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> || '''Go back to [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Meetings | The Meetings Page]]''' || <
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> = General Agenda Items and Proposals = || Who || Subject || Details || || Everybody || Show of hands to gauge attendance || Say '''o/''' when asked || || [[amjjawad]] || 1. Discuss and decide who will be Acting TL. <
> 2. Continue with the website talk from last week. <
> 3. HR Sub-Team. || https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader <
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team|| || YOUR_NAME || -- || -- || || Anybody || Any Other Business || A final round up || = Time = || <
> '''Plan A*: ''' [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140629T21&p1=1440&ah=1 | Sun, 29- June, 2014, 21:00 GMT]] || || <
> '''Plan B*: ''' [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140629T15&p1=1440&ah=1 | Sun, 29- June, 2014, 15:00 GMT]] || <
> '''*''' Why there are two times? please see [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Meetings#Day_and_Time | this link]]. = Place of the meeting = || <
>IRC: irc.freenode.org <
>Channel: #ubuntu-gnome <
>'''Webchat link : [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-gnome | Click Here]]''' <
> || = Meeting information = * #ubuntu-gnome: [UU-Cycle] Ubuntu GNOME Weekly Meeting #2, 29 Jun at 21:16 — 23:05 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-gnome/2014/ubuntu-gnome.2014-06-29-21.16.log.html]] == Meeting summary == === 1. Discuss and decide who will be Acting TL === The discussion about "1. Discuss and decide who will be Acting TL" started at 21:17. * ''LINK:'' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader * ''LINK:'' http://ubuntugnome.org/ubuntu-gnome-leaders-board/ * ''ACTION:'' satya164 will check https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader and confirm back to aldomann and amjjawad whether he is okay to be Acting TL for UG Artwork or not * ''ACTION:'' Ivan and James are both nominated for Acting TL for UG Wiki and Doc Team and amjjawad needs to talk with them about that * ''ACTION:'' Noskcaj will read the Acting TL blueprint and get back to amjjawad and darkxst whether he is okay with being Acting for the Packaging Team or not * ''ACTION:'' ahoneybun will work with amjjawad on the release notes for UG milestones and will handle that in case amjjawad will be away or busy * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad to discuss the activities of UG QA + UG Marketing + UG Brainstorming at next week meeting. * ''ACTION:'' satya164 will handle the NEWS Section of UG Artwork ONLY - he will share reports and news from UG Artwork and these to be published on our channels === HR Sub-Team === The discussion about "HR Sub-Team" started at 22:07. * ''ACTION:'' UG Leaders Board lead UG HR Sub-Team === Website Talk === The discussion about "Website Talk" started at 22:11. * ''LINK:'' http://cl.ly/image/0i2u2A051m1b * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad to review the current website - http://ubuntugnome.org/ - and check the needed tabs for the new design * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad to review the FAQ and Wiki tabs and discuss with UG Wiki Team * ''ACTION:'' Artwork Team to add 'Feature Tour' as a button on the Home Page of UG new website design * ''ACTION:'' check with Alex Reissig if he could help us with UG Review to be added to the feature tour or UG home page for the new site - amjjawad aldomann satya164 === Packaging/Dev News === The discussion about "Packaging/Dev News" started at 22:38. * ''ACTION:'' UG Team needs someone who has a bit of Dev Skills + Doc/Writing Skills to communicate to the outside world about what is going on with UG when it comes to codes and dev work. This should attract more people to join us, specially devs === other talk === The discussion about "other talk" started at 22:48. * ''ACTION:'' amjjawad and satya164 and aldomann and anyone who is interested to have a brainstorming session for UG Artwork for UU Cycle * ''ACTION:'' aldomann and satya164 to prepare the Wallpaper Contest for UG UU Cycle == Vote results == == Action items, by person == * ahoneybun * ahoneybun will work with amjjawad on the release notes for UG milestones and will handle that in case amjjawad will be away or busy * aldomann * satya164 will check https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader and confirm back to aldomann and amjjawad whether he is okay to be Acting TL for UG Artwork or not * check with Alex Reissig if he could help us with UG Review to be added to the feature tour or UG home page for the new site - amjjawad aldomann satya164 * amjjawad and satya164 and aldomann and anyone who is interested to have a brainstorming session for UG Artwork for UU Cycle * aldomann and satya164 to prepare the Wallpaper Contest for UG UU Cycle * amjjawad * satya164 will check https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader and confirm back to aldomann and amjjawad whether he is okay to be Acting TL for UG Artwork or not * Ivan and James are both nominated for Acting TL for UG Wiki and Doc Team and amjjawad needs to talk with them about that * Noskcaj will read the Acting TL blueprint and get back to amjjawad and darkxst whether he is okay with being Acting for the Packaging Team or not * ahoneybun will work with amjjawad on the release notes for UG milestones and will handle that in case amjjawad will be away or busy * amjjawad to discuss the activities of UG QA + UG Marketing + UG Brainstorming at next week meeting. * amjjawad to review the current website - http://ubuntugnome.org/ - and check the needed tabs for the new design * amjjawad to review the FAQ and Wiki tabs and discuss with UG Wiki Team * check with Alex Reissig if he could help us with UG Review to be added to the feature tour or UG home page for the new site - amjjawad aldomann satya164 * amjjawad and satya164 and aldomann and anyone who is interested to have a brainstorming session for UG Artwork for UU Cycle * darkxst * Noskcaj will read the Acting TL blueprint and get back to amjjawad and darkxst whether he is okay with being Acting for the Packaging Team or not * Noskcaj * Noskcaj will read the Acting TL blueprint and get back to amjjawad and darkxst whether he is okay with being Acting for the Packaging Team or not * satya * satya164 will check https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader and confirm back to aldomann and amjjawad whether he is okay to be Acting TL for UG Artwork or not * satya164 will handle the NEWS Section of UG Artwork ONLY - he will share reports and news from UG Artwork and these to be published on our channels * check with Alex Reissig if he could help us with UG Review to be added to the feature tour or UG home page for the new site - amjjawad aldomann satya164 * amjjawad and satya164 and aldomann and anyone who is interested to have a brainstorming session for UG Artwork for UU Cycle * aldomann and satya164 to prepare the Wallpaper Contest for UG UU Cycle * satya164 * satya164 will check https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader and confirm back to aldomann and amjjawad whether he is okay to be Acting TL for UG Artwork or not * satya164 will handle the NEWS Section of UG Artwork ONLY - he will share reports and news from UG Artwork and these to be published on our channels * check with Alex Reissig if he could help us with UG Review to be added to the feature tour or UG home page for the new site - amjjawad aldomann satya164 * amjjawad and satya164 and aldomann and anyone who is interested to have a brainstorming session for UG Artwork for UU Cycle * aldomann and satya164 to prepare the Wallpaper Contest for UG UU Cycle * **UNASSIGNED** * UG Leaders Board lead UG HR Sub-Team * Artwork Team to add 'Feature Tour' as a button on the Home Page of UG new website design * UG Team needs someone who has a bit of Dev Skills + Doc/Writing Skills to communicate to the outside world about what is going on with UG when it comes to codes and dev work. This should attract more people to join us, specially devs == Done items == * (none) == People present (lines said) == * amjjawad (262) * satya164 (98) * aldomann (83) * ahoneybun (22) * darkxst (18) * meetingology (17) * Noskcaj (9) * satya (4) == Full Log == 21:16 #startmeeting [UU-Cycle] Ubuntu GNOME Weekly Meeting #2 21:16 Meeting started Sun Jun 29 21:16:58 2014 UTC. The chair is amjjawad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 21:16 21:16 Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 21:17 #topic 1. Discuss and decide who will be Acting TL 21:17 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader 21:18 hey, satyajit 21:18 Hello satya164 :) 21:18 hello 21:18 It is just the 3 of us and the meeting has just started :) 21:19 did you guys read about the link I just posted? the Acting TL blueprint? we discussed about that on last week meeting :) 21:19 good 21:19 yeah, I had a look 21:20 yep 21:20 okay, since UG Artwork people are here :D have you decided who is going to be Mr. Acting? :P 21:20 satya164 of course 21:21 nope :p 21:21 hahah why I'm not surprised :P 21:21 Okay, kidding a side, are you okay with that, satya164 ? 21:22 yeah, but I need to know my responsibilities first 21:22 satya164, sigh :( I thought you had a look at: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader 21:23 you just need to have a quick look + being an Acting will qualify you to be part of UG Shinobi Team 21:23 which is the UG Leaders Board :) 21:24 had a look, but I forget a lot, and sleepy :) 21:24 http://ubuntugnome.org/ubuntu-gnome-leaders-board/ 21:24 Okay, satya164 please check it out when you're not sleepy and let me know ;) 21:24 or just communicate with aldomann and you guys let me know so we do the needful :) 21:25 for me, I already know who is going to be for UG Wiki and Doc Team 21:25 Ivan and James = both are amazing and great 21:25 yeah. I'll. right now I cannot and my internet kinda sucks 21:25 my guess, those guys are amazing 21:25 Sadly, I don't have any other names for the rest of the sub-teams that I lead :( 21:26 aldomann, indeed they are 21:26 satya164, no worries 21:26 I feel really sad that other sub-teams are not working the way they should :( 21:26 the Acting TL should have admin powers in the launchpad teams, right? 21:26 from a previous experience with other project, it is really BAD if you're part of a team and you don't talk ... 21:27 team = team work = people talk to each other 21:27 aldomann, more or less yes but it is not a must but a plus 21:27 I mean it is recommended but not really a must 21:27 yes, exactly, I also had (and still have) with elementary localisation teams 21:27 I wish every one of us could have lots of time :( 21:27 James and Ivan have that for Wiki Team 21:28 it really doesn't work if everyone is doing stuff without consulting eachother 21:28 yeah. true. 21:28 satya164, tell me about it but look at me? I have tons of stuff but yet, I do attend this meeting and push so hard on myself to do many things at once 21:28 it is all about commitment ... 21:28 yeah. that's true. 21:28 yes, that's why we are a community :) 21:28 AMEN to that. I totally agree 21:28 I always wonder, how do you manage 21:29 he has clones :p 21:29 That is why, for this cycle, I won't focus on the system side ... I will focus on the community side 21:29 I'm mostly tired after the day long work 21:29 lol 21:29 morning 21:29 I put so much effort myself on the system side the last cycle even though I'm not a developer but myself and Tim were doing our best for the LTS and we all got it 21:30 oh, speaking of the Boss, he just came :D hehe 21:30 how are you, darkxst :D 21:30 why you appear offline?! 21:30 morning darkxst 21:30 morning darkxst 21:31 so, satya164 should I confirm now about you being ATL for Artwork? or not yet?! 21:32 amjjawad, I'm good 21:32 yeah. I'm fine with it. just need to have a thorough look at the page 21:32 darkxst, good to know that :D 21:32 satya164, okay then 21:33 anyone have anything against satya164 being ATL for Artwork? 21:33 nop 21:34 +1 here I don't mind 21:34 darkxst, ? 21:35 +1 21:35 good 21:35 #action satya164 will check https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader and confirm back to aldomann and amjjawad whether he is okay to be Acting TL for UG Artwork or not 21:35 * meetingology satya164 will check https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader and confirm back to aldomann and amjjawad whether he is okay to be Acting TL for UG Artwork or not 21:36 #agreed UG Leaders board agreed that satya164 is nominated for Acting TL for Artwrok 21:36 okay, about UG Wiki ... anyone have anything against Ivan and James being Acting TL for Wiki? though they're not here and I need to speak with them about it 21:36 nope 21:37 I'm cool with them being ATL 21:37 same here, I don't mind 21:38 ok 21:38 #action Ivan and James are both nominated for Acting TL for UG Wiki and Doc Team and amjjawad needs to talk with them about that 21:38 * meetingology Ivan and James are both nominated for Acting TL for UG Wiki and Doc Team and amjjawad needs to talk with them about that 21:38 #agreed UG Leaders Board agreed that both Ivan and James are good to go for Acting TL for UG Wiki and Doc Team 21:39 darkxst, any one you have in mind for the packaging team? 21:39 I'd assume Steve? 21:39 aldomann, how many people are you at Artwork now?! 21:39 Steve hasnt been around much lately 21:39 maybe Noskcaj 21:39 darkxst, oh :( :( 21:40 o/ 21:40 hahah you're here? why are you silent? Noskcaj 21:40 amjjawad, Because i'm watching dota and working on xfce4-power-manager too 21:40 o/ 21:40 Noskcaj, are you following with what we are talking about?! 21:40 hello ahoneybun :) 21:41 amjjawad, Just that i got a ping about the packaging team 21:41 hey amjjawad 21:41 * ahoneybun is trying to get alpha 1 on a usb to install 21:41 Noskcaj, okay, whenever you're free, please read: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/acting-team-leader 21:42 #action Noskcaj will read the Acting TL blueprint and get back to amjjawad and darkxst whether he is okay with being Acting for the Packaging Team or not 21:42 * meetingology Noskcaj will read the Acting TL blueprint and get back to amjjawad and darkxst whether he is okay with being Acting for the Packaging Team or not 21:42 Noskcaj, I put it as an action point so none of us will forget that ;) 21:42 ty 21:43 and, since we're here, anyone has anything against Noskcaj being ATL? 21:43 Noskcaj, you welcome ;) 21:44 nope 21:44 I don't mind too 21:44 I know him even before I join UG Team 21:44 I'm ok with being the ATL 21:44 hahah did you read it? :P 21:44 I should probably use gnome some time though 21:45 Noskcaj, shhh, don't tell that on a public area :P 21:45 :) 21:45 i'll make a VM today 21:45 Noskcaj, good :) 21:45 hehehe 21:45 so darkxst and aldomann ? 21:45 are you both okay with Noskcaj being ATL? 21:46 yes 21:46 yes 21:46 * ahoneybun is cheating as well 21:47 Noskcaj, a side from the blueprint, which should have all what you need to know, not sure if I have put that over there or not ... but if you be an ATL, you also be part of UG shinobi board 21:47 which means, you can vote ;) 21:47 so, just another task :D 21:47 :) 21:47 #agreed UG Leaders Board agreed Noskcaj be ATL for UG Packaging Team 21:48 since ahoneybun is here, do you have any skills when it comes to other Sub-Teams a side from the Wiki? 21:48 like Social Media maybe? 21:48 or any other area?! 21:49 amjjawad, I have helped darkxst with packaging but tbh he pretty much held my hand though it 21:49 as for me, I have serious problem when it comes to UG QA, Brainstorming and Marketing :( 21:50 ahoneybun, I'm not going to assign anything extra for you now because (ask me about it) if you burnout, you will never be helpful to yourself and so to anyone else 21:50 that said, I won't add anything over your shoulder yet 21:50 amjjawad, relating to brainstorming I always loved the start screen they have in Linux Mint 21:51 but maybe with the next cycle if you stick around, you might get some tasks 21:51 amjjawad, tbh I feel like there is more I could do, or should do 21:51 ahoneybun, the brainstorming area is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/SubTeams#Brainstorming 21:52 ahoneybun, we need active people :) 21:52 leave the leading part to us :D and you guys could handle the rest ;) 21:52 we really need active people more than we do need leaders 21:52 amjjawad, not really leading type 21:52 no problem 21:52 darkxst, would I install the alpha 1 to package with? 21:53 before we go to the next topic, I want you all to tell me what should I do for the other Sub-Team? 21:53 a re-stricture? 21:53 ahoneybun, let's talk about that Q after the meeting, please :) 21:53 ahoneybun, yes 21:53 ok sorry 21:53 ahoneybun, no problem :) 21:54 so, any idea guys?! 21:54 what teams are left amjjawad ? 21:54 UG Brainstorming = 100% idle 21:54 UG Marketing = 98% idle 21:54 How many active members are in those teams? 21:54 amjjawad, tbh I forum is always good for Brainstorming 21:55 UG QA = 50% and they just don't communicate 21:55 Brain and Marketing = me :( 21:55 ;( 21:55 and there is 1-2 people helping every now and then with social media stuff but not really what I need 21:56 amjjawad, I could help with SM 21:56 I could help with sm 21:56 *SM 21:56 Brainstorming could be of a great help but looking at the current status of our community, I'd say it is helpless for this cycle but could be helpful the next one 21:57 as for QA and Marketing, we DO NEED these to be super active 21:57 ahoneybun, and satya what you guys could really do is ... writing news of what our team is doing 21:58 for the social media, I'm 90% fine to handle that alone 21:58 but when it comes to writing news of what we're doing, I'm very very very short in time and efforts 21:58 Good. I can do that too. 21:58 amjjawad, so reports of meetings and so on 21:58 Nice :) 21:59 okay, so to make life easier for both of us ... satya can write about news from Artwork team ONLY for now 21:59 ahoneybun, no, not reports of the meeting, this is what I usually take care of. I do need news about our team and what we usually do and such news go to the public around the world 22:00 ahoneybun, have you seen the 3 posts I have published on our website 2 days ago? 22:01 ahoneybun, want to take care of release notes for future milestone releases? alpha-1 went out without any! 22:01 that would be super great darkxst 22:01 darkxst, sure 22:01 specially when I'm not around 22:01 myself and ahoneybun could work on that 22:01 so, you take care of the news and release notes, ahoneybun? 22:02 I'd suggest to go for the release notes 22:02 that would make the burden much less on me 22:02 * ahoneybun feels silly for not getting the concept of the "news" 22:02 but release notes sure 22:02 ahoneybun, forget the news part 22:03 ok amjjawad 22:03 so, everyone ... are you okay with this? please vote quickly :) 22:03 +1 22:03 +1 22:03 +1 22:03 absolutely 22:03 perfect 22:04 #action ahoneybun will work with amjjawad on the release notes for UG milestones and will handle that in case amjjawad will be away or busy 22:04 * meetingology ahoneybun will work with amjjawad on the release notes for UG milestones and will handle that in case amjjawad will be away or busy 22:04 #agreed UG Leaders Board agreed that ahoneybun to help amjjawad and handle the Release Notes for UG milestones 22:05 okay, phew :D thanks! 22:05 * ahoneybun looks at ReleaseSchedule 22:05 For the other team, let's worry about that later ... I guess 10 apples at one hand is just too much at the moment 22:05 let's talk about that later 22:06 So, wallpaper contest? 22:06 #action amjjawad to discuss the activities of UG QA + UG Marketing + UG Brainstorming at next week meeting. 22:06 * meetingology amjjawad to discuss the activities of UG QA + UG Marketing + UG Brainstorming at next week meeting. 22:06 satya164, not yet ;) 22:06 ;( 22:07 #action satya164 will handle the NEWS Section of UG Artwork ONLY - he will share reports and news from UG Artwork and these to be published on our channels 22:07 * meetingology satya164 will handle the NEWS Section of UG Artwork ONLY - he will share reports and news from UG Artwork and these to be published on our channels 22:07 Okay 22:07 #topic HR Sub-Team 22:07 this is a very quick review and nothing more is required for now 22:08 just to let you know, the Wiki Page for HR Sub-Team will be: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GettingInvolved 22:08 As for who is going to lead that team, it is the UG Leaders Board for now 22:08 please vote if you guys are okay with this?! 22:08 +1 22:08 +1 22:08 +1 22:10 +1 22:10 #agreed UG Leaders Board agreed to lead UG HR Sub-Team 22:10 #action UG Leaders Board lead UG HR Sub-Team 22:10 * meetingology UG Leaders Board lead UG HR Sub-Team 22:11 this means, we are all going to help each other to manage and do the task of UG HR ;) 22:11 HR Team: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/hr-sub-team 22:11 #topic Website Talk 22:11 any progress in this regard? 22:11 Yay! 22:11 hahah 22:12 yes! 22:12 http://cl.ly/image/0i2u2A051m1b 22:12 okay, are you guys (artwork team) working on that alone?! 22:12 this is a quick mockup of the getting involved tab 22:12 community* tab 22:13 we are working alone on the design, Niels should do the programming (though satya can help, I think) 22:13 Yes. I can help with code 22:13 okay, is Niels still around?! 22:13 I've never worked with WordPress though 22:13 I haven't seen anything from him lately 22:14 But I'm a quick learner :) 22:14 satya164, it is super easy but don't ask me about codes :P 22:14 Cool then :) 22:14 he's waiting to the final draft so that he can start coding 22:15 aldomann, I thought he will do/help with the draft? 22:15 I was also suggesting to have a Scrollback widget in the page 22:15 Satyajit came with the idea of implementing a Scrollback IRC widget in the Comunity tab 22:16 okay, here is two things I do need in this regard if I may to ask :P 22:16 Yup? 22:16 (1) I/We don't need a heavy website - let's have some mercy with people of slow connections 22:16 ammjawad, he can help once we have the "final" desgin; i.e., what we shall include in the page 22:16 (2) I'd suggest to have at least 3 suggestions/designs so we could choose from 22:17 it can be minimized, so not big deal I suppose 22:17 amjjawad we could make the widget load on demand. and the widget uses appcache, so will load very quick after first load 22:17 and, I do have a Q .. should we ask the users for their opinions? or only us the Shinobi board? or should we simply just ask over the mailing list and whoever is active will share his/her opinion? 22:17 the structure and design is not a priority right now, what is important is the content: http://cl.ly/image/123o3D2D2A40 22:18 Yeah, design will get better as we start working on it 22:18 in this quick overview we can see that the website in going to consist basically in the main site (the mockup we showed last week), the blog, the community and download pages and links to FAQ and Wiki 22:18 But we first need the content to start working 22:19 do you agree with that? It's super simple and we can maintain that amount of work easily 22:19 #action amjjawad to review the current website - http://ubuntugnome.org/ - and check the needed tabs for the new design 22:19 * meetingology amjjawad to review the current website - http://ubuntugnome.org/ - and check the needed tabs for the new design 22:20 Also, consistency in important 22:20 aldomann, I'll get back to you guys very soon about it 22:20 is * 22:20 because some tabs are missing 22:20 for example: are we going to add 'Screenshots' tab? 22:20 and where is the contact us tab? 22:20 I think we should have a few in the homepage 22:21 amjjawad, that would be the "feature tour"? 22:21 tomorrow I'll work on that 22:21 Wiki and FAQ shouldn't be two tabs IMHO, I'd highly suggest merging these two 22:21 I think instead of a screenshots tab, having the screenshots in the features section of the wiki will be better 22:21 darkxst, right ... so instead of 'Screenshot' tab, we need one called 'Feature Tour' 22:21 darkxst, yeah, I think we can do a simple feature tour in the homepage 22:21 Screenshots don't mean much without any description 22:22 ammjawad, either that or implement it in the home page 22:22 wait, are we going to do the feature tour as a tab? or as a button on the home page? 22:22 As a button will be better I guess 22:22 I'd prefer that to be in the home page. The first impression is very important to gain people's attention 22:23 I agree with aldomann on that 22:23 BTW amjjawad are you sure you want to merge wiki and FAQ links? Coz looking for FAQ will be difficult then 22:24 Yeah. We should have few screenshots on the home page 22:24 satya164 it wouln't hurt to have both as links in the navigation header 22:25 satya164, that would be called Documentation 22:25 FAQ is part of the Doc 22:25 same goes for Wiki 22:25 so the general name is Doc 22:25 Yeah. I agree @aldoman 22:25 do we all agree for that so we move forward? 22:26 let's vote please - Wiki and FAQ to be under a tab called Documentation and instead that tag, we list the FAQs and Links to our Wiki 22:26 amjjawad yeah, but for a new user, it'll be difficult to get to the FAQ if there is no direct link 22:26 yeah, so amjjawad please review the current website so we can plan the navigation for the new one 22:26 let's not forget the footer 22:27 we can have more specific stuff there 22:27 #action amjjawad to review the FAQ and Wiki tabs and discuss with UG Wiki Team 22:27 * meetingology amjjawad to review the FAQ and Wiki tabs and discuss with UG Wiki Team 22:27 okay, I added that to the actions point 22:27 now, let's vote for the feature tour 22:27 nice 22:27 Yes. 22:27 do we all agree that it is better to add the feature tour as a button on the home page?! 22:27 +1 from me 22:27 +1 22:28 I vote yes. One of the fisrt things I look for in a software project website is visual stuff 22:28 I want to know how it looks 22:28 +1 22:28 +1 22:28 We could have a nice video too, if someone is great at it 22:29 #agreed it is better to add the feature tour as a button on the home page if UG website 22:29 #action Artwork Team to add 'Feature Tour' as a button on the Home Page of UG new website design 22:29 * meetingology Artwork Team to add 'Feature Tour' as a button on the Home Page of UG new website design 22:29 satya164, what kind of video? 22:30 Showcasing cool features of GNOME 22:30 so something to show-off from inside the system, right? 22:30 Yup 22:30 that'd be nice if it's possible 22:31 just like the reviews many guys are doing on YouTube? 22:31 does it require someone to 'talk' or just the mouse moving around? 22:31 Yup, mostly, minus that bad things ;) 22:32 I would prefer no talk 22:32 yeah, some nice music would do the work 22:33 I think we need to ask on the mailing list + social media if someone could do this for us 22:33 Yup 22:33 I'd do it myself but no time 22:33 Yeah. I'll ask Alex Diavatis 22:33 the guy I had in mind :D 22:33 I have someone on G+ who is good with reviews 22:33 ;) 22:34 Great ;) 22:34 this is a nice design http://antergos.com/ 22:34 ahoneybun, indeed 22:34 that footer is very nice 22:35 are we talking about: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108356762331170101188/109985938918914471787/posts 22:35 It is 22:35 Hehehe 22:35 I know him, I mean we had a quick chat and he is more than happy to help us as he said 22:35 I even asked him to join us 22:36 he said I'll check the link of getting involved and get back to you IIRC 22:36 cool 22:36 Cool 22:37 #action check with Alex Reissig if he could help us with UG Review to be added to the feature tour or UG home page for the new site - amjjawad aldomann satya164 22:37 * meetingology check with Alex Reissig if he could help us with UG Review to be added to the feature tour or UG home page for the new site - amjjawad aldomann satya164 22:37 okay, anything else regarding the website?! 22:38 nope, I think that's it 22:38 okay :) 22:38 #topic Packaging/Dev News 22:38 darkxst, can you please suggest someone who could help? 22:38 I've been asking for this since last cycle but I know we got too busy to think of someone ... 22:39 I/We need someone who could talk to the outside world. 22:39 I'm way too far to know anything about coding and despite that, I have to deal with tons of people asking about these stuff 22:40 amjjawad, not too sure who could help with that 22:40 If we could have someone who could tell the world what UG is doing when it comes to codes, that would be super great and might attract more people to join :) 22:40 darkxst, I don't know either :( 22:40 I think we could ask for people for the news in Google+ 22:40 aldomann, how? 22:40 Yes. 22:40 I'm talking about UG Packaging and Development 22:40 "Do you wanna write stuff? Apply here" or something 22:41 if it is not for someone who is directly involved, not even myself know what is going on 22:41 Yeah, we can ask developers to join us 22:41 aldomann, I'm talking now about news from development team only ;) 22:41 maybe there's someone who hasn't got involved in packaging but might want to help just observing what the guys do and report in for the blog 22:41 okay, how could we do that and we don't even know what is going on? :( 22:42 From changelogs? 22:42 aldomann, I had that in mind but if that someone will start asking Qs instead of just 'watch' and 'write', he/she will slow things down and add a burden on the shoulders of our devs 22:42 our devs should have peace of mind to work better :D 22:42 amjjawad, if its for users, then it doesn't need to go to deep 22:43 that is why we're taking care of them :D treat them as kings :P 22:43 for example things like gnome-shell 3.12 landed 22:43 yeah, you are right, that might work for other subteams... but for the dev team it shall be someone from the team itself 22:43 darkxst, okay, if you think anyone could do that, then it is okay but that someone has to know what is really going on 22:43 aldomann, +1 22:43 this is what I'm trying to say 22:44 so he will write correct info 22:44 Yeah. True. 22:44 as for 3.12 is landing, I think everyone knows that 22:44 we need really more details 22:44 whatever else is involved 22:44 We could get some developers join the team though 22:44 what we need here is: someone with Doc + a bit of Dev Skills 22:44 Who could both involve in the process and communicate 22:45 satya164, to attract devs to join, you need to show-off your work ;) 22:45 I have no idea who could help with this 22:45 I hadn't thought it in that way... it's a good idea amjjawad 22:45 but we really need to do that IMHO 22:45 The never ending chicken egg cycle 22:46 satya164, it is a loop indeed but I will never give up :P this is my Ninja way as Naruto says :P 22:46 I hope we could find that guy 22:46 I think we are all agreeing on that? 22:46 _! 22:46 We will ;) 22:46 +1 22:46 if yes, I will add that to the action points 22:46 +1 22:47 #action UG Team needs someone who has a bit of Dev Skills + Doc/Writing Skills to communicate to the outside world about what is going on with UG when it comes to codes and dev work. This should attract more people to join us, specially devs 22:47 * meetingology UG Team needs someone who has a bit of Dev Skills + Doc/Writing Skills to communicate to the outside world about what is going on with UG when it comes to codes and dev work. This should attract more people to join us, specially devs 22:48 #topic other talk 22:48 anything else you guys wish to add?! 22:48 Do we want more GTK themes in the default install? 22:49 satya164, I'd really wish that 22:49 I wish we focus on the look and feel for this cycle 22:49 but that's me 22:49 We could add Numix 22:49 Since the Xubuntu guys already package it 22:49 and moka 22:49 We won't have to worry about packaging 22:49 the more beautiful themes, the better 22:49 those two projects are probably the most active and used right now 22:50 not sure if we could add Box from Lubuntu?! 22:50 not that Lubuntu is heading to Qt more than GTK AFAIK 22:50 I don't like box much 22:50 now* 22:50 it is just another theme 22:50 the question, is how? do we need to package them or we could have links to their official PPAs? 22:51 I'd be very interested if we could have more than one option by default 22:51 Talking about icon themes, elementary Xfce will be a nice one 22:51 It already had great GNOME support 22:51 has* 22:51 any themes we include on the ISO must be packaged in the main archives 22:51 that's very important, full GNOME apps support 22:51 we can't include PPA's on the ISO 22:51 and http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza?content=128143 22:52 Moka and Numix (and elementary Xfce) have ful support 22:52 faenza is dead 22:52 Faenza is unmaintained since long 22:52 Mathhieu is working for offical Ubuntu stuff for Canonical 22:52 oh really? 22:52 sadly 22:52 :( 22:52 You rely didn't know? 22:52 Really * 22:53 You'll laugh satya164 but I'm the type of guy who barely change this wallpaper :P 22:53 I have no time to play with themes, etc 22:53 :) 22:53 I wish I have time 22:53 neither do I :p, I rarely change that stuff 22:53 yeah 22:53 I had Faenza for a couple of years 22:53 I'm old school I guess hehe 22:54 and now I'm sticking with Numix/Moka 22:54 Yeah, I know a lot of who don't change anything beyond wallpapers 22:54 okay, if we could add some nice stuff to the default build, that would be super great and this is what I added to the roadmap of artwork team anyway :P hehe 22:54 And including a few by default can change that 22:55 If we add Numix GTK, I'll talk to Xubuntu guys to split their palace 22:55 Package* 22:55 satya164, indeed 22:55 that's a brilliant plan, we still keep a pure GNOME feel but give the users more options 22:55 I'd change my theme if I have some by default that would save my time 22:56 satya164, and aldomann I actually need a brainstorming session with both of ya :D 22:56 no problem, brother 22:56 I need to brainwash you first and then discuss some stuff 100% related to Artwork 22:56 ;) 22:56 hahah 22:56 so, let me know when please 22:56 any day this week 22:56 the sooner the batter so that darkxst won't mind and we can do the packaging stuff quickly 22:57 I'm OK with any day 22:57 I'm not sure, I think we need to carry on with on the mailing list of artwork 22:57 Will be available after 8 pm GMT + 5.30 22:57 Mailing list might be better 22:57 #action amjjawad and satya164 and aldomann and anyone who is interested to have a brainstorming session for UG Artwork for UU Cycle 22:57 * meetingology amjjawad and satya164 and aldomann and anyone who is interested to have a brainstorming session for UG Artwork for UU Cycle 22:58 we can discuss that on the mailing list if you wish, amjjawad 22:58 satya164, indeed 22:58 aldomann, on the mailing list, we can fix the time and date for the meeting 22:58 but here is faster 22:58 So, we need to start the wallpaper contest 22:58 if we couldn't do it this week, then we can do it next Sun 22:59 okay, as for the wallpaper contest, do we need to find someone else who could take care of it? or you guys are fine? 22:59 oh about that, I'm making a looong trip next weekend 22:59 I'm fine with it 22:59 so i'll be gone sat, sun and probably monday 22:59 I'm asking for two reasons: you're working on the website + we might do some nice stuff for UG artwork so that will take more of your time already 23:00 Wouldn't need much work after setting up the flickr page 23:00 aldomann, no problem, thanks for telling us and that is why we have ATL now :P 23:00 heh 23:00 satya164, okay then 23:00 let's start with it then 23:00 Some help will be nice 23:00 all agree?! 23:00 this week we could have all prepared for the wallpaper contest 23:00 But even if we don't get any, it's ok 23:00 yep 23:01 and let's learn from last cycle mistakes :D 23:01 we accepted so many and you guys had hard time to select 23:01 I beleive rhoconlinux offered his help a few months ago 23:01 So, here is the thing, only 1 wallpaper per use 23:01 I can ask him to join us and help us 23:01 user* 23:01 aldomann, if he is around, why not? 23:01 aldomann, please do 23:01 Nice 23:01 satya164, yep 1 per user 23:02 or maybe 2 per user 23:02 yeah, and we should simplify the rules 23:02 but not 20 :P 23:02 Yup 23:02 Also using only flickr 23:02 ok, so the last action item will be 23:02 make clear the licensing, sizes, amount of walls per user, etc 23:02 all in a very simple way 23:02 Two different places are difficult to manage 23:02 #action aldomann and satya164 to prepare the Wallpaper Contest for UG UU Cycle 23:02 * meetingology aldomann and satya164 to prepare the Wallpaper Contest for UG UU Cycle 23:03 anything else guys before I end the meeting? it is almost 2 hours :P 23:03 Yeah, we could write, by submitting the wallpaper to the pool, you are releasing it under creative Commons 23:03 Or something like that 23:04 hell yes, we had a hard time contacting the guys to ask their permission to release the walls 23:04 okay, I guess that is all for this week meeting 23:04 Yeah. It's already late 23:04 thank you everyone 23:04 was yet another nice meeting :D 23:04 all right then 23:04 glad to do that weekly YAY 23:04 thanks for coming 23:05 Thanks. Bye all. 23:05 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology) = Logs = The logs from previous meetings can be found at [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Meetings#Previous_Meetings | this link]].