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= Auto-Installing Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 =
* Pick your preferred language from the left menu, and select '''Install Ubuntu GNOME'''
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* Select a way to boot by using the '''arrow keys''' to navigate, and the '''Enter''' key to select.
* This is what the GNOME shell looks like. You will see it either in '''Try Ubuntu GNOME without Installing''', or after you have installed Ubuntu GNOME.
* If you select '''Install Ubuntu GNOME''' from the upper left of this screen, you can begin the installation process.
* Select your language of choice for your new install.
* It is typically a good idea to select both '''Download updates while installing.''' and '''Install this third-party software''' so that your new installation is as complete as possible. If you don't require these, however, it is certainly not necessary to check either.
* Select how you would like to install Ubuntu GNOME.
* '''Erase disk and install Ubuntu GNOME''' will replace your current operating system with Ubuntu GNOME.
* There will be another option not pictured that will say something like '''Install Ubuntu GNOME and *your OS* side by side''' Select this if you wish to pick from Ubuntu GNOME and your current OS at startup each time you turn your computer on.
* Pick your time-zone.
* Select the correct keyboard layout for your needs.
* Not to be confused with your language. When in doubt, click '''Detect Keyboard Layout'''.
* Fill in whatever information you want, but fill in every text field.
* Don't worry about '''Encrypt my home folder''' if you don't know what that is. It's very optional.
* Wait for Ubuntu GNOME to install.
* Restart your computer to start enjoying your new installation of Ubuntu GNOME!
'''''Thank you for choosing and using Ubuntu GNOME.'''''