* Get information from the product management about the new appliance: * How the new appliance image should be called (usually in the format `-core18-`) * What arches should it be provided for (currently we support amd64, pi arm64, pi armhf) * What snaps are required for it to run - usually it's just the appliance snap, but sometimes there are additional ones needed * Are there any other specifics to this appliance? Custom channel, track to be used? * Create the new appliance model assertion JSON files, one per each supported arch/platform. Please consult existing model JSON files for reference on how the fields should look like. There is an [[https://github.com/snapcore/models/tree/appliances|appliances]] branch on the snapcore/models git repository with all the appliance models so far. * When creating an appliance JSON file remember to bump the timestamp at the bottom to the current date * Do a test build of the appliances to make sure no error sneaked in. This can be done by substituting the brand-id and authority-id's from `ubuntu` to your private ones and signing the assertions locally, then using `ubuntu-image snap` as usual. * Commit the new JSON file to the [[https://github.com/snapcore/models/tree/appliances|appliances]] branch on the snapcore/models github repository. * Create an RT for IS to sign the model assertion with the ubuntu key, attaching the relevant .json files to the RT. * Example request - RT: 127600. * Once the model assertion is signed, send it the signed model files to snap-store-admins@lists.canonical.com for upload to the Snap Store. * Build the new images by logging into ancientminister, switching to the cdimage user and starting the build of the required appliance image as usual. * The `ARCHES` combination is `+appliance-`. Basically livecd-rootfs then just builds an ubuntu-core image using the `` appliance from the store (under the ubuntu brand). No tinkering needed. * Example: `DIST=bionic CHANNEL=stable PROPOSED=0 ARCHES="amd64+appliance-rocketchat-core18-amd64 arm64+appliance-rocketchat-core18-pi" for-project ubuntu-appliance cron.daily-live --live` * For future rebuilds, add the new appliances to `etc/default-arches` in lp:ubuntu-cdimage (under the `ubuntu-appliance` project) * Once the image build finishes, give the link to the new builds to the CertificationTeam (contact: Chris or Paul)