This is a little experiment to see if Bantracker can be ported to use MySQL == Branch == == Setup MySQL == MySQL needs AUTO_INCREMENT in INTEGER PRIMARY KEY or it will always fail to get a new id. CREATE DATABASE bt; USE bt CREATE TABLE bans ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, channel VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, mask VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, operator VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL, removal DATETIME, removal_op VARCHAR(30), log TEXT ); CREATE TABLE comments ( ban_id INTEGER, who VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, comment MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, time VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE sessions ( session_id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY, user MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, time INT NOT NULL ); GRANT ALL ON bt.* TO bot@locahost IDENFIED BY password; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; == Configure Plugin == config plugins.Bantracker.database mysql://bot:password@localhost/bt == Status == * bans seems to be stored correctly * @mark works apparently * @bansearch and @banlog raises an exception FIXED * @bansearch seems to work * @banlog gives a "Error: No log for ID 1 available" thing? * Didn't test anything else.