||<>|| ---- == Advertisement Video == * 20 seconds * coffee shop * non-speaking presenter showcasing Natty * I imagine it like outside the coffee shop, some women comes out, sits down and then showcases natty * voice-over: "I want to give you something, it is life, friends, love and heart, you get to do what you want to do and do it with ease, and the best part is: it is free, UBUNTU" ---- == Script by Hendrix == SCENE OPENS OUT SIDE COFFEE SHOP, A FEW PEOPLE SITTING AT OUTSIDE TABLES AND ONE WALKING BY. A WOMAN WALKS OUT OF COFFEE SHOP AND SITS DOWN AT A TABLE WHERE A LAPTOP IS SITTING. THE WOMAN OPENS THE LAP TOP, THERE IS A UBUNTU LOGO ON THE LAP TOP. (camera moving towards woman) “ I want to give you something “ (camera gets to the back of the lap top and moves around to show the screen) CUT TO SCREEN SHOT “it is life” (working on word processor and spreed sheet) CUT TO NEXT “friends”(scrolling through face book and gibber) CUT TO NEXT “love and heart” (scrolling through mini tunes and rhythmbox) “you get to do what you want to do with it, and do it with ease” (searching and scrolling through software center) CUT TO OUT SIDE COFFEE SHOP CLOSE TO WOMANS LAP TOP (camera moving away from woman) “and the best part is: it is free” (camera is at original position at the end of the phrase) FADE TO PURPLE(or what ever color) WITH UBUNTU LOGO AND WORD UBUNTU “UBUNTU” ---- == Script by idi0tf0wl == The exact same as Hendrix' suggestion, but done with slidemotion text that appears in all languages (This would be easy and look awesome) in lieu of using a voice. Good, visual music for sound (I humbly submit my own). Really take the user on a journey, not a tour. ---- == Script by Emily == ''' [[http://emilywind.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/ubuntu-ad-smaller.jpg| Could use editing and removing Logos and Companies (Microsoft and Apple). Very nice Illustrations though, lovely. ]]''' The important points of the concept are: - Use of real people, with one making the decision to use Ubuntu and being questioned about it by their friends. This example sets up a student and teacher model, but the teacher is down to Earth in that they are not an “expert” and are an equal amongst three friends. This makes Millina out to be an ordinary person in that she is not an “expert,” and also the down-to-Earth explanation and recent switch avoids her being tagged as a nerd but rather someone who made a decision based on cost and other “normal” factors. - A focus on applications. Applications are what allow people to do what they do, and most computer users understand this at some level since they factor in shovelling out a good deal of money for Microsoft Office into the cost of a new computer. Since most Ubuntu applications are different from what most people use, we need to be upfront with saying which applications we have that do what people do the most, and being sure that they are just as good along with saying they are. - A mention of the Operating System itself as well, covering the points which people will be most curious about. In this case I glance over price and security amongst the talk of applications. - Advertising it as something to switch to when getting a new laptop. This requires getting Ubuntu laptops in stores, of course, but it is more likely when we are going to net a new user. The average user has never installed any OS before, and is probably going to be overwhelmed if they have to install Ubuntu. Giving them a choice right when they’re buying makes the decision more likely to go in favour of the cheaper option, especially in today’s economy. I have a new idea coming up as well and will do concept art for it once I have refined it. Cheers. :) - Emily Wind ---- == Script Idea By Alex Krueger == "I... I was a Windows user... Windows XP, then Windows 7. At first it wasn't that bad, I only used it occasionally to answer emails or do some online shopping. But then it got worse. And worse. Eventually I reached a point in my life where I said, 'Enough! I can't take this anymore!' So I switched to Ubuntu. I feel so much better now. I don't feel sluggish when browsing the internet or waiting for the computer to boot. I'm physically better, now, too--I am the least susceptible to viruses now that I use Ubuntu. I have been Windows free for 7 months!!!! Woooo- hoooo!" Narrator: "Some side effects are: feeling great about yourself, not waiting for your computer to turn on for three minutes, and being able to gloat to friends. Call a doctor if you begin to feel like you could fly." ---- == Script Idea by Dante == SCRIPT (ideas welcome) *darkness, a chair, lit by spotlight, camera slowly zooms into chair* VO: "When I was young...I was taught, to share." *camera keeps moving closer to chair* "As I grew older, I found joy in sharing. The pleasure my possessions brought others..." *picture warps, flashes, a person suddenly appears in the chair, their face mostly unlit* "And now, I wish to share with you..." *face is lit, person spreads their arms, lights come on and there are thousands of people lined up behind the chair* "WE, wish to share with you; our masterwork...." *everyone says* "We. Are. Ubuntu. Join us." It needs a little refinement, but I hope you can see where I'm going with it. ---- == Script Idea by Tarek shamelessly ripped off from Emily and Hendrix == SCENE OPENS OUT SIDE COFFEE SHOP, A FEW PEOPLE SITTING AT OUTSIDE TABLES. THE CAMERA FOCUSES ON TWO WOMEN, DRESSED FOR WORK, CHATTING. WOMAN1 OPENS THE LAPTOP. Woman2: Hey, your laptop boots really fast! Woman1: I use Ubuntu, it's an operating system based on Linux. Woman2: Isn't it hard to learn? I heard it has only text commands! WOMAN1 SHOWCASES UNITY Woman1: Not at all. Look, this is called the Unity interface. I can open up software and find my files easily. Woman2: Yes, but I heard you can't install applications easily, it's too technical! WOMAN1 STARTS SHOWCASING THE SOFTWARE CENTER Woman1: Not anymore. See? This is the Software Center. Here you can find and install many apps, most of which are free! Right now, there are (insert incredibly eye-popping high number here) of apps available. Plus, you don't have to chase updates. The update manager informs you of updates. AS IF BY MAGIC, THE UPDATE MANAGER OPENS UP SHOWING SOFTWARE UPDATES. Woman2: But I don't really like the way it looks. It's too dark. WOMAN1 OPENS THE SYSTEM TAB FROM UNITY. Woman1: Don't worry, you can change anything on Ubuntu. Look, this is the System tabs. I can change all the options from here. WOMAN1 OPENS THE APPEARANCE PREFERENCES Woman1: I can customize how it looks. I can change the theme, the icons, the cursor... And I can find new ones easily from the internet. Woman2: Wow! I want to give it a shot! WOMAN1 GRABS A CD WHICH SHE CONVENIENTLY CARRIED AROUND IN HER BAG. Woman1: Here. It's a Live CD. Woman2: What does that mean? Woman1: It means you can try it without installing it. If you like it, you can install it from there! Woman2: Wow! That's really nice! Woman1: and the best part is: it is free. THE SCENCE STARTS FADING OFF, THE WOMAN ARE SMILING AND CONTINUE CHATTING ABOUT OTHER SUBJECTS. UBUNTU LOGO AND THE FOLLOWING WORDS APPEAR, with a voice over: "Ubuntu. For Human Beings". Of course, the dialog can be improved. What do you think? Maybe it will be too long, so instead of one big dialogue, we could cut it down in several ads and in each one show an aspect of Ubuntu. ---- == Script for comercial by AAR == Picture a city, very calm, very quiete, sudently a man and a women appear running of the camera. 3 cops are chasing them, they jump, they run faster. A close up to the cops, one of them got windows logo in his hat, the other one, mac logo. A close up to the couple, they got the word YOU in their t-shirts. The persecution continues.. The couple runs with all their forces. Then an invisible wall stop the couple, and they fall down to the floor. VOICE: THIS IS YOUR LIFE.. The couple stand up (with success music (opera or something) ) the passthrough the wall, they walk with tranquility. VOICE: BE FREE.. The cops are stoped by the invisible wall. VOICE: BE THE WAY YOU DREAM.. Then kids, an old men, and old women, all kind of people join the couple to walk. Fade-in of a white screen.. with the words and voice: BE LINUX.. BE UBUNTU.. BE YOU.. ---- == Advert idea by njwrigley == Scene: PC on desk next to monitor. Moody lighting and a dismal atmosphere. PC is on but it is not clear what is on because the screen is all grey and faded. Shot starts with the desk and PC far away - as the ad progresses the shot closes in steadily towards the PC and as the shot closes in the lighting begins to improve and become more dynamic and ‘positive’, especially after the mention of Ubuntu. The dialogue is read in a sad, morose manner at the start and slowly becomes more jolly over time, again as Ubuntu is mentioned we get very happy! During the dialogue about the ‘old’ PC the screen remains dark and unhelpful. As we move on to mention Ubuntu the screen comes to life and starts to be colourful and there is movement. Apps are shown and when the word ‘FREE’ is mentioned a big $ crossed out is displayed to imply no cost. AD STARTS: Hi. I’m your computer. You bought me a while back and we’ve done a heap of stuff together. You really loved me at first when I was new. You put your music and photos on me and did some of your work on me too. We were best of friends. You smiled when I was on. Now you don’t smile when you use me. Now I make you cross. I’m sorry... I don’t mean to cause you problems. I know that your apps cost you a lot of money and you just want me to work. I don’t mean to worry you because I keep getting infected with viruses, I’m trying not to loose your precious data. I know that when I go wrong you can’t work out what to do and have nowhere to turn. Please forgive me, it’s not my fault. I can change, I can get better and we can smile again together. We need a fresh start. I just need something new to make me better, not the old stuff that kept going wrong. I need a new heart, a new set of apps. I need a new start. I need this to be free. I need Ubuntu. We need Ubuntu. ---- == Idea from Tarek == Ok, so taking in consideration what we've been discussing, which is: - not mentioning any product outside Ubuntu, - short, - easy to shoot, - easy to translate, - not in public, - no clichés ("Hey Michelle! I love what you've done with your hair!"), - not technical, - talk more about the philosophy than usage. I've came up with the following, for several ads. It would consist of people simply saying what they like about Ubuntu, why they use it. I don't know if it's "WOW!!! So original!!", but it's simple, short, can be shot inside a studio or whatever, doesn't require too many people, doesn't require master skills in editing or special effects, it's personal and to translate only subtitles are needed, or just the text. ---- == Idea from JamesMR and Darael == This is a fragment for part of a cinema "turn off your 'phones" ad. Something like: "Ubuntu is green. Do your bit for the environment and use Ubuntu - and while you're at it, do your bit for the environment in here and turn your 'phone off for the film." ---- == Phones are fun, so are PC's with Ubuntu == Idea by [[https://launchpad.net/~JR0cket|John Stevenson (JR0cket)]] === Premise === The advert is attempting to convey that phones are fun and easy to use and by association so is Ubuntu. The advert also has a focus on making the phone quite, as per the creative brief. === The Scenario === The scene opens with a smart phone jumping into an empty space, acting in a very animated, fun but very noisy manner. Along comes a sleek looking laptop that has no operating system on it yet. The laptop proceeds to pull out all the fun applications from the phone into itself (in the same way a magnet pulls metal towards it). The laptop now has lots of fun, easy to use and productive software on it and is shown running Ubuntu (picture of Unity desktop, Ubuntu logo overhead) The phone stands there motionless and is therefore quite, reminding people to switch off there phones (and switch on Ubuntu when they get home). === Possible tag lines === "Switch off your phone and switch onto Ubuntu" === Implementation === I imagine this to be an animated movie, similar to the [[http://design.canonical.com/2010/10/introducing-ubuntu-the-movie/|Canonical Ubuntu]] movie which I believe was created with Blender, Inkscape, etc. == Idea copied from Alan Cocks' suggestion on the ML == === Premise === The ten second cinema ad that was proposed at the IRC meeting === Voiceover === What do you see when you use your Computer? Same old thing? ...There IS a Better Way! Ubuntu! Idea from Alan Cocks === Submitted by Barry Drake as this one is too good to ignore. === === Alternate voiceovers === "There is nothing wrong with your computer - you just need a new, fast, exciting way to use it. Ubuntu." "There is nothing wrong with your computer now there is a better way to use it. Ubuntu." "Tired computer? Thinking of an upgrade? You don't need a new computer - try Ubuntu" "When the world is ready for a new and better life ..... every computer will use Ubuntu" === Visual === (symbolism = freedom) - bird's eye view flying over an idyllic piece of rural scenery (I'm as free as a bird). Last five seconds, fade in the logo and the www.ubuntu.com URL. (Yes, five seconds is always just right). === Audio === Harmonious sound something like an extended version of the Ubuntu startup chord. Barry Drake - December 16th. ---- == Idea by Simon Vass == == Ubuntu Advert Idea 1 == === Premise === How much do we need to explain what Ubuntu is? Can we just get away with making people want it? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimonVass - Simon Vass === Scenario === A series of faces stating "I use Ubuntu!" , all ages, demographics, also Internationalized (i.e. school kid in africa) etc. The last line "Do you use Ubuntu?" with the logo and URL fading in. == Ubuntu Advert Idea 2 == === Premise === Same premise as before. A man walks to his garage and presses the clicker the door opens on a bicycle. He get on and rides down the street. The screen fades to the next morning, the same man opens his garage door and now it's a motorbike, same as before rides down the street. Third time it's a Pontiac firebird , and this time a group of guys and girls dressed in purple and orange are lovingly polishing down the bodywork, and open the door for him. Maybe one hands him a key ring with the Ubuntu Logo on it. Fires up the engine and peels off down the road (at a respectable speed!) Fade to logo and voice over. === Voice over === Would it not be nice if somethings just got better and better for free? Some do. Ubuntu! Got it yet? === Alternate voiceover === This is what it feels like when you upgrade to Ubuntu. Have you got it yet? from Barry Drake. == Ubuntu Advert Idea 3 == === Premise === Show how many devices can run Ubuntu, and how fun it can be (Yes not unlike another nameless brand of OS) Camera walks into house, Mum is working on his PC in the study, we see her opening and closing documents, maybe having a Skype (or SIP) chat with a colleague, pan to the living room where Junior sits with Grandpa/ma on the sofa, they have a tablet which they are reviewing some photos on. Daughter bounces in and wants to watch a movie on the big screen TV which is running Mythbuntu? Kids fight over remote (ahh). Pan to Dad who is in the kitchen with a notebook laptop, working/chatting?/looking up bar-b-Que recipes (stereotypes do exist for a reason) Camera pans back and follows the Son upstairs to another PC (yeah they have loadsa money!) and he fires it up to play a game like Open-Arena or something equally colorful. Fade to Logo and Voiceover === Voice over === When stuff works you get so much more done. Ubuntu! Got it yet? Camera pans to dog kennel where a lovely collie is using a netbook to chat to a terrier! Fade out. ---- == Supercharge your computer == === Visual === A powerful sports car struggling to make it up a hill. (five seconds). As engine sound changes to Ubuntu startup sound, car accelerates rapidly, and Ubuntu logo and URL appear. === Audio === Antique engine struggling (five seconds) taken from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOcbRBIgEIQ&feature=related followed by the Ubuntu startup sound (approx five seconds). === Voiceover === "You wouldn't accept a new car with a 50cc engine. Supercharge your computer with the power of Ubuntu" Idea from Barry Drake. === Alternate voiceover === "Supercharge your computer with the power of Ubuntu!" - If we lose the car we can use the tag-line with other versions of the advert. i.e. a bike creaking up a hill etc or a plane struggling to take off etc. Simon Vass == Videos by Roy Jamison (xteejx) == I have made 2 "adverts" for personal/humorous purposes. One is a simple sound mix/edit of the Apple "childish" music used in ads overlaid on the video in the Examples folder (I think it works well). The other is a parody of Harry Hill's TV Burp illustrating (possibly) Linux users' views on Windows 7. I realise that this isn't *anywhere* near what we are or should be looking for, but if anyone wants to take a look and have a laugh, perhaps get some ideas or anything, please feel free to do so. I am not a designer or professional editor or anything (you'll probably be able to tell!), but I hope that it gives something to the community, i.e. some ideas, a bit of fun, etc. It's not self promotion because to be quite frank, the videos are pretty rubbish, but still, if it helps, great! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGO18iUpgvQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbkzXiLTk7o ---- = Navigate = [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAdverts|Click here to go to the Main Wiki page]] >>> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAdverts/Meetings|Click here to go to our Meeting page ]] >>> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAdverts/Taglines|Click here to go to our Tagline page ]] >>> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAdverts/People|Click here to go to our Volunteer page ]]