Meeting minutes for 2021-03-31
- 2021-03-31 22:00 ~ 24:00 UTC+9
- Text chat meeting on telegram
- Chair: Youngbin Han(KR)
- Note taker: Hong Phuc Dang
- Yudhi Satrio
- Robbi Nespu (MY)
- Hong Phuc Dang
- Liam Zheng (CN)
- Updates from teams
- Code of Conduct Approval
- Sponsorship
- CFS Promotion
New members
Updates from teams
Coordination team:
- We published the previous meeting notes
- Prepared agenda items and scheduled bi weekly meeting
- Code of Conduct preparation
- Event website updates
- Provide support promotion and sponsorship teams upon request
Marketing Team
- Identify potential list marketing channels LINK
Technical team
- We're continuing testing generated subtitles using google text to speech. But i haven't got more updates other then Korean
and Japanese
- Yudhi: I can test and bring some data for Indonesian.
Sponsorship team
- Liam asked Ubuntu partners about what they would like to sponsor. They wanted to sponsor swags (hardware)
- Started a sponsorship brochure draft
Content team
- Plan to announce CFS early May, no further updates
Action items from last meeting
- INCOMPLETE Content Team: Discuss about virtual booths with video calls
- INCOMPLETE Content Team: Discuss about session slots, breaktimes, and overall timetable of the event
- INCOMPLETE Tech Team: Bring some more results on Google speech to text
- INCOMPLETE Everyone: Read carefully Ubuntu Code of Conduct 2.0 and suggest rules or items that should be added on our own Ubucon Asia
Code of Conduct(which will be appended on Ubuntu CoC 2.0) -> Draft is out
- DONE Gunyoung: Create and setup repo for Ubucon Asia CoC
- DONE Youngbin Han: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse
- DONE Youngbin Han: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting
- DONE Hong Phuc Dang: Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting (Note taker)
Topics for discussion
- Review our Code of Conduct draft
- Any feedbacks?
- meeting attendees said the draft one is ok.
- But since number of attendees were relatively small, there will be a poll for 1 week period.
- Sponsorship Discussion
- Sponsorship package
Yougnbin: According to the budget plan, most items can be paid directly by sponsor or can receive voucher/service credit/service subscription instead of cash. -> Let's consider receive sponsorship from swag makers or tell sponsors to pay swags directly.
Yudhi: -> in that event, attendees asked directly to sponsor to get swag/souvenir (sponsors directly paid to swag makers)
- HP: Best options would be cash sponsorship(that most events choose) with in-kind sponsorship. Fiscal host(a business, organization or individual who manages receiving and distributing fund with cash) is required to do that. FOSSASIA can offer fiscal host since it's registered organization in Sinapore.
Outcome: offer both cash and in-kind sponsorship. Hong Phuc offered to use FOSSASIA as a fiscal host. Action Item: Youngbin to check with an agency for their service cost if needed
Consider delegating cash management to each local team -> no longer required if we got fiscal host.
sponsor type suggestion: global sponsors/local sponsors -> This will be discussed within sponsorship and update will be shared on next meeting.
CFS Promotion -> This will be discussed in next meeting.
- through our social media
- through each local team’s marketing channel
Action Items
- All: Each community (fossasia, fossnp, openstack-id, gnome-id)
please make a pull request to add your community logo and some intro text to (check this out on github) OR send the logo and intro text to Youngbin
- All: add and verify community details into page 6 of sponsorship doc
- Hong Phuc: check with FOSSASIA team on fiscal host fee
- Sponsorship team: complete sponsorship brochure and select fiscal host
- Content Team: Discuss about virtual booths with video calls
- Content Team: Discuss about session slots, breaktimes, and overall timetable of the event
- Tech Team: Bring some more results on Google speech to text
- Hong Phuc Dang: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse
- Hong Phuc Dang: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting
- Gunyoung Yoon: Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting (Note taker)
- Next meeting: 2020-04-14 22:00 UTC+9
Some notes
Yudhi will be busy with his family early May(around 2~3 weeks) won't be able to join meeting.