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> = General Agenda Items and Proposals = || Who || Subject || Details || || Everybody || Show of hands to gauge attendance || Say '''o/''' when asked || || [[amjjawad]] || Discussing Utopic Unicorn Blueprints || https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming || || [[jeanmarc-gailis|Jānis-Marks Gailis]] || Discussing Utopic Docs/Markting Stuff Translation || https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/translations-utopic-unicorn-roadmap || || [[aldomann]] || Discussing Website design || https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/ubuntu-gnome-website-look+feel || || Anybody || Any Other Business || A final round up || = Time = || <
> '''Plan A*: ''' [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140622T21&ah=1 | Sun, 22- June, 2014, 21:00 GMT]] || || <
> '''Plan B*: ''' [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140622T15&ah=1 | Sun, 22- June, 2014, 15:00 GMT]] || <
> '''*''' Why there are two times? please see [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Meetings#Day_and_Time | this link]]. = Place of the meeting = || <
>IRC: irc.freenode.org <
>Channel: #ubuntu-gnome <
>'''Webchat link : [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-gnome | Click Here]]''' <
> || == Meeting information == * #ubuntu-gnome: Utopic Unicorn Roadmap for Ubuntu GNOME, 22 Jun at 21:05 — 22:31 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-gnome/2014/ubuntu-gnome.2014-06-22-21.05.log.html]] == Meeting summary == === Ubuntu GNOME meetings for UU-Cycle === The discussion about "Ubuntu GNOME meetings for UU-Cycle" started at 21:07. === Discussing Utopic Unicorn Blueprints === The discussion about "Discussing Utopic Unicorn Blueprints" started at 21:10. * ''LINK:'' https://trello.com/ * ''ACCEPTED:'' Ubuntu GNOME Team Leaders Team/Council + Acting TL for each sub-team (amjjawad, 21:39) * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad to do the paper work of "Ubuntu GNOME Team Leaders Team/Council + Acting TL for each sub-team" === Ubuntu GNOME HR Sub-Team === The discussion about "Ubuntu GNOME HR Sub-Team" started at 21:41. * ''LINK:'' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team * ''ACCEPTED:'' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team (amjjawad, 21:49) * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad to take care of the paperwork of: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team === Discussing Website design === The discussion about "Discussing Website design" started at 21:49. * ''LINK:'' http://cl.ly/image/031I1y2o1r0D * ''LINK:'' http://torios.org/ * ''LINK:'' http://torios.org/ and http://torios.org/news/ are twoo different areas ... one HTML and one is WordPress * ''ACCEPTED:'' agreed to have separate blog on our website for news with the same theme as the main site (amjjawad, 22:08) * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad todo the paperwork of the new suggestion for the website of Ubuntu GNOME to have a dedicated section for news with the same theme as the main site * ''LINK:'' http://ubuntugnome.org/ * ''LINK:'' http://ubuntugnome.org/ * ''LINK:'' http://ubuntugnome.org/documentation/ * ''ACTION:'' to carry on with the website talk on the mailing list and at the next week meeting * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad satya164 and aldomann2 to discuss about the Artwork stuff on next week * ''ACTION:'' next week meeting will be at 21:00 GMT on Sunday and darkxst will confirm whether he will attend or not * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad to set the agenda for next week meeting and ask the team to edit it * ''LINK:'' http://ubuntugnome.org/contact-us/ * ''ACTION:'' we need to discuss in more details about website next week amjjawad aldomann2 and satya164 * ''ACTION:'' discuss on the next week meeting whether to create a project on Launchpad for the new website or not amjjawad * ''ACTION:'' satya164 is having problems with Sunday Time meetings - amjjawad to check whether we could do something about it or not and check with darkxst == Vote results == == Action items, by person == * aldomann * amjjawad satya164 and aldomann2 to discuss about the Artwork stuff on next week * we need to discuss in more details about website next week amjjawad aldomann2 and satya164 * aldomann2 * amjjawad satya164 and aldomann2 to discuss about the Artwork stuff on next week * we need to discuss in more details about website next week amjjawad aldomann2 and satya164 * amjjawad * amjjawad to do the paper work of "Ubuntu GNOME Team Leaders Team/Council + Acting TL for each sub-team" * amjjawad to take care of the paperwork of: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team * amjjawad todo the paperwork of the new suggestion for the website of Ubuntu GNOME to have a dedicated section for news with the same theme as the main site * amjjawad satya164 and aldomann2 to discuss about the Artwork stuff on next week * amjjawad to set the agenda for next week meeting and ask the team to edit it * we need to discuss in more details about website next week amjjawad aldomann2 and satya164 * discuss on the next week meeting whether to create a project on Launchpad for the new website or not amjjawad * satya164 is having problems with Sunday Time meetings - amjjawad to check whether we could do something about it or not and check with darkxst * darkxst * next week meeting will be at 21:00 GMT on Sunday and darkxst will confirm whether he will attend or not * satya164 is having problems with Sunday Time meetings - amjjawad to check whether we could do something about it or not and check with darkxst * satya164 * amjjawad satya164 and aldomann2 to discuss about the Artwork stuff on next week * we need to discuss in more details about website next week amjjawad aldomann2 and satya164 * satya164 is having problems with Sunday Time meetings - amjjawad to check whether we could do something about it or not and check with darkxst == Done items == * (none) == People present (lines said) == * amjjawad (262) * satya164 (84) * aldomann2 (41) * stratus_ss_ (27) * darkxst (18) * aldomann (16) * meetingology (13) * ahoneybun (9) * Noskcaj (2) * ubot5 (1) * hiren90 (1) == Full Log == 21:05 #startmeeting Utopic Unicorn Roadmap for Ubuntu GNOME 21:05 Meeting started Sun Jun 22 21:05:19 2014 UTC. The chair is amjjawad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 21:05 21:05 Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 21:05 i'm sure he will wake up soon 21:05 so, who is available? 21:06 o/ 21:06 wait... its like 12:00 hist local time i think on a monday 21:06 he replied my email to the list saying he will be here 21:06 so guess he will catch up soon hopefully :D 21:06 o/ 21:07 #topic Ubuntu GNOME meetings for UU-Cycle 21:08 hello and welcome everyone and thanks for attending :) this is our first meeting for UU Cycle :) 21:08 o/ 21:08 Before we start, I just want to make sure everyone is aware of our new meeting plan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Meetings 21:08 we shall have weekly meetings as per the wiki page that I just sent :) 21:09 this is fixed so please everyone, show some commitment :D 21:09 any Q? 21:09 o/ 21:09 sure 21:10 stratus_ss_, what is your Q? 21:10 I think he was just saying he's here ;) 21:10 ohhh ok ... 21:10 sorry that was delayed from the who was here 21:10 no problem :) 21:10 ya sorry commotion around me... wife fighting with her mother :P 21:10 very loud 21:10 #topic Discussing Utopic Unicorn Blueprints 21:11 hey, look who is here :D 21:11 Tim is here 21:11 the boss is here 21:11 welcome darkxst ;) 21:11 Welcome darkxst 21:11 some white tea darkxst ? :P 21:11 we have started but nothing serious yet ;) 21:12 so, let's start the serious part 21:12 did everyone have a look at: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/ubuntu-gnome-utopic-unicorn-roadmap 21:12 the general and main changes in this cycle will be, as always, on our system AND our community 21:13 o/ 21:14 on the community side, there are some changes that I'd like to do ... for example, some Sub-Teams are not working as such ... mostly, it is one-man job or task and this is not really good :( we need to get the best of the sub-teams. Each Sub-Teams must work as such :) 21:14 Don't you agree? 21:14 welcome Noskcaj ;) 21:14 For example amjjawad 21:14 ? 21:14 I think its a good idea Ali, but sometimes its easier to have the idea then implement 21:15 i agree, but it's probably best we still have the teams. the issue is a lack of people 21:15 satya164, example Ubuntu GNOME communications team is ... sorry to say, not active at all. 21:15 Ubuntu GNOME brainstorming is even in worse condition 21:15 For me, as a member and leader of the Artwork team, I think me and Satyajit will be able to work as a team now that we have time to properly plan stuff 21:16 the only active sub-teams are: Artwork, Packaging, Doc and Wiki and I usually do the rest myself 21:16 Noskcaj, we do have people, they just don't do anything 21:16 hi all 21:17 that is why, we need to review all the sub-teams and give more freedom for each sub-team to do something but at the same time, everyone must go back to his/her TL 21:17 Hi Tim! 21:17 darkxst, hello :D 21:17 the main problem which is important ... I don't have the time nor the energy to carry on all by myself ... 21:17 So, some work with a deadline? 21:18 you may all have noticed that I'm not super active as I used to be. This is because I do a lot all by myself and this is not good at all. 21:18 satya164, no deadline, we just need to get the best out of our sub-teams, that is all. 21:18 Yeah true. I'll do whatever I can to help 21:19 Wiki and Doc are the best sub-team so far and so the Artwork and packaging 21:19 Yeah, the main question is how to get the best of or sub teams 21:19 satya164, good Q :) 21:19 We need to clean up. 21:19 it is all about quality not quantity 21:19 Yep, I'm not even sure how many sub teams we have 21:19 heheh 21:20 The automatic expiry will take care of cleaning of inactive members. Isn't it? 21:20 aldomann, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/SubTeams 21:20 yep, that is for sure satya164 21:20 yep, and time has proven that fact to be right 21:21 but what I really have in mind is ... for example ... the marketing team should do marketing. the brainstorming team should do the planning and thinking ... and so on 21:21 we don't need sub-teams names sitting on launchpad ;) 21:21 So, my suggestion would be to divide work into small chunks 21:21 we need something useful ... 21:21 And assign work with a deadline 21:21 actually, no re-structure is required 21:21 The deadline doesn't need to be hard 21:22 the deadline is the release day 21:22 but we need to define the work each sub-team does 21:22 Just a deadline, so we can keep track of the performance 21:22 with each cycle, our main deadline is the release of the cycle we are in 21:22 aldomann, indeed brother 21:22 that is why I wrote everything here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming 21:22 amjjawad: maybe use trello? 21:22 i also like the idea of deadlines 21:23 it helps structure my weeks 21:23 this is the main blueprint that has each and every blueprint for all the sub-teams of Ubuntu GNOME 21:23 https://trello.com/ 21:23 That's the thing. I think since the deadline is release day, everyone thinks we still have time. No rush 21:23 satya164, that is true and that is the problem :D 21:23 we have no time ... 21:23 ahoneybun, what is that? 21:23 release day is not really the deadline, feature freeze is 21:23 So setting a deadline could help 21:23 darkxst, indeed but that is system wise 21:24 amjjawad: website to keep track of projects 21:24 I'm referring to the community wise 21:24 Trello is a project management software 21:24 Kubuntu uses it 21:24 Nuh, Launchpad is great tool 21:24 we don't need to use something else, really 21:25 The tools of the trade are only useful if someone is working 21:25 so, I don't think there is enough time to go through all the blueprints of all the sub-teams now. I expected that everyone of you have seen it already? 21:25 did you guys see it? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming 21:25 yep 21:26 by tomorrow, these blueprints must be approved :P 21:26 so, if you have any Q, please ask 21:26 I just had a look are the artworks part 21:26 I didn't add a lot 21:26 except one sub-team I added 5 items for it 21:26 but the rest, I usually set 3 tasks only for each sub-team 21:27 So, first thing, our website 21:27 for example: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/brainstorming-utopic-unicorn-roadmap 21:27 i read through the brainstorming when you first sent them out 21:27 stratus_ss_, that is good to know 21:28 but its been a little while, i swapped that info to disk, so its being slowly cached 21:28 as you all know, I take care of the community side of the project while darkxst takes care of the technical side. BUT we do need your help :) 21:28 yes, the website should be (for the Artwork and Marketing teams) one of the first things to work on, so that Niels can start drafting the website 21:28 aldomann, I will get into this shortly 21:28 but before I do, I want to make sure everyone is aware of what I'm talking about and how important our roadmaps are 21:29 ok, no problem 21:29 each sub-team has its own roadmap 21:29 I hope this is clear? 21:29 yeah 21:29 aye 21:29 I have a suggestion that I didn't actually put that on a roadmap or anything 21:29 what about having a team of the TLs? 21:29 What is TL? 21:29 all the TLs in one place to vote for anything related to the system? 21:30 Team Leader 21:30 That'd be great, actually 21:30 Yeah. 21:30 because we at least can make sure the TLs are active enough and available to vote 21:31 and I'm also thinking to give admin access on Launchpad for someone who could be acting TL 21:31 amjjawad: a council? 21:31 which means, if the TL is away, he/she will be the activing 21:31 acting * 21:31 indeed 21:31 kind of ahoneybun 21:31 Sounds good 21:31 the acting TL is very needed ... very 21:32 each TL of each Sub-Team should trust at least one of his members 21:32 For instance I'm subscribed to all the mailing lists to be sure everything that can be related to the Artwork team gets to my eyes, having a "Council" would allow us TL to call for help when in need to any sub team 21:32 so he/she can assign the task of acting TL for him/her whenever he/she is away 21:32 aldomann, it will give more control for the TL to manage the team actually 21:33 no strict roles, let's do this as a voting council only for this cycle and let's see how it goes 21:33 what do you all asy? 21:33 say* 21:33 Age 21:34 agree 21:34 Agree* 21:34 Stupid spellchecker 21:34 darkxst, and aldomann and stratus_ss_ ? 21:34 A huge yes from my part. I have seen some teams (when I was very involved in elementary l10n teams) because of the inactivity of the TL 21:35 so to sum up you are saying 21:35 some teams die* 21:35 you want to have regular meetings of the TL to make sure they are active 21:35 and then activities for the project as a whole are voted on 21:35 stratus_ss_, that was the first topic I started the meeting with :P 21:35 yep 21:35 these are the two main tasks for now for that council 21:36 weekly meetings + voting for anything 21:36 and also we assign the acting TL for each Sub-Team. 21:36 I already know some names ;) 21:36 it makes sense to me, (as a non TL) 21:36 okay then, all agree except darkxst didn't yet hear from him? 21:38 okay not sure where is darkxst but since everyone agreed, I guess it is accepted :D 21:39 when votes occur are they required to be unanimous? 21:39 or do we have kind of an accepted standard for vote splitting 21:39 i.e. requires 80% to be accepted? 21:39 #accepted Ubuntu GNOME Team Leaders Team/Council + Acting TL for each sub-team 21:39 majority 21:39 if say we're 7 21:39 majority being 50% + 1 21:39 4 voted yes 3 voted no 21:39 it is yes 21:40 hmmm, yep 21:40 better 50%+1 21:40 #action amjjawad to do the paper work of "Ubuntu GNOME Team Leaders Team/Council + Acting TL for each sub-team" 21:40 * meetingology amjjawad to do the paper work of "Ubuntu GNOME Team Leaders Team/Council + Acting TL for each sub-team" 21:41 #topic Ubuntu GNOME HR Sub-Team 21:41 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team 21:41 * darkxst is back now ;) 21:41 have you seen this guys? 21:41 I want a very quick yes or no to that idea ;) 21:41 so is this supposed to be a subset 21:41 so we move to the system part of our meeting 21:41 of marketing 21:42 better a new sub-team 21:42 I used to do all the recruiting but we need to find more than one person to do so ... or it could be part of the marketing 21:42 so then what is the purpose of marketing? just simply pimping the brand? 21:42 marketing now has translations within 21:42 I think it is a good idea, but for it to work, I think the HR team needs to be active up to the contribution stage 21:42 i made the assumption it was part marketing 21:43 darkxst, sure thing 21:43 we need at least 2-3 people only 21:43 as a start ... 21:43 How would the team work? 21:44 stratus_ss_, the marketing and communications team is the team that is in charge of marketing Ubuntu GNOME to the entire wold + communicate with people within the community and outside 21:44 aldomann, hunt people and bring them to our team :D 21:44 stratus_ss_: as in social networks? 21:44 yeah, but how? via social networks, forums, etc? 21:44 stratus_ss_, sadly, the marketing and comms team is not yet active ... on the social media channels, I do all the posting alone 21:45 isn't that already the purpose of our social media pages? 21:45 Writing blog posts about what is going on could help, like weekly 21:45 aldomann, social media will be one side of the coin ... we need to start recruiting from real life as well 21:45 amjjawad, that is unforunate... if there is no marketing then i guess there would be no recruiting 21:45 satya164, this is INDEED what I want in this cycle ... I want the marketing team to write each and everything we do daily so that we keep our channels as busy as possible 21:46 just finding the people is not enough, as we have seen in the past, lots of people offer to help then just disappear 21:46 Real life? Meaning people who we could meet? 21:46 darkxst, indeed :( 21:46 satya164, I mean by real life each one of us ask his real life friends, colleagues, etc to join 21:47 those of us who are still go to school, etc can help a lot 21:47 I've seen Mozilla guys. They are very much active. They meet, discuss things etc. 21:47 live contact is much better than writing 21:47 Keeps them motivated 21:47 we don't need a lot of people, we need the most active people 21:47 Sorry, Polari keeps disconnecting 21:47 Yeah. True. 21:47 aldomann2, no worries 21:47 I agree about someone writing the blog 21:48 so, if you guys think we should go ahead with HR, let me know ;) 21:48 agree all? or you think it is not good idea? 21:48 let's vote 21:48 +1 21:48 With the new website we could focus in that part 21:48 aldomann2, indeed ;) 21:48 +1 21:48 +1 21:48 aldomann2 http://scrollback.io/ubuntu-gnome 21:48 +1 21:49 #accepted https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team 21:49 +1 21:49 #action amjjawad to take care of the paperwork of: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team 21:49 * meetingology amjjawad to take care of the paperwork of: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team 21:49 #topic Discussing Website design 21:49 aldomann2, are you guys ready? 21:50 I have a mockup 21:50 satya164, interesting :D 21:50 aldomann2 can you show it? 21:50 could it be a link that you can add to the whitebaord of the blueprints? 21:50 It's on the mailing list 21:50 I'm on mobile 21:51 okay, no worries, we can see that later 21:51 http://cl.ly/image/031I1y2o1r0D 21:51 If satya164 hasn't made any modification, that's the mockup 21:51 wordpress, right? 21:51 I didn't 21:52 that looks nice, i like the default background in the header 21:52 it is simple and short 21:52 It's a mockup. We need to code it as a WordPress theme I guess 21:52 I don't mind that one but I'd suggest to look at as many suggestions as possible 21:52 let me share what I have in mind for our website 21:53 Niels Vermaut, who is not here as I can see, is gonna help with the coding 21:53 have a look at: http://torios.org/ - forget the design 21:53 and http://torios.org/news/ 21:53 there is a dedicated area for 'news'. 21:54 this means, if you like the idea, we could do the same ... our website could have two areas one for daily or regular news 21:54 one area for information that stay there and updated only when needed 21:54 That'd be the purpose of the "Blog" section, right? 21:54 Isn't the dedicated news area will be the blog? 21:54 aldomann2, more or less yes 21:55 we really should have a features/tour page for the latest release as well 21:55 but what I have in mind is actually take out the blog side of the current website to a dedicated area 21:55 darkxst, I highly agree 21:55 Yeah. 21:55 ok 21:55 you think the Wiki Team could help? darkxst 21:55 sort of a quick guide? 21:55 how about the main page: download button and feature tour? 21:56 aldomann2, yep 21:56 satya164: solid work 21:56 aldomann2, seems good to me 21:56 but who should do the tour? 21:56 is that going to be a graphical one? or text? or both? 21:56 The main page should have as few things as possible in my opinion. After all, it's our landing page 21:57 it seems that the website project will be big one ;) 21:57 We won't want it to have information overload 21:57 screenshots and text' 21:57 nothing too complicated, something like this: http://www.gnome.org/gnome-3/ 21:57 satya164, that is exactly why I'm suggesting to do it like ToriOS website 21:57 one section for news, other for the rest of the info 21:57 Thanks ahoneybon 21:57 http://torios.org/ 21:58 amjjawad, that has way too much stuff on the homepage! 21:58 Yeah. In the mockup you can see that the only the latest post from blog is there. The blog will be fully separate 21:58 I think we should great a project on launchpad for the website and see who is interested to join .. I don't have much of plans for my wiki team so I can send my knights to the website project :D 21:59 darkxst, you mean http://torios.org/ ? have a look at the news tab ... it is a wordpress while the rest of the wbesite is simple HTML 21:59 satya164, which mean a sub-domain ?? 21:59 Yes. The ToriOS website has a lot of stuff on the homepage 22:00 http://torios.org/ and http://torios.org/news/ are twoo different areas ... one HTML and one is WordPress 22:00 Yes, subdomain will be the best 22:00 amjjawad, that seems pretty irrellevant 22:00 forget the details :D I'm talking about the idea of having the new section on a different place 22:01 I guess we all agree with the blog being separate 22:01 darkxst, what is your plan then to make our website showing the latest post only? instead of everything as now :( 22:01 I agree. I mean, there's a huge BLOG link in the home page, there's no need to furthuer integration 22:01 satya164, not sure darkxst agrees? 22:01 Yes. Coz the user visits the page usually to download 22:02 satya164, or to find some kind of information ... 22:02 And having the latest post could help in showing latest announcements 22:02 so, what darkxst thinks about that? 22:02 waiting for his opinion .. 22:03 sorry all i have to idle i am being called for supper 22:03 I kind of think the homepage should show case the release 22:03 stratus_ss_, no worries enjoy your meal 22:03 Yeah, for information we can have the links in the header and footer. Most important ones at header 22:03 if you want a seperate blog, thats fine 22:03 darkxst, it is just a suggestion ... you guys can think about it and vote later if you wish I don't mind 22:04 I agree on separate blog 22:04 take Xubuntu website for example ... it is super neat and organized 22:05 okay then, guess we agreed to have a separate blog? 22:05 please confirm all :) 22:05 yeah, but I think we could get the same final result as Xubuntu 22:05 if you wish, we can finish that on the mailing list 22:05 even if it's a separate page, if has the same theming 22:05 sure 22:06 that's fine 22:06 aldomann2, I'd like to have the same theme for sure 22:06 Yeah. It needs to have same look as our homepage 22:06 the idea is to get a more organized website 22:06 and more user friendly one 22:06 that's our goal :) 22:06 Yeah. 22:06 we have beautiful system :D 22:06 let's have a beautiful website :D 22:07 okay then, seems you all agreed on the separate blog with both theme ... 22:07 same theme* - sorry 22:07 yep, now I have somethig to discuss about the sections of the website 22:07 yep 22:08 let's compare the mockup and the current website 22:08 #accepted agreed to have separate blog on our website for news with the same theme as the main site 22:08 as you can see, FAQ and Wiki have gained a more important place in the header 22:08 #action amjjawad todo the paperwork of the new suggestion for the website of Ubuntu GNOME to have a dedicated section for news with the same theme as the main site 22:08 * meetingology amjjawad todo the paperwork of the new suggestion for the website of Ubuntu GNOME to have a dedicated section for news with the same theme as the main site 22:09 do you agree in this? 22:09 http://ubuntugnome.org/ 22:09 maybe the FAQ could move onto the wiki 22:10 or maintain two versions 22:10 I think it's nice to new users to have all the main info in the website 22:10 I agree 22:11 the main and basic info 22:11 if he/she wants more, then the wiki area is waiting 22:11 amjjawad, that's exactly what I have in mind 22:11 putting everything on the website is an overkill 22:11 somehitng like a "Know Ubuntu GNOME 101" 22:11 Error: Gnome bug 101 could not be found 22:12 lol ^ 22:12 to update that, you need ages and for new users, they will see a lot of information which might push them away 22:12 update what? 22:12 aldomann2, this is what darkxst was talking about about the tour 22:13 aldomann2, I'm saying if we put everything on the website, it would be an overkill to maintain that 22:13 that is why we put everything on our Wiki arae 22:13 Feature tour? 22:13 area * 22:13 yeah, if we have the tour thing, we could take the rest of the info out 22:13 just keep FAQs 22:13 I think we only have two sections: Home (tour, very simple, I repreat) and FAQ 22:13 and add : for more info, click here 22:13 then by clicking on that link, you direct them to our wiki 22:14 the rest are links 22:14 We can highlight 3-4 features or homepage. Everything else can be in the wiki 22:14 Yes, as in the mockup. Some screenshots and some text 22:14 I'd suggest to keep FAQs, and ask them to visit the Wiki for more info 22:14 one Q here 22:15 are we going to ask for our users opinion? 22:15 Yeah. I agree on separate FAQ 22:15 about the website new design 22:15 or at least if FAQ is inside Wiki, a direct link 22:15 satya164, FAQs could be a tab 22:16 A separate page, you mean? 22:16 instead of Documentation, we mention FAQs as a tab 22:16 yes, inside the site 22:16 A link at the header? 22:16 and when he/she hits FAQs Tab, there will be a link to direct them to the Wiki 22:16 http://ubuntugnome.org/ 22:16 Yeah 22:16 see the website now, it has Documentation (long word) 22:17 instead, we could replace that with FAQs and add all the needed link inside that FAQs tab 22:17 Yeah 22:17 darkxst, what do you think? 22:17 that is fine 22:17 ahoneybun, 22:18 aldomann2, 22:18 So... FAQ would link to the wiki or it will have some useful links to the Wiki? 22:19 now, it links to the Wiki 22:19 http://ubuntugnome.org/documentation/ 22:19 but... http://ubuntugnome.org/documentation/faq/ 22:20 I guess that was the old one 22:20 okay, I wasn't aware of that 22:20 when we started to add more info 22:20 anyway I am not too concerned about the finer details, I will leave that up to you guys 22:20 it was an overkill for me to keep updating that arae 22:20 darkxst, yeah, and I guess we could carry on with that on the mailing list 22:21 if it's easier to the Wiki team, I agree with FAQ being just a link 22:21 Ok 22:21 aldomann2, I think we need to talk about that later maybe next week 22:21 we passed the one hour already for the meeting ... 22:22 that's true 22:22 that is why we have weekly meeting starting this week ;) 22:22 How about having our IRC on the website? 22:22 so, anything else? 22:22 ^ 22:22 #action to carry on with the website talk on the mailing list and at the next week meeting 22:22 * meetingology to carry on with the website talk on the mailing list and at the next week meeting 22:23 darkxst, are you going to attend the next week meeting? 22:23 or shall we confirm that later? 22:23 will confirm later in the week 22:23 it is same time as this one for the next week in case darkxst is coming. Otherwise, it is 15:00 GMT 22:23 sure, no problem 22:23 anything else guys? 22:23 Wallpaper contest? 22:24 haha 22:24 satya164, next week ;) 22:24 Okies 22:24 #action amjjawad satya164 and aldomann2 to discuss about the Artwork stuff on next week 22:24 * meetingology amjjawad satya164 and aldomann2 to discuss about the Artwork stuff on next week 22:24 what amjjawad says 22:25 So meeting over? 22:25 #action next week meeting will be at 21:00 GMT on Sunday and darkxst will confirm whether he will attend or not 22:25 * meetingology next week meeting will be at 21:00 GMT on Sunday and darkxst will confirm whether he will attend or not 22:25 not yet 22:25 satya164, if you wish to add anything now? 22:25 Okay 22:25 or shall I just end it and go to zzz :P 22:25 go to sleep, my friend 22:25 I wanted to suggest having our IRC link on the website 22:26 #action amjjawad to set the agenda for next week meeting and ask the team to edit it 22:26 * meetingology amjjawad to set the agenda for next week meeting and ask the team to edit it 22:26 satya164, it should be on the contact page?! 22:26 http://ubuntugnome.org/contact-us/ 22:26 sure 22:26 it is there 22:26 Sure 22:26 okay then 22:26 I shall end it 22:26 I meant a web interface. Like Scrollback 22:26 I'd actually want to mix contact us and getting involved under "COMMUNITY" 22:26 darkxst, anything else boss? 22:27 but let's discuss that the next week 22:27 satya164, ah, you mean they can just start chatting right away? 22:27 Yes. That 22:27 hmmmm, for next week I guess 22:27 Okay. 22:27 #action we need to discuss in more details about website next week amjjawad aldomann2 and satya164 22:27 * meetingology we need to discuss in more details about website next week amjjawad aldomann2 and satya164 22:28 #action discuss on the next week meeting whether to create a project on Launchpad for the new website or not amjjawad 22:28 * meetingology discuss on the next week meeting whether to create a project on Launchpad for the new website or not amjjawad 22:28 thank you everyone for attending 22:28 it was very very helpful meeting 22:29 Could the meeting be shifted to 24 hours before the current time ? 22:29 cya next week same time and day and I shall send the details later 22:29 you mean Sat? 22:29 Yes 22:29 only for next week meeting? 22:29 Coz for me it's Monday 22:29 No. All 22:29 Ahaaaa 22:29 I think Sat as a regular meeting day would be nice 22:30 darkxst, 22:30 Sunday is the only day that darkxst can attend :( 22:30 Yeah. I need to go to office in 4 hours ;) 22:30 OMG :/ 22:30 Ohh :( 22:30 Actually 5-6 hours 22:30 #action satya164 is having problems with Sunday Time meetings - amjjawad to check whether we could do something about it or not and check with darkxst 22:30 * meetingology satya164 is having problems with Sunday Time meetings - amjjawad to check whether we could do something about it or not and check with darkxst 22:31 we shall talk about it later ;) 22:31 nice meeting 22:31 Okay. Thanks 22:31 I put a note for that 22:31 satya164, you're more than welcome 22:31 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology) = Logs = The logs from previous meetings can be found at [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Meetings#Previous_Meetings | this link]].