The below is an update on the criminal prosecution of multilingual activities including the propagation of the Kurdish localization of Ubuntu in Turkey. The mayor Abdullah Demirbas of the Sur district of Diyarbakir may be dismissed and the municipal council dissolved because of these activities.

The text is a statement by his party, the direct references to Ubuntu are highlighed.

Intense legal and administrative pressure over Sur Municipality and Mayor Abdullah Demirbas

On January 5, 2007, Turkish Ministry of Interior appealed to the State Council for the dismissal of Mayor Demirbas and the dissolution of the Sur Municipal Council due to the municipal council’s decision on provision of multilingual municipal services for the local public.

On October 6, 2006, Sur Municipal council approved a decision on the provision of multilingual municipal services for the local public. The proposal on multilingual municipal services had been referred to the Council Presidency on September 29, 2006 by the Municipal Directorate of Cultural and Social Affairs, upon the evaluation of the public survey results which stated that 24% of the local residents spoke Turkish in daily life, 72% spoke Kurdish, 1% spoke Arabic and 3% spoke Syriac and Armenian languages. The proposal was first evaluated at the Municipal Commission on Education, Culture, Sports and Tourism. In the commission’s report dated 06.10.2006 , “the need for a more participant understanding of municipal service provision” was emphasized; it was stated that “Surici, our municipal service area, covers the neighbourhood wherein the majority of the traces belonging to the multi-religious and multi-linguistic civilizational heritage in historic city Diyarbakir are located…in the light of the scientific data provided [survey results]…in order to provide more healthy and better municipal services for the local people and to render educational, cultural and artistic activities locally more accessible… additionally, regarding that the municipal service area is also a touristic site frequently visited by foreign tourists… proposal for the provision of municipal services in multiple languages for hereafter was found to be appropriate”. The report was then referred to the Municipal Council, where both the directorate’s proposal and the commission’s report were read, discussed and then approved through a council decision by 17 votes in favour, 7 against and 1 abstention.

According to the registered minutes of the relevant council meeting, Mayor Demirbas stated the following on the aforementioned proposal and the report during the meeting:

Mayor Demirbas, a teacher himself, is furthermore widely known among the local public by his sensitivity towards educational and cultural issues and by his sincere efforts in protection and promotion of the rights and lives of children and of the historical, cultural and linguistic richness in his municipal service area. While there are currently two ongoing wide scale EU projects and many small scale municipal projects towards the renovation and promotion of the multi-ethnic historic and cultural heritage in the Surici district, Sur Municipality has already pioneered publication of children’s books and promotion of municipal services in multiple languages during the Mayor’s term in office. Furthermore, all these services were met with great public interest and appreciation.

The local, legal and administrative context in which the Ministry of Interior’s action for the dismissal of the Mayor and the dissolution of the Council was taken is very alarming for the local democracy dynamics and cultural freedoms in the region and in Turkey. First of all, to put into practice a form of law enforcement that is fair and impartial and respectful of basic human rights, and a form of law that observes the prevalent values of a society—in short, a form that promotes the rule of law—is one of the basic tenets of good local governance. A very important issue for local democracy is the “principle of proportionality for any administrative regulation or act imposing a limit on self-government”, stipulated in the Article 8 of Charter. As noted previously by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, it is very important to make sure “that a proper procedure exists, including the rights of the defence, and that careful provision is made in legislation concerning ancillary or principal penalties affecting the actual exercise of elected office”.

According to the existing legislative framework, Ministry of Interior does have the legal right to take an action towards dismissing a locally elected mayor and dissolving the municipal council in certain circumstances. Yet, in a normally or properly working democracy, in the case of a suspected municipal council activity, it is always possible to first initiate a preliminary investigation into the action and proceed through legal and legislative means and ways (e.g. court proceedings), and then consequently to take the action necessitated by the due process. In this case, however, Ministry of Interior directly applied to the State Council with the inspector’s report, without recoursing to the prior legal and legislative process. It should be reminded that in the municipal council’s decision, in accordance with and in limits of the existing law, there is no provision stipulating use of any language other than Turkish in official correspondence. Therefore, this issue should be strictly framed through the use and limits of supervisionary powers on the actual exercise of elected office within the context of cultural freedoms.

Overall, the situation Mayor Demirbas faces points to the neglect of the principles such as democratization as well as respect to human rights and cultural freedoms that are promoted not only by the European Council but also officially approved by the Turkish government through the European documents such as the Charter of Local Self Government. Cases like Mayor Demirbas’ are particularly effective in creating an impression of the arbitrary and unproportionate use of supervisionary powers over elected mayors in the region. The most problematic aspect of these files is not simply having the existence of a legal basis for such cases or actions, but the lack of constructive and positive reference to the existing laws.

Especially after the enactment of the new Anti-Terror Law in June 2006, criminalization of the DTP Mayors’ legal and democratic demands and actions through the pre-context of the PKK and separatist tendencies has almost become a commonplace legal and administrative practice. Clearly seen through the sheer number of investigations and court cases launched against the DTP mayors, the centralist point of view gradually exerts an even greater legal, administrative and psychological pressure over the municipal public service provision in the region. This situation, on the other hand, virtually renders Turkey’s ongoing process of democratization and modernization in the context of the EU negotiation as ineffective or non-existent for the local democracy dynamics in the region. Within this context, it should also be kept in mind that these perceptions are grounded in a regional history of previously abolished political parties and dismissed mayors and in the context of a current political tension which has led to the arrest of more than 60 high level provincial DTP administrators solely during last two months.

We call upon the international community to recognize the present legal, administrative and psychological pressure exerted over the DTP mayors and the rising political tension in the region. Strongly believing that this situation can be overcome with proper, effective, efficient and immediate implementation of the local democracy and local good governance concepts on ground, we also invite the international community to take immediate and effective action to this end.

Appendix 1: Media and Press Activities of the Sur Municipality

  1. Publication of a trimonthly children’s magazine titled “Semamok”, which has contents both in Turkish and Kurdish. 5000 copies are made and distributed for each issue.
  2. Publication and distribution of 8000 copies of a children’s tale book in Kurdish.
  3. Publication of a book titled ‘’Games and Handicrafts for Children’’ in Turkish and Kurdish, especially regarding the related lack of publications for children at school age. Distributed primarily to the teachers and parents on the occasion of October 8th Teachers’ Day.
  4. Publication of 15.000 promotional brochures on Surici district in 6 languages, still ongoing distribution in and abroad Turkey.
  5. Preparation of a promotional movie on Surici district, titled “A Door of Peoples’’ in three languages (Turkish, Kurdish and English), and its ongoing distribution to local, national and international institutions.
  6. Preparation, publication and distribution of the municipal activity and service report for the two years in Kurdish and Turkish (2000 copies).
  7. Preparation, publication and distribution of a CD on the municipal activity and service report for the two years in Turkish, Kurdish and English (2000 copies).
  8. Preparation of the municipal public survey on needs and life conditions of the local residents for publication into a book in 3 languages (Turkish, Kurdish and English); ongoing distribution of the 2000 published copies to relevant institutions.
  9. Organization of the reception held to launch the first computer operating system in Kurdish, Ubuntu Linux; distribution of 1000 Ubuntu software CDs free of charge; publication of 2000 more copies due to strong public demand.

  10. Publication of 12 tales’ book in Kurdish, which will be published one by one every month in 5000 copies, and will be distributed to children and parents under the title “A tale for every night”.

Ubuntu-ku/Update_on_the_criminal_prosecution (last edited 2008-08-06 16:38:27 by localhost)