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> '''Go back to [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Meetings | The Meetings Page]]''' '''Please note that the deadline for amending the agenda is 24 hours before the meeting.''' = Meeting Schedule for 13.10 (at 20:00 UTC / GMT) = * Monday, 16th September, 2013 = General Agenda Items and Proposals = || Who || Subject || Details || || Everybody || Show of hands to gauge attendance || Say '''o/''' when asked || || [[amjjawad ]] || (1) Ubuntu GNOME Team (2) Slide Show and Artwork (3) Web Site (4) [[StartUbuntu]] || (1) discuss the need for more contributors and testers. Also, discuss the idea of sub-teams (2) Updates Regarding the Slide Show and Artwork (3) General Discussion about the Website of Ubuntu GNOME (4) Discuss about how Ubuntu GNOME can play a role in StartUbuntu Project || || YOUR NAME || SUBJECT || DETAILS || || Anybody || Any Other Business || A final round up || = Time = * [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20130916T20&p1=1440&ah=1 | Monday, 16th September, 2013, 20:00 UTC]] = Place of the meeting = * IRC: irc.freenode.org * Channel: #ubuntu-gnome * Webchat link : [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-gnome | Click Here]] = Meeting Summary = == Meeting information == * #ubuntu-gnome: Ubuntu GNOME Team Meeting, 16 Sep at 20:22 — 21:33 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-gnome/2013/ubuntu-gnome.2013-09-16-20.22.log.html]] == Meeting summary == ''ACTION:'' amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks === sub-teams === The discussion about "sub-teams" started at 20:44. === Slide Show Updates === The discussion about "Slide Show Updates" started at 20:50. === Ubuntu GNOME Web Site === The discussion about "Ubuntu GNOME Web Site" started at 20:56. * ''LINK:'' https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-website/+members#active * ''ACTION:'' darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website === StartUbuntu === The discussion about "StartUbuntu" started at 21:16. * ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account == Vote results == == Action items == * amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks * darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area * amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website * amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account == Action items, by person == * amjjawad * amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks * darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area * amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website * amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account * darkxst * darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area == People present (lines said) == * amjjawad (69) * darkxst (17) * meetingology (7) * jbicha (3) == Full Log == 20:22 #startmeeting Ubuntu GNOME Team Meeting 20:22 Meeting started Mon Sep 16 20:22:54 2013 UTC. The chair is amjjawad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 20:22 20:22 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 20:24 Okay so it seems only few and Alfredo is not here :( 20:24 darkxst: I was about to discuss a bit of the structure of Ubuntu GNOME team but I guess I got the answer that I was in mind. jbicha has confirmed he is leaving and won't be available with 14.04. 20:25 So, my Q to you will be the same as I asked eariler ... will Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 be LTS? 20:25 because some users are asking me and I have no clear answer yet! 20:27 we don't really have the man power to commit to full LTS support right now 20:27 so it is unlikely that 14.04 will be an official LTS release 20:28 darkxst: I do know that which is sad but what if I can arrange that? can we go for it? 20:28 I mean, if I can recurit more people to join and help? 20:28 if yes, how much time do I have for that? 20:30 even if you could recruit more dev's we would need time to see they are committed long term! 20:30 darkxst: okay, then chances are so slim 20:31 so, do you think it is pointless to invest time for that? or perhaps it worths a try? 20:32 even if we don't do an official LTS release, we could still provide SRU's where possible 20:33 right, the community can provide updates to 14.04 LTS for the entire 5-year lifecycle if they want to 20:34 what I wanted to discuss today in this meeting not only the LTS topic but a somehow related topics :) 20:34 and obviously those running 14.04 will still benefit from the Ubuntu HWe updates etc 20:35 darkxst: yes, but then, the same issue with Lubuntu 12.04 which is based on a core system that is LTS but other LXDE packages are not supported for 3-5 years :( 20:36 anyway, the final answer for that is 14.04 is not going to be an official LTS. 20:39 what I wanted to highlight and it is no secert and very obvious but thought it is good to double highlight it :D 20:39 1- We do need more testers 20:39 2- we do need more contributor 20:39 contributors* 20:39 having that said, I will take care of these two tasks :) 20:40 darkxst: what do you think? 20:41 it would be great to find a couple more devs 20:42 It would also be good if we can find someone to take of triaging bugs from the ppa's 20:43 then, we agree to that :) 20:43 #action amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks 20:43 * meetingology amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks 20:44 #topic sub-teams 20:46 I am waiting the right moment to communite on the mailing list my next project for Ubuntu GNOME. After I have put so much time and energy on the Wiki Area, I do think it is time to use the same plan for Lubuntu and have sub-teams (Document, Test, etc) BUT for this to happen, I do need first to find more people to join! 20:46 but, I thought it is good idea to bring this to your attention, darkxst :) 20:47 I have already created 3 teams on Launchpad but did not send anything about it as I am waiting the right moment :) 20:48 we can always form more sub-teams as we grow 20:48 +1 20:49 glad you liked the idea :D 20:49 Lubuntu had a successful story with sub-teams and I'd love to do the same with Ubuntu GNOME but we need to grow a bit bigger first hehe 20:50 #topic Slide Show Updates 20:50 darkxst: to keep you in the loop, I have worked on the slide show and send my suggestions to Alfredo and he will work on that and hopefully we can finish that before the freeze :) 20:51 ok, sounds good 20:51 :D 20:51 so, slide show is almost done 20:52 what about Wallpapers? I don't think there is enough time for that, right? 20:52 I mean, no time to include more for example? 20:53 as for 14.04, we will hopefully ask for the community input to submit some wallpapers as this will motivate them and attract them to join and help :) 20:54 sure, we just didnt have time in the end to set that up this cycle' 20:55 yep 20:55 I am so excited to start planning for 14.04 from now heheh 20:55 but I will take it easy :P 20:56 #topic Ubuntu GNOME Web Site 20:57 darkxst: thanks for the access, it was good to add two posts and yet again (as always), I have some ideas and plans for the Web Site but I do need 2 things 20:58 1- Are we counting more on our website? or our mailing list? or our social media? what is the channel that represent our main channel and front line? 20:59 2- Whatever I have in mind for the website, I do need some help and that means, I need to team up yet again with Alferdo to work on that by adding some nice stuff to the website! 21:01 re 1 I think they each serve a different purpose really 21:03 as we still in point 1, what do you expect from the website? or shall I just take care of that entirely and save you the trouble :P 21:04 you can take care of that 21:04 darkxst: ok, then I guess I need to be admin on the Launchpad Tea for the website 21:04 so I can add Alfredo and whoever else interested to work on that website 21:05 sure 21:05 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-website/+members#active 21:07 and I guess this one as well: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-release/+members#active that is why I had no control panel on the ISO Tracker the other day with Beta 1 release :( 21:07 #action darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area 21:07 * meetingology darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area 21:09 if you need to add a new WordPress theme to the website, you'll have to submit a ticket to Canonical by emailing rt@ubuntu.com 21:09 jbicha: oh, that news to me 21:09 I guess this step is a must, correct? 21:12 amjjawad, Canonical host the website, we have no access beyond wordpress admin panel 21:13 I see :( 21:14 #action amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website 21:14 * meetingology amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website 21:16 #topic StartUbuntu 21:17 #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu 21:17 darkxst: jbicha not sure if you guys have seen my other project? which is not a personal project but rather a community project right now that some people are involved and helping 21:18 I'd like for Ubuntu GNOME to play a role on that project and I have asked Rafael, Lubuntu Artwork Team Leader who is so good friend of mine and teammate to work on some nice artwork that you can see on the Wiki Page :) 21:18 and, Ubuntu GNOME is there ;) 21:20 nice! 21:21 :) 21:22 final note, Facebook and Google+ Pages are having more and more activities and subscribers :) I am not dreaming of Ubuntu GNOME every night :P 21:23 amjjawad, great! 21:23 I am enjoying it but it sure adds so much tasks for me so once I will find more contributors, maybe they can also help with this area. Because I am also admin for Lubuntu Pages and Peppermint, I am having so much to handle 21:24 and, I have not heard from Matthew yet :( regarding our Twitter account 21:25 I am now dreaming* 21:25 try not to burn yourself out 21:25 #action amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account 21:25 * meetingology amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account 21:26 jbicha: phillw, my mentor, has always and still warning me about that :D hehe 21:26 but +1 I promise I will jbicha :) thanks a lot for the advice 21:27 so, anything else you would like to add guys before ending our first meeting? 21:31 darkxst: and jbicha anything else you guys would like to add before ending? :) 21:31 nope, go ahead and end meeting 21:33 okay, thank you so much darkxst and jbicha :) that was fun and a good meeting 21:33 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)