= Meeting minutes for 2021-09-04 = https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuconAsia/2021/MeetingMinutes/2021-09-04 == When == * 2021-09-04 18:30 ~ 19:30 UTC+9 * Text chat meeting on telegram * Meeting is now Weekly meeting on Saturdays == Attendees == * Chair: Youngbin Han * Note taker: Youngbin Han * Vincent Wong * Gyuseok Jung * RJ Hsiao * Ko Ko Ye * Liam Zheng * Hong Phuc Dang * Rohit Man Amatya == Agendas == * Updates from teams * Action items from last meeting * Topics for discussions === New members === * Vincent Wong (Ubuntu HK) === Updates from teams === * Coordination team * Got new member - Vincent Wong * Vincent will do works instead of Jeremy * We supported sponsorship team to handle agreements and invoices * Help Tech team to setup Google Cloud * Work with marketing team on merchandise * Publish meeting minutes * Marketing Team * Promotion post on Ubuntu blog * https://ubuntu.com/blog/introducing-ubucon-asia-2021-the-first-ubuntu-conference-in-asia * Promotion post on MOPCON social media. - Will be published soon. * Preparing spreadshop.com for merchandises * Technical team * Pre-recorded videos with cover rendered and uploaded to YouTube * Subs generated with script. Also uploaded to YouTube * Sponsorship team * Got sponsorship amount from Canonical * Microsoft joins as Gold sponsor * Youngbin working on to bring NIPA(A government agency in Korea) * Hong Phuc assisted for some legal documents * Content team * Received recordings from speakers * Reviewed some videos. Satrio found some problems on a few videos: Few videos had ads about the speaker's company. asked them to remove it. === Action items from last meeting === * Sartika Lestari: Submit final promotion document * Vincent did this instead * Hong Phuc Dang: Sending emails to speakers to remind them about the video upload deadline -> Done! * Tech Team: Setup Google Cloud for subtitles by end of this month (Use FOSSASIA’s google account, tell Hong Phuc Dang how to set up & what to do; set up * by sept 4) -> Done! * Youngbin Han: Pass Hong Phuc Dang the information for Gathertown payment -> not yet * Sartika Lestari: Check with Gimpscape ID for their help with t-shirt design (tshirt design deadline: 2021/08/24) -> Not received design yet * Youngbin Han: Check with sticker vendors if we can issue coupons like t-shirts -> Done! * Youngbin Han: Contact Ian(Microsoft) and Ubuntu for their session / workshop information -> Done! * Gunyoung Yoon: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse -> Done! * Gunyoung Yoon: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting -> Done! * Gunyoung Yoon: Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting (Note taker) -> Done! * Next meeting: 2020-09-01 22:00 UTC+9 -> Done! === Topics for discussion === To Dos * Update panel discussion panel information * Confirmed: Sartika, Youngbin, Masafumi Ohta * Considering: TW, MY, JP * contact Hong Phuc to join as panel * Share list of questions for panel session * Spreadshop.com setup + T-shirts and other swag design * Ask Gimpscape.id for design help? * Current design is too colourful in the background. Revision required? * Need legal info to open shop: * Use Youngbin’s info first. if not works, contact HP for help * Vincent to contact Sartika and Gimpscape.ID to check if they have any tshirt design for our event. * Gather town space setup * Need to ask sponsors * community partners whether they will run virtual booths. (Quick Yes/No question) * Gather town information posting on ubucon website [Will discuss on next week] * Marketing to bring more registration * promo video? - We can spend money for video maker subscription. * Subtitle: Now need to send machine generated subtitles and videos to volunteers * Video call test with live session speakers * Keynote and Mark’s welcome video to arrive next week * Pre-event, Post-event email to all attendees * Sponsor introduction email == Action Items == * Youngbin Han: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse * Youngbin Han: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting * Vincent Wong: Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting (Note taker) * Next meeting: 2020-09-11 18:30 UTC+9 * Vincent to contact Sartika and Gimpscape.ID to check if they have any tshirt design for our event. * RJ: Bring Gather Town Map design idea * Youngbin: Open spreadshop store