|| [[ UbuntuDrupal | Ubuntu Local Community Development Project ]] || ||<>|| = Welcome = Welcome to the Ubuntu Drupal Development wiki. Our projects can be viewed at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal. = Goals = The Ubuntu Drupal Development project has two primary goals. 1. To provide a set of tools that any Ubuntu team can use for their own Drupal website which includes: a. a default theme that is legally acceptable as well as extremely appealing - Examples at [[http://sd.ubuntu-us.org/]] and [[http://www.ubuntu-il.org/]] - Including both LTR and RTL languages a. a default set of modules that can be quickly deployed a. anything else that will be beneficial to any Ubuntu team 1. To support users: a. create a solid technological infrastructure a. allowing them to focus on the team/project itself = Support = Setup Guide: [[ UbuntuDrupal/Setup ]] <
>FAQ: [[ UbuntuDrupal/FAQ ]] <
>Email / Team: [[ https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drupal ]] <
>LP Answers: [[ https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal/ ]] <
>IRC: [[ http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#ubuntu-drupal | #ubuntu-drupal ]] = People = || Nick || Name || Team || Status || || [[ diddledan ]] || Daniel Llewellyn || [[ UKTeam | Ubuntu UK ]] || Project Lead || || [[ MTecknology ]] || Michael Lustfield || [[ SouthDakotaTeam | South Dakota ]] || Previous Lead || || [[ swe3tdave ]] || David Giard || [[ QuebecTeam | Quebec ]] || Previous Lead || || [[ ilo ]] || Iñaki López || [[ http://drupal.org/user/118449 | Drupal Profile ]] || Research || || [[ Mongolito404 ]] || Pierre Buyle || [[ BelgianTeam | Belgium ]] || Research || || [[ Ddorda ]] || Dor Danker || [[ http://ubuntu-il.com | Israel ]] || Developer || || [[ lajjr ]] || Leo Jackson Jr. || [[ https://launchpad.net/~lajjr | LP Profile ]] || Developer || || [[ MartinOwens | doctormo ]] || Martin Owens || [[ MassachusettsTeam | Massachusetts ]] || Developer || || [[ MichealH | MichealH ]] || Micheal Harker || [[UKTeam| UK Team ]] || Developer || If you would like to contribute to this project, we are always looking for new developers. Feel free to join the channel and ask. = About the project = The current Ubuntu Drupal Development project is a set of modules and a theme that are aimed at helping Ubuntu teams quickly setup and deploy a website. = Themes and Modules = == UD Managed == [[ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal-theme | Ubuntu Drupal Theme ]]: The Ubuntu Drupal Theme is a project to centralize and develop themes for Ubuntu websites. We also aim to keep it extremely well coded to ensure it runs perfect. [[ https://www.drupal.org/project/udheader | Theme Header ]]: This module will function as a block that can be displayed in place of the currently available header. It is able to display a specific banner for specific content types. [[ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal-sidebar | Sidebar ]]: This is a block that is meant to mimic that pretty sidebar on the Ubuntu website. It is entirely flexible. [[ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal-countdown | Release Countdown ]]: This is a module that will allow Drupal administrators to add a code block that displays the countdown until the next version of Ubuntu. It is capable of pulling the latest available options. [[ https://www.drupal.org/project/udplanet | Planet ]]: This is an aggregator that is meant to mimic [[ http://www.planetplanet.org/ | PlanetPlanet ]]. It uses a different mindset due to feed management but it is only dependent on a single built-in module. == Canonical Managed == [[ https://launchpad.net/drupal-openid | Launchpad OpenID ]]: This is a modified version of the Drupal maintained version. [[ https://launchpad.net/drupal-launchpad | OpenID Launchpad ]]: This module extends OpenID to use Launchpad as a single sign-on provider. This creates a Launchpad Login button block. [[ https://launchpad.net/drupal-teams | OpenID Teams ]]: This implementation of the OpenID teams extension allows you to request team membership data from a participating OpenID server and assign drupal roles based on the response.