Current Competition

Previous Winners

This page contains the details of all the previous winners of the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase and their submissions.

Lucid Lynx

Ubuntu is Humanity by Andrew Higginson (Video)

Frustration Blues by Colin Ross (Audio)

Karmic Koala

Water and Wind by Eugenia Loli-Queru (Video)

Eugenia Loli-Queru lives and works in California, an ex-developer who turned tech journalist and news-blogger, and later turned filmmaker. She served for 2 years at the now defunct BeNews (serving BeOS), then joined as an editor in chief, then kicked off (GTK+ software repository), and then wrote for some printed European tech magazines. During that time she developed a unique system for mobile browser auto-detection and content serving. While Eugenia is not very active in technology anymore, videography has become her main role these days, mostly shooting music videos for local Bay Area rock artists. She is very active helping people online at various forums about their video editing problems.

Eugenia says:

“I believe that Ubuntu is the single most important desktop distro today. What I love about it is that most of the people behind it understand what it takes to create a distro that makes sense to common people. They understand the challenges, and they make progress on them with each release. For example, my main gripe with Linux as a filmmaker is that there’s not a single really useful video editor out there, and I know that many people in the Ubuntu team recognize this reality rather than reply things like “did you try this and that editor?” (sure I have . Recognizing the problem is the first step to solve it. And I value this a lot”.

Hungry Lucy - In the circle (Audio)

The duo of War-N Harrison & Christa Belle have been creating music as Hungry Lucy since 1998. Their intoxicating, multi-layered music and enchanting female vocals are at once unique and accessible. To date, Hungry Lucy have released 4 CDs, a DVD, a digital-only album and appeared on numerous compilation CDs internationally as well as touring the US several times over the past 5 years. In 2006, frustrated with the insane antics of the music industry, and inspired by the Open Source software movement, Hungry Lucy withdrew from the traditional music business and began releasing their music under a Creative Commons license.

As both and artist and interactive developer, Hungry Lucy’s composer/producer, Warren Harrison, has benefited greatly from Free and Open Source software. In addition to giving away code, making Hungry Lucy’s music available for free is simply a small way to give back to the community that spread the word of Hungry Lucy and provided the software to make it possible.

More info at:

Daniel Galleguillos C. - Build To Heaven (Photo/Graphics)

Daniel Galleguillos, I live in Chile (Antofagasta II Region) and teaching Operating Systems in a University. In his free time he enjoys photography and uses Linux. About 8 years ago in computer design he started to use the GIMP, Blender, Inkscape and decided to colaborate in Linux Art. Since 2004 he has contributed to and in 2008 his art was selected in the GNOME Wallpaper Contest. Daniel also works in the GNOME Chilean Team and Ubuntu Chilean Art Team and has spoken about GNOME Art. In October he will participate in a 2009 Linux meeting talking about art (GNOME and Ubuntu) and The GNOME Day 2009 (Daniel designed the banner) giving a speech about GNOME Display Manager artwork. You can find Daniel IRC on Freenode as danielg in #ubuntu-cl, #ubuntu-artwork and on in #gnome-chile, #gnome-art and #gnome-hispano.

Jaunty Jackalope

Jean Francois Marais (Audio Winner)


South African bred and Taiwan based sound jeweler MoShang polishes rough audio diamonds and melds them with traditional Asian instruments and laid-back beats. In addition to his commercial releases, MoShang has made a remix album available for free download (Asian Variations – 2007) and was heavily involved as musician and producer with the free CABACA album by the CC Asia Band (2008). He has won a South African award for his music to the short film Angels in a Cage (2000) and his music has been featured in the HDTV Discovery Channel production Fantastic Festivals Of The World.

About the entry:

Robbie Ferguson (Video Winner)

Spirit Of Ubuntu

Former radio announcer, Robbie Ferguson hosts Category5 Technology TV; a live, weekly TV-style broadcast that answers technology questions for a global audience. With roughly 50,000 viewers per week through their video podcast alone, the show has quickly (albeit unofficially) become a popular resource for both seasoned and rookie Ubuntu users. Robbie is happily married with two young children. He has been a respected professional in the technology field for many years, and is currently a senior web developer at an IT firm, where he spends his professional time coding advanced PHP applications and wooing other employees toward Ubuntu.

About the entry:

William J McKee Jr (Graphic/Photo Winner)

Canadian Clouds

William considers himself your typical down to earth guy, fascinated with technology, nature, and how the two can meet sometimes with beautiful results. He has lived most of his life on the east coast, traveled a little, enough to appreciate the beauty we live in. Photography is still just a secondary hobby for him, but has always interested him.

About the shot:

Intrepid Ibex

Andrés Vidau (Audio Winner)

Andrés Vidau was born in Mexico City in the roaring 70's. It wasn't very long before he found his way into playing the drums. He and 3 friends formed the band: GasMoztaza. Starting in music with some punk rock and ska rhythms. A few years later got into electronic music and formed the band: Caravanacid which enjoyed a moderate success within the Mexican Trance Scene. From Mexico City he moved to the Caribbean where he made underwater movies for diving tourism and then finally moved to Barcelona where he resides now. Patas de Trapo is a track that was born in a one-track side project, and in collaboration with guitar player Mauricio Barron, current member of indie rock band A Colores. With Mauricio playing the guitar and Andres sequencing the rest of the song. Andrés is an Electronics Engineer and Ubuntu user since Gutsy Gibbon.

Andrew Higginson (Video Winner)

Andrew is not your typical English computer user. He is fourteen and produces artwork on his computer, with Free Software. The likes of Inkscape and The GIMP are his tools, all for the low price of nothing. He discovered Ubuntu in the latter part of 2006 and since then hasn't gone back. Projects like Wikipedia allowed him to develop his artwork skills, something he is very thankful for, as it allows him to 'wow' his friends as he does now. He loves the fact that Free Software enables someone with his lack of an income, to produce such great pieces of work, at such high quality, without having to break the bank. Free software has not only introduced him to unleash his creative side in computing, but to be able to give back to such programs that initially helped him is an extraordinary experience, that only free software can offer. His creation – 'Stop Motion Ubuntu' that you see in the Examples folder, was his first venture away from still images to moving ones. Again he only used free software, available in Ubuntu – and his webcam. While not sure how it would turn out, he is surprised at how well it was received and will certainly continue to use video as a new medium. When he hasn't got homework scattered across the desk, Andrew spends most of his time creating artwork, coding with Python, helping new Ubuntu users (like he once was) via Launchpad Answers and when he can, writing on his blog. Generally he moves from project to project, helping out wherever he can.

UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase/PreviousWinners (last edited 2010-06-21 13:47:06 by eth0)