|| {*} [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAlbania|Ubuntu Albania]] || || {*} [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntualbania|Launchpad Page]] <
> || {*} [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAlbania/Events#|Eventet]] <
> || {*} [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAlbanian#Meetings|Meetings]] <
> || {*} IRC: [[irc://irc.freenode.net/ubuntualbania|#ubuntualbania]]<
> || || {*} Team leader: [[g1m|Gim H]] <
> || ||'''Contents'''<
><>|| Ubuntu Albania eshte komuniteti i Ubuntu ne Shqiperi ,Kosove dhe vendet tjera ku jetojne shqiptare. = Kontakti = ## List the contact information of the team: Mailing-list, IRC channel and Web Forum as they may apply. Provide a link to the Launchpad page as a Team Member list if applicable. Consider how people will get in touch with you based on the contact information you supply. = Si te Kontriboj = ## Describe easy ways to contribute to the team. These should look a lot like the bulleted points on the ContributeToUbuntu wiki page. Link to more detailed subpages as necessary. = Projektet = ## List the team's current projects and tasks as well as status and contact persons for each one. Make it easy for new people to know who to ask and where to go to get involved with a specific project. = Launchpad Members = ## Describe your Launchpad team membership policy here. = Meetings = ## Link to Meeting Agendas and old meeting summaries here. ---- '''Sub-pages :''' <> ---- ---- CategoryUbuntuTeams