<> ## CategoryEvangelistsInformation == == * '''Let''' the other person explain his point of view by asking [[http://youtu.be/8y5tuJ3Sojc|intelligent questions]]. In the end, who is able to understand better one's reasons is oneself; and people like this to be recognized. * '''Anger''' is other face of fear. Sometimes people get angry because '''their own motives''', rather because of something with you. * '''Contra-argumentating''' so hardly many times is a clear indicator that the person recognizes the proposed solution is already good, but the person wants to '''get sure''' there isn't any drawback in taking it. * People tend to '''over-react''' on new changes, but this can easily be reverted by showing them how these changes already connect with their '''own objectives''' (not yours); and '''showcasing before''' getting into words. * What is '''visually measured''' tends to improve itself. Use the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu%20Evangelist/Social%20tool-kit|social tool-kit]] for actually '''being objective''' of what's really going on. * Evangelizing is '''more about informing''' than convincing, because convincing oneself takes time. With key information people tend to choose wisely what options actually makes things '''simpler'''. == == [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mark-Shuttleworth-Ubuntu-fr-Karmic.jpg|{{attachment:Mark.jpg|(CC-BY-SA 3.0) 2009 Tristan Nitot|height=300}}]]