who decided it was a good idea to try herding cats! (08:20:02 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: probably even more formal that I had thought, actually. (08:20:05 PM) dev_noob: O.o (08:20:42 PM) tonyyarusso: We're getting sidetracked I think though. Regardless of what we are/have, what do we _want_ to have? (08:21:14 PM) vorian: peace on earth, good will to man (08:21:31 PM) desertc: atoponce: Is there someone wanting to wanting to take a leadership role? Sorry that I missed the introduction, but why is this topic of a -us leader being discussed? (08:21:36 PM) etank: lol (08:21:36 PM) PriceChild: Probably best you start off by writing down properly who's currently doing what... (08:21:45 PM) Flannel: PriceChild: thats on the wiki (08:21:48 PM) jkeyes0 left the room (quit: "Later!"). (08:22:10 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: It looks like there may only be some though, not everything that's being covered (08:22:45 PM) posingaspopular: tonyyarusso: +1 for a declared laader(s) role (08:22:50 PM) dev_noob: :0 (08:22:57 PM) dev_noob: oops :) (08:23:29 PM) atoponce: before i we start voting, i would like to hear everyone's position on the matter if it's not already on the table (08:23:55 PM) juggy: whats going on here? (08:24:20 PM) vorian: what matter are we speaking about now? (08:24:30 PM) djennewe [n=djennewe@71-221-62-146.sxfl.qwest.net] entered the room. (08:24:36 PM) atoponce: juggy: a meeting about posible election of a us teams council (08:24:41 PM) atoponce: or us teams leader (08:24:46 PM) posingaspopular: vorian: do we _want_ a leader(s) role for the us team (08:24:48 PM) atoponce: not sure to be honest (08:24:53 PM) Flannel: and whether we need one (08:25:11 PM) tonyyarusso: In general with other groups I work with, I find that there needs to be someone designated to take care of certain things, but it's often not necessary in volunteer organizations to have a single person, or a hierarchical, authoritative structure. I think regardless of any particular positions, there should be well-defined tasks and roles with specific assignments, which could rotate as often as possible, by either volunteer or voting; (08:25:48 PM) atoponce: i'm all for assigning tasks, or volunteering from members, as we have presently (08:25:56 PM) Flannel: tonyyarusso: tasks your speaking of are things like 'taking care of (mailing list|forum|*) stuff'? (08:26:09 PM) tonyyarusso: Ultimately the question comes down to: What tasks / roles do we need to have someone responsible for, and given those, does it make sense for there to be a single person or small group take them, or can we get away with assigning them as needed. (08:26:43 PM) atoponce: tonyyarusso: well, currently, for the most part, the tasks that are currently assigned are doing *very* well (08:26:56 PM) Flannel: Even if theyre not properly documented (08:27:07 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: partly. Could be everything from "Be in charge of ML issues" to "help the group of people that want to print stickers make it a reality" (doctormo and leftyb, pretty much, but imagine if there were two or three people, but in different states, for something like that) (08:27:12 PM) atoponce: Joe_CoT is taking care of our main site, and the image. vorian has been doing great with the forums. i've tried helping where possible with irc matters (08:27:36 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: Right, which is good. We probably don't need a major restructuring then IMO, but more clarity and detail with the current way would probably be good. (08:27:49 PM) atoponce: agreed (08:27:54 PM) dev_noob: agreed (08:27:54 PM) Flannel: tonyyarusso: I imagine the stickers/whatever else we decide is more of a grassroots sort of thing. That'll start at the state level (08:27:56 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: So if that works, add things to the system so more things work, basically. (08:28:16 PM) atoponce: that is sound enough for me (08:28:18 PM) djennewe left the room (quit: Client Quit). (08:28:18 PM) vorian: we need some vision though (08:28:28 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: Probably, although I could also see a situation of a few folks throwing an idea around in here from different places where no single one has the resources/time for their team to do it alone. (08:28:32 PM) atoponce: we have a vision. to get a team in ever state (08:28:47 PM) vorian: seems to tailed off a bit eh (08:28:49 PM) vorian: ? (08:29:14 PM) atoponce: nah. we've hit a slump, as many projects do (08:29:32 PM) Flannel: What slump? (08:29:33 PM) posingaspopular: well if someone *wants* to get involved, who specifically do they contact and what can they do to help (08:29:34 PM) tonyyarusso: I think a lot of teams, including my own, are sort of at a "so there's a few of us now - now what?" stage. (08:29:50 PM) atoponce: Flannel: well, not many of us have been as active as we should be, i think (08:29:55 PM) posingaspopular: sure there is lots to do, but where does someone new start (08:30:24 PM) posingaspopular: that sort of front line is what the leader(s) would be in charge of, in my vision (08:30:30 PM) tonyyarusso: Our goal for 2007 was to get as many teams together as possible. While still pursuing that for the half dozen left, I think we need a roadmap for 2008 of how to take those teams and make them active and successful. (08:30:30 PM) Flannel: atoponce: I think ebbing and flowing of activity is inherit with most volunteer organizations (08:30:54 PM) atoponce: tonyyarusso: we have been working on one, actually (08:31:05 PM) atoponce: Zelut has been bringing some great ideas to the table from uds (08:31:06 PM) Flannel: I agree that setting goals per year would be a good idea. But don't think we need a BDF* to decide that (08:31:09 PM) posingaspopular: 2008 should be the year to get them all approved imho (08:31:30 PM) vorian: atoponce, who has been working on it? (08:31:37 PM) vorian: you and Zelut? (08:31:42 PM) atoponce: vorian: nope (08:31:53 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: Good - having a core group of people who write that out and work towards it could be one of the best things to have. (08:31:54 PM) vorian: oktnkx (08:32:03 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: I doubt one person could do that without burnout though (08:32:10 PM) atoponce: exactly (08:32:58 PM) Flannel: Would 50 voices really be unable to decide? I'm all for a republic over an oligarchy (08:32:59 PM) atoponce: vorian: zelut has brought ideas to the table, getting the bug team involved as of recent, sparking a great slew of activity in the project. i've been a sideliner watching everything go by like the rest (08:33:02 PM) tonyyarusso: roadmap items like "get teams approved" would still fit nicely in the modular tasks I mentioned before. (08:33:32 PM) Flannel: And even if 50 people can't decide on a single item, having a few concurrent directions need not be a bad thing. (08:33:33 PM) vorian: yes, tis true. we all stand in his greatness. (08:33:42 PM) atoponce: oh brother (08:34:19 PM) posingaspopular: but these 50+ people still haven't decided about a leader though ;p (08:34:35 PM) posingaspopular: 1/2 an hour later (08:34:40 PM) dev_noob: Is a single leader that important? (08:34:51 PM) posingaspopular: i think avoiding burnout should be the most important aspect of this team (08:34:57 PM) atoponce: well, we're tossing ideas around, seeing what's important and whether it warrants the need (08:35:00 PM) Flannel: posingaspopular: Is half hour supposed to be long enough to decide anything? (08:35:08 PM) tonyyarusso: Was there anyone actively advocating a leader, or did we just think it would be good to discuss it? (08:35:12 PM) posingaspopular: are all the people who were here a year ago goign to be here in another (08:35:19 PM) djennewe [n=djennewe@71-221-62-146.sxfl.qwest.net] entered the room. (08:35:25 PM) posingaspopular: Flannel: i don't know, i was just throwing it out there (08:35:30 PM) vorian: posingaspopular, hell yes! (08:35:30 PM) etank: posingaspopular: good question (08:35:31 PM) vorian: :) (08:35:33 PM) Flannel: tonyyarusso: I think someone (no idea who) put it on the Meeting agenda, and then the mailing lists had a bunch of backlash. Believe thats how this got started. (08:35:34 PM) atoponce: tonyyarusso: yes. there is one seriously pushingthe idea, but i guess it's been withdrawn from the meeting (08:35:39 PM) dev_noob: perhaps a "council" seperatedby a factor such as US time zone? (08:35:46 PM) atoponce: posingaspopular: most definitely (08:35:59 PM) juggy: wouldn't a single leader lead to monarchy or something (manager right?) we should kinda of set it up a house of idea representitves for new projects (08:36:00 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: ah (08:36:00 PM) dev_noob: one person per zone? (08:36:05 PM) desertc: I do not see anything mentioned so far that could not be done with the existing model already in place... nothing stopping someone from doing what they want to do to help, while not having a special Leader title. (08:36:06 PM) posingaspopular: atoponce: i like that (08:36:07 PM) vorian: posingaspopular, we need more people like you though :) (08:36:08 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: Is that person present? (08:36:12 PM) posingaspopular: one leader per time zone (08:36:12 PM) atoponce: yes (08:36:24 PM) tonyyarusso: okay, good (08:36:37 PM) posingaspopular: vorian: idiots with too much homework and not enough computer time ;p (08:36:53 PM) vorian: lol (08:36:56 PM) dev_noob: lol (08:36:59 PM) tonyyarusso: Since I don't know who it is, does that person think having various people to make sure certain things got taken care of would be sufficient, or was there a particular tie to the leader concept? (08:37:14 PM) vorian: tonyyarusso, it was me who raised the issue (08:37:27 PM) vorian: but it became a shitstorm, so I removed it (08:37:34 PM) posingaspopular: well her' (08:37:37 PM) dev_noob: leaders could helpco-ordinate the multiple projects, perhaps? (08:37:39 PM) posingaspopular: boo i'll try that one again (08:37:56 PM) tonyyarusso: vorian: hehe, oh well. maybe re-summarize the reasons for and see if they can be met by some other solution? (08:38:21 PM) vorian: tonyyarusso, I can't even remember now, it clearly doesn't matter either. (08:38:27 PM) ***greg-g comes into the meeting late (08:38:36 PM) posingaspopular: well here's how we do it on another project I do at my LoCo. we have leaders, myself and nixternal and another few people who do the main talking because we are the most involved, but we have 10+ people who contribute on specific tasks where they feel comfotable (08:38:38 PM) tonyyarusso: vorian: All righty. (08:38:39 PM) ***dev_noob waves to greg-g (08:38:44 PM) vorian: :) (08:38:47 PM) posingaspopular: so we have leaders, but the are a front (08:38:59 PM) vorian: posingaspopular, ubuntu should be the front (08:39:25 PM) vorian: AND teams should be able to come to their own conclusions and decisions as a team. (08:39:52 PM) posingaspopular: vorian: well that's what i mean. we only act as a front for the group, but ubuntu as a project is what everyone with their specific, self assigned tasks focus on (08:40:03 PM) posingaspopular: I still like atoponce's idea about a time zone leader (08:40:11 PM) atoponce: wasn't my idea. :) (08:40:11 PM) posingaspopular: that sounds best if we have any at all (08:40:15 PM) Flannel: posingaspopular: what would the benefits of timezone leader be? (08:40:19 PM) dev_noob: it was my idea, was it not? (08:40:30 PM) etank: Flannel: bigger paycheck (08:40:30 PM) juggy: sounds good, yet not overwhelming with too many and easy for voting, right? (08:40:30 PM) posingaspopular: dev_noob: was it? if so, cheers (08:40:45 PM) dev_noob: danke (08:40:47 PM) vorian: posingaspopular, I have been doing my assigned task for a while now, and would continue despite the status of the project. (08:40:52 PM) dev_noob: had to scroll back to check LOL (08:40:52 PM) vorian: :) (08:41:02 PM) atoponce: i'm not agaist the majority vote. democracy rules. if the project wants a leader, then we should vote on that issue. if passed, i think then we should discuss who would be the best fit, and allow time for people to rally if they want to step up, and vote them in at a later time. i want the best for this project, regardless what the outcome (08:41:17 PM) tonyyarusso: Is timezone really the best division though? That would put me in the same group as Texas, Louisiana, and such, when there's really no connection regionally. (08:41:43 PM) vorian: yeah, doesn't really work to well by timezone (08:41:44 PM) etank: and what if a TZ splits a state (08:41:44 PM) dev_noob: would a leader then be a single voicefor what the team decides, or would the leader be able to override the team? (08:41:49 PM) vorian: Arizona would be all F'ed up (08:41:51 PM) juggy: good point... how about 2 leaders per timezone (08:41:58 PM) juggy: dang (08:42:03 PM) posingaspopular: but we don't don't have a midwest, east coast.. etc team (08:42:04 PM) vorian: and Indiana (08:42:19 PM) vorian: what about the South East? (08:42:20 PM) dev_noob: I say we drop the time zone division (08:42:21 PM) tonyyarusso: As far as cultural connections and proximity, just as an example, Minnesota is usually grouped with North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa at least, plus Nebraska, Illinois, maybe Indiana and Missouri if you want to push it. (08:42:24 PM) Flannel: I don't see any benefits to TZ leaders either. What would the benefit be? (08:42:27 PM) vorian: they HATE the North East (08:42:52 PM) dev_noob: lol (08:42:52 PM) etank: Flannel: none (08:43:01 PM) tonyyarusso: When I was looking at colleges, I split the country into 5 sensible regions of 10 states each. Perhaps I should pull out that map? (08:43:06 PM) juggy: this is too many problems to decide for a leader. request new idea? (08:43:07 PM) greg-g: (sorry coming in late but..) do we really want ~5 sub-leaders? (08:43:23 PM) Flannel: Why dont we handle whether we want leaders at all? (08:43:27 PM) greg-g: good idea (08:43:28 PM) atoponce: greg-g: definitely not. too much, imho (08:43:35 PM) Flannel: before trying to figureout a scheme that may ultimately be moot (08:43:37 PM) vorian: atoponce, when we started this whole shebang, you had a map of sorts with 8 regions remember? (08:43:38 PM) atoponce: let's vote (08:43:45 PM) posingaspopular: +1 (08:43:51 PM) tonyyarusso: greg-g: not really leaders so much as coordinators. Just an extra contact point to facilitate cooperation, which is what this team is about. (08:43:52 PM) greg-g: vote on what??? (08:43:58 PM) etank: what are we voting for?? (08:44:01 PM) atoponce: vorian: yeah. it was for my data collection job. i wonder if i still have that (08:44:03 PM) juggy: the TZ one? (08:44:15 PM) atoponce: voting if the project wants a leader (08:44:18 PM) vorian: and I think we should use LP for these votes (08:44:21 PM) Flannel: leader or leader(s) (08:44:22 PM) posingaspopular: we are voting for leader(s) in some capacity (08:44:34 PM) Flannel: vorian: is there a US LP team? (08:44:41 PM) vorian: Flannel, kind of (08:44:41 PM) juggy: I say we need at least a Project President (08:44:49 PM) atoponce: Flannel: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us (08:44:54 PM) Flannel: juggy: For what reason? (08:45:03 PM) vorian: juggy, President of the United States of LoCo Mentors? (08:45:07 PM) vorian: :D (08:45:14 PM) atoponce: i admit that i'm still failing to see the reason for a leader (08:45:17 PM) desertc: Eventually, we will have it so sub-divided that every ubuntu-us member will be their own leader, then we can have peace, at last. (08:45:20 PM) vorian: yeah (08:45:23 PM) vorian: -1 (08:45:27 PM) juggy: to keep most of this in check. but the person would need alot of computer time to spare.. I think (08:45:31 PM) dev_noob: -1 (08:45:47 PM) Flannel: positive is for leader(s) negative is against, right? (08:45:52 PM) ***greg-g is waiting for a real vote on something ;) (08:45:52 PM) juggy: ya (08:45:54 PM) Flannel: -1 (08:45:56 PM) vorian: aye (08:45:58 PM) vorian: -1 (08:46:00 PM) vorian: to all (08:46:04 PM) vorian: even me (08:46:12 PM) juggy: dangit (08:46:13 PM) juggy: -1 (08:46:29 PM) Flannel: vorian: Isnt that just for approved locos though? (08:46:30 PM) atoponce: so are we all -1 on the leader position? is that what i'm seeing, or something else entirely? (08:46:33 PM) tonyyarusso: -1 to a sole leader (08:46:50 PM) etank: +1 to really dont care (08:46:52 PM) vorian: Flannel, atoponce is the admin of that team, i'm sure he could make adjustments (08:47:00 PM) juggy: ya, the sole leader would cause problems (08:47:14 PM) atoponce: Flannel: yes. that's just for when the team is approved (08:47:23 PM) vorian: -1 to any leader, +1 to regular meetings (08:47:29 PM) desertc: I believe we could use more a more organized approach (see my mailing list message), but appointing leaders will not solve the issue. (08:47:31 PM) Flannel: Haha (08:47:36 PM) atoponce: well, that's how i inteded it anyway, if it's bad in hendsight, i'm listening. :) (08:47:40 PM) atoponce: vorian: +1 (08:47:42 PM) Flannel: +1 to regular meetings as well. (08:47:52 PM) juggy: +1 on regualr meetings (08:47:56 PM) atoponce: desertc: +100 (08:48:02 PM) posingaspopular: +1 to regular meetings (08:48:05 PM) greg-g: +1 regular meetings (08:48:15 PM) etank: +1 to stopping the infighting (08:48:40 PM) vorian: +1 to stopping inbreeding (08:48:41 PM) tonyyarusso: +1 regular meetings (08:48:42 PM) dev_noob: +156897546 to stopping infighting (08:48:46 PM) atoponce: regular meetings will help us analyze the progress of individual tasks that are currently assigned. (08:48:51 PM) tonyyarusso: yeah (08:49:01 PM) juggy: +1 to that (08:49:08 PM) dev_noob: Vorian, if we stopped inbreeding, Laurel Lake NJ would be nuked (08:49:11 PM) greg-g: and actually cooperation between locos, (like Ohio and Michigan for Ubucon/penguicon (08:49:16 PM) vorian: lol (08:49:26 PM) vorian: greg-g, ^5 (08:49:33 PM) greg-g: :) (08:49:40 PM) vorian: greg-g, but never cooperation w/ football (08:49:45 PM) greg-g: no, never (08:49:50 PM) vorian: good (08:49:52 PM) dev_noob: I would love to see the DE valley locos all get together for a big meeting (08:49:53 PM) atoponce: ok. so, i think we can all agree on regular meets, so, how should we schedule them then? (08:49:55 PM) Flannel: So, I think we've decided (correct me if Im wrong), no leadership stuff, yes regular meetings (which will help with communication) (08:49:58 PM) posingaspopular: greg-g: i already volunteered the Chicago LoCo for ubucon as well. (08:50:01 PM) juggy: I say we fuse some locos (like make a 4 corners team) for the big stuff (08:50:04 PM) vorian: \o/ (08:50:15 PM) vorian: ubucon ftw (08:50:16 PM) posingaspopular: i'd LOVE to have a midwest team, but like I dont think that would work out (08:50:25 PM) Flannel: juggy: Teams need not be officially "grouped" to help each other (08:50:34 PM) juggy: ok, my bad! lol (08:50:37 PM) greg-g: once a month for US Teams meeting? or 2 weeks?? (08:50:39 PM) dev_noob: lol (08:50:43 PM) juggy: ugh... I gotta go. (08:50:43 PM) tonyyarusso: posingaspopular: there was an IRC channel for it, but hasn't been used lately (08:50:49 PM) dev_noob: 2 weeks +1 (08:50:54 PM) atoponce: greg-g: i'm all for once a month. more than that might be a bit much (08:50:55 PM) posingaspopular: no i know, i thought it was shut down atoponce (08:51:02 PM) vorian: juggy, who are you btw? (08:51:03 PM) greg-g: atoponce: ditto (08:51:08 PM) posingaspopular: 2 weeks +1 (08:51:09 PM) Flannel: Speaking of, -California just got accepted as a SCaLE attendee. (08:51:09 PM) juggy: the pleasure was mine guys! good luck! (tell tyche to update me) (08:51:11 PM) vorian: nice to meet you :) (08:51:22 PM) Flannel: juggy: I imagine it'll go out on the ML (08:51:24 PM) greg-g: 2 weeks would make my meeting schedule really busy (08:51:41 PM) posingaspopular: tyche isn't paying attention. i tried talking to him already ;p (08:51:43 PM) atoponce: ok. voting on time. please cast your votes. meeting once / month: (08:51:45 PM) atoponce: +1 (08:51:48 PM) posingaspopular: +1 (08:51:53 PM) Flannel: +1 (08:51:54 PM) greg-g: +1 (once/month) (08:51:57 PM) dev_noob: I'm a "sit-at-home-and-collect-disability-guy" so I'm free LOL (08:51:57 PM) vorian: +1 (08:51:58 PM) boredandblogging: +1 (08:52:02 PM) dev_noob: +1 (08:52:07 PM) Zelut: +1 (08:52:16 PM) Flannel: We can always call occassional 2 week meetings if circumstances require it (08:52:22 PM) dev_noob: true (08:52:22 PM) tonyyarusso: +1 (08:52:39 PM) greg-g: awesome (08:53:04 PM) vorian: sure (08:53:07 PM) atoponce: cool. next, when? are weekday evenings best? weekends? (08:53:18 PM) boredandblogging: weekday please (08:53:24 PM) vorian: evenings (08:53:30 PM) posingaspopular: evenings, weekdays (08:53:36 PM) Flannel: just be sure its 'evening' for everyone. (08:53:39 PM) atoponce: weekdays evenings (08:53:40 PM) dev_noob: weekdat eve (08:54:04 PM) greg-g: +1 (08:54:39 PM) atoponce: greg-g: +1 for weekdays and evenings? (08:54:48 PM) greg-g: yeah (08:54:50 PM) atoponce: vorian: doesn't matter when, just evenings? (08:54:51 PM) greg-g: sorry :) (08:54:54 PM) atoponce: np. :) (08:54:57 PM) vorian: nope (08:54:59 PM) vorian: well (08:55:08 PM) vorian: maybe not tues or friday (08:55:16 PM) atoponce: ok (08:55:33 PM) vorian: kewl (08:55:37 PM) Flannel: I imagine I'll be delegating attendance from CA for some months at least. (08:55:42 PM) atoponce: tonyyarusso: PriceChild: any time? (08:55:51 PM) vorian: PriceChild doesn't care (08:56:08 PM) vorian: as he lives in the UK :P (08:56:16 PM) atoponce: ahh. well then. :) (08:56:26 PM) atoponce: let's make it as late as possible for him. :) (08:56:27 PM) PriceChild: :D (08:56:37 PM) Flannel: late +1 (08:56:47 PM) vorian: i think he was here to answer any questions about the channel moves (08:56:53 PM) PriceChild: I'd suggest mixing up the times would be best ;) (08:56:53 PM) atoponce: ahh (08:56:59 PM) juggernau [n=juggy@ip68-110-112-181.ph.ph.cox.net] entered the room. (08:57:07 PM) PriceChild: Unfair to make it *always* one time, as that time may be unsuitable for someone every single time. (08:57:13 PM) atoponce: PriceChild: +1. rotating, so everyone can attend at least every once in a while (08:57:30 PM) PriceChild: Just publish the time early. (08:57:36 PM) greg-g: rotating makes sense (08:57:41 PM) Flannel: rotating day or time? (08:57:45 PM) Flannel: or both? (08:57:50 PM) juggernau: both maybe? (08:57:53 PM) atoponce: we do have 4 time zones in the continental us, so reaching an optimal time all the time will prove to be difficult (08:57:58 PM) atoponce: we'll have to balance it (08:58:04 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: My schedule varies a fair bit. Saturday evenings after 7 central are probably best atm, or some weekday afternoons (08:58:21 PM) juggernau: based off job hours and school hours (08:58:21 PM) atoponce: Flannel: both, i think (08:58:34 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: I'm currently unavailable later than 11:30 PM any day though (central, again) (08:59:03 PM) Flannel: Weekends are nice because you can do it during the day, and it'll be reasonable for most people still. But I understand most people's weekday preference. (08:59:54 PM) tonyyarusso: I work weekends, and go to school during the week, but my classes are at random times (I'm actually in one now) (08:59:55 PM) juggernau: ya, i would enjoy attending, but i have school hours (09:00:01 PM) atoponce: it seems weekday evenings are best for everyone, but specific days will not always meet everyone, so i propose whanging the time every month by time zone, alternating only a couple 2 or 3 days (09:00:11 PM) atoponce: *changing (09:00:18 PM) juggernau: yay (09:00:27 PM) dev_noob: wewt (09:00:42 PM) Flannel: I imagine keeping a fixed time (assuming its reasonable for everyone) and varying the day would work. (09:01:01 PM) tonyyarusso: Rotating sounds good for me. You can please most of the people most of the time that way. (09:01:04 PM) atoponce: EG: 8pm PST Tues, then 8PM MST Wed, then 8PM CST Thu and finally 8PM Tues again. something like that (09:01:06 PM) juggernau is now known as juggyDS (09:01:22 PM) atoponce: obviously, once per month (09:01:25 PM) juggyDS: sounds good (09:01:25 PM) greg-g: I like whanging the time, personall (09:01:26 PM) greg-g: y (09:01:35 PM) dev_noob: as do I (09:02:03 PM) ***atoponce sends a whanging whale after greg-g (09:02:12 PM) juggyDS: ewww (09:02:13 PM) dev_noob: lol (09:02:24 PM) atoponce: whatever that is. :) (09:02:39 PM) juggyDS: what meeting does that apply to? (09:02:53 PM) Flannel: juggyDS: -US meetings (09:02:58 PM) atoponce: ok, so let's try that. how does Jan 2nd 8PM PST sound for the next meet? (09:03:09 PM) juggyDS: ok, i gotta go again (09:03:10 PM) tonyyarusso: what day of the week is that? (09:03:15 PM) atoponce: wed (09:03:18 PM) Flannel: Jan 2 might be a bit close to the holidays (09:03:19 PM) juggyDS: low DS battery see ya later (09:03:19 PM) dev_noob: +1 (09:03:26 PM) tonyyarusso: Probably works for me (09:03:34 PM) greg-g: cool (09:03:35 PM) Joe_CoT: hey people (09:03:37 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: Schools are on break, which is nice (09:03:42 PM) posingaspopular: I like wed. the 2nd (09:03:43 PM) posingaspopular: +1 (09:03:47 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: well, some. (09:03:49 PM) Flannel: tonyyarusso: Schools are on break on the 9th still, arent they? (09:03:50 PM) atoponce: everyone should be back to work, or school, but we can move it a week, if needed. whatever. just throwing something out there (09:04:07 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: depends - a lot go back on the 3rd. (09:04:37 PM) tonyyarusso: Frankly, I'm sad enough that 8 PM December 31st is likely a good time to be on IRC.... (09:04:43 PM) Flannel: Hah (09:04:46 PM) greg-g: Flannel: mine isn't, we are only off 2 weeks (09:04:49 PM) atoponce: heh (09:04:58 PM) tjagoda [n=tjagoda@adsl-68-249-45-73.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] entered the room. (09:05:19 PM) atoponce: is it too close to the holidays? want to move it a week? (09:05:27 PM) atoponce: make it the 9th? (09:06:01 PM) posingaspopular: +1 for the 9th, or 8th, or 3rd, or anyday besides the 5th, i dont really care (09:06:35 PM) atoponce: +1 on the 9th (09:06:40 PM) PriceChild: If you're going to be rotating the date/time.... just pick a time and if its not good for everyone then tough... hopefully next time will be! (09:07:02 PM) greg-g: whicher (09:07:07 PM) greg-g: which ever, even (09:07:48 PM) vorian: +1 (09:07:52 PM) atoponce: PriceChild: well, given the rough spots, we want to maximize exposure to the meeting to get everyone involved, but if no one is weighing in on the matter... :) (09:07:53 PM) vorian: or something (09:08:04 PM) posingaspopular: can we have it in #ubuntu-meeting (09:08:05 PM) vorian: good point (09:08:09 PM) posingaspopular: maybe more people will show up? (09:08:24 PM) PriceChild: posingaspopular, yeah just email fridge-devel@l.u.c to get it on there (09:08:25 PM) vorian: posingaspopular, yes, just email the fridge guys (09:08:27 PM) atoponce: i think this channel is just fine. i don't see a need for #ubuntu-meeting (09:08:44 PM) ***atoponce doesn't really care. a channel is a channel (09:08:52 PM) posingaspopular: it's a thought. i duno if anyone else cares or wants to (09:08:54 PM) PriceChild: not like there's support or other stuff going on in here (09:09:12 PM) juggy: ur right (09:09:35 PM) atoponce: we've kept most meetings here. for consistency, i say we keep rolling with it (09:09:39 PM) tonyy [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] entered the room. (09:09:54 PM) tonyy: Good grief... my school is kicking me off every hour. (09:09:55 PM) Flannel: +1 to #ubuntu-us (09:09:59 PM) vorian: +1 (09:10:09 PM) juggy: ya, multiple channels would cause chaos, unless maybe listed on,launchpad or ubuntu or something (09:10:09 PM) vorian: ok (09:10:12 PM) dev_noob: +1 (09:10:16 PM) vorian: Let (09:10:16 PM) juggy: +999 (09:10:20 PM) tonyyarusso left the room (quit: Nick collision from services.). (09:10:24 PM) tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso (09:10:25 PM) vorian: Lets here from PriceChild so he can get to bed (09:10:29 PM) vorian: hear (09:10:33 PM) posingaspopular: second (09:10:44 PM) atoponce: ok. so, Jan 9th 8PM PST #ubuntu-meeting, agenda following? (09:10:45 PM) greg-g: sure, which ever for that too (09:10:51 PM) atoponce: er, #ubuntu-us (09:10:55 PM) greg-g: heh, yeah (09:11:00 PM) PriceChild: vorian, I've nothing to say yet, just see ubuntu irc team stuff is on the agenda so thought it would be useful for me to be around (09:11:01 PM) ***atoponce is tired (09:11:02 PM) juggy: yay (09:11:10 PM) vorian: hmm (09:11:27 PM) vorian: ah! (09:11:28 PM) erov [n=j@c-76-22-137-36.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] entered the room. (09:11:33 PM) vorian: xq, that's you (09:11:39 PM) vorian: what's on your minda about irc? (09:12:20 PM) atoponce: we should keep whomever is in charge of the meeting rotated too. give the mentors a chance to moderate the meeting (09:12:34 PM) atoponce: give *all* the mentors, not just 1 or 2 (09:12:47 PM) vorian: good idea (09:12:50 PM) atoponce: as we are a project of teams about teams, so teams should be involved (09:12:55 PM) greg-g: I like that (09:13:01 PM) dev_noob: definately (09:13:07 PM) tonyyarusso: One thing to keep in mind for #ubuntu-meeting is that it has been helpful for other teams to allow the sidetrack conversation to happen in their normal channel, while sticking to the agenda in -meeting. (09:13:16 PM) atoponce: so, who wants to take the reigns for the jan meet? (09:13:20 PM) vorian: and we should have a slew of mentors now with all the Newly Approved teams :) (09:13:25 PM) Flannel: tonyyarusso: +1 (09:13:35 PM) ***posingaspopular votes atoponce, just to mess with him (09:13:36 PM) atoponce: vorian: definitely. we need to round them up. :) (09:13:43 PM) juggy: I think meeting would be a good idea as a strict channel, keep the off topic bull to none (09:13:54 PM) ***atoponce executed ggdG in vim on posingaspopular (09:14:06 PM) posingaspopular: is that a windows command? (09:14:08 PM) PriceChild: ping xq (09:14:19 PM) Flannel: Although, we do have -us-offtopic, right? During meetings we could enforce that (09:14:26 PM) posingaspopular: i dont use vim sorry i duno wahat that means (09:14:28 PM) atoponce: Flannel: +1 (09:14:36 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: That would work too, forgot about that. (09:14:37 PM) atoponce: posingaspopular: see pm (09:14:43 PM) tonyyarusso: (the other teams I've done meetings for haven't had an -offtopic) (09:14:47 PM) Flannel: Also, if we take -meeting, we need to plan around othre teams usage of -meeting, which with a varying time/day could just ugly (09:15:07 PM) greg-g: Flannel: good point (09:15:18 PM) tonyyarusso: Given the existence of -offtopic, I'm going to change my suggestion and side with that as preferred. (09:15:29 PM) tonyyarusso: *-us-offtopic (09:16:33 PM) atoponce: we'll roll with it jan, and see how it goes. it should work well, i think (09:16:52 PM) atoponce: we should keep this channel for official chat anyway, now that we have -us-offtopic (09:16:53 PM) juggy: most likely! organisation = good ideas (09:17:05 PM) PriceChild: Seen as xq isn't replying... anyone else understand that agenda item/want to discuss it? (09:17:10 PM) Flannel: We might think about in the future (not tonight) planning day/times for meetings two months in advance. (09:17:13 PM) desertc: Speaking of off topic, One OT subject right quick - any group working with their secondary schools in the area to take part of Google's Highly Open Participation contest? This contest is Google's new attempt to encourage high school students to get involved with Open Source programming, similar to their Summer of Code. (09:17:13 PM) desertc: I am wanting to approach the high schools in my area about the project, and I wondered if there was anyone with advice about how they already went about it. http://code.google.com/opensource/ghop/2007-8/ (09:17:29 PM) greg-g: michigan has not (09:17:31 PM) desertc: Anyway, shoot me a PM if so. (09:18:26 PM) desertc: If you haven't considered it, then take a look, the contest has recently opened for participants. :) Thanks (09:18:47 PM) posingaspopular: desertc: see PM (09:18:50 PM) vorian is now known as LadiesMan217 (09:18:55 PM) atoponce: heh (09:19:25 PM) juggyDS left the room (quit: Connection timed out). (09:19:32 PM) atoponce: so, has everything been decided? we'll move xq's item to next month (09:19:51 PM) posingaspopular: afk (09:20:15 PM) atoponce: greg-g: seeing as though you and your team were recently approved, would you like to lead next months meeting? (09:20:23 PM) PriceChild: lovely (09:20:29 PM) greg-g: let me just double check my calendar (09:20:31 PM) LadiesMan217: sorry PriceChild (09:20:45 PM) PriceChild: :P (09:20:57 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: would there be any problem with discussing the regional subteam and specific task topics on the ML between meetings? Not entirely clear on how we came off on those. (09:20:58 PM) atoponce: anyone object to greg-g and the MI team leading the meet? (09:21:12 PM) LadiesMan217: nope (09:21:18 PM) atoponce: tonyyarusso: sounds good to me (09:21:19 PM) dev_noob: gre-g +1 (09:21:23 PM) etank: as long as it aint me (09:21:23 PM) dev_noob: *greg-g (09:21:27 PM) Flannel: tonyyarusso: Specific task topics? (09:21:27 PM) boredandblogging: MI: +1 (09:21:29 PM) dev_noob: dangit (09:21:34 PM) greg-g: 8pm PST? (09:21:37 PM) atoponce: yeah (09:21:41 PM) tjagoda: ouch (09:21:44 PM) greg-g: so... 11PM EST? (09:21:44 PM) Flannel: tonyyarusso: like "lets do this"? You can always discuss that. Its a good idea, all that fun encouragement stuff. (09:21:51 PM) Flannel: greg-g: yep (09:21:55 PM) greg-g: I can do it, yeah (09:21:57 PM) atoponce: too late. :) (09:22:05 PM) atoponce: s/./?/ (09:22:08 PM) tonyyarusso: Flannel: No, what I brought up in the leadership discussion - structured delegation, basically. (09:22:10 PM) etank: umm yeah (09:22:12 PM) Flannel: tonyyarusso: ah (09:22:23 PM) LadiesMan217: greg-g, email the guys at fridge-devel anyway (even thought it will be on -us) (09:22:43 PM) atoponce: tonyyarusso: yeah. let's discuss it on the mailing list, and make it an item for the next meet as well? (09:22:47 PM) greg-g: LadiesMan217: ok (09:22:58 PM) LadiesMan217: brb (09:23:02 PM) LadiesMan217 left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection). (09:23:08 PM) PriceChild: greg-g, indeed, making sure to tell them it'll be in #ubuntu-us rather than -meeting. (or whatever is decided) (09:23:16 PM) atoponce: yes. -us (09:23:20 PM) boredandblogging: i can put it on the fridge calendar (09:23:27 PM) juggy: so, anything happening? (09:23:34 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: Sure. I'll double-check my scheduling to try to make sure I can actually be there, and if yes I'll come up with some sensible stuff for that discussion and whatnot. (09:23:41 PM) greg-g: PriceChild: got it (09:23:45 PM) tonyyarusso: atoponce: i assume you'll be sending that date/time to the ML tonight for everyone? (09:23:47 PM) atoponce: cool (09:23:53 PM) atoponce: yeah. typing it now, actually (09:24:03 PM) tonyyarusso: all righty (09:24:37 PM) greg-g: atoponce: CC fridge-devel :) (09:24:55 PM) PriceChild: greg-g, well ask boredandblogging nicely instead of emailing then it seems (09:25:02 PM) greg-g: ok (09:25:13 PM) atoponce: greg-g: ? (09:25:18 PM) atoponce: oh. for the mail (09:25:28 PM) ***atoponce subscribes to the fridge-devel list (09:25:30 PM) greg-g: boredandblogging: pleeease, can we have our meeting announced on the fridge, it will be in this channel isntead of ubuntu-meeting :0 (09:25:34 PM) greg-g: :) (09:25:44 PM) boredandblogging: yeah, i'll slap it on the calendar (09:25:54 PM) Zelut has changed the topic to: Next US Teams meeting on jan 9th, 8pm PST. greg-g and MI team presenting. Right here in #ubuntu-us. (09:26:09 PM) greg-g: it might just be me, since it is 11pm (09:26:21 PM) atoponce: that works (09:26:27 PM) Flannel: Zelut: presiding, not presenting. (09:26:28 PM) atoponce: you 'da man. :) (09:26:32 PM) Flannel: Or, I think? (09:26:35 PM) vorian [n=steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] entered the room. (09:26:37 PM) greg-g: atoponce: I try (09:26:41 PM) greg-g: :) (09:27:25 PM) atoponce: Flannel: yeah. we should have meeting topics on the agenda, and greg-g preside. although, it would be cool if we had presentations too. :) (09:27:50 PM) PriceChild: If anyone sees xq please tell him to find me in #ubuntu-irc, or any of the other irc people if he's got some suggestions for how we can help. (09:28:17 PM) atoponce: will do (09:28:27 PM) peanutb: wow... windows CE is buggy (09:28:33 PM) vorian: PriceChild, I think he was mostly interested in maintaining a relationship with the Ubuntu Ops team (09:28:47 PM) PriceChild: vorian, which could mean anything..... :P (09:28:48 PM) atoponce: greg-g: waiting admin approval on the fridge-devel list. you may need to forward it, if you're on it (09:28:58 PM) dev_noob: peanutb: dont be blaspheming! dontmention that OS LOL (09:29:02 PM) greg-g: atoponce: I am not (09:29:04 PM) vorian: yeah, we should really vote on it (09:29:07 PM) ***vorian hides (09:29:08 PM) PriceChild: vorian, *g* (09:29:24 PM) vorian: :) (09:29:26 PM) ***atoponce runs over vorian with a snow thrower (09:29:33 PM) vorian: ouch (09:29:39 PM) peanutb: dev_noob: im trying to use a THIN client (09:29:40 PM) ***juggy wonders, "wtf" (09:29:42 PM) peanutb: and it wont work (09:29:57 PM) ***vorian has a wedge in his hand and foot now (09:30:03 PM) vorian: missing at least (09:30:05 PM) greg-g: heading out... late all (09:30:13 PM) juggy: peace out (09:30:19 PM) boredandblogging: ok, meeting is on the fridge calendar (09:31:45 PM) atoponce: cool. (09:32:05 PM) atoponce: boredandblogging: can you forward this email to fridge-devel? or is that the appropriat fridge ML? is there a better one? (09:32:27 PM) vorian: ^5 bordy (09:32:31 PM) vorian: and boredandblogging (09:32:33 PM) vorian: :) (09:32:36 PM) vorian: sorry bordy (09:32:42 PM) juggy: is the meeting over yet? (09:32:57 PM) atoponce: yeah. we're winding down, at any event (09:33:13 PM) boredandblogging: atoponce: you want the meeting as a post on the fridge? Haven't seen that done. (09:33:32 PM) juggy: darn, first meeting (been a member since yesterday (loco Arizona)) been cool guys (09:33:33 PM) boredandblogging: you just have to mail the fridge list to get put on the calendar (09:33:41 PM) PriceChild left the room (quit: Client Quit). (09:33:41 PM) juggy: just keeping it real (09:33:53 PM) boredandblogging: but I can take care of that (09:34:07 PM) atoponce: well, i guess not, seeing as though we have it on the fridge (09:34:12 PM) juggy: can't wait to get my Ubuntu! bye! the pleasure was mine!! (09:34:18 PM) ***juggy waves goodbye (09:34:23 PM) atoponce: later (09:34:27 PM) juggy left the room. (09:34:47 PM) atoponce: doesn't make sense, now that it's up, does it? :) (09:35:18 PM) etank: atoponce: what doesnt make sense (09:35:24 PM) vorian: juggy, are you from the man show? (09:35:26 PM) boredandblogging: atoponce: thought you might have actually wanted a post announcing it (09:35:28 PM) ***etank missed something (09:35:29 PM) atoponce: forwarding the mail to the fridge-devel list (09:35:30 PM) vorian: crap, he's gone (09:35:53 PM) atoponce: to get it on the fridge, but boredandblogging already took care of it (09:36:13 PM) tyche: vorian: juggy is just getting involved with Ubuntu, as soon as I send him the disks. He's 13. (09:36:56 PM) vorian: tyche, awesome (09:37:17 PM) tyche: He's quite a kid, but a little puppy-ish yet. (09:37:30 PM) vorian: tyche, Juggernaut -> Juggy (09:37:41 PM) vorian: i'm a little late (09:37:51 PM) vorian: and a huge X-men fan (09:37:54 PM) tyche: Yep. He describes himself as over 6 feet tall and 200 pounds. the nick fits. (09:37:55 PM) vorian: :) (09:37:57 PM) mode (+o atoponce ) by ChanServ (09:37:59 PM) atoponce has changed the topic to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams | http://ubuntu-us.org | http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us | Next US Teams meeting on jan 9th, 8pm PST. greg-g presiding. Right here in #ubuntu-us. END MEETING }}}