[[UbuconAsia|See UbuCon Asia in other years]] {{attachment:uca22.png}} = UbuCon Asia 2022 = First In-person UbuCon Asia event at Seoul, South Korea * Website: https://2022.ubucon.asia | Source code: https://github.com/ubucon-asia/2022 * Venue: Nuritkum Square (Nuri Dream Square), Seoul, South Korea * Dates: November 26-27 * [[https://2022.ubucon.asia/about/|Organizing team]] * [[https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubucon-asia-2022-meeting-notes-thread|Meeting notes on discourse]] * [[https://github.com/ubucon-asia/2022-artworks|Logo and other artworks]] == Chat == Note: Roome are all bridged. * IRC: #ubucon-asia on libera.chat * Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#ubucon-asia:matrix.org * Telegram: https://t.me/UbuConAsia == Email contact == * General team contact@ubucon.asia * Content team content@ubucon.asia * Travel team travel@ubucon.asia * Sponsorship team sponsorship@ubucon.asia * Marketing team marketing@ubucon.asia * Web and Video team technical@ubucon.asia