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There are a few ways to manually test Ubiquity installer, here is information on how to get the latest installer, boot it, (optionally upgrade it) and test it.
Getting Latest Installation Media
Go to
- Select relevant milestone, e.g. "Saucy Daily"
- Scroll to relevant product, e.g. "Product (Ubuntu)"
- Click relevant build, e.g. "Ubuntu Desktop amd64" for 64-bit image
- Click download instructions for links to various download methods
Alternatively you can download latest Ubuntu Desktop images directly from
Select correct image, e.g. release-desktop-amd64.iso
Prepare Installation Media
For Virtual Machines (VirtManager, Qemu, Virtual Box, VMWare, etc):
- No steps required, simply point your virtual machine to boot from the downloaded ISO file.
For USB-sticks to boot laptops/desktops:
- Windows:
- Mac OS X:
- option 1: Use Disk Utility to burn/restore the .iso onto the usb disk
option 2: Follow
- Ubuntu:
option 1: use "Startup Disk Creator" app, Follow
option 2: use sudo dd if=/path/to/release-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdx where /dev/sdx is your USB drive NB! be careful to not wipe your own machine
- option 3: use any other LiveUSB creators / apps
For DVDs to boot laptops/desktops:
- Mac OS X:
- Windows:
- Ubuntu:
If you do ubuntu testing often, you might want to use USB-sticks or re-writable DVDs as one can reuse the same media multiple times.
As you are testing an in-development installer, make sure you boot it on a disposable machine with no useful data on it, as it can be accidentally removed. A Virtual Machine (VirtManager, Qemu, VirtualBox, VMWare, etc) or a spare old laptop are good candidates for testing.
For Virtual Machine, point to boot from the downloaded .iso file
- For laptops/desktops, insert USB-stick or DVD disk and boot from it.
General test cases
The website offers many test cases for our current images. Browse the website for relevant test-cases. For example, some of Ubuntu Desktop installer standard test cases are:
Upgrading Installer
- Boot into "Live Session" (see steps in the above test case)
- (optional) using software properties add a new PPA
Using Software Updater, update & upgrade all packages
- Launch the installer
- (normal) click installer icon in the dash
To activate additional modes, such as debug or a new hidden feature do following:
Open Terminal from the dash or press CTRL-ALT-T
Execute ubiquity followed by feature flags, e.g. ubiquity --debug or ubiquity --sso
Testing WiFi in VM
- Boot to Try Ubuntu
- modprobe virt_wifi module
Use ip link add link en0 name wlan0 type virt_wifi to wrap wifi in ethernet
- Use network manager indicator to disable dhcp / networking on the ethernet device
- Then start ubiquity
- Wifi screen should offer to connect to a fake wifi ap that is visible on the wlan0 device, which in practice simply passes through the dhcp to the regular qemu eth device.