'''Unfortunately, this program has been cancelled. If you wish to request a banner and tablecloth, please submit a Community Donations Application at https://forms.canonical.com/cda''' A one off gift will be given to all '''APPROVED''' Teams from Canonical, in order to receive this gift you will need to get your Team Contact person to email when once the gifts are ready with the following Details. This page is being created to list the amount of teams that will need a banner. The following information is requested * Loco name * Contact person * Full postal address including post/zip code * Telephone number of contact * Any other relevant shipping info (e.g. CPF number for Brazil) Please add your team information below in '''ALPHABETICAL ORDER''' || Team Name || Contact Name||Email Address || Any other relevant information|| ||Argentina LoCo|| [[https://launchpad.net/~unimix|Guillermo Lisi]] || <> || || ||Arizona LoCo Team|| || || || ||Asturian LoCo Team|| [[https://launchpad.net/~costales|Costales]] || <> || || ||Belgian Local Community Team|| [[https://launchpad.net/~janc|Jan Claeys]] || ubuntu@janc.be || || ||Catalan LoCo Team|| [[RafaelCarreras|Rafael Carreras]] || rcarreras@ubuntu.cat || || ||China LoCo Team|| [[https://launchpad.net/~chenyueg|Eleanor Chen]] || chenyueg AT ubuntu DOT com || || ||Colorado Ubuntu Local Team|| [[DavidOvercash|David Overcash]] || <> || || ||Florida LoCo Team|| [[itnet7|Chris Crisafulli]] || itnet7 at ubuntu dot com || || ||Georgia LoCo|| || || || ||German Ubuntu LoCo Team|| || || || ||Grupo Ubuntu Nicaragua|| Marcelo Gutierrez || mmgc84 a7 gmai1 d0t c0m || || ||Indiana LoCo Team|| || || || ||Kurdish Kurmanji Team|| || || || ||Pennsylvania - US LoCo Team|| || || || ||Russian Team||[[AlexeyBalmashnov]] || <> || || ||South African Ubuntu team|| [[drubin|David Rubin]] || drubin at ubuntu com || || ||Thai Loco Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Australian Loco team || [[JaredNorris|Jared Norris]] || jrnorris at gmail dot com || || ||Ubuntu Austria LoCo team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Bangladesh|| || || || ||Ubuntu Brazil||[[AndreGondim]] || <> || || ||Ubuntu California|| [[lyz|Elizabeth Krumbach]] || lyz@ubuntu.com || || ||Ubuntu Canada|| [[Txwikinger|Ralph Janke]] || <> || || ||Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team|| [[RichardJohnson|Richard Johnson]] || <> || || ||Ubuntu Chile|| || || || ||Ubuntu China LoCo Team|| [[EleanorChen|Eleanor Chen]] || <> || || ||Ubuntu Colombia|| [[AndresMujica| Andres Mujica]] || <> || || ||Ubuntu Croatian Advocates|| || || || ||Ubuntu Czech Republic|| VojtěchTrefný || vojtech.trefny@ubuntu.com || || ||Ubuntu Denmark|| [[FlemmingChristensen|Flemming Christensen]] || <> ||Fabersvej 8, DK-7100 Vejle || ||Ubuntu Ecuador Team|| [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Petrux | Pedro Franco]] ||<> || || ||Ubuntu El Salvador Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Finland|| [[TimoJyrinki]] || timo dot jyrinki at iki dot fi || || ||Ubuntu France|| [[ChristopheSauthier]] || <> || || ||[[http://www.ubuntu-gr.org/|Ubuntu Greece]]|| [[https://launchpad.net/~mk73628|Michael Kotsarinis]] || <> || || ||Ubuntu Honduras||[[DiegoTurcios|Diego Turcios]] ||<> || || ||Ubuntu Hungary|| [[https://launchpad.net/~tormalaszlo|László Torma]] || <> || || ||Ubuntu Indiana|| [[SimonARuiz]] || simon dot a dot ruiz at gmail dot com || or [[MichaelSchultheiss]]|| ||Ubuntu Indonesian Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Iranian Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Ireland|| [[rorymcc|Rory McCann]] || rory@technomancy.org || || ||Ubuntu Israel||[[Ddorda]]||ddorda AT ubuntu DOT com|| || ||Ubuntu Italy|| [[MiloCasagrande|Milo Casagrande]] || <> || || ||Ubuntu Japanese Team|| [[JunKobayashi|Jun Kobayashi]] || <> || || ||Ubuntu Kentucky LoCo Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Korean Team||[[https://launchpad.net/~jswlinux|SeoWon Jung]] || jswlinux AT gmail DOT com || [[https://launchpad.net/~hl1sxa|Jason Jang]] also|| ||Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team||[[fenris]] || fenris@ubuntu.com|| || ||Ubuntu Maryland LoCo Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Moroccan Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Nederland|| [[SenseHofstede|Sense Hofstede]] || sense@ubuntu.com || || ||Ubuntu New Mexico Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu New York State LoCo|| [[cprofitt|Charles Profitt]]|| cprofitt@ubuntu.com || || ||Ubuntu Norge|| [[huayra|Rubén Romero]] || huayra AT ubuntu D.t com || || ||Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team|| [[AmberGraner | akgraner]] || akgraner@ubuntu.com || || ||Ubuntu Ohio LoCo Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team|| [[bkerensa | bkerensa]] || bkerensa@ubuntu.com || || ||Ubuntu Peru|| [[jose]] || jose@ubuntu.com || || ||Ubuntu Polish LoCo Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Portugal|| [[FlavioMartins|Flavio Martins]] || <> || || || Ubuntu Quebec || [[FabianRodriguez|Fabian Rodriguez]] || <-- see here for contact information || || ||Ubuntu Romanian Local Team|| [[Alexandru.Cucu|Alexandru Cucu]] || alexandru.cucu AT ubuntu DOT ro || || ||Ubuntu Srbija LoCo Team|| [[https://launchpad.net/~bojce|Bojan Bogdanović]] || bojce@ubuntusrbija.org || [[https://launchpad.net/~urosldp|Ladislav Urošević]] || urosldp@gmail.com || ||Ubuntu Sweden LoCo Team|| [[https://launchpad.net/~pontus-ohman|Pontus Ohman]] || admin@id-10-t.se || || ||Ubuntu Swiss Team|| [[MyriamSchweingruber|Myriam Schweingruber]] || myriam@ubuntu.com || || ||Ubuntu Taiwan LoCo Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Tamil Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Team Philippines|| ZakElep || zakame@ubuntu.com || || ||Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team|| [[Zied_ALAYA|Zied ALAYA]] || zied.alaya AT ubuntu DOT com || || ||Ubuntu Turkey|| || || || ||Ubuntu UK|| [[https://launchpad.net/~davewalker|DaveWalker]] || <>|| || ||Ubuntu United States - NJ|| || || || ||Ubuntu Utah LoCo Team|| || || || ||Ubuntu Venezuela Team|| [[https://launchpad.net/~c3s4r|Cesar Sevilla]] || c3s4r@ubuntu.com|| || ||Ubuntu Vietnam|| || || || ||Ubuntu-fr|| || || || ||Ubuntu-Michigan|| GregGrossmeier || greg.grossmeier@ubuntu.com || || ||Uruguay LoCo Team||[[Pcapeluto|Pablo Capeluto]] || pcapeluto@ubuntu.org.uy || Or [[PabloRubianes]] || ||[[http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/|Washington,DC LoCo]]|| KevinCole || Use Launchpad || ||